STRIKE OVER: SAG-AFTRA, Hollywood studios reach tentative deal to end strike

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 157

  • @DistrustHumanz
    @DistrustHumanz Год назад +14

    I have experienced so much joy from rediscovering old movies from the 60s, 70s, and 80s during this strike, that I don't think I can enjoy modern movies nearly as much. Too little, too late.

      @I_WANT_MY_SLAW Год назад +2

      The strike also affected those old movies too. A lot of them aren't available anywhere, and there was talks of TCM shutting down. But good news, TCM, at least in USA is not shutting down, for now. However the UK TCM is officially gone. 😢

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

      Stop watching tv it's going to decay your brain...

    • @palmshoot
      @palmshoot Год назад

      @@I_WANT_MY_SLAW If you can access Pluto, they have a channel or two that are very much like TCM except without the movie jockies and the long breaks. It's free, of course.

    • @diabloakland
      @diabloakland Год назад

      Turner classic movies are hidden in “vaults” so you’re actually wrong lol

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад

      It could help, if ekmrn and girls, get back into mid length dresses
      Things go in cycles

  • @apeterson
    @apeterson Год назад +9

    As a fan and actress. I'm happy we came to a deal. During the strike, I've discovered and rediscovered so many older movies and TV shows before my time.

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

      Hello again... 😂

    • @Ncholasbloom
      @Ncholasbloom Год назад

      i hope i get to go on more auditions

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

      @@Ncholasbloom The ones who were waiting to finish (stranger things) are going to start right away. I don't know how quickly everything else, but like 2020 they are going to play catchup. It's going to get very busy.

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

      Yep, I've seen the list. When they do start, it's going to get BUSY!

  • @ellek4224
    @ellek4224 Год назад +11

    Now Tom Cruise won’t have to rely on Scientology for his money.

    • @fty-ys4ni
      @fty-ys4ni Год назад +2

      I think it’s the other way around

  • @theglanconer6463
    @theglanconer6463 Год назад +4

    A dark day for movie lovers all over the world. The sewer is producing again.

  • @GingerBeanie
    @GingerBeanie Год назад +10


    • @bigcatauna
      @bigcatauna Год назад +3

      congrats ! now a movie ticket will cost about $50 or so dollars

    • @GingerBeanie
      @GingerBeanie Год назад +2

      @@bigcatauna Inflation problems. Not the actors 🤸‍♀️

    • @DistrustHumanz
      @DistrustHumanz Год назад

      ​@@GingerBeanie If that is true, it means this strike was for nothing.

    • @GingerBeanie
      @GingerBeanie Год назад +1

      @DistrustHumanz People getting paid-better, protected against immoral AI use and treated better wasn't for nothing. Nice try tho 🤸‍♀️🥳

    • @zekethewise7042
      @zekethewise7042 Год назад

      What did you win you don’t even know the details

  • @AlexDisney23
    @AlexDisney23 Год назад +2

    Oh yeah it’s all over the strike is outta here! OHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

  • @EEdmunds
    @EEdmunds Год назад +1

    I love Sag

  • @Nanobits
    @Nanobits Год назад +3

    I think modern movie making is done, they have zero imagination and have put to much social stupidity into the new movies making them unwatchable.

  • @Dane-o7q
    @Dane-o7q Год назад +5

    What strike????

    • @pattyconde
      @pattyconde Год назад

      The actors strike

    • @Dane-o7q
      @Dane-o7q Год назад +2

      Sarcasm. no one cares.....@@pattyconde

    • @pattyconde
      @pattyconde Год назад

      @@Dane-o7q are you trying to be mean to me?

    • @hagen552
      @hagen552 Год назад

      @@Dane-o7qThe thousands of people in the industry that had to ride on unemployment most of this year do

    • @EvanAntes
      @EvanAntes Год назад +1

      @@Dane-o7q millions of people care actually. This affects so many people besides actors. Grow up

  • @massapower
    @massapower Год назад +2

    Now let's get some Quality TV & Film out there

  • @mrcool1519
    @mrcool1519 Год назад +2

    Oh yes, let them continue on with their garbage

  • @griffinholahan123
    @griffinholahan123 Год назад +4

    Finally!! We can all go to the movies again!!

    • @DistrustHumanz
      @DistrustHumanz Год назад +4

      Most movies take multiple years to make. So you are celebrating going to the movies 2 or 3 years from now.

    • @anthonydavella8350
      @anthonydavella8350 Год назад +2

      to see what? The garbage from hollyweird is unwatchable

    • @palmshoot
      @palmshoot Год назад

      @@DistrustHumanz Sometimes they can film adjacent installments concurrently as they did with the Donner "Superman" films, which saves time.

  • @pattyconde
    @pattyconde Год назад +18

    And now the actors can go back to work on making movies and tv shows in peace ( for real this time 😊)

    • @vinceniederman
      @vinceniederman Год назад +4

      Damn Right I’m So Happy Now!

    • @al28854
      @al28854 Год назад

      after the Holiday season, of course

    • @Ncholasbloom
      @Ncholasbloom Год назад

      @@vinceniederman was it effecting non union people like me?

    • @artdjesus6267
      @artdjesus6267 Год назад

      @@Ncholasbloom weren't you listening? They said every industry in the area was down. Catering, restaurants, services. It affected everyone. I imagine some waiters had to be let go

    • @Ab-iz9uv
      @Ab-iz9uv Год назад

      There trash anyways

  • @mitchelltriplett7974
    @mitchelltriplett7974 Год назад +4

    Did they get "make halfway decent plots and characters" in their contracts? Or are we stuck with more terrible movies and shows?

    • @diabloakland
      @diabloakland Год назад +1

      That’s what the writers strike was for too! You’d be surprised how much of us hate reboots bc they take precedence over original stories and good plots (the studios only see $$$)

  • @coreymillia
    @coreymillia Год назад +1

    Great. New content, we all lose.

  • @SolBin-b4m
    @SolBin-b4m Год назад +1


  • @ralph4704
    @ralph4704 Год назад +1

    What strike? Oh, the whining about having to work for a living, poot things.

  • @jackiekorsak5563
    @jackiekorsak5563 Год назад +1

    November is Thankfulness month. Woohoo!

  • @auntyb7543
    @auntyb7543 Год назад

    Lots of love ❤️ from Canada 🇨🇦

  • @YakkoWarnerTower
    @YakkoWarnerTower Год назад +1

    Man I'm totally glad actors and producers can get their good pay and it's over. 👏❤️

  • @thesnesgeek
    @thesnesgeek Год назад +2

    Did they get resonable work hours too? It’s nice they gained Ai protection and more pay for filming and streaming.

  • @ziggy33399
    @ziggy33399 Год назад +14

    Oh, thank God for all the unity ❗️ congratulations everyone 🎉 I’m so happy for you all! Whoopee !

  • @frankcross6958
    @frankcross6958 Год назад +3

    first covid shut down hwood for nearly 2 years. then back to back strikes shut down hwood again for nearly a whole year. we just cant catch a break

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen Год назад +5

      Unfortunately this was long coming though because of AI and streaming services.

    • @al28854
      @al28854 Год назад +1

      prob. be more strikes to come from another union essential to the business.

    • @007DeanBond
      @007DeanBond Год назад

      teamsters and iatse could strike next year. hence, why filming keeps leaving the u.s. no unions

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

      See Ovid was only 6 -7 months. And then they killed us for 2 years.

    • @TheHighFlys
      @TheHighFlys Год назад

      @@al28854 VFX needs it bad

  • @sig310
    @sig310 Год назад +2

    Still gonna be broke over the holidays since nothings starting til next year 😔

    • @palmshoot
      @palmshoot Год назад

      They can do podcasts and the like.

  • @rerenav9068
    @rerenav9068 Год назад

    Finally we can get some quality movies and shows I have been sick of reality tv and a bunch of international movies

  • @Le-iw8th
    @Le-iw8th Год назад +1

    Rich getting richer poor geting poorer

  • @gabethedinosaur95
    @gabethedinosaur95 Год назад

    Finally . Now Santa Barbara can pick it’s stars next year . What a treat

  • @JanelAguirre-o1s
    @JanelAguirre-o1s Год назад

    what about comic con next year

  • @KL-sw5xi
    @KL-sw5xi Год назад +2

    Get some therapy and return to work! now y’all can go back to making mediocre shows and movies that no one watches.

  • @elirien4264
    @elirien4264 Год назад +3

    Awesome! Now get back to work, the MCU has a lot of lost time to make up for.

    • @DistrustHumanz
      @DistrustHumanz Год назад +1

      If they were not working on MCU, then how did The Marvels recently release? What makes you think any new MCU movies will be different?

  • @raymondrhudy8681
    @raymondrhudy8681 Год назад +1

    Too little too late! Nothing but reruns, and pre. 2015 movies for me.

    • @DistrustHumanz
      @DistrustHumanz Год назад

      I can honestly say that I have a blast rediscovering old movies from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Makes it hard to watch modern movies now.

  • @lovelylipbonesouwwwwwwwolv2198
    @lovelylipbonesouwwwwwwwolv2198 Год назад +8

    I'm glad they finally came to an agreement!

  • @herrwahnsinn4229
    @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад

    I didn't even get to finish my d4 season...

  • @auntyb7543
    @auntyb7543 Год назад

    So happy 😁 for y guys

  • @cantfindausernamedam
    @cantfindausernamedam Год назад

    They were on strike still?? Didn't notice.. Do not care.

  • @jesseseale2558
    @jesseseale2558 Год назад

    I still blame the Hollywood CEOs/ AMPTP for causing this problem in the first place, especially wanting AI to come into the creative/entertainment world.

    • @Ab-iz9uv
      @Ab-iz9uv Год назад

      Better than Pos actors

  • @8grove
    @8grove Год назад


  • @askdrmindset
    @askdrmindset Год назад

    He's got to let the Woman SPEAK :(

  • @TomHendricksMusea
    @TomHendricksMusea Год назад

    Congratulations! Next theater workers who get the lowest wages and benefits allowed by law.
    Some guy reading my posts, thinks working at a theater doesn't deserve a fair wage and shouldn't be considered with WalMart and fast food places. He said all we do is shovel popcorn in a bag. Here's what I say
    I don't see much difference from a factory job where you do the same thing over and over and our job - and we have to do it at night and on weekends - specially now when most factories have better air conditioning than old theaters. AND we have to work with the PUBLIC!
    Why should film industry make millions and we can't even get full time work, benefits, etc. Movie workers are in the same boat as WalMart and Fast Food. No difference. And corporations have squeezed the American worker, such that we can't even afford to buy their product. I can't afford going to our movies for example - if I had to pay.

  • @gnm7858
    @gnm7858 Год назад

    Hopefully this means fewer flops, but it also means fewer opportunities for actors in the future

  • @nyla298
    @nyla298 Год назад

    So what

  • @andreguardarrama6739
    @andreguardarrama6739 Год назад

    Big W

  • @nathanaelaudate7845
    @nathanaelaudate7845 Год назад

    Good now hurry up and make part 2 of Spider Man Across the Spider-Verse

  • @eunhwastevens
    @eunhwastevens Год назад


  • @meekhouse
    @meekhouse Год назад +3

    It's about damn time! Now Please get Season 7 of Young Sheldon on the air ASAP! I'm flat out sick and tired of the cliffhanger from Season 6! The suspense is killing me!

  • @lovelylipbonesouwwwwwwwolv2198


  • @dhouxyumpad5695
    @dhouxyumpad5695 Год назад

    Its over for now

  • @kenisnedeker6024
    @kenisnedeker6024 Год назад +1

    Who cares

  • @christopherduffy8225
    @christopherduffy8225 Год назад

    I thought news reporter said the SAG writers ✍️ don’t have to walk through feces. 😂

  • @lrakreacts8518
    @lrakreacts8518 Год назад +1

    now i can watch boys season 4

  • @auntyb7543
    @auntyb7543 Год назад

    Am not actor but did they get what they wanted

  • @JW-do2wc
    @JW-do2wc Год назад

    Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

  • @mitchellquartero
    @mitchellquartero Год назад +1

    911 lonestar season 5 here i come

    • @DistrustHumanz
      @DistrustHumanz Год назад

      This only means they start making the movies and tv shows again. You are celebrating a show that won't be released until 2025...

  • @meekhouse
    @meekhouse Год назад

    Do you hear, CBS-TV?!

  • @ThomasGilbert-j7u
    @ThomasGilbert-j7u Год назад

    I’m lucky the actors and writers strike is about to be over. And I hope that the new Sonic movie is coming out next year. I’ve seen a trailer for Marvel Studios’ newest movie called The Marvels a few times and it’s going to be an amazing adventure. It just came out today at the movies, by the way.

  • @Chrominance87
    @Chrominance87 Год назад +2

    i was hoping they'd stay on strike permenantly .

  • @josermaiz
    @josermaiz Год назад


  • @haroldb1856
    @haroldb1856 Год назад +1

    SAG AFTRA rolled over. They have lost respect.

  • @cherylschantz9893
    @cherylschantz9893 Год назад

    Don’t care.

  • @Hexadecimal_QueenofChaos
    @Hexadecimal_QueenofChaos Год назад

    Woohoo, now my favourite big corporations can continue making propaganda! :D

  • @katt-tv
    @katt-tv Год назад

    We have been in prep for this, stop production on a big show,.. so glad to be back soon! Let's go!!!

  • @skullgamer64
    @skullgamer64 Год назад

    Thank god, I'm sick of these stupid Strikes it's the reason why movies and TV shows are postpone or delayed in the first place, and it's even worst than Covid 😡

  • @TheKrazy987
    @TheKrazy987 Год назад

    And no one even cared that they were striking or even noticed

    • @jTech50
      @jTech50 Год назад

      the studios cared, and they deservedly ate shit for all of their greed

    • @herrwahnsinn4229
      @herrwahnsinn4229 Год назад +1

      @@jTech50 They have unlimited money.

  • @MyBichSustained
    @MyBichSustained Год назад +2

    More woke crap....not my money!

    • @Classwarvet
      @Classwarvet Год назад +4


    • @MyBichSustained
      @MyBichSustained Год назад +1

      @@Classwarvet I am...I am buying classics!

    • @Classwarvet
      @Classwarvet Год назад +1

      @MyBichSustained I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but Birth of a Nation isn't a classic.

    • @oldluke7653
      @oldluke7653 Год назад

      ​@@ClasswarvetThe greatest Democrat POTUS, Woodrow Wilson said it was the truest story ever told and he went to Princeton 😂

    • @MyBichSustained
      @MyBichSustained Год назад

      @@Classwarvet I knew nothing about that movie...but,you sure do.

  • @laurasaxon694
    @laurasaxon694 Год назад

    I don't really care that the strike is over. I have been very traumatized by this strike. This strike was so angry and bitter and full of angry words from everybody that I have little energy left to expend on being happy that Hollywood is going to go back to work soon. They'd better start preparing for their next strike because that's where we're going to be three years down the road. They'll eventually get tired of their new contract and start making noises about going on strike again.

  • @danielbell2120
    @danielbell2120 Год назад +1

    Aww man, now more crap😟