Taras & Roksolana. Emotional wedding video. Sony a7c + sigma 35mm f/1.4 art.

  • Опубликовано: 30 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

    @SHOOTMEFILMS- 2 года назад +1

    Amazing video!!

    • @levtsnk3741
      @levtsnk3741  2 года назад +1

      Thanks, pal I really appreciate it

  • @harrisnanda8906
    @harrisnanda8906 3 года назад +1

    man, what an amazing video!!
    love so so so much your every video tone color..
    do you grading with a LUT ?
    i hope one day you make a tutorial video or get the LUT

    • @levtsnk3741
      @levtsnk3741  3 года назад

      Who knows, maybe someday I’ll become a video blogger)

  • @lara-md2gk
    @lara-md2gk 3 года назад +1

    hello! I'm from Brazil, and amazingly, I discovered your channel falling from paraques hahaha. I loved your work, it's like an inspiration to me, but unfortunately I can't afford to buy this perfect camera someday, but I hope to study hard to get

    • @levtsnk3741
      @levtsnk3741  3 года назад

      Hi! Thank you! A really appreciate it! Sure, you can get it! I believe in you

  • @armanspecial5664
    @armanspecial5664 Год назад

    Sir, I need this for wedding cinematography, it doesn't hunt for focus in low light, its focus is good, isn't it?

  • @markariuskrismade7362
    @markariuskrismade7362 3 года назад

    Wow is it really only one lens you used ?