ABC 蔬果篇 | Fruits & Vegetables Alphabet | 蔬果英文字母 | ABC書寫筆順教學 | 英文字母大小寫筆順 | 幼兒英文字母發音|兒童英文學習|中英文單字|雙語教育
- Опубликовано: 21 ноя 2024
- 蔬果主題的ABC英文字母教學影片,學習ABC字母的書寫筆順及中英文發音。
Fruits and Vegetables-Themed ABC Alphabet Learning Video: Master ABC Letter Writing and Pronunciation in English and Chinese
This video helps children learn the alphabet through a fun fruits and vegetables theme, with clear examples of how to write each letter and pronounce them in both English and Chinese. Kids will enjoy engaging visuals while following simple instructions to master letter writing and pronunciation, making learning the alphabet an enjoyable experience!
00:06 Aa - Avocado 酪梨
00:18 Bb - Broccoli 花椰菜
00:29 Cc - Corn 玉米
00:41 Dd - Dragon Fruit 火龍果
00:53 Ee - Eggplant 茄子
01:04 Ff - Fig 無花果
01:16 Gg - Grapes 葡萄
01:28 Hh - Hazelnut 榛果
01:40 Ii - Iceberg Lettuce 美生菜
01:51 Jj - Jackfruit 波羅蜜
02:03 Kk - Kiwi 奇異果
02:15 Ll - Lemon 檸檬
02:26 Mm - Mango 芒果
02:38 Nn - Nectarine 甜桃
02:50 Oo - Orange 柳橙
03:02 Pp - Papaya 木瓜
03:13 Qq - Quince 木梨
03:25 Rr - Raspberry 覆盆子
03:37 Ss - Strawberry 草莓
03:48 Tt - Tangerine 柑橘
04:00 Uu - Ugli Fruit 醜橘
04:11 Vv - Vanilla 香草
04:23 Ww - Watermelon 西瓜
04:35 Xx - Ximenia 海檀木
04:46 Yy - Yam 山藥
04:58 Zz - Zucchini 櫛瓜