She looks happy to be on camera. Smiling and raising her eyebrows. Dont know how much truth is present in what she is saying but she is proud and pleased of the attention given to her.
you cant trust the statement of someone who has a personal interest in the matter. She is the ex wife of Mr Gooljaury meaning they had somewhat of a fight and are not in good terms with each other. Her being against Mr Gooljaury is to be expected. So we should take her words with a grain of salt.
Her body language suggests she is. Not evasive, matching her words. She nods when she's stating the facts; looks up to the side (not down) when she is gathering her thoughts. In other words, there are no inconsistencies between what she is saying and how she is behaving. She's clean.
Tou platik. Tou artificiel. Zotte tou pe rodde zotte boute. Femme la finne achieved so objective. Li finne servi sa situation la pou so propre gain. Li finne model limeme. Li finne passe dans ene beauty saloon avant li vinne causer. Interview finne staged. Mo dimande moi meme a qui quantite reprises finne prend pou termine sa. Mo sorry, mo pas capave enan confiance lor bannes dimounes pareilles. Zotte pou acheter ou et pou vende ou en place, tout pou zotte lavantage.
ki la veriter....bientot li pou dehor...kapav to pareille kuma li Kitana pou ki to p dire sa. reste a savoir sinon to pas ti pou senti toi concener par repone mo comment au plus vite... enfin barking dogs seldom bites comme on rien de personelle enver toi
Li pena talk fine quite campment avec so mari. But how she know who have left after her departure. To talk menti. Bane femme content rode zote bout.
Money ? Even the likes of (Abramovic CHELSEAFC) , (Mark zuckerberg FACEBOOK ) or (Richard branson VIRGIN AIRLINES) will be jealous of Mr Rakesh gooljaury because he'sdamnnnn lucky as she's so gorgeous .
Plis zolie ki sa enna lor grand baie. Sauf ki sanlala unpeu sociable et mo sure so prix pu unpeu plis elever si pu prend cosideration so banne ex frequentation.
I don't want to be judgmental but looks and seems to me that this interview is kind of set up.. look at that woman's face and body language. She is someone that i wont have an ounce of trust nor belief. Please Media people and this new government whom i supported to win stop these bullshit and focus giving justice to the family of that man who died instead of making this a whole thing a dirty dirty movie. maybe gooljaury ex is used to these dirty back stabbing n playing good actress on the news. Maybe she might be used for other sorts of movies
Maurice malheureusemt ine vinne comme sa kot c largent ek status ki enna plis valere.. mo prefere garde mo cash dans mo poche ek mo truc dan mo pentalon rather than wasting my time and money on these kind of women
Hello, kuma mo viv abroad ek mo pann tro suiv sa zistwar la, eski kiken kapav explik mwa, ki li ete au juste sa case Roche-Noires la??? Ki finn ariver, parski monn essaye trouve bann detail lor internet mai mo pa pe ressi trouve la rezon kifer bann la pe la chasse ex PM, merci
Ramgoolam ti ena 1 campment roche noir. dan la soirée 2 juliet 2011, vers 1hr du matin, 1 voler in passer in kokin 20milles roupies ek suposement 1 montre. a lepok sa case la, c'etait Rajesh gooljaury ki ti porte plainte la police et dan so declaration li ti dir ki li ti tousel dan campmen la kan ti ariv sa. Kan ti deman li kifer li ti tousel, li ti dir so bon camarad Ramgoolam in dir li vey sa campment la. Apres tou sa la, ti ena ban arrestation ban suspect et tou ban suspect la ti released pour faute de preuve contre zot a l'exption d'un denomé Ramdhony Anand Kumar. Zot in gard sa boug la dan prison et dan la soiré de so incarceration, li ti mort et apres ban diagnostic, in deduire ki lin suicide li avec 1 boute la cord depi so matela ou 1 kitsoz kumsa. Aster sa boug la so madam in dir li pa possib ki so missié in suicide li, so missié ti xtra per la mort li ti p dir. Peu de temp apres ban poursuite contre les concerné, madam Ramdhony in decedé d'un maladie, un cancer si mo rapel bien. Aster ban orphelin Ramdhony in viv 1 la vie miserable depi la mor de zot parents et tou le temps zot in rest dan l'incertitude si zot papa vremem in suicider, ou eski ti ena 1 kitsoz louche in ariver dan sa cellule la. Et tou ban kozé ki ti p derouler sa lepok la, c'etait ki ramgoolam in fer touy Mr Ramdhony akoz li ti pensé ki limem ki ti kokin so montre car Ramdhony ti ena 1 montre en sa possesion. Zafer in teigne lamem apres ki madam Ramdhony ti decedé. Ramgoolam gagn so montre ek so vengeance, lin conten. Mais Sir Aneerood Jughnuth pa ti dakor ditou ar sa fason ki case la in aler, car ti ena tro boku zafer louche tel ke, kifer gooljaury ti dan campman tousel? ki ti ena dan sa campman la sa zour la? etc. Tou cela in amen nou vers 2015 kot Sir Aneerood Jughnuth re ouvert sa lenquette la, et de jour en jour nu p truv ban zafer ki ramgoolam ek so maitresse in cachet. Si to envi conne plus details nek type "Roches Noires Ramdhony" lor google et to pu gagn plusieur details concernan sa affaire la.
MuzzaFuzza Big thanks, to finn bin dekrir mwa bann details la, mo remercier twa bokou, beh dapre lordre Mr Ramdhony la, vre em ki li ki ti kokain montre la??? Pa koner kifer Ramgoolam inn koz menti, siremen li pa ti envy enn scandal parski li ti ar so maitress dan campemen la, aster esperon ki zot ava ressi solisyonn case la, enkor merci pou to repons, take care ;)
Thug Negus samem nu pa koné la si Ramdhony mem ki ti fer sa vol la, akoz sa mem in re ouvert sa l'enquet la, et de jours en jours p decouver plein lor Ramgoolam ek so maitress. no problem, moi oci mo esperer ki sa case la solved et la famille ramdhony gagn la paix finalmen.
deeya rai pas ine maitresse ek piti li ena.plusiers et en plus li fine prend duubien letat li fine donne femme la pendant ki le peuple ti p opasse misere li ti p fair bel bel fete r babne maitresse.eski un premier ministre capav fair abus cumsa? pli impardonable
Couma to coner can vol la fine arrive ti ena zis NAVIN et soornack,si can to ti la bas ki vol la fine arrive ? Tous dimoun ki ti la bas depuis 5h30 juska zot aller coupable,bizin parmi sa ban dimoun la mem ki fine kocain
Major Lee:"Oh mon sacre dieu!Je me demande pourquoi les yeux du bon SAMARITAN ne sont pas tombes sur cette belle jeune et charmante beaute??😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😋😃😃😃".
quell beau sourire ! quelle belle coiffure ! quelle beaux yeux ! quelle belle tenue,noir sur blanc !, et tout cela devant des viewers de youtube. Mais c'est normal, car elle en train de divorcer
all the questions are leading question as the interviewer is asking questions and the answers of which he want to receive and to manipulate public opinion...and he is bias and everthing is framed well in advance.
MajorLee:"Mafia power!Countrymen,understand 'mafia power!'A simple citizen with a simple offense has to present in court and is punished while some 'demi dieux" with dozens of aggravating serious charges see all their cases wiped off one by one!Yet for some their horrible cases never reach the court!Justice 'a deux vitesses!'Soon you will witness 'justice sur des rails!'vive la republique fantastique de El Dorado!"
la verite ti ena ene partouze a 4 ! ce sa ki ti arrive et Lion li mamge tous la chaire li hein. lion kontan backdoor party sa ki appel ene bon male elevé sa! dappres lordre lion fin mam li sa .
Une femme qui denonce son mari. C'est la raison pour laquelle il y a tant de divorce dans pays. Mon premier ministre, svp arrette cette femme la. Vous allez régler tant de problemes sociaux dans ce pays en arretant des femmes comme ça.
Ban ki pe faire commentaire lors so beaute arrete guette femme dimoune cest la source de toutes les problemes...coureur por reste coureur..nous la pu ecoute so version de lhistoire cet tout ..ban immature grandi un pe
i have been watching this but i am a bit confuse who is this gooljari chap he must be loaded to have a pretty wife like here but now divorcing him and take all the monies she can get her hand on well anyway i think is she a mauritian kady or she was from uk or france usually mauritian men marry a white european woman then the child become what we used to called a half caste but now its called a mixed race also as i worked in nursing for over 40 years i have seen many mauritians who love to have a white partner and then they feel on top of the world later on the wife or gilfriend leave them and all hell break loose normally in europe the women have more right than the men the women get the houses the childrens and maintenances monies anyway i still think she is quite pretty but i dont know about convincing or telling the truth cant judge until i hear both sides of the story ok leave that to the investigating dept how long ago was this saga i have no knowledge may be i will hear some more at another time i will keep on watching for the latest news
She looks happy to be on camera. Smiling and raising her eyebrows. Dont know how much truth is present in what she is saying but she is proud and pleased of the attention given to her.
She got lot of money now....
@@reenabeeharry6758 hkulfj
you cant trust the statement of someone who has a personal interest in the matter. She is the ex wife of Mr Gooljaury meaning they had somewhat of a fight and are not in good terms with each other. Her being against Mr Gooljaury is to be expected. So we should take her words with a grain of salt.
Gold digggggaaaaaaà 😎
Femme la canon *.*
Whatsapp Status And Shayari wa
seems she's not telling the whole truth
Her body language suggests she is. Not evasive, matching her words. She nods when she's stating the facts; looks up to the side (not down) when she is gathering her thoughts. In other words, there are no inconsistencies between what she is saying and how she is behaving.
She's clean.
D' Artagnan
ariane marday Yes? :-)
***** Ah bon? Explique ene coup!
Fam Lah Monstre *O*
I feel irritating when she talk
Put it (1.25×) if dont want to waste yr time
soi ou koz francais ou soi ou koz creole matlo.
tombe ene zis prix!
Tou platik. Tou artificiel. Zotte tou pe rodde zotte boute. Femme la finne achieved so objective. Li finne servi sa situation la pou so propre gain. Li finne model limeme. Li finne passe dans ene beauty saloon avant li vinne causer. Interview finne staged. Mo dimande moi meme a qui quantite reprises finne prend pou termine sa. Mo sorry, mo pas capave enan confiance lor bannes dimounes pareilles. Zotte pou acheter ou et pou vende ou en place, tout pou zotte lavantage.
Sholay48 Mo daccord are toi sholay. Li pe couvert so lapo. Si scandal pas ti eclater li meme premier pou re alle danser dans campement encore lol
Carstrd .
Sholay48 femme!
80% people are here because of thumbnail
gouvernment changer gooljaury pa pou ena bel la monnaie alors divorce.. bizin pa faire couyon 1 jolie femme kmsa pou al content gooljaury
comme dis toi mem plenty money one husband no money no husband
ki la veriter....bientot li pou dehor...kapav to pareille kuma li Kitana pou ki to p dire sa. reste a savoir sinon to pas ti pou senti toi concener par repone mo comment au plus vite... enfin barking dogs seldom bites comme on rien de personelle enver toi
Li pena talk fine quite campment avec so mari.
But how she know who have left after her departure.
To talk menti.
Bane femme content rode zote bout.
Largent ek pouvoir fer toi gagne jolie fam selment ein
Money ? Even the likes of (Abramovic CHELSEAFC) , (Mark zuckerberg FACEBOOK ) or (Richard branson VIRGIN AIRLINES) will be jealous of Mr Rakesh gooljaury because he'sdamnnnn lucky as she's so gorgeous .
Syed Oomerr Fam la kine fr li gne cass , ti navin so maitresse sa
Macarena once again
Syed Oomerr femme?
Plis zolie ki sa enna lor grand baie. Sauf ki sanlala unpeu sociable et mo sure so prix pu unpeu plis elever si pu prend cosideration so banne ex frequentation.
ene figir soular r sa
lion mange li mari groupebang sa
Lucky le Rakesh Gooljaury, c'est vraiment une jolie femme **0** !!!
weh bel fam sa
fini divorcer
Ah deja divorcé tt top netz alors, mo al met la queue !!!
SpawnX fo gagne li envoye li France
vipin domah hmmm pane comprend.
Kifer bizin censor???? franc tou.. met seryer do
Toi d'après rol to n prof français en retraite
ban femme kumsa ki bizn fr Miss Mauritius
end of year party
Le problem c ki pena bku fam koumsa dn moris
C ça le problème....
excuse moi ena plis zolie femme ki sa
li pe gne riyE tou :P
honteux b pena pou gagne honteux ahhhh entous cas lion wehhh lion narien pas sape ar lion
Si ramgoo gagne toi madam, to dal pas pou cuit. Hummmm
I don't want to be judgmental but looks and seems to me that this interview is kind of set up.. look at that woman's face and body language. She is someone that i wont have an ounce of trust nor belief. Please Media people and this new government whom i supported to win stop these bullshit and focus giving justice to the family of that man who died instead of making this a whole thing a dirty dirty movie.
maybe gooljaury ex is used to these dirty back stabbing n playing good actress on the news. Maybe she might be used for other sorts of movies
ya so true
wep... mo croire li pou fini dans film alleman lol
Samuel Baptiste to lé dir film porno hahaha
i think this would be a super hit movie.... she has the look and surely the qualities too..
Double Face
kifer in coup nom a 0:57?????
C'est enn souci confidentialité. Possible pé protez zot identité aussi pou pena représailles ou intimidation de la part lezot partis dans sa case là.
Si navin vine premier ministre to kit pays to aller
Today its the case 😂
Franchement mo pane kompren ki line dire mo ti trop concentré lor so beauT elle est canon tioouuuuu... Avoy zot CV les mecs kav gagne 1 ti chance
linzy pa ti laba??
Slmen ban fam kan mem 1 zom li kuma johnny lever mai si zom la ena plein kas. ban fam pu truv li hrithik. zot res enba la grain
Would like to have the version of ramgoolam.GRAND MENTEUR.
liom autant ki mo conner li naruen pas sape li fini mange so la chair apres li bez saki pou so camouade aussi li bourer
Maurice malheureusemt ine vinne comme sa kot c largent ek status ki enna plis valere.. mo prefere garde mo cash dans mo poche ek mo truc dan mo pentalon rather than wasting my time and money on these kind of women
Hello, kuma mo viv abroad ek mo pann tro suiv sa zistwar la, eski kiken kapav explik mwa, ki li ete au juste sa case Roche-Noires la??? Ki finn ariver, parski monn essaye trouve bann detail lor internet mai mo pa pe ressi trouve la rezon kifer bann la pe la chasse ex PM, merci
Ramgoolam ti ena 1 campment roche noir. dan la soirée 2 juliet 2011, vers 1hr du matin, 1 voler in passer in kokin 20milles roupies ek suposement 1 montre.
a lepok sa case la, c'etait Rajesh gooljaury ki ti porte plainte la police et dan so declaration li ti dir ki li ti tousel dan campmen la kan ti ariv sa. Kan ti deman li kifer li ti tousel, li ti dir so bon camarad Ramgoolam in dir li vey sa campment la. Apres tou sa la, ti ena ban arrestation ban suspect et tou ban suspect la ti released pour faute de preuve contre zot a l'exption d'un denomé Ramdhony Anand Kumar. Zot in gard sa boug la dan prison et dan la soiré de so incarceration, li ti mort et apres ban diagnostic, in deduire ki lin suicide li avec 1 boute la cord depi so matela ou 1 kitsoz kumsa. Aster sa boug la so madam in dir li pa possib ki so missié in suicide li, so missié ti xtra per la mort li ti p dir. Peu de temp apres ban poursuite contre les concerné, madam Ramdhony in decedé d'un maladie, un cancer si mo rapel bien. Aster ban orphelin Ramdhony in viv 1 la vie miserable depi la mor de zot parents et tou le temps zot in rest dan l'incertitude si zot papa vremem in suicider, ou eski ti ena 1 kitsoz louche in ariver dan sa cellule la. Et tou ban kozé ki ti p derouler sa lepok la, c'etait ki ramgoolam in fer touy Mr Ramdhony akoz li ti pensé ki limem ki ti kokin so montre car Ramdhony ti ena 1 montre en sa possesion.
Zafer in teigne lamem apres ki madam Ramdhony ti decedé. Ramgoolam gagn so montre ek so vengeance, lin conten. Mais Sir Aneerood Jughnuth pa ti dakor ditou ar sa fason ki case la in aler, car ti ena tro boku zafer louche tel ke, kifer gooljaury ti dan campman tousel? ki ti ena dan sa campman la sa zour la? etc.
Tou cela in amen nou vers 2015 kot Sir Aneerood Jughnuth re ouvert sa lenquette la, et de jour en jour nu p truv ban zafer ki ramgoolam ek so maitresse in cachet.
Si to envi conne plus details nek type "Roches Noires Ramdhony" lor google et to pu gagn plusieur details concernan sa affaire la.
MuzzaFuzza Big thanks, to finn bin dekrir mwa bann details la, mo remercier twa bokou, beh dapre lordre Mr Ramdhony la, vre em ki li ki ti kokain montre la??? Pa koner kifer Ramgoolam inn koz menti, siremen li pa ti envy enn scandal parski li ti ar so maitress dan campemen la, aster esperon ki zot ava ressi solisyonn case la, enkor merci pou to repons, take care ;)
Thug Negus samem nu pa koné la si Ramdhony mem ki ti fer sa vol la, akoz sa mem in re ouvert sa l'enquet la, et de jours en jours p decouver plein lor Ramgoolam ek so maitress.
no problem, moi oci mo esperer ki sa case la solved et la famille ramdhony gagn la paix finalmen.
Thug Negus
deeya rai pas ine maitresse ek piti li ena.plusiers et en plus li fine prend duubien letat li fine donne femme la pendant ki le peuple ti p opasse misere li ti p fair bel bel fete r babne maitresse.eski un premier ministre capav fair abus cumsa? pli impardonable
Bel susut sa 😍❤🔥
Saa bel ? 🤢🤮🤣😂🤣🤣🤣 li kuma dr p rod 1 plok
Bollywood ou Hollywood va te donner des roles clef
Elle est une trés jolie et riche fille.
Natasha to mari ti jamais en bon term en ver tw..coz la verité..
beauty kill the like a women that never can be thrusted.
Couma to coner can vol la fine arrive ti ena zis NAVIN et soornack,si can to ti la bas ki vol la fine arrive ? Tous dimoun ki ti la bas depuis 5h30 juska zot aller coupable,bizin parmi sa ban dimoun la mem ki fine kocain
Major Lee:"Oh mon sacre dieu!Je me demande pourquoi les yeux du bon SAMARITAN ne sont pas tombes sur cette belle jeune et charmante beaute??😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😋😃😃😃".
quell beau sourire ! quelle belle coiffure ! quelle beaux yeux ! quelle belle tenue,noir sur blanc !, et tout cela devant des viewers de youtube. Mais c'est normal, car elle en train de divorcer
Most viewed Video on utube in Mauritius
P fr film li
c enn montage et ena b.cou leading question....
a partir 2 min kumanse koz menti...mais osi kan in deman ki kifer pan dir.. mais the rest is true
1 zour tou pou fini devant bondieu bon ou pas bon
fornication is a big sin
in bien souse kok p paret
jolifam ein 👌
wonderful lady
Pécher payer lor later meme...ek to pu payer toi..sire😄
Tom Dwane p
Tire maquillage bizin coner couma ou paret ou fille,sa cantite la painture la mauvillac/permoglace fail
La vérité rien que la vérité
all the questions are leading question as the interviewer is asking questions and the answers of which he want to receive and to manipulate public opinion...and he is bias and everthing is framed well in advance.
MajorLee:"Mafia power!Countrymen,understand 'mafia power!'A simple citizen with a simple offense has to present in court and is punished while some 'demi dieux" with dozens of aggravating serious charges see all their cases wiped off one by one!Yet for some their horrible cases never reach the court!Justice 'a deux vitesses!'Soon you will witness 'justice sur des rails!'vive la republique fantastique de El Dorado!"
Check la voix man kot in al appran sa
sa fam la ki li ete? modele sa??
single aster kapav don numero la!!!
lol. lol?? app
madame sa journalist la p couyonn ou et he has a purpose of his couma dire colomba local...
Ou pa ti laba ou pa kapav sirr ki zist navin ek sournak tousel ki ti laba dan sa lerr la???
902k views ,Koret allor pena mandaille electorat net ine voter😂
The past is the past
La police pou faire so travail pli bien.
What she mean.
Le bruit cour qu'il y avait une chanteuse tres connu egalement, est-ce vrai???
*o* .. tro zoli saa..
la verite ti ena ene partouze a 4 ! ce sa ki ti arrive et Lion li mamge tous la chaire li hein. lion kontan backdoor party sa ki appel ene bon male elevé sa! dappres lordre lion fin mam li sa .
Ohh tro joli sa fam la😘😗
Une femme qui denonce son mari. C'est la raison pour laquelle il y a tant de divorce dans pays. Mon premier ministre, svp arrette cette femme la. Vous allez régler tant de problemes sociaux dans ce pays en arretant des femmes comme ça.
Ban ki pe faire commentaire lors so beaute arrete guette femme dimoune cest la source de toutes les problemes...coureur por reste coureur..nous la pu ecoute so version de lhistoire cet tout ..ban immature grandi un pe
Que du buzz et tema après 7ans elle sst rien alors c est un bad buzz Flooooopppp
Ki zoli r sa, les dents cuma dir fourchette, li p coser cuma dir ena ene gro ladoo dan so la bouche lol
lorla 4:57 mouch tou p poz lor li,,,,,mkoir li pan bainyen malang la
Aret zalouu dow bann ggt.😂😂
Al met lunette ferblanc do pilon
tiouu dimun cav zalou kumsa xD
zour navin pou assiz r zot zot pou bizin bourer
reV mam
Gaspiyage si pou coup couper la
la P azoute petrol dan differ la.
Belle Chou sa fam la. Tro zoli mem pou done divorce ou accepter divorce.
Zoli bebet
Jolie madame
Belle femme sa franc tou paret u r a Gold Digger.
zoli fam!!! money
Girl you can dig my gold anyday! 🥵
boufon pa knprn nyn enplis li p melanz engle freC ensan
lucky is that mouzoul who is eating this lovely meat miam miam xD
Guilty face
Pa p kapav ouver labouche koz li bizin kasiet s lEdan! Pretty little liar
i have been watching this but i am a bit confuse who is this gooljari chap he must be loaded to have a pretty wife like here but now divorcing him and take all the monies she can get her hand on well anyway i think is she a mauritian kady or she was from uk or france usually mauritian men marry a white european woman then the child become what we used to called a half caste but now its called a mixed race also as i worked in nursing for over 40 years i have seen many mauritians who love to have a white partner and then they feel on top of the world later on the wife or gilfriend leave them and all hell break loose normally in europe the women have more right than the men the women get the houses the childrens and maintenances monies anyway i still think she is quite pretty but i dont know about convincing or telling the truth cant judge until i hear both sides of the story ok leave that to the investigating dept how long ago was this saga i have no knowledge may be i will hear some more at another time i will keep on watching for the latest news
Mo croir li pe ggn trakas
Yadon ki barat
she is laying on some point to defense herself.
Aret fer zistoir do??? ?? Phuff kk net
lion mari amuser sa jour la mange so soonook apres li mange part so camouade aussi et pas kakil bourer .li devore 2 gibier
BDW Navin Ramgoolam C un Franc Mason ..ab nou getter ki zot kapav fer kontre sa
Mw aussi mo ti p pense ça longtemp
Eta bousse to lk
So fair Malis bien..
views sa video la p defoncer zis acoz zoli fam la..
lol :D
Party Macarenaaa....sponsored by gold diggy diggaaaa😅😅😅
Future miss Mauritius
to fine informe to mari ou bien tone informe monsieur ATM
To pas ene bon fam toi, ki palabre to pe rakonte, to Fer fam honter
Mari zoli fam sa oouuaaww
Complots mari femme
kifer li p tryhard en francais.. so francais crappy net kan li p seyer
Kavi Boodhoo l
Manjistha Seeburn: teaching kids how to lie. (are'nt we?)
What is this beep.
to pe faire vilain kisanala pe dormi avec qui, zotte tamassa tout Europe pe suivre
She is going for free publicity and she IS a CELEBRITY now .I would not mind dating her.