Well if you're not gay or bi, and this just happened to be a moment of weakness because you feel lonely and unappreciated, you need to reevaluate what is happening and what is not happening in your marriage. The feelings of loneliness, emptiness and not feeling like you are really a part of her life like you did when you first got together, I hate to say, but a lot of it is your own fault. You have let yourself become complacent in the relationship and have let her take the lead in doing her own thing and not inserting yourself into what is going on in her life. You have lost one of main devices that makes a relationship work and that is communication, talking things over with one another telling each other how you feel, because if you do not express yourself and let her know how you're feeling and just keep going along with everyday happenings she's not going to be aware of how you feel unless you express yourself. I feel that it was very wrong of her father to take advantage of your vulnerability in feelings and rhe betrayal to his daughter to fill his own emptiness. If you want to save your marriage by no means tell your wife what happened, but there is something that you and her could do together, of course after having a long heartfelt conversation of how you feel in the relationship, that could change the outcome of a lot of things within your marriage and that is to start a family. You and your wife could re-bond over having a child it just naturally happens. And if that's the course you want to take, you need to have a serious talk with her father that what happened will never happen again and should never be spoken of. But by no means if you have feelings for men and you may think you're gay or bi then you need to call it quits with your wife and do not have a family, because later on in the years the pressure of not being able to fulfill your true wantsand desires, 22:0022:0022:00 and you decide to come out you can destroy so many lives not just your wife's but your children's. This is a new era for gay people there is so much support for gay people now, it's not like it was when I was a kid or in high school where you had no one to turn to no one to talk to because it was taboo. I know this is just a story, it may be based on actual events , but that's the way I feel that it should go !
The premise/plot of these stories is mostly good, sometimes really good, but oh my gosh, do they need editing! Too often, lines are repeated (this particular one has a whole section repeated!) instead of moving the story forward with more thought-provoking and emotional conversations between the characters. Let me get my hands on one of these scripts! Please, I'll proof one for free! LOL
Well if you're not gay or bi, and this just happened to be a moment of weakness because you feel lonely and unappreciated, you need to reevaluate what is happening and what is not happening in your marriage. The feelings of loneliness, emptiness and not feeling like you are really a part of her life like you did when you first got together, I hate to say, but a lot of it is your own fault. You have let yourself become complacent in the relationship and have let her take the lead in doing her own thing and not inserting yourself into what is going on in her life. You have lost one of main devices that makes a relationship work and that is communication, talking things over with one another telling each other how you feel, because if you do not express yourself and let her know how you're feeling and just keep going along with everyday happenings she's not going to be aware of how you feel unless you express yourself.
I feel that it was very wrong of her father to take advantage of your vulnerability in feelings and rhe betrayal to his daughter to fill his own emptiness. If you want to save your marriage by no means tell your wife what happened, but there is something that you and her could do together, of course after having a long heartfelt conversation of how you feel in the relationship, that could change the outcome of a lot of things within your marriage and that is to start a family. You and your wife could re-bond over having a child it just naturally happens. And if that's the course you want to take, you need to have a serious talk with her father that what happened will never happen again and should never be spoken of. But by no means if you have feelings for men and you may think you're gay or bi then you need to call it quits with your wife and do not have a family, because later on in the years the pressure of not being able to fulfill your true wantsand desires, 22:00 22:00 22:00 and you decide to come out you can destroy so many lives not just your wife's but your children's. This is a new era for gay people there is so much support for gay people now, it's not like it was when I was a kid or in high school where you had no one to turn to no one to talk to because it was taboo.
I know this is just a story, it may be based on actual events , but that's the way I feel that it should go !
Keep it a secret
The premise/plot of these stories is mostly good, sometimes really good, but oh my gosh, do they need editing! Too often, lines are repeated (this particular one has a whole section repeated!) instead of moving the story forward with more thought-provoking and emotional conversations between the characters. Let me get my hands on one of these scripts! Please, I'll proof one for free! LOL
Thanks! I’ll think about it. Then please do your thing! You can reach me at my e-mail
Why all the repeat in the story
Wasn’t wrong! Keep it a secret do it again you were happy 🩵