The Lucid Dreaming Paradox - Easy Lucid Dreaming

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 89

  • @LucidDreamPortal
    @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +5

    ❤ This video has been made possible through the kind support of:👽@Jimvanhall217 👽
    @jade.parade 👽@michalklinec9675 👽@RainisaurusRox 👽(YOUR NAME HERE WITH A SUPER THANKS OR PAYPAL DONATION)

  • @Carl_Frank
    @Carl_Frank 7 месяцев назад +28

    Who else started clapping when they heard "the" in the video after that point?

  • @michalklinec9675
    @michalklinec9675 7 месяцев назад +6

    Is your book Are you dreaming easy to read even for a someone as me with pretty good english language?Are there complicated therms or phrases?or "foreign friendly and ez language"thanks😄

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you so much Michal, I really appreciate your support!
      Ah just spotted your question! - I'd say it should be accessible to most people with a standard grasp of English. However, hopefully a few other channel members will chime in, as I know we have a lot of members for whom English is their second language, so they might be in a better position to give advice from lived-experience

  • @heliapotter3239
    @heliapotter3239 7 месяцев назад +3

    l started lucid dreaming l think like 9 or 8 and now l'm 13 l don't remember that if l was lucid dreaming when l was younger than 8 anyways l always wondered that why do l lucid dream more when it's summer but when school starts all my lucid dreams disappear like l used to lucid dream like 4 a month at summer but now just 1 time per 3 months or... When it's school season

  • @SanTarot
    @SanTarot 7 месяцев назад +3

    I see why you were so excited to publish this video. 😊🙏

  • @RainisaurusRox
    @RainisaurusRox 7 месяцев назад +5

    Since I found your content, It's 3 month now, I hadn't a lot of lucid dreams. The few I had where mindblowing thou 🎉. It is frustrating because I know that I could be more successful in that matter if life or myself wouldn't get in the way all the time. 😂 But what really changed is my waking life. It got me in abit of trouble at work cuz once I shut off autopilot there it blew out of proportion. For every little nitpicky thing my bosses give us shit for I come up with at least 3 major things they did wrong before, things which leaded to things going wrong in the first place. They don't get it cuz they have tunnel vision and aren't very smart. More like low resolution dreamlings that are just there to play a specific dumbed down role.
    Keep up your great work. You're changing lifes ❤

    • @RainisaurusRox
      @RainisaurusRox 7 месяцев назад

      This should have been a super thanks. Something went wrong. Oo I send one after work

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you so much Rainisaurus! - You're absolutely right, increased daily lucidity is a double edged sword, there are some things that are much easier to be unaware of! - That said, I consider it to be the definition of true freedom - which always comes at a cost. Three months in is very early days, I'd only really expect to see your practices starting to take root around now, as this is roughly the time frame for most people in the middle of the bell curve. So don't panic, you're doing just fine - and also remember this: the more complex your brain, the bigger the puzzle you've got to solve! (so in a way, the longer one takes at this subject is a sign of more mental complexity!).

  • @franciscordon9230
    @franciscordon9230 7 месяцев назад +4

    Beautiful and inspiring, Daniel. It’s honest. The core of this conundrum is ourselves. Thanks for your guidance!

  • @jimvanhall217
    @jimvanhall217 7 месяцев назад +9

    hey thanks. higher super thanks is what I normally give.
    It seems I can still lucid dream every night. Turning on future memory seems like the best technique for me! and your help also helped me a lot!!
    I still have something to learn of course. what I still struggle with is having the patience to get high quality dreams
    I have little patience with everything. but perseverance and too stubborn to stop
    and I still have fun
    Unfortunately I still had a dip in motivation, but I don't have that anymore
    I am 25 years today 🎉

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +5

      Firstly Jim HAPPY SMEGGING BIRTHDAY, 25 is a great age, with a world of fun and adventure before you (definitely don't fall into the trap some people do at 25 of thinking you're old, that's absolute twaddle... you are in full adventure mode!). Secondly, thank you for your kind support!
      The fact that you're having such regular lucidity is brilliant, and it's the starting point for absolutely everything else. Think of it like having just learnt a new language, you're able to have conversations in lots of situations, but you're still easily confused, people need to speak slowly etc. That's where you're at with lucid dreaming. Over time these issues will resolve themselves, patience is an absolute virtue with this subject, and also the magical elixir that solves 50% of the issues with lucid dreaming (the other 50% is critical experimental thinking) - maybe not in those ratios, but it's a good way to think.
      Keep at it, you're doing better than most people, stay lucid, stay brilliant, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    • @MangoFish5151
      @MangoFish5151 7 месяцев назад +2

      How long did it take for you to gain regular lucidity?

    • @jimvanhall217
      @jimvanhall217 7 месяцев назад

      Thank you sir!!​@@LucidDreamPortal

    • @jimvanhall217
      @jimvanhall217 7 месяцев назад

      1 year and 3 months​@@MangoFish5151

    • @strivfe8007
      @strivfe8007 7 месяцев назад

      @@MangoFish5151 Depends on what your criterias are, but for me - it took about 5 months to be able to have Lucid Dreams any night that I wanted to. A week or so ago, I planned a goal for the night and then executed it in the same night. Althought from what I understand, 5 months is super fast.

  • @entropy2644
    @entropy2644 7 месяцев назад +2

    Could you make a variety of lucid dreaming hypnosis videos? Maybe some that are short and some that are long? The one you have is pretty good but I want MORE!

  • @Carl_Frank
    @Carl_Frank 7 месяцев назад +2

    Incidentally, I'd love to have a community place to share and talk about our dreams with one another. I suppose it's not necessarily helpful to the goal of LDing, but I just find it fun and interesting to hear/read/see (art based on) others' dreams, and to share some of my own. I don't think the cost of a "retreat" would be worth it for that though. Ha.

  • @thesuperfan2457
    @thesuperfan2457 7 месяцев назад +6

    Quick little lucid dream story that you might find funny: I took a vacation this week so I knew I wouldn't be able to see any of my friends for a week. As an extreme extrovert, I just assumed that I would have some dream with them in it, so I kept repeating to myself that the next time I see them, I'll be dreaming. The first night, I dreamt of them, but I ignored it, telling myself that of course I'm not dreaming, and I didn't even reality check. When I woke up, obviously I was angry, but at least I knew my strategy was working, so I kept going with a new, more realist mindset. I did not dream about any of my friends for the rest of the week. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed.

  • @kikorangi8
    @kikorangi8 7 месяцев назад +5

    Feeding the algorithm for now

  • @stoobpendous
    @stoobpendous 7 месяцев назад +2

    I was so fixated on the, excuse me, word "the", (pause for clap) that i hardly could pay attention to the (gulp) rest of what you were saying.
    My wife's really gonna give me a side eye when I start clapping all evening. 😅
    Now, im afraid to say that "t" word.

    @BATTLEBUDDy. 7 месяцев назад +3

    Reality check yall
    before i even clicked i did it lol

  • @netabolt6546
    @netabolt6546 7 месяцев назад +2

    good video, love this style of editing. also, its seems like i dream much more crazier again but i still feel like i'm missing too much. i probably had more dreams and did'nt entirely wake up or forgot to write the dream and then suddenly remember it when i wake up and writing it down as one big dream. for example, two or three scenes dont match up to the same dream but i used it in one dreamjournal entry. perhaps i remembered certain scenes from other dreams in the night. the weird thing as well, when i wake up from my alarm i have a hard time remembering my dreams but when i fall asleep again and wake up an hour or an hour and a half too late (oversleeping, or catching up some sleep i didnt had since i have hard time to sleeping earlier) my dreams are supervivid again, yet still, missing some huge details, mostly because its when i overslept and i need to get on with my day (and write my book etc). by the way, i dreamed a lot about Doom Eternal that game because i watch videos and play the game lately and i got obsessed with the game (whilst also finding it sad i didn't play Doom 2016), so in other words, i have a lot of crazy dreams about beeing in Hell and slaying Demons. pretty fun but also sometimes a little dark. but i prefer Doom themed dreams over school or missing the train or Ghostbusters 2 nightmares (River of Slime) because i have a weapon and i'm not waking from nightmare, and it was actually fun.
    also, dream incubation... i'm wanting to dream about traveling in time to Dinosaur Age because i love dinosaurs and obsessed with them but for some reason i dont have much dreams about it. ocassionaly i Do have some dreams i'm in the museum but its not frequently enough, and i want a dream that i'm actually in the Age of the Dinosaurs, not just some skeletons in the museum or a fake dinosaur puppet. maybe there is a certain video of you i need to watch again, and if you never did some video about it maybe you can make one, or an extra one with some extra tips.
    anyway, love this video and interesting topic.
    ps : i didn't realy clapped my hands, as i was afraid i would make too much noise in my apartment at late evening. stay Lucid!

  • @midaslucky4363
    @midaslucky4363 7 месяцев назад +4

    A wonderful new video. I enjoyed the new format, it reminds me, at times, of the very first videos on the channel.
    We oftentimes confuse simple with easy. A guitar functions simply, the principles are simple, but learning to play it ain't easy at all. Exactly because the brain is complex and needs to rewire itself to be able to do so

  • @StumpedSlicken
    @StumpedSlicken 7 месяцев назад +4

    Before I get into the "meat and potatoes" of this comment, I think it's going to prove one of the important parts in the video. Over the course of three years and numerous long comments, I'm bound to repeat the same ideas and thoughts every once in a while. It's like you said in the video - there's only so much that someone can cover on a topic before they have to start repeating themselves or struggle to package it in a new and helpful way. With that being said, I'm most definitely going to sound like a broken record.
    When I started my lucid dreaming journey 3 years ago, I was purely in it for escapism purposes - my life was rough and overwhelming trying to process different life changing events/courses of action. Escapism was a big part of my journey and it wasn't until recently that it changed to reflect more of a self discovery path. I still have those escapism fantasies still, but my recent goals and focus have been on testing my brain, seeing how it reacts to different input.
    Lucid dreaming, like stated in the video, is a lot about self discovery. Even though I still get a bit worried about what that means (discovering more and more of myself), it's helped in waking life being aware of shortcomings. I find myself being a lot more honest with myself and others, identifying limits and boundaries, and saying "I don't know" instead of acting like I do. Granted, I still need to work on perseverance, but lucid dreaming and the skills it works on has really helped me.
    Great video! It really allowed me to reflect on the past and think about how far I've come. I also really like the style of the video as well!

  • @apexgeorge
    @apexgeorge 7 месяцев назад +3

    Great video, trying to focus on my complexities has been a real game changer in my practice before I was almost looking for some hidden answer in the simple practices and principles which just leads to frustration.

  • @calvinosaurus4514
    @calvinosaurus4514 7 месяцев назад +3

    I think my main problem with the lucid dreaming is the same as with everything else: procrastination. For example, it is currently one o'clock in the morning, I should be asleep.

  • @scotane7753
    @scotane7753 7 месяцев назад +3

    great video, 5 days ago had a serious fall ended up in hospital,,,I remembered to do a realty check while in state of shock and pain lol..and during those 5 days ,,I really really wanted to wake up .

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      I'm sorry to hear about your accident Scotane, wishing you a really speedy recovery! I must say it's a good sign that you remembered to reality check, that's really impressive. And yes, it's a bit of an unpleasant side effect of lucid dream training in those rare instances where waking life is so rubbish we'd prefer it to be a dream!

  • @MangoFish5151
    @MangoFish5151 7 месяцев назад +3

    This was something I was thinking about lately. That complexity of life made me realize a little more the task I am trying to achieve to lucid dream regularly.
    Also, most of my dreams I learned stem of a certain emotion. I just have to make a lucidity check everytime this emotion shows itself, correct?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey Mango, yes definitely, if you're getting a very regular emotion in your dreams, that's a perfect focused-trigger for lucidity checks!

    • @MangoFish5151
      @MangoFish5151 7 месяцев назад +1

      Awesome! Thank you

  • @TheSmartin2277
    @TheSmartin2277 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thanks for the new Video keep going!

  • @jade.parade
    @jade.parade 7 месяцев назад +3

    Why did my comment get removed? It even was a super thanks...

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +2

      Hey Jade Parade - I've responded to your other comment, it seems like some kind of RUclips glitch

  • @jumperciza2606
    @jumperciza2606 7 месяцев назад +2

    Maan i know about you for so long but never really put work into it and idk how to start one day i say to myself i wont stop and after three days i forget about it

  • @kikorangi8
    @kikorangi8 7 месяцев назад +4

    This paradox never fails to puzzle me. Perhaps because I'm not a lucid dreaming teacher?

  • @DragonBallDetroit
    @DragonBallDetroit 7 месяцев назад +3

    I like this content style, it can hold attention and the frequent cuts and video examples makes it more engaging and fun

  • @carolynlanierroberts265
    @carolynlanierroberts265 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank You, Beautiful Soul referred to you by San Tarot Although I have done ALOT of Inner Work...All tasks around Night Dreaming (Day Dreaming is Solid), but Night Dreaming continues to be more difficult rendering usually afew images, words or sentences at the Most from an entire night. Whereas My Older sister even when I was a child and she was too, taught herself how to lucid dream making it seem easy...Has never been for me. Hopefully, even my choice to intentionally put more attention on this choice which I haven't in awhile, will make it more accessible for me♥️.

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      Lovely to have you here, and I must say thank you to San Tarot for Thier kindness. Lucid dreaming is a fascinating journey, it's challenging but many things of value are.
      Stay lucid!

  • @bjdollcoloredpencil3273
    @bjdollcoloredpencil3273 7 месяцев назад +2

    I have a question: Do you think that people, that are self-employed e.g have grown their own business, are better at lucid dreaming than the average. Because I feel that one problem of lucid dreaming is because your effort does not bear fruits instantly people tend to loses motivation. But people that start an own business have shown that they are capable of putting in hard work without knowing if there will be an success or fail.
    BTW thank for the new video :)

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      Possibly, but I think the answer is more a case of those with patience and an ability to problem solve and adapt.

  • @Tweek42
    @Tweek42 7 месяцев назад +3

    Ohh, I love the different editing, lighting and style of the video, keep it up.

  • @dakshvasant6229
    @dakshvasant6229 7 месяцев назад +2

    Just got into this, wish me luck!

  • @henrik3019
    @henrik3019 7 месяцев назад +3

    Beautiful video!

  • @Nena108
    @Nena108 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for the video, nice style. And true, that's the basics of it all: the complexity of our minds.

  • @michalwiertarka
    @michalwiertarka 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hey lucid dream portal! If you could choose one type of tomato to stay and the rest would dissapear then which one would you choose?🤔

  • @mikkareads
    @mikkareads 7 месяцев назад +2

    Great start to the new re-branding! This is the core conundrum of lucid dreaming, isn't it?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks Mikka, I'm glad you like it!! (I greatly respect your opinion). And yes, you're absolutely right, behind all the acronyms and twaddle message boards are a handful of simple principles that become fractal in their complexity when we apply them to the many trillions of parameters of the brain.

    • @mikkareads
      @mikkareads 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LucidDreamPortalAbsolutely! 100 billion neurons fire off ~ 5-50 messages per second, so there is really no such thing as "simple" when it comes to the human mind.

  • @1StopMusic
    @1StopMusic 7 месяцев назад +2

    Great video! Really helps simplify a complex idea into a more personal, easy to understand concept.

  • @kapwinng
    @kapwinng 7 месяцев назад +2

    I may be messy but others would argue I’m not exactly complex!

    • @kapwinng
      @kapwinng 7 месяцев назад

      I clapped like a demented seal!

  • @daisyip8603
    @daisyip8603 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you!❤

  • @ArlindoPhilosophicalArtist
    @ArlindoPhilosophicalArtist 7 месяцев назад +3

    Know thyself. Beautiful. 🙏❤️

  • @spyrunner1
    @spyrunner1 7 месяцев назад +2

    I will clean my room. thanks for the reminder.

  • @StumpedSlicken
    @StumpedSlicken 7 месяцев назад +2

    Leaving a quick boosting comment to help it in the algorithm!

  • @mingfanzhang8927
    @mingfanzhang8927 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @AC_Editing
    @AC_Editing 7 месяцев назад +2

    Love this new style, and thanks for the video!

  • @shipsability
    @shipsability 7 месяцев назад +2

    I used to look at lucid dreaming as a self improvement challenge too, but never at this angle in such depth. Great video as always! 🎉

  • @ab.wase1moradi773
    @ab.wase1moradi773 7 месяцев назад +1

    Sir I am from Afghanistan
    So I can't purch to your perimium
    But I really want the exploring lucid dreaming series
    What am I supposed to do

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +2

      Unfortunately I have no control over RUclipsrs system regarding this. Could you try using a VPN?

  • @Shintar563
    @Shintar563 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hello Daniel. I recently had a dream about climbing some weird tower with my brother and sister and I reminded my brother to do a reality check by pinching his nose. Is this a sign that I’m going to lucid dream for the first time?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      It's definitely a really good sign that lucidity is near - essentialy your brain is starting to integrate the concepts of lucid dream training into the dream world. So the lesson for you here is never talk about reality checks without performing one yourself :)

  • @Dead-Gh0st
    @Dead-Gh0st 7 месяцев назад +2

    what if i dont want be awarne in day ?. i realy love daydreaming and i only do reaity check

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад

      Why wouldn't you want to be aware?

    • @Dead-Gh0st
      @Dead-Gh0st 7 месяцев назад

      @@LucidDreamPortal i live in my little world in my mind and when I try be aware of my real world it's making me angry upset and negatively

  • @MysticLGD
    @MysticLGD 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @ab.wase1moradi773
    @ab.wase1moradi773 7 месяцев назад

    While performing wild or imp
    I can't fall asleep
    What do you think i should do
    And what other technique do you recommend

  • @Tweek42
    @Tweek42 7 месяцев назад +2

    Who's Dave?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +2

      Someone who needs to tidy their room 🤣

  • @ab.wase1moradi773
    @ab.wase1moradi773 7 месяцев назад

    Sir , I have struggles with falling asleep while performing any type of wild including imp

  • @robercik101
    @robercik101 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for the video, liked as always :)

  • @calvinosaurus4514
    @calvinosaurus4514 7 месяцев назад +1

    I have just upgraded my membership to VIP+ and am starting the 30 day course. I just want to ask, if you remade the course today, would you do anything differently?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hi Calvin, that's difficult to answer as it's been a while since I've revisited it. I'm sure there would be a fair few things I'd update - the 19 day course is probably a better representation of my current views/work - but the 30 day course still holds up - the most glaring difference is that the ART practice does away with any need for tracking the sleep cycle - so that's a little outdated. And thank you for your additional support!

    • @calvinosaurus4514
      @calvinosaurus4514 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LucidDreamPortal Thanks for the quick reply! I will watch the 19 day course too. I imagine there is nothing wrong with following along with both simultaneously?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +1

      No that will be absolutely fine. The 19 day course is very practical, the 30 day course is more on the informative side

  • @mhrasem2816
    @mhrasem2816 6 месяцев назад

    I have a lucid dream when i know i am in dream and i tell somone there that its dream but after he know i have idea that he should die because he know but i cant kill him and other people start chasing me and protect him so i try to wake up and ended waking up

  • @zackgaming1925
    @zackgaming1925 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm autistic and have ADHD so it hard for me to lucid dream :(

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 месяцев назад +3

      Don't worry, I've had lots of students with both who have succeeded!

    • @Brett_Gamingg
      @Brett_Gamingg 7 месяцев назад +2

      I have the same and I can lucid dream just keep trying

    • @zackgaming1925
      @zackgaming1925 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@LucidDreamPortal thx you both

    • @zackgaming1925
      @zackgaming1925 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Brett_Gamingg thx you both

  • @DerekScottOHara
    @DerekScottOHara 6 месяцев назад
