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  • @Theomatik
    @Theomatik 2 дня назад

    All star powers from 50% chance are moved down to the rare tier.
    Health Bonanza to Mythic
    Spirit Animal to Common

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад

      Star power Descriptions for those unfamiliar with them!
      Shell shock: Shelly's super slows them down for 2 seconds
      Band-Aid: A bar will slowly recharge under Shelly's health bar. Once the bar is fully recharged. Shelly will heal 2200 health once her health reached under 40% Bar takes 15 seconds to charge.
      Bear with me: every attack Nita has dealt to the enemies heal the bear by 1040 health and vice-versa
      Hyper bear: Nita's bear attacks 60% faster.
      Slick boots: colt movement special increased by 13%
      Magnum Special: Colt's range and bullet speed increases by 11%
      Tough guy: Bull will take 30% less damage when his health is under 40%
      Berserker: Bull's reload speed is faster when his health is under 60%
      Energize: Jessie heals the turret 1060 health every time she hits the turret
      Shocky: Jessie's turret's bullets will ricochet enemies(attack will bounce off enemies)
      Rocket no.4: Brock has an extra ammo
      More rockets!: Brock's super shoot ours 44% more rockets
      Dynajump: Dynamike can jump when he place his dynamites near him.
      Demolition: Dynamike's super does 1520 more dmg
      Circling Eagle: Bo’s vision increased by 150%(can see enemies in bushes 2.5x more than usual)
      Snare a bear: upon tripping Bo’s mines, the enemies are stunned for 2.0 seconds
      Well-oiled: Tick heals 2.0 secs faster
      Automatick reload: tick’s reload time is 9% shorter
      Boosted-booster: 8-bit turret’s radius is increased by 50% and damage buff from turret is increased by 15%
      Plugged-in: 8-bit’s movement speed is increased by 30% when in turret’s radius.
      Bad karma: Emz’s spray increase by 25% per hit
      Hype: Emz recover 518 health per second for every enemy in her super range
      Zero drag: increases Stu super distance by 71%
      Gaso-heal: Stu’s super recovers 640 health
      El Fuego: super will burn for 1786 dmg over 4 secs
      Meteor rush: El primo gains a 25% speed boost for 4 seconds after using his super
      Plant-life: rosa recovers 300 health per second when inside a bush
      Thorny Gloves: Rosa punches gain +276 dmg during her super
      Extra Noxious: adds 200 dmg to barley’s attack
      Medical Use: Barley regains 480 health from each attack
      Da Capo!: Poco’s attack heals 962 health for every ally in his attack range.
      Screeching solo: Poco’s super does 1520 dmg
      Super Bouncy: Rico’s balls deal+256 dmg when ricocheted off a wall
      Robo retreat: when Rico’s health is under 40%, he runs 34% faster.
      Steel hoops: After using his super, Darryl receive 25% less damage for 2 secs
      Rolling reload: Darryl’s reload is 2x faster for 5 seconds.
      Heavy Coffers: penny’s splash attack is 100% wider
      Master Blaster: Penny’s cannon deals 1303 dmg and knockbacks enemies
      Power Throw: Carl throws his pickaxe with 10% more speed
      Protective pirouette: During Carl’s super, all damage he receives is reduced by 35%
      Health bonanza: health gained by spirits is increased by 100%,
      Spirit Animal: Spooky(the balloon super) increases the damage of a teammate by 25% for 5 seconds
      Ambush: piper deals 1190 more dmg when in bushes
      Snappy sniping: piper reloads 0.4 ammo instantly upon hitting an enemy
      Mama’s hug: pam heals 91 health for every nut that lands on an enemy
      Mama’s squeeze: pam’s turret now also deals 912 damage per second
      Power Grab: Frank’s damage increased b 50% for 12 seconds after defeating an enemy.
      Sponge: Frank’s health is increased by 1273 health

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад

      Homerun: when Bibi’s bar is full, her movement speed is increased by 12% when her Home Run bar is fully charged.
      Battling Stance: When Bibi’s bar is full, she takes 20% less damage.
      Insta Beeload: if Bea misses her charged shot(bigger sting), she gets it back again
      Honeycomb: when Bea has her charge shot, she receives a 30% shield.
      Autofocus: peep(Nani’s super) deals up to 1850 dmg based on his travel distance
      Tempered steel: Nani takes 80% less damage when her super is active.
      Hard-landing: Edgar’s super will deal 1282 dmg to nearby enemies(El Primo’s super)
      Fisticuffs: Edgar receives 25% more healing from damage he deals.
      Keep the change: Griff shoots out his coins 25% faster
      Business resilience: for every second Griff regains 15% of his missing health
      Foot Patrol: When Grom’s super is charged, his movement speed is 15% faster.
      X-Factor: Grom’s main attack deals up to 30%(more distance more dmg)
      Black Powder: range of Bonnie’s launcher is increased by 36%
      Wisdom Tooth: Each loose tooth deals 25% more damage to nearby enemies
      Blustery blow: gale’s super now stuns enemies for 1.2 seconds when pushed against obstacles(walls)
      Freezing snow: gale’s main attack slows enemies for for 0.5 seconds
      Push It: Colette’s super pushes enemies away
      Mass Tax: Colette gain damage reduction based on how many enemies are in her super range
      (Base super: 20% damage reduction for 5 seconds)
      (every enemy hit gives 10% more damage reduction)
      Positive Feedback: Belle gains a 20% shield when her main attack hit enemies(non-brawlers also count)
      Grounded: belle’s super prevent enemies reloading for 5 seconds
      First Bash: Ash’s first attack allows his rage bar to go up by 200%
      Mad as Heck: Ash gains up to 40% reload speed depending on his rage bar(the higher the better)
      Improvise: Lola deals an extra 30% damage when down to her third ammo
      Sealed with a kiss: projectile from Lola’s ego(super) will heal allies that are caught in its path by 190 health
      Hearty Recovery: Upon Recalling his knuckle Busters.(his knuckles that you shoot when using his super) Sam instantly recovers 20% of his missing health.
      Remote Recharge: When Knuckle busters are on the ground near enemies, Sam’s super is charged
      In My Sights: Mandy shoots her candies with 20% more speed when focused(not moving)
      Hard Candy: Mandy receives 40% dmg reduction when focused.
      Pinpoint precision: Maisie’s main attack deals 20% more damage at max distance
      Tremors: Maisie’s super slows enemies for 2 seconds
      It’s gonna blow: when hank’s main attack is charged over 80%, hank gain 10% extra movement speed.
      Take Cover!: Hank takes 20% less damage when near a wall
      Heat Retention: Pearl’s super will consume 50% less heat (the bar above her) when used
      Heat Shield: while the heat(bar) is over 80%, Pearl gains 20% damage reduction
      Protocol: assist: Lawrie reloads 30% of Larry’s ammo when damaging enemies
      Protocol: protect: Larry transfer 30% incoming damage to Lawrie when Lawrie is active.
      Empower: Angelo’s super heals him for 480 health per second
      Flow: Angelo gains 25% increased movement speed on water
      Floor is fine: berry gains 50% increased reload speed when standing on his ice cream
      Making a mess: berry’s basic attack gains 20% damage upon impact
      Creepy harvest: mortis gain 20% of his health upon killing an enemy
      Coiled Snake: mortis gains his longer dash 2 seconds faster.
      Black portal: Tara’s super summons a clone(3400 health) and attacks enemies(800 dmg)
      Healing shade: Tara’s super summons a clone(3000 health). When the clone is near you or your allies, the clone heals Tara and her allies for 400 health continuously until health is full.
      Magic puffs: heals allies for 576 health per second when in his radius.
      Spirit slap: gene’s super does 2000 damage on enemies
      Super charged: max charges her super while running
      Run n gun: max reloads her ammo faster while moving
      Handle with care: when Mr P’s suitcase fall on enemies, it deals 40% increased damage.(cooldown is 4 seconds)
      Revolving door: Mr P’s Robo porters from the home base now have 20% more health and 30% higher damage.
      Overgrowth: sprout’s main attack explosion radius will increase every 5 seconds.
      Photosynthesis: Sprout receives 30% damage reduction when in bushes
      Malaise: Byron’s super cause enemies to receive 75% less healing for 9 seconds.
      Injection: Byron’s main attack will pierce every 3.5 seconds
      Chained reaction: Squeak’s main attack is increased by 15%
      Super sticky: Squeak’s super slow enemies for 4 seconds
      Supercool: Opponents on Lou’s super area get frozen 33% faster.
      Hypothermia: opponents lose up to 50% of their damage based on how frozen.
      Air superiority: Ruff’s super deal 120% more damage and destroy obstacles.
      Field Promotion: brawler’s maximum health increased by 30 health every second.
      Tougher torpedo: minimum duration of buzz’s super stun is increased by 0.5 seconds
      Eyes sharp: super charging area is increased by 33%
      Unnatural Order: reverse the order of eggs shot by her egg shooter
      Happy surprise: every 5 seconds, the next largest egg hitting an enemy of her egg shooter will spawn a hatchling
      Stage view: Janet reveals a large area of bushes around her when she’s in the air
      Vocal warm up: Janet’s attack focuses 30% faster
      Stencil glue: enemies cannot attack for one more second
      Ink refills: Otis now shoots 33% more ink drops
      Blockbuster: buster’s lens flare deals 15% more damage for each ally in his super charge rate
      Kevlar vest: when buster use his super, he takes 10% less damage and is immune to negative effects around him
      Fake Injury: when gray has full health, the next damage taken is reduced by 50%
      New perspective: when gray or his allies use doors, they recover 1320 health
      Quick Maths: marks created last 3 seconds longer
      Recording: R-T and his legs take 20% less damage when split
      Love is Blind: Lantern’s curse also reduces reload speed of affected brawlers by 30%
      Obsession: hexed enemies gain 33% movement speed while mind controlled
      Fast Food: resurrected targets gain increased movement speed for 3 seconds after being resurrected.
      Self service: snack attack also heals Doug by 384 health
      Digestive: cocooned enemies lose 25% of their health while cocooned
      Slimy: when Charlie use her super, the super leaves a trail of slime for 5 seconds, enemies walking past it are slowed.
      Monkey Business: every 5 seconds, Mico’s basic attack steals ammo from his enemies after hitting them.
      Record smash: Mico deals 100% extra damage against non brawlers
      Fast beast: Melodie gains 6% increased movement speed from each note orbiting her
      Extended mix: Melodie’s notes last for 25% longer before vanishing
      Spiky: After teleporting to an enemy, Lily’s next attack deals 1060 extra damage.
      Vigilance: Lily gains 15% movement speed while an enemy is in her super charge radius
      Pit Stop: Chuck’s posts can go up to 4
      Tickets please!: Dashing through enemies allow him to steal 33% of their ammos
      Recon: Clancy start with 3 tokens
      Pumping up: Clancy fully reload his ammos upon killing an enemy
      Skipping stones: Moe’s basic attack shoots out three pebbles(3 bounces)
      Speeding ticket: Moe in drill form has increased movement speed
      Fresh Kicks: Upon killing an enemy with his super, fang gets another super.
      Divine souls: Reduce 688 damage from incoming hits once every 3 seconds. Fang’s maximum damage reduction is 90%
      Invisaheal: leon’s super increases his health by 1360 health per second.
      Smoked trails: Leon’s super increases his movement speed by 30%
      Fertilise: spike’s health increased by 1300 health per second in his super
      Curveball: when spike’s cactus explode(main attack), the ball will curve when exploding.
      Extra toxic: Crow’s poison saps the strength of enemies, who deal 15% less damage while poisoned.
      Carrion crow: crow deals +256 damage with his attack and super to targets with 50% or less health.
      Rude Sands: Sandy’s sandstorm now also damages enemies for 216 damage per second
      Healing winds: sandstorm heals friendly brawlers for 380 health per second.
      Wild Flames: Amber can have two puddles of oil. Amber can recharge her super in the oil.
      Scorchin Siphon: Amber uses it to reload her firebreathing 50% faster.
      Heavy Metal: Meg’s mech will explode upon reaching 0 hp, dealing 2400 dmg and knockback.
      Force Field: Meg gains a 25% damage reduction for 10 seconds.
      To the max!: surge’s projectiles now split when hitting walls.
      Serve ice cold: surge keeps his stage 2 when respawning.
      Single Bell’O’ Mania: Chester’s first ball of attack does 150% damage.
      Sneak peak: Chester will always know what his next super will be
      Comboshrooms: the second mushroom from Cordelius’ main attack does 30% extra damage.
      Power hungry: kit gains 150% power from each power cube
      Overly attached: Kit attaches to friendly brawlers for 5 seconds longer.
      Expose: For every 5 seconds: the next Draco’s lance stab exposes enemies on hit. Expose enemies take 35% increased damage for 5 seconds.
      Shredding: dragon solo now also heals for 2612 health when activated.
      Studied the blade: Kenji’s Slashimi’s slices have 30% longer range.
      Nigiri Nemesis: after avoiding damage for 5 seconds: Kenji gets 90% damage reduction from the next enemy attack

  • @fishlord536
    @fishlord536 2 дня назад +2

    Very unique tier list! severely underrated!!!

  • @MarcusT-id3ky
    @MarcusT-id3ky 2 дня назад

    personally shellshock is more common than band-aid for shelly people just use it with clay pigeons

  • @thalooo
    @thalooo 2 дня назад

    Tough torperdo is seen quite often in my opinion (EU masters servers)

  • @aptokro3005
    @aptokro3005 2 дня назад

    6:14 I think the extra damage is much better but I haven't seen many Gus players

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад

      Ah I was so confident more people uses health bonanza.
      I forgot that spirit animal star power actually pairs much better with his gadget.

  • @exploz6906
    @exploz6906 3 дня назад

    If both of the star powers of a brawler are in the same tier, shouldn't they be in 50% of the time? Like colts and Nita other feedback: like explaining whatever the star power does it will help to retain the viewers attention because the Casual player as my self have no idea what they even do as well as maybe renaming the video to not "rating all the star powers" but to something that is appropriate to the video like: the rarity of seeing these star powers in real games

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад

      @@exploz6906 oo alright I guess I should explain what the star powers does, I'm afraid the video might be very long winded for the viewers, especially for those who already know what the star power does.
      But I supposed I could've explained it quickly in one sentence, thanks for the feedback!
      My idea of 50% is phrased very poorly, but what I meant is how frequent they appear in matches. That tier doesn't really make sense ig. I would put all the other star powers under rare instead.
      I don't understand what you mean by the video title, do you mind elaborating on that?
      Thank you for letting me know about the 50% chance tier.
      I'll put the description of every star power in the comments soon

    • @exploz6906
      @exploz6906 2 дня назад

      @@Theomatik that statement I made was very vague as I can see now and I have been mistaken because your video title actually does make sense... You're on the right track to hopefully make it big. Now goodluck and I'll be spectating (subscribing that's what I mean) I wish luck and I'll comment on the next video you make

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад +1

      @@exploz6906 Wow, thanks a lot! I'm gonna keep working hard!

  • @thalooo
    @thalooo 2 дня назад

    Gotta makke one with Gadgets aswell

    • @Theomatik
      @Theomatik 2 дня назад

      Ngl it's so tiring to make this one lmao
      Most likely won't make a gadget one unless I run out of ideas.