There is only one way in the Universe for not to forget/abandon the commandments of God, I.e. Jesus Christ atlast given the ordinance to his Appostoles/followers that 'while entering Holy Spirit in to u, u would become my sakshikal in Yehudia, Samaria, Jerusalem and till the end of earth and then would preach the goodnews to all humanbeings and those who believes/obeys in it, get babtised and advise to live according to the doctrines/Word of God'. Those who obeys it and preaches to others, are called children of God and salt of the earth according to Holy Bible. Ref. Last para of Mathew, Markose and John 1 to last para.
Blessed and highly inspiring sermon ❤
ആമേൻ 🙏
ഹല്ലേലൂയാ 👏
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord 🙏
Manna the heavenly food provided by God to the Israelites while in desert.
And Lukose last chapter 24: vers 19 to 53.
There is only one way in the Universe for not to forget/abandon the commandments of God, I.e. Jesus Christ atlast given the ordinance to his Appostoles/followers that 'while entering Holy Spirit in to u, u would become my sakshikal in Yehudia, Samaria, Jerusalem and till the end of earth and then would preach the goodnews to all humanbeings and those who believes/obeys in it, get babtised and advise to live according to the doctrines/Word of God'. Those who obeys it and preaches to others, are called children of God and salt of the earth according to Holy Bible. Ref. Last para of Mathew, Markose and John 1 to last para.