To this day I will always love "So, you kids love being dramatic, huh?" (Is surrounded by telekinetically held knives and forks pointed at her.) God she is SOOOO used to that it's hilarious.
Anya is Yura’s little sister and Olya is Sergei’s girlfriend, who gives Yura a lift from time to time, as well as delivers additional “study materials” ever so often. Anya has been fascinated with Olya ever since she first saw her a few months ago (in a “holy shit what a cool mysterious lady what’s her deal” sort of way) and - partially out of curiosity, partially out of boredom - began trying to stalk her. Keyword being trying, since Anya’s the most indiscreet person to ever grace planet Earth. Olya noticed that pretty much immediately (which didn’t stop Anya’s further attempts), but went along with it, since that girl is not exactly a threat and can actually be easily avoided. Nonetheless, Olya’s routinely catching Anya and treating her at a nearby cafe eventually lead to them developing a rather close, niece-aunt sort of relationship. The girl regularly “runs away from home”, but pretty much everyone knows that she just goes to hang out at Olya’s place for a few days before coming back to her family. So, during one of Anya’s many stalking attempts she gets harassed by some thugs, only to be saved by Dmitry. Olya, returning from the store, finds Anya (who she knew was tailing her) with the beat up boy. He refuses the ambulance, so they fix him up at Olya’s place and fêêd him. What happens next is pretty self-explanatory - Dmitry, who said he ran away from home (which Anya finds very hashtag relatable), starts living at Olya’s apartment and him and Anya hang out doing whatever. At one point he offers Anya to leave the city, since she seems to hate it so much, but she suddenly feels unsure whether she’s ready to actually go through with something like that. A few days after the KT incident Olya spends the night at Sergei’s place, when he vents to her about the whole ordeal (the snippets of dialogue during the instrumental part are his). The timeframe, the vague “ran away from home” explanation that both Dmitry and KT used and the general strange disposition of the boy cause Olya to become very suspicious, though she doesn’t tell Sergei anything. She asks to take a photo of KT’s jacket, that Sanya kept in her room, explaining that rather than letting clothes go to waste, she could offer to give it away to an acquaintance of hers. Sergei lets Olya take the picture, but warns her that there’s no way Sanya would agree to give or even sell the thing to some stranger. Of course, Olya had no intentions of doing anything like that in the first place. Upon coming home she shows the picture of the jacket to Dmitry, which causes an immediate emotional reaction from him and basically confirms Olya’s suspicions that the boy is at the very least connected to Katya. Anya overhears Olya speaking to Dmitry (which basically amounts to “listen, the girl was caught, I know what you are, you can drop the act”) and, thinking that she’s about to call the authorities on him, snatches her phone; panicked Dmitry meanwhile doesn’t want to hurt Olya, but restrains her movement by means of surrounding her in all the sharp objects from around the house he could think of. She’s unphased by it, though, and as Anya takes a look at the phone, she realizes Olya was just texting Sergei (about the supposed sell-this-jacket-to-a-friend-of-mine deal). Realizing she was not going to turn Dmitry in in the first place, the kids are relieved. The boy is, however, left distressed about what happened to KT. And that’s Punch It Punk for ya Not my theory it’s from her tumblr
I think it's a bit ironic in a sense. Dmitry was the one stressing how they couldn't trust or live around humans but the first humans he comes across are extremely kind and instantly disprove his idea, going as far as to keep him safe when they find out what he is. KT was the one who wanted to be around humans and it's humans that found out what she was and took her back
There's only 2 things that Yura and Anya have in common They both have the same mom, and they both have an overwhelming urge to help the mutant they met literally 5 minutes ago.
It gets even funnier if you don’t realize the two girls are related (like I did at first) so it seems like this office lady’s just been pressured into taking in a random overexcited gremlin and her beaten-up crush xD
Maddy Beale But they aren't related! This young girl (Anya) "runs away" to Olya's (office lady) house to escape from her actual family (Yura, the guy in red from Parties are for losers) so it really is just this kid pressuring a woman to take the guy in. Ferry explains the whole thing on their tumblr if your curious (there is a link in one of the other comments)
Ahahahah XD That’s amazing! I’ll try and find that link, thanks for letting me know my interpretation was more correct than I knew! This just makes her “UGH” even better!
@YourCreepyFriendThat StalksYouAtSchool dude, did you know that the video in the background when they were showing the phone correspondence was also Russian Timecode : 3:01
@@sergyshanuanserg1737 well, something like this. I say that this is not necessary. They refused. Well, who asked you. Dasha wouldn't give (his?) jacket anyway.
Coming back after watching Comfort Zone I'm starting to see Anya's colour scheme actually kind of matches Dima's doctor's so like. If she's the first person he actually decides to trust (I mean, she did get Olya to feed him and stuff, and the "come on, he saved my life!") maybe it's because of that turquoise familiarity
THE ART???? PV???? MUSIC??? LYRICS???? PACING?? TUNING??? ALL PERFECT YES SLAY QUEEN ALSO YESSSS NEW CHARACTERS AND MORE STORY edit: If you see this again, Ferry- keep up the amazing work!!! I love your music, your art, and this story so much!
I love how the very, very litteral lyrics reflects exactly what Anna thinks and says. No cryptic word, just immediate reactionya. Each song is super representative of their protagonist nya !
Ferry, I hope you're okay with me translating your google-doc story into Japanese :) 作者さんが書いた補足ストーリーの日本語訳(がばがば翻訳)です。 ↓登場人物↓ アンナ:この曲の主人公。14歳。 オリア:ミステリアスな女性。27歳。 ダイマ:念動力を持つ少年。研究所から逃亡中。15歳。 セルゲイ:間奏で出てくる上裸の青年。オリアの恋人。 ↓世界観↓ ここでは土地の影響で特殊能力を持つ人間(ミュータント)が生まれることがあり、一部のミュータントは研究所に入れられる。政府の特別な許可なしにミュータントをかくまうことは違法。 ↓ストーリー↓ 数か月前オリアに出会ったアンナは、彼女に魅了されて退屈しのぎがてら後を付け回すようになった。オリアにはすぐにばれ、時々カフェで食事をするようになり、次第に叔母と姪のような関係になっていった。アンナは日常的に家出を繰り返していたが、実際はオリアの家に数日間転がりこんでいるだけだと誰もが知っていた。 アンナがいつも通りストーカーしていたそんなある日、不良たちに絡まれてしまい、ダイマに助けられる。店から出てきたオリアは負傷したダイマを見て救急車を呼ぼうとしたが、ダイマが拒んだため、オリアの家で介抱することとなった。ダイマから家出してきたと聞いたアンナは親近感を覚え、2人は一緒に行動するようになった。ある時ダイマは「街を出ようか」とアンナに持ちかけたが、彼女は突然「本当にそれでいいのかな」という思いに駆られた。 KTの事件(作者さんの別曲、負け犬達の宴参照。KTは変形能力を持つ少女で、研究所から逃亡していたが、セルゲイに通報されて研究所に連れ戻された)の数日後、オリアがセルゲイの家に泊まった際、彼女はセルゲイからKTの一件を聞いた。KTもダイマ同様「家出してきた」というフレーズを使っていたと知ったオリアは、ダイマへの疑惑を募らせたが、セルゲイには何も言わなかった。その代わり、KTが残していったジャケットの写真を撮って帰った(知り合いに譲りたいという口実で)。 家に帰ったオリアがジャケットの写真をダイマに見せたところ、彼はすぐに感情的になり、ダイマとKTとの関係性をオリアに確信させた。彼らの会話を耳にしたアンナは、オリアが通報しようとしていると誤解し(実際は「女の子は捕まってしまった、あなたが何者かも知っているからもう演技しなくていい」というような内容)、彼女の携帯を奪い取った。パニックに陥ったダイマは家じゅうの刃物を念動力で持ち出し、オリアを傷つけずに動きを封じようとした。しかしオリアはそれに動じず、アンナが携帯の画面を見てみると、ただセルゲイとチャットしていただけだったと判明(ジャケットを知り合いに譲る件に関して)。オリアが通報するつもりではなかったと気づいたアンナ&ダイマは安堵したが、捕まったKTのことを考えたダイマが不安げな顔でEND。
ANYA TIME edit: ok i've rewatched this a few times and not only would i die for these two but i absolutely love everything about this thank you for the nutrition mom
I often dance to this song and when the “team buster busts into the scene” part plays, I furiously jump with my arms in the air just like depicted on the artwork. It’s difficult but it’s hella fun!
It occurs to me that “spastic light specs brighter than the bluest skies begin to dance around as panic clouds your eyes” is probably the actual thoughts Anya of all people had there. Now I head cannon that she occasionally just talks like that with no warning, and then goes back to standard fare Anya speech.
Now that I’ve watched The Mill I came back to listen to this song and I start to realise how many little details you put into these videos. I’m not sure if your song writing style was simply different when you made this (compared to The Mill) but I realise that this song’s wording is much simpler and easier to understand at first glance. This makes much sense to me since the main character of this video would be the young girl. God, I thoroughly enjoy nitpicking all of your videos! All I see is wonderfulness!
Ааааааааааааа тут происходит какой-то очень интересный движ, а я не понимаю ни слова((( *с нетерпением ждёт сабы* А вообще, качество видео заметно выросло! И песенка залипательная*^* Как всегда ШИК!
@@ferry2943 ааа вы есть на каких нибудь ресурсах типа паблик вк или тамблер?? хоть что нибудь??? с ума схожу по вашим рисункам, видосам и песенкам, но ничего не знаю про персонажей, кроме соответственно того, что вы указываете о них в видосах. оочень ооочень прошу о каких нибудь ссылочках на вас😭😭😭😭
Ой, спасибо большое!! Я есть в твиттере и тамблере (и там и там я Nopanamaman), в тамблере как раз много всего есть по персонажам! Ссылки есть в описании канала) (только имейте ввиду что там почти все на английском)
@@ferry2943 О! Наконец-то узнала ваши соц сети! Буду теперь вникать в историю персонажей, ибо они действительно круты!(русая девочка из этой песни так вообще лапочка:3)
Хахах ну в добрый путь) Единственное, что в тамблере моем придётся сильно покопаться в тегах (я советую просто в поиске забивать имена интересующих персонажей или смотреть тег deepest lore), потому что постов очень много и реальную инфу найти может быть трудно. Я собираюсь сегодня сесть и сделать большой док, который объяснял бы историю, потому что моя тумба эти дикое месиво нормального материала и мемов
GOD I love your series so much it's so good and I'm so deeply invested. And I love every time you use yuzuki yukari shes such a good voice bank you use her so well
this was the first song from pafl I listened to and it became my favorite thing after Dmitry just. went with Anya's shenanigans. Until that point I thought she was going to get rejected and this would be a funny song, like... look at that annoying girl, you can laugh at her now kind of thing? But then 1:42 happened and it instantly made me love this series and now I'm obsessed
the fact that there's no clear marking for when the Girl is talking when compared to narrating implies that she's saying this whole song aloud, which i find hysterical
Though I was a Japanese, I wanted to convey this impression by all means! Though it may be strange because it is machine translation, I want you to permit it. It is really cool music! !It is the rhythm above all! !And an illustration pretty! !Recommendation of RUclips did best work! ! I am not defeated by a native, and I become able to sing this music well sometime. Though it is hard, English does its best. If see I sing this music soon; "a friend!" と wants you to do HUG laughingly. From the VOCALOID birthplace to you thanks! It's excellent!Thank you very much for your advice!
BABEY??? Okay this absolutely slaps and I love the range of the song?? It fits Yukari’s voice. Also GOD WHAT A BABEY??? Sorry I just. She took my wig. Your art looks gorgeous as always~~. This absolutely slaps!! I don’t see how it sounds like DEAD HAND though, so perhaps that’s a good thing?
have I ever told you how much I love your character designs?? I often think “man, how do I make everyday clothes that a person would actually wear without making them look like a non-descript character. (I’ve got no real experience btw” And then I see Yura and wow (the wow is not limited to just Yura, but Olga and Dmitry). And not just the clothes, the characters themselves are unique and recognizable too!
At first I thought Anya and Olga were related because she called her sister but finding out they aren't makes this really funny. Olga's boyfriend's sister's friend's sister just volunteered her to adopt a weird psychic child and she's pretty cool with it.
@@Pelligream umm i can't tell if you're kidding or not so i'm just going to correct you: Sanya is the nickname of Alexandria, the albino girl (the one with white hair) from "Parties are for Losers", "False Disposition", and "KT's Guide to Coolness". The name of the boy is Dmitry, nicknamed "Dima". Also, these names aren't made by me: they're made by Ferry and are in the document in the description.
I love the little detail where Anya calls Yura a loser, specifically because his song is called "Parties Are For Losers", and he goes to a lot of parties.
I'm glad I understand now, I was so confused by what was going on, I thought sergi and Dmitry were the same person oops. And that he was cheating on Anya and Olya.
Yeah. I thought that at first too, but it was so out of the blue that I knew I was missing something. Noticed that Sergei's eyes are black while Dima's are blue.
i think this is my fave song in the pafl series so far! on a side note, i love how much personality all of these songs have; the character dialogue in them is so charming and fun! overall, another bop!!!
OOOH BOOOY, THE UNIVERSE IS GETTING DEEPER AAAAAAaAAA Gosh, I'm IN LOVE with your new PV style! It's looking SO damn cool, and it's quite unique. More storytelling-like, which really fits these. You've grown so much, Ferry! Hope you can grow even more ;w;
@Argonjui Hey again there! I just want to know, because I'm not sure. Are you from Poland? I ask, because your informafion section is in polish or maybe my youtube just translated it into polish.
Haven't been following the series, this is my first song made by you and I gotta say I'm SOLD. The art is very good, the lyrics and the story are really fun, the song is simple and catchy and the interactions between the boy and the girl are priceless and had me laughing! You just earned a subscriber;keep up the great work!
(After the hundreth or so time on a loop) I... How... Yeah, I can't stop. Also really like how it connects with some of the other songs building up a story that's interesting so far. Lots of bonus points for art too, this one was amazing.
MOOOM GET THE CAMERA!!!!!! FERRY UPLOADED A BOP AGAIN! Edit: after watching the MV a few times I can say that I really felt the energy in this one! Great job as always!
0:24 mfw (your art has seriously improved and i love it aaa i remember when your art was more simple but it sorta changed to being more complex and its very epik)
My gosh, I'm so glad you let Cami-Cat sing her own covers of these songs, or I wouldn't have found them! PAFL False Disposition And, of course Punch it, Punk! (All for Team Buster-) I love each one of these individually, the story (now that I read up on it (not that I didn't beforehand XD)), the characters, the style, everything, all so much! It's all a great insperation and motivator for me! Keep up the good work, can't wait for more!
*inhales* ok so i just read the whole document and i am way to invested in this story i love it and every thing about it. it is beautifully written and seeing all the connections between the characters makes my heart uwu and ily for creating this world
Just want to make a comment for me, for remembering. I would like to thank you I found this song a little after your air it, and at the time I was big into vocaloid by didn't talked a bit of English (I'm French) Yet, I loved this song I made huge progress during the lockdown, and I'm thinking about becoming an English teacher, or at least study in the field. So, when this song got recommended to me a week ago, and I understood (almost) all it said, I was so proud ! I now understand the story too ! I can't wait to know what will happens next, I love Anya, and good luck with yours futur projects !
I haven't gotten the whole underlying story down quite yet, but regardless, I love this! The style, the music, it's all great. And that pose just kills me. I can't wait for more, Ferry. You've certainly got skill! :P
Pssst hey, if this comment still applies, here's the document the creator made to explain the story
*Слушаю песню* Я: Оу ,круто, жалко, что в рус сигменте таких авторов нет... *Вижу переписку* Опять же я: Чт- !? Ред: Люди, придержите коней! 98 лайков? Вы чё (но в любом случае спасибо)?
sem san автор, либо фанат России, либо русский, т.к. на канале есть английский кавер на отечественную металл-группу (сердце получает нож- плохо), в песне I hate it на 1:09, присутствует фраза на русском, и в серии песен RAFL действия вдохновлялись книгой «пикник у обочины»
2:55 бох мой, этот кадр и следующий такие классные. Очень рад видеть Олю в деле, так сказать :D Текст крайне динамичный(?!), очень зашел, и моменты когда они общаются прямо в песню вплетены, кароч кайф с: Но до сих пор не могу сообразить от чьего лица текст со второй минуты, вроде от Олиного, но вдруг ошибаюсь. Upd. Ой, фига я даун, это же парень её х)
- С этого момента ты будешь жить в нашем доме! И вообще, давай встречаться!?? -окей. ... БЫЛО БЫ ВСЁ ВСЕГДА ТАК ПРОСТО!!! Гляди, и шипперить было бы легче))
@@nikkan4781 значит, это люди не большого калибра и в принципе не твои люди. Прямота - это прекрасно, прямота - это по русски. Те, кто не любят прямолинейных людей, не любят правду, а это ну такое. Однако надо четко разделять прямолинейность и грубость. Одну и ту же информацию можно донести совершенно по разному, и от этого зависит как люди будут на тебя реагировать. Сказать неприятную истину человеку в лицо так, чтобы он не обиделся, большое социальное искусство. Но в сухом виду правдивая прямота это достоинство
American healthcare in a nutshell: “Ok I’m gonna call the ambulance.” “Please no”
This made me laugh harder than it should've.
It’s funny, but also sad
Your wallet is gonna be more messed up than your face
Stealthyshart 21 that implies you still have one afterwards
Ares have a wallet or a face?
Local woman adopts rebellious teenager who adopts awkward psychic boy
Dante's Disco Inferno God this comment makes me laugh every time
The most accurate description I've seen
Telekinetic not psychic.
someone had to ruin the fun, huh?
So, basically, Olya collects problematic children
Who's Olya, from where are this characters from?
Aisir check out Ferry’s tumblr she has a google doc which explains the plot of the world (Olya is the blonde lady btw)
Gotta catch em all I guess
Bruno bucciarati be like
Gotta catch em' all!
"The cutest coolest boy that I have ever seen turned out to be a mutant monster death machine"
"I wouldn't call myself..."
@@nininha247 I see you kids sure love being dramatic, huh?
@Bizarro The Chef i think you should calm down before you go too far
@@jimmyjenkins1907 Okay, I think I need some time to take this in
Black Screen Dude
I think I just lucked out
I love how the dude seems so freakin lost through all the girls shenanigans
My boi just knew the gremlin girl for like 20 minutes and was ok with going out with her, they're cute.
Yea what a king
My Crush is a Monster Boy (2019, colorized)
the oscar winning performance
@Knock knock its nobody
get in loser we’re going to movie town
Iam here from listening that song from vocaloid fukase. What a coicidence....😶
oh my God I love that girl shes a disaster
Hhhhhhhhh she’s me
well you’ll LOVE me
Kake yeeeees! I love her too!
Y es
She's absolutely adorable
To this day I will always love "So, you kids love being dramatic, huh?" (Is surrounded by telekinetically held knives and forks pointed at her.)
God she is SOOOO used to that it's hilarious.
well she _does_ work at the zone's research facility
This is completely normal this stuff happens to me all the time...
@@kira-xj4og so THATS THE PLOT! Where can i read more?!
@@CombatSportsNerd there's a Google doc under all the songs about it
Thanks man!
‘Please no-‘
10 seconds in and this guy’s already a freaking mood
love how anya literally adopted herself a mom and a sibling in like. an afternoon
and then her brother proceeded to be a radioactive mutant by the evening
And then he becomes physic in the night
@@phoenixRose1724 top-10 sentances that shouldn't be spoken
if that girl had a storytell youtube video it would be:
Ashlee Wright
They're not sisters tho :')
@@lucid1572 they do have a pretty big sister/ lil sister relationship, even though they have no blood link.
I mean, I'm legally required to listen to any song that calls me a punk, so you got me there
I’m tied between liking this for agreeing and leaving it for the 666
@@taylorfreyholtz9153 Your sacrifice is appreciated
But did you punch your screen tho
@@brunop.8745 look I don't need a song title to tell me to punch my screen, I did that on my own
okay like Dmitry and Anna are cute and all but why is nobody talking about how COOL OLGA IS?? she's the best kinda-aunt office-lady-but-not-really
Dmitry and Anna their names? (Im sorrt i just new sucriber,so.. i need to know)
@@annydontcareaboutitsmashas6013 yes
@@PIVO255 о спс
Действительно, за Ольгу слишком обидно.
She's like Misato Katsuragi from Evangelion
Anya is Yura’s little sister and Olya is Sergei’s girlfriend, who gives Yura a lift from time to time, as well as delivers additional “study materials” ever so often.
Anya has been fascinated with Olya ever since she first saw her a few months ago (in a “holy shit what a cool mysterious lady what’s her deal” sort of way) and - partially out of curiosity, partially out of boredom - began trying to stalk her. Keyword being trying, since Anya’s the most indiscreet person to ever grace planet Earth. Olya noticed that pretty much immediately (which didn’t stop Anya’s further attempts), but went along with it, since that girl is not exactly a threat and can actually be easily avoided. Nonetheless, Olya’s routinely catching Anya and treating her at a nearby cafe eventually lead to them developing a rather close, niece-aunt sort of relationship. The girl regularly “runs away from home”, but pretty much everyone knows that she just goes to hang out at Olya’s place for a few days before coming back to her family.
So, during one of Anya’s many stalking attempts she gets harassed by some thugs, only to be saved by Dmitry. Olya, returning from the store, finds Anya (who she knew was tailing her) with the beat up boy. He refuses the ambulance, so they fix him up at Olya’s place and fêêd him. What happens next is pretty self-explanatory - Dmitry, who said he ran away from home (which Anya finds very hashtag relatable), starts living at Olya’s apartment and him and Anya hang out doing whatever. At one point he offers Anya to leave the city, since she seems to hate it so much, but she suddenly feels unsure whether she’s ready to actually go through with something like that.
A few days after the KT incident Olya spends the night at Sergei’s place, when he vents to her about the whole ordeal (the snippets of dialogue during the instrumental part are his). The timeframe, the vague “ran away from home” explanation that both Dmitry and KT used and the general strange disposition of the boy cause Olya to become very suspicious, though she doesn’t tell Sergei anything. She asks to take a photo of KT’s jacket, that Sanya kept in her room, explaining that rather than letting clothes go to waste, she could offer to give it away to an acquaintance of hers. Sergei lets Olya take the picture, but warns her that there’s no way Sanya would agree to give or even sell the thing to some stranger. Of course, Olya had no intentions of doing anything like that in the first place.
Upon coming home she shows the picture of the jacket to Dmitry, which causes an immediate emotional reaction from him and basically confirms Olya’s suspicions that the boy is at the very least connected to Katya. Anya overhears Olya speaking to Dmitry (which basically amounts to “listen, the girl was caught, I know what you are, you can drop the act”) and, thinking that she’s about to call the authorities on him, snatches her phone; panicked Dmitry meanwhile doesn’t want to hurt Olya, but restrains her movement by means of surrounding her in all the sharp objects from around the house he could think of. She’s unphased by it, though, and as Anya takes a look at the phone, she realizes Olya was just texting Sergei (about the supposed sell-this-jacket-to-a-friend-of-mine deal). Realizing she was not going to turn Dmitry in in the first place, the kids are relieved. The boy is, however, left distressed about what happened to KT.
And that’s Punch It Punk for ya
Not my theory it’s from her tumblr
Who is KT
@@rohishalimbu9150 KT's guide to coolness
I'm still so confused cvtyvyv
@@cherryndgrapepanta129 ferry has a Google doc for everyone to read that helps explain what’s going on if that helps?
Thanks you for posting that explanation here❤
bruh dmitry be getting a new girlfriend while KT be getting the cops called on her
oh gosh, true, poor KT XDD
Can't have shit in detroit
I think it's a bit ironic in a sense. Dmitry was the one stressing how they couldn't trust or live around humans but the first humans he comes across are extremely kind and instantly disprove his idea, going as far as to keep him safe when they find out what he is. KT was the one who wanted to be around humans and it's humans that found out what she was and took her back
I'm sorry but how has no one mentioned how *adorable* this little chewing animation is??? Simple but sweet
the council has come to agreement
Council of Water Sheep would like this
Rockadoodle true
Ikr!its so cute the animation(^w^)
I’m speechless, shaking, my wig is gone, my spine is gone, FERRY STOP BEFORE I DIE
what about u legggs?is they still there?
at least you still have your ears
Update on my bodily state: It appears my feet are gone, as well as my liver, left eye and ear. Looks like they’ve taken the ferry away
at least u right eye is still there
we can be twins!!
1:44 Real talk this is one of the most satisfying poses I’ve found in a vocaloid song to date. Don’t know why.
Looks so cool.
If you know about posing, you can understand why it looks so good.видео.html
I'm very sure this was used in another song I'll lyk if I remember
I agree with you completely, this pose is amezing.
This is kind of an Anakin pose just before the fight of grevious
The color shceme is so good😫
There's only 2 things that Yura and Anya have in common
They both have the same mom, and they both have an overwhelming urge to help the mutant they met literally 5 minutes ago.
I got here by searching "Russian guy rants about zoom"
Welcome to Vocaloid.
@Matix 777 I can confirm this. 👍
*welcome to the gang*
Also absolute bangers that when you search the lyrics of you immediately feel awful
Welcome…..To vocaloid hell
I found this cool magic boy!!!!
Can I keep it???? can I? CAN I???????
This is getting even more... interesting.
It gets even funnier if you don’t realize the two girls are related (like I did at first) so it seems like this office lady’s just been pressured into taking in a random overexcited gremlin and her beaten-up crush xD
Maddy Beale But they aren't related! This young girl (Anya) "runs away" to Olya's (office lady) house to escape from her actual family (Yura, the guy in red from Parties are for losers) so it really is just this kid pressuring a woman to take the guy in. Ferry explains the whole thing on their tumblr if your curious (there is a link in one of the other comments)
Ahahahah XD That’s amazing! I’ll try and find that link, thanks for letting me know my interpretation was more correct than I knew!
This just makes her “UGH” even better!
@@blackholebunny9815 I mean, technically Olya is Sergei's girlfriend, and Sergei and Yura know each other, and Anya is Yura's sister
Karma Akabane Yeah! I just figured that would be too much in one comment
Этот парень мое тотемное животное.
Кто-то открывает тебе душу, рассказывает массу всякого о себе, а ты просто кушаешь и такой:
*ор рассекающий пространство и время в области далеких галактик*
ещё в самом видео когда увидел - подумал "забавненько"
I can explain you:
This guy is my totem animal.
Someone opens your soul, tells you a lot of things about themselves, and you just eat and go:
@YourCreepyFriendThat StalksYouAtSchool well, go to learn it, like we trying to learn your B r i t I s h language, go go go
@YourCreepyFriendThat StalksYouAtSchool dude, did you know that the video in the background when they were showing the phone correspondence was also Russian
Timecode : 3:01
@@sergyshanuanserg1737 well, something like this.
I say that this is not necessary.
They refused.
Well, who asked you.
Dasha wouldn't give (his?) jacket anyway.
Ah these kids are adorable! Hope they stay together forever, little hyperactive girl and magic boi.
the spoopy boi
knock on wood knock on wood knock on wood kNOCK ON WOOD-
Coming back after watching Comfort Zone I'm starting to see Anya's colour scheme actually kind of matches Dima's doctor's so like. If she's the first person he actually decides to trust (I mean, she did get Olya to feed him and stuff, and the "come on, he saved my life!") maybe it's because of that turquoise familiarity
Also, the chorus kinda goes similarly to comfort zones
and both of them treat dmitry like a dog.... O_O
It confuses me when I see so many English comments with Russian names...
1:40 I love how easily Dima just played along with Anya and together they created the best crackhead duo
The coolest rebel kids the world has ever seen
@balit868 you and i lost in this pathetic place
*Scrolling in the comments for someone who understood the video better and wrote the story in the comments*
Ferry explained the whole story on tumblr, so it’s probably better to search there
@@hathatto1129 thx but what is his name on tumblr
@@simcard867 nopanamaman
@@hathatto1129 thx
I love the characters expressions.
I like this expression 1:48
@@crownelleribbons708 me when the coffe is bitter.
its cuz u brain has been snatched
"Bop" what is it?
@Vasissualiy Pupchansky
i- wh- ... how is this possible?
@@jimmyjenkins1907 sorry, but what? I don't understand you
@@vasissualiypupchansky821 a "bop" is a really good song basically
dima asking anya to run away with him is hitting a bit DIFFERENT after comfort zone
that ending-
"nobody got hurt in the end!"
**Looks to the side.**
Uh... So, who's dead?
Samuel Frost man, you really need to catch up on pvs, huh?
Meat baby :(
KT is dead just like her ego
i would like this comment, but it has 69 likes
edit: If you see this again, Ferry- keep up the amazing work!!! I love your music, your art, and this story so much!
I read "slav queen" for some reason... X'D
i continue hearing "hey are you okay, are you dead, hey" at 1:03 and that fits the situation so much i'm laughing
Oh my word that is glorious
I realized that too listening to the song the 17th time
Me too, it's great either way.
Omg i thought those were the lyrics im-
The end of Comfort Zone segways perfectly into the start of Punch it Punk. I love that.
I love how the very, very litteral lyrics reflects exactly what Anna thinks and says. No cryptic word, just immediate reactionya.
Each song is super representative of their protagonist nya !
Ferry, I hope you're okay with me translating your google-doc story into Japanese :)
@@やはりポテトか 作者コメのLINKSに解説ページへのリンクが貼ってます!
kuma ありがとうございます!
edit: ok i've rewatched this a few times and not only would i die for these two but i absolutely love everything about this thank you for the nutrition mom
i am also grateful for this nutrition
translated texts from 3:03
white: i'm telling you, don't
green: i refuse(?)
white: well, who asked you
white: sasha still wouldn't give up the jacket
[they] refused*
Там хуйня про куртку если ты не понел
I often dance to this song and when the “team buster busts into the scene” part plays, I furiously jump with my arms in the air just like depicted on the artwork.
It’s difficult but it’s hella fun!
It occurs to me that “spastic light specs brighter than the bluest skies begin to dance around as panic clouds your eyes” is probably the actual thoughts Anya of all people had there.
Now I head cannon that she occasionally just talks like that with no warning, and then goes back to standard fare Anya speech.
The start just proves it
Would "So you say you ran away from home?" be an example of this?
Now that I’ve watched The Mill I came back to listen to this song and I start to realise how many little details you put into these videos.
I’m not sure if your song writing style was simply different when you made this (compared to The Mill) but I realise that this song’s wording is much simpler and easier to understand at first glance. This makes much sense to me since the main character of this video would be the young girl.
God, I thoroughly enjoy nitpicking all of your videos! All I see is wonderfulness!
Ааааааааааааа тут происходит какой-то очень интересный движ, а я не понимаю ни слова((( *с нетерпением ждёт сабы*
А вообще, качество видео заметно выросло! И песенка залипательная*^*
Как всегда ШИК!
Аа спасибо!!:') А сабы только что подъехали дада
@@ferry2943 ааа вы есть на каких нибудь ресурсах типа паблик вк или тамблер?? хоть что нибудь??? с ума схожу по вашим рисункам, видосам и песенкам, но ничего не знаю про персонажей, кроме соответственно того, что вы указываете о них в видосах. оочень ооочень прошу о каких нибудь ссылочках на вас😭😭😭😭
Ой, спасибо большое!! Я есть в твиттере и тамблере (и там и там я Nopanamaman), в тамблере как раз много всего есть по персонажам! Ссылки есть в описании канала)
(только имейте ввиду что там почти все на английском)
@@ferry2943 О! Наконец-то узнала ваши соц сети! Буду теперь вникать в историю персонажей, ибо они действительно круты!(русая девочка из этой песни так вообще лапочка:3)
Хахах ну в добрый путь)
Единственное, что в тамблере моем придётся сильно покопаться в тегах (я советую просто в поиске забивать имена интересующих персонажей или смотреть тег deepest lore), потому что постов очень много и реальную инфу найти может быть трудно. Я собираюсь сегодня сесть и сделать большой док, который объяснял бы историю, потому что моя тумба эти дикое месиво нормального материала и мемов
GOD I love your series so much it's so good and I'm so deeply invested. And I love every time you use yuzuki yukari shes such a good voice bank you use her so well
this was the first song from pafl I listened to and it became my favorite thing after Dmitry just. went with Anya's shenanigans. Until that point I thought she was going to get rejected and this would be a funny song, like... look at that annoying girl, you can laugh at her now kind of thing? But then 1:42 happened and it instantly made me love this series and now I'm obsessed
That’s the exact same thing I did lol
What kind of office lady carries around a glock
The olya kind.
the fact that there's no clear marking for when the Girl is talking when compared to narrating implies that she's saying this whole song aloud, which i find hysterical
Though I was a Japanese, I wanted to convey this impression by all means! Though it may be strange because it is machine translation, I want you to permit it.
It is really cool music! !It is the rhythm above all! !And an illustration pretty! !Recommendation of RUclips did best work! !
I am not defeated by a native, and I become able to sing this music well sometime. Though it is hard, English does its best.
If see I sing this music soon; "a friend!" と wants you to do HUG laughingly.
From the VOCALOID birthplace to you thanks!
It's excellent!Thank you very much for your advice!
Ferry allows as long as you show their name
thou art C R I
BABEY??? Okay this absolutely slaps and I love the range of the song?? It fits Yukari’s voice. Also GOD WHAT A BABEY??? Sorry I just. She took my wig. Your art looks gorgeous as always~~. This absolutely slaps!! I don’t see how it sounds like DEAD HAND though, so perhaps that’s a good thing?
No Anna, you might be dumb impulsive and unwise, but your also brave and decisive which makes u my favorite character in PAFL
Girl: I want a boyfriend
Mom: No
Girl: (Gets psychic boyfriend anyway)
Mom and boyfriend:
Missed the story, look at eye colour
bigrin C sans
Whenever Anya says the "Are you there hey?" I always mishear it as "Are you dead hey?" and that's very funny to me
Honestly I do too and it just makes the whole thing so much better.
Весь ролик думала что автор англоязычный,но пару секунд из "переписки" мне дали все понять)
Там ещё в прошлых роликах проскальзывал русский. Например, календарь с 3 сентября или кафе с названием Молодежное...
Мне ещё гречка с сосисками всё сказали)
cute_ NYA где???
Кто нибудь из русских объясните мне что там происходит ;3
Thist art style fuels me
have I ever told you how much I love your character designs?? I often think “man, how do I make everyday clothes that a person would actually wear without making them look like a non-descript character. (I’ve got no real experience btw” And then I see Yura and wow (the wow is not limited to just Yura, but Olga and Dmitry). And not just the clothes, the characters themselves are unique and recognizable too!
At first I thought Anya and Olga were related because she called her sister but finding out they aren't makes this really funny. Olga's boyfriend's sister's friend's sister just volunteered her to adopt a weird psychic child and she's pretty cool with it.
ахуительно, 10 фери для мытья посуды из 10 (соре за ма*т)
Я щас нихуя не въебала хули там в конце сане куртку не отдают бля
Типа опять, это вообще англиский? Это звучит как мелодия. Поставить что ли на гудок...
Стоп 3:02 русский. (0_0)
Я тоже удивился когда увидел русский текст, эт тип отсылка на то что такие индивиды могут быть только в Рашке?)
@@YottaAkuma насколько я знаю, автор русскоговорящий
@@Sope4everandeverandever Так ведь наоборот же, там говорят о том что Саня куртку никому не отдаст
What's with the marks under Anya and Sanya's eyes? Are they the symbol of the "i hate u big bro" squad?
Madre Melon Sanya isn’t real name, his name is Alexandre, in East Slavs languages it’s normal to name child Georgiy and call him Gosha or Zhora
@@Pelligream umm i can't tell if you're kidding or not so i'm just going to correct you: Sanya is the nickname of Alexandria, the albino girl (the one with white hair) from "Parties are for Losers", "False Disposition", and "KT's Guide to Coolness". The name of the boy is Dmitry, nicknamed "Dima". Also, these names aren't made by me: they're made by Ferry and are in the document in the description.
Fredrich Von Buhion I wasn’t kidding, if your name is Alexander or Alexandra people can call you sanya or sasha
@@Pelligream or Shura
it's funny
Komra Ova my grandmother call my grandfather in this way
My favourite lines have to be
"Oh god okay, he's not that strong"
"Oh no, come on, guys, not his face-"
without a shadow of doubt XD
1:20 "WOAH"
and "I'm gonna feed him, walk him, let him stay, I plead!"
Screw it I love this whole song
and how he's so chill most of the time
"My older bro's a loser and my mom is a whore!"
"Wanna go out with me?!"
The power you have to fit dialogue into your lyrics and make it both singable and hilarious.
I love the little detail where Anya calls Yura a loser, specifically because his song is called "Parties Are For Losers", and he goes to a lot of parties.
@@woooooooooooooooooooooooo Yup. If you checked the Google Doc, you'd see it.
@@yourorgans Okay thank you, connections have been made
I'm glad I understand now, I was so confused by what was going on, I thought sergi and Dmitry were the same person oops.
And that he was cheating on Anya and Olya.
Yeah. I thought that at first too, but it was so out of the blue that I knew I was missing something. Noticed that Sergei's eyes are black while Dima's are blue.
Holy crap! This is so good,I cant wait to see you grow even more,amazing job!
i think this is my fave song in the pafl series so far! on a side note, i love how much personality all of these songs have; the character dialogue in them is so charming and fun! overall, another bop!!!
Oh man this one is SO good. I absolutely adore Anya, holy heck. And the character designs and color schemes are _amazing!_
"oh god ok, he's not that strong" is of my favorite lines
Gosh, I'm IN LOVE with your new PV style! It's looking SO damn cool, and it's quite unique.
More storytelling-like, which really fits these.
You've grown so much, Ferry! Hope you can grow even more ;w;
Автор пходу из беларуси
@Fronun клево
Да как вы узнали?!
@@NatatheKiller ne znayi
I this what it fee like to be flexed on
-sanya rp blog!!
So I'm here to say one thing
@Argonjui Hey, at least you remembered about it!
@Argonjui Hey again there! I just want to know, because I'm not sure. Are you from Poland? I ask, because your informafion section is in polish or maybe my youtube just translated it into polish.
@Argonjui Hey that's really nice!
@Argonjui Dobra szczerze, to już może przestańmy gadać po angielsku jak jesteśmy obaj Polakami, chyba że chcesz to wtedy spoko
I love the way Yukari says the line "so you say you ran away from home, I guess its common in this god-forsaken hole"
Haven't been following the series, this is my first song made by you and I gotta say I'm SOLD. The art is very good, the lyrics and the story are really fun, the song is simple and catchy and the interactions between the boy and the girl are priceless and had me laughing! You just earned a subscriber;keep up the great work!
This is catchy and comedic all at the same time.. This is seriously incredible!!
this is so good!! and so addicting!! oh my god everything from the beat to lyrics to artwork is just SO GOOD!!!!!
SirHamnet !!! ham you listen to ferry too? i love your covers
this video irradiates a chaotic energy i cannot comprehend
(After the hundreth or so time on a loop)
I... How... Yeah, I can't stop.
Also really like how it connects with some of the other songs building up a story that's interesting so far. Lots of bonus points for art too, this one was amazing.
Edit: after watching the MV a few times I can say that I really felt the energy in this one! Great job as always!
At 2:58 i got flashbacks to the smug cat surrounded by knifes meme
Rewatching it for the 45th time and Anna is still the most precious bean, and I swear if something happens to her, I’m gonna cry.
"Mommy can we keep him i promisse to water him and give sunlight every day!"
0:24 mfw
(your art has seriously improved and i love it aaa i remember when your art was more simple but it sorta changed to being more complex and its very epik)
@@shinjikinnie0138 ROCC 💗💜💗💜💗💜💜💗💗💗💗💜💜💗💜
@@shinjikinnie0138 BB ITS YOU~ 😳😳😳😳❤❤🗿🗿💗🗿💗💗🗿💗🗿🗿💜💙💜💙💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛🖤🖤❤️💜💚💚💙💙🤠❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🅿🤸🤸🤠🤠🤠😎😤😤😎🙊🙊🙊🤘🙊🤘🙊😳😳😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
My gosh, I'm so glad you let Cami-Cat sing her own covers of these songs, or I wouldn't have found them!
False Disposition
And, of course Punch it, Punk! (All for Team Buster-)
I love each one of these individually, the story (now that I read up on it (not that I didn't beforehand XD)), the characters, the style, everything, all so much! It's all a great insperation and motivator for me!
Keep up the good work, can't wait for more!
*inhales* ok so i just read the whole document and i am way to invested in this story i love it and every thing about it. it is beautifully written and seeing all the connections between the characters makes my heart uwu and ily for creating this world
Your poses are DYNAMIC! Your expressions are CONTAGIOUS! The visual story telling is IMMACULATE!
You're my icon now...
Just want to make a comment for me, for remembering.
I would like to thank you
I found this song a little after your air it, and at the time I was big into vocaloid by didn't talked a bit of English (I'm French)
Yet, I loved this song
I made huge progress during the lockdown, and I'm thinking about becoming an English teacher, or at least study in the field.
So, when this song got recommended to me a week ago, and I understood (almost) all it said, I was so proud ! I now understand the story too !
I can't wait to know what will happens next, I love Anya, and good luck with yours futur projects !
I haven't gotten the whole underlying story down quite yet, but regardless, I love this! The style, the music, it's all great. And that pose just kills me.
I can't wait for more, Ferry. You've certainly got skill! :P
Pssst hey, if this comment still applies, here's the document the creator made to explain the story
My got!!
“We didn’t fight!” is too cute!!
I love this scene!
Dmitry: i hate it here anya makes me do a weird dance and shouts ‘go white boy go’
*Слушаю песню*
Я: Оу ,круто, жалко, что в рус сигменте таких авторов нет...
*Вижу переписку*
Опять же я: Чт- !?
Ред: Люди, придержите коней! 98 лайков? Вы чё (но в любом случае спасибо)?
Я тоже немного не поняла в чем прикол и кто автор, русский или нет...
sem san автор, либо фанат России, либо русский, т.к. на канале есть английский кавер на отечественную металл-группу (сердце получает нож- плохо), в песне I hate it на 1:09, присутствует фраза на русском, и в серии песен RAFL действия вдохновлялись книгой «пикник у обочины»
sem san а ну есть ещё композиция Самара 1921
@@Suarnu да, автор русский и ты еще забыл упомянуть dead hand
включи русские субтитры
i'm japanese
I love this video!
and this picture!
†めふやか よっ!
2:55 бох мой, этот кадр и следующий такие классные. Очень рад видеть Олю в деле, так сказать :D
Текст крайне динамичный(?!), очень зашел, и моменты когда они общаются прямо в песню вплетены, кароч кайф с:
Но до сих пор не могу сообразить от чьего лица текст со второй минуты, вроде от Олиного, но вдруг ошибаюсь.
Upd. Ой, фига я даун, это же парень её х)
вижу вы знаток, можете указать ресурсы на которых обитает этот художник, а то искала и никак не могла найти
очень прошу😭😭
@@gerabezhera на tumbler. В описании есть ссылки
@@gerabezhera в описании канала
@@vasissualiypupchansky821 ааа огромное спасибо😭😭
не додумалась в описании канала посмотреть))
I love how Olga's face is the face of that meme where a cat is pointed with knifes: >:3
I love “Im gonna feed him, walk him, LET HIM STAY I PLEAD!”
The art style kinda reminds me of Scott Pilgrim Versus the Universe.
And I love Scott Pilgrim!
Can't wait to see more of this!
That's what it reminded me of!
You can check the description for a link that explains the story
All of your character designs are just beautiful 🙏🙏🙏
Ферри, это прекрасно! удачи в дальнейшем творчестве и создании песен! твои рисунки прекрасны)) 🌻💚
I've listened to this an unhealthy amount of times, and you bet I'm not stopping here
very straightforward and literal compared to other vocaloid songs, i like it
- С этого момента ты будешь жить в нашем доме! И вообще, давай встречаться!??
Гляди, и шипперить было бы легче))
а ты пробовала?) многие парни любят прямолинейных девушек, знающих чего они хотят и прямо об этом сообщающих
@@vagusmaximus3711 а многие говорят, что ты странная, если говоришь всё прямо
@@nikkan4781 значит, это люди не большого калибра и в принципе не твои люди. Прямота - это прекрасно, прямота - это по русски. Те, кто не любят прямолинейных людей, не любят правду, а это ну такое.
Однако надо четко разделять прямолинейность и грубость. Одну и ту же информацию можно донести совершенно по разному, и от этого зависит как люди будут на тебя реагировать. Сказать неприятную истину человеку в лицо так, чтобы он не обиделся, большое социальное искусство. Но в сухом виду правдивая прямота это достоинство
@@nikkan4781 Скажу как парень. Очень многие из нас флирта и намеков не понимают. В упор. Говорите прямо. Будет легче и нам и вам.