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  • @garymaiano1008
    @garymaiano1008 Год назад +8

    What an incredible teaching Ajahn Brahmali gave on this topic. I’d listened to many other teachings on this subject and was left a little bit confused. This explanation was so clear and concise, it honestly blew me away. Not only did I get it, I also understood so many other things in relation to the Five Hindrances and how they affect Ignorance, the role of the Noble Eightfold path in relation to the five hindrances, and of course Dependant Origination. What a gifted teacher this monk is. It would be an honor to be his monk student, hopefully in the next life.

  • @jarimando
    @jarimando 9 лет назад +28

    It was explained so clearly - that lead a deeper understanding the nature of things. It is indeed non-self realization. Thank you for the teaching, I am a Roman Catholic but these teaching of the Buddha makes more sense in attaining of non-self. I hope that in Christian tradition we have this kind of teaching. Looking forward for more..

    • @peacebe2u480
      @peacebe2u480 3 года назад +1

      You know this principle.. and yet you still remain Catholic.. where is the rational?

    • @jarimando
      @jarimando 3 года назад +3

      @@peacebe2u480 The dharma has nothing to do with one's religion. I know people in different traditions that recognized The Four Noble Truth and still stay in their religion. The only difference is that people can now see more clearly the origins of their suffering. They become good Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. I practice Buddhist teachings not to become one. But to see clearly the nature of suffering, as to its arising and falling.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +2

      You are conflicting yourself. Anyway, it's no use in believing in Christianity or any God. These 20 evidence proved Christianity god is fake, especially in no.2 and 3 below:
      20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains them all:
      1) A creator god claimed to be all mighty should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier. This proved their Creator claim fake.
      2) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from on water, Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, after they passed away, 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.
      3) Many of the Bible's mythologies was copied from older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam & Eve from Atman and Jiva, in Hinduism, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons same as Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Even the names of Abraham and wife/sister Sarah close to Brahma and Saraswathi beside having quite similar story. Regardless of which religion copied which, it proved this god is NOT the only true god or all mighty as it doesn't makes sense for an ALMIGHTY GOD to create or allow more copies or religions.
      4) Why should a true all mighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism ? "Free will" as an excuse is not acceptable as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned.
      5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or tend to pay more when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a stationed money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam made it even bigger by suggesting donation of a certain percentage of their income.
      6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both sides of the same coin, both good and evil ?
      7)Not knowing why or how the world exists don't mean that it was created by a god. Now "Creator" idea got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent in its design? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then I will call it an intelligent design.
      8)Wisdom, mindfulness and meditaion are not taught or encouraged by them because they don't want their followers' minds to be clearer and wiser.
      9)The Bible copied very much from older religions but not the theory of karma because karma idea defeats the purpose of the all mighty God and it will prevent people from doing bad deeds. Saying God love or forgive sins is a trick playing both sides of the coin.
      10) If there is a loving God, why are there Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ?
      11) It don't makes sense to claim that only their believers will go to heaven and others don't since they claimed their God created all people. Such claim is an insult to other religions and cultures and caused people to divide. A good religion should be non-sectarian, secular and treat all people equally.
      12)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are fake including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and even New Year are copied from paganism.
      13) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" every 2 years but we are still here.
      14) The fraud case of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India.
      15)If their God is all-mighty, why need missionaries to convert others ?
      16) The ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests that I read so often.
      17) The Bible is full of lust(Solomon's part), evil and violence. Their God killed countless people when Satan only killed a few.
      18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion.
      19) If God created everybody, why then condemn LGBT or other religions ?
      20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities rate countries are all highly religious, 500K Americans alone !! (b)The Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few month old baby. (c) spree killings happened inside a church.
      Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God was man-made to con or control people.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      I have seen more people who believe in Christianity suffer from depression later in life, so you take care.

    • @kennySg101
      @kennySg101 3 года назад +1

      @@peacebe2u480 I do agree with Nel, the teaching is like a philosophy or knowledge of life. However, for some religions, individuals are 'locked' in once they declared membership of that religion. Every other things are wrong or untouchable if these things associate with other religions be it right or wrong. I guess difficult to convince you that religion is not everything. There are teachings of Christ which are good for Buddhists perhaps they should learn from I guess. It is not One or nothing. That's said, it is the nature of some religions. Individuals has the right and freedom of choice.

  • @ANGELIZ333
    @ANGELIZ333 12 лет назад +12

    Dear Ajahn Brahmali, you are such a great teacher! thanks so much for your time and effort.

  • @Soulhealingenergy
    @Soulhealingenergy 5 лет назад +3

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!!! Ajahn Brahmali is such a skilled teacher who explains such exquisite philosophies of Buddhism. I have been reading the doctrine of Annatta and read the portions of conditioned existence/ dependent origination, Ajahns explanation just clarified these teachings even further.

  • @supawanich00
    @supawanich00 14 лет назад +4

    I have been studying Buddhism and practicing for five decadesThis is the best explanation of all.I never really understood the teaching of Dependent Origination and how the five hindrances and practice of the Noble Eight Folds path are related until now.
    My deepest gratitude to Ajahn Brahmaliand Buddhist Society of WA for the sharing precious gift of Dharma.

  • @cnn108
    @cnn108 10 лет назад +8

    Great teaching. Looking forward to watching more!

  • @bluesky6028
    @bluesky6028 6 лет назад +5

    As always very inspiring ! Great discourse, thank you very much Ajahn Brahmali, you are the best !

  • @reaperxd9578
    @reaperxd9578 5 лет назад +1

    I am very impressed I am now founding all this with all different languages. I have been listening to Buddhawajana in Thai language for almost a year now.

  • @buncha1499
    @buncha1499 8 лет назад +13

    Very powerful teaching especially the ending questions. Being equanimous towards even the most horrific atrocities, what a task.

  • @NamamiBuddham
    @NamamiBuddham 10 лет назад +15

    Excellent! Excellent! Excellent

  • @gemstar7447
    @gemstar7447 4 года назад +2

    Thank you. Listening to this talk has brought a bit of calm/peace to my agitated heart/mind.

  • @kennySg101
    @kennySg101 3 года назад

    Ajahn Bramali, thank you for your excellent teaching. It is so clear and easy to understand. You make the Dharma more practical. I really enjoy and benefit from it.

  • @poetryjones7946
    @poetryjones7946 6 лет назад +1

    THANK YOU! Most easily understood explanation For Dependent Origination I’ve ever heard! This really, really helped. Sadhu times 3! 🙏🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @asanayogadelmar
    @asanayogadelmar 13 лет назад +3

    I really enjoy Ajahn Brahmali's talks - he makes things very clear and easy to understand. I've watched this video at least 3 times now and every time I get something new out of it. Does anyone know if Ajahn Brahmali travels to the US to give talks? I would love to see him in Southern California (San Diego) and would even help in organizing something if he were interested in coming here (including a place for him to stay).

  • @erl1013
    @erl1013 3 года назад

    thank you Ajahn Brahmali, this is such a beautifully explained teaching.
    Happy Buddha Jayanti ! May all beings be well, may all beings be free from suffering and ignorance, May all beings be happy.

  • @peacebe2u480
    @peacebe2u480 3 года назад

    I find that the Q n A portion is more interesting. I pick up some tips how to approach certain world issues.
    Good teaching. Namaste.

  • @buddhistbilly3602
    @buddhistbilly3602 8 лет назад +7

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  • @Shamshu150
    @Shamshu150 5 лет назад +3

    Very well explained discourse. The teacher is teaching from an experiential level, as he himself would have seen or been through it. Teacher normally talk of 12 casual nexus on the basis of book description, and misses the whole point. Sadhu sadhu Sadhu!

    • @peacebe2u480
      @peacebe2u480 3 года назад

      Not really...
      Actually he talked toooooo fast for such difficult topic... you must have been exposed to this teaching many times over, so when you listen to his explanation.. it all makes sense n easy to grasp.
      Actually, there are many other monks that can explain better... clearer... I have watched many videos about this topic from different monks, thai monks, indonesian monks, burmese konks, white monks..
      Each explains from their own traditional approach.

  • @josephcapaldo-masi6414
    @josephcapaldo-masi6414 4 года назад

    Thank you so much Ajahn Brahmali!

  • @yoginimeshram7521
    @yoginimeshram7521 Год назад

    Very lucid and clear bhante vandami bhante

  • @valeriog8780
    @valeriog8780 11 месяцев назад

    So clearly explained! Thank you Bhante 🙏 Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏

  • @Warsidi
    @Warsidi 8 лет назад +5

    Wonderful teaching :)

  • @Buddhist_Philosopher
    @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

    Thank you Bhante 🙏 Beautiful and clearifying teaching.

  • @NewEarth25
    @NewEarth25 4 года назад

    Compassion that is strength and gives strength is true compassion, Buddha said. I can see without wisdom, it can become co-dependence. To correct out habits of cynicism, critical judgement and anger we need to practice kind speech, appreciation and gratitude on a daily basis. Wonder if Co-dependent arising also happens at mass consciousness level, although we must overcome habits of craving, distorted perception and action at the individual level.

  • @susanthaseneviratne2390
    @susanthaseneviratne2390 10 лет назад +1

    Dependent origination is a "mind phenomena" ; It is paticca samuppada in Pali ; How our thoughts come into existence is being explored /investigated in here; it must be viewed in the 'spiritual' sense and - not - in the "material" sense taking it to be as a "permanent" entity . Bcos, we got to understand that the World we perceive through our senses is a projection /reflection of our own mind, through the concepts /thoughts in our mind.( Investigate what Buddha had said in Rohithassa sutta) So, this world of mind has three characteristics - Aniccs - Impermanence ; Dukka - Suffering ; Anathma - No self / No soul .
    As mentioned above , the three characteristics are being viewed to be as "permanent" entities too - by contradicting what is meant by the very first factor -Anicca - this means ; the nature of mind is such that we cannot say that whether it is existing or not existing - But, the way how, it is being viewed and explained is wrong ; and accordingly the Anicca becomes Nithya - or - the change becomes No change - or - impermanence becomes permanence. A total misunderstanding and misinterpretation! of what Buddha meant and said; It is why the reason , the birth ,death , rebirth , including the dependent origination are looked at to be as a reality; the dependent origination was itself a thought process of Buddha which he used for us to INVESTIGATE and UNDERSTAND and not to be clung by ourselves, by accepting it to be as truth or by rejecting it to be as untrue; Bcos our existence - the nature of mind is such that we cannot say that we are existing or not existing - and that is what Buddha meant by the term - Annica ; and why Buddha did not answer to the question posed by an ascetic named Vachchgotha in which he asked "Is there an athma? and Is there No athama? So, it is, through ignorance /avidya that we "view" the birth , death, rebirth etc to be as actual happenings in the material world whereas all those beliefs in our mind are a mental phenomena - even the mental phenomena itself is a mental phenomena where existence and non existence cannot be explained by conceptual words/ conventional thinking
    The next point, here is the birth , death, rebirth etc, and including the world around us are experienced by the concepts /thoughts of our own in mind.These thoughts do rise and die, instantly depending on CONDITIONS - paticca samuppada I think we all can experience it ; So what Buddha meant by "sansara " is the endless rising and falling of concepts/thoughts in our mind; but the Buddhists, monks and teachers in all over the world are fully drenched with so much of ignorance, in the wolrd of ignorance and as a result, they use "ignorance'/avidya to - mean (material) birth, death, rebirth etc with the "wrong/false view" of understanding that our perception of birth, death,rebirth etc are to be of the absolute physical/material happenings, in relation to our BODY, in reality and NOT IN THE MIND ; so is the IGNORANCE that we are with. We , unless otherwise understand this mistake happening due to our own ignorance the understanding of Buddhism will be confined to texts books , words, and the teaching itself whereas the actual realizer will understand that both teaching of Buddhism and the truth, themselves are neither truth nor untruth. According to Buddhism , the realizer will consider the teaching to be as a "raft"that was meant - to get across the river of illusion of samsara which is, absolutely nothing but a "mind phenomena" that appears to be as reality /material truth , due to his /her ignorance/avidaya .

  • @htaywin171
    @htaywin171 3 года назад

    Thank for excellent doctrine of dependent origination.

  • @daveyork0
    @daveyork0 15 лет назад

    of someone equally eminently famous. Where are the ones who were something humble like an Edwardian chimney sweep?
    Having looked into it, it seems that South Vietnam invaded Laos exactly two weeks before I was born in 1971, So I'll settle for the past life of having been a chimney sweep in Vientiane victimised by an act of proxy US imperialism in Indochina .. rather ironic given what my dad was doing at exactly that time around the same neighbourhood.
    What's your story?

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +1

    Buddha discovered true suffering comes from attachment, from regarding things as "I" and "mine".

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад

    Ajahn Chah taught the following about Dependent Originition:
    "It's like falling from the top of a tree to come crashing down to the ground below. We have no idea how many branches we've passed on the way down. Similarly, when the mind is suddenly hit by a mental impression, if it delights in it, then it flies off into a good mood. It considers it good without being aware of the chain of conditions that led there. "

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +1

    Ajahn Chah taught the follow about Dependent Origination.
    "To become glad, is to be born; to become dejected, is to die. Having died, we are born again; having been born, we die again. This birth and death from one moment to the next is the endless spinning wheel of samsara."

    • @peacebe2u480
      @peacebe2u480 3 года назад

      The first sentence is not proper understanding...

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 3 года назад

      @@peacebe2u480 no. please abandon spamming superstition

  • @composerdoh
    @composerdoh 12 лет назад +1

    interesting close to this talk, and I think he makes a VERY interesting and important point!
    I remember the end of the movie "Downfall" (about Hitler) and I believe is based on real 1st hand accounts of people who were in the bunker with him before he died. In the end of the movie, he tells those around him how much he feels he did "good" in the world by "confronting the Jewish threat"- even Hitler, whom we think of as "pure Evil" was only acting sincerely from his own, very sad delusion.

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      Our world always arise from our mind. It always depends of the perspective of the observer.

    • @composerdoh
      @composerdoh Год назад

      @@Buddhist_Philosopher indeed.

  • @ryert
    @ryert 15 лет назад +3

    I think too many people focus on reincarnation, which I feel is missing the point of Buddhism. I would think what is most important to focus on is the Noble Path. Yes the point of the Path is enlightenment, which is to end reincarnation, but people are jumping to the end too fast. Focus on the way of life Buddhism teaches, and the reasons why you live that way. Not the end result. If you focus at the "end of the tunnel" you are not living the way. Be here now, not past nor future.

  • @FromPlanetZX
    @FromPlanetZX Год назад

    Please explain universe formation through dependent origination. and what is the cause of shunyata/void/nothingness/no-thing?

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      One universe arise from another.

    • @FromPlanetZX
      @FromPlanetZX Год назад

      @@Buddhist_Philosopher answer the second part as well and for the first you have just explain the meaning of dependent origination. If universe is the effect, then what it's cause?

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      @@FromPlanetZX Shunyatha is dependent arising; dependent arising is shunyatha.
      I thought you would know it...
      I already told you: the cause for a universe arise is another previous universe (and karma).

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад

    Similar to Ajahn Chah, in the Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta, the Buddha taught all links of dependent origination arise "when the eye sees of form, when the ear hears a sound, etc." Similarly, when there is wisdom in the mind, all twelve links end "when the eye sees a form, when the ear hears a sound, etc."

  • @ketsan
    @ketsan 15 лет назад

    Translation issues aside, all terms are very carefully defined. As I said they are the product of 2,500 years of critical debate. The central element of buddhist learning is disproving, or attempting to disprove buddhist teachings. In 2,500 years no-one has managed to do that. I don't think anyone has even seriously attempted it.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      Are you aware that for over 2500 years already nothing on the Buddha's teachings have been found to be false, fake, bad, wrong or illogical ? Beside that the Buddha's teachings can be practised and experienced. None other religions' teachings or claims met all these conditions.

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +1

    Of monks like this, the Buddha taught:
    "Deep is this dependent co-arising and deep its appearance. It's because of not understanding and not penetrating this Dhamma that this generation is like a tangled skein, a knotted ball of string, like
    matted rushes and reeds and does not go beyond mental spinning, beyond the planes of deprivation, woe and bad destinations. (Maha-nidana Sutta)"

    • @bogdangeorgian8424
      @bogdangeorgian8424 2 года назад

      You mean that this monk did not truly understand dependent origination?

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 2 года назад

      @@bogdangeorgian8424 Of course. This monk is not teaching the Buddha's Teaching. This monks is teaching the ideas that arose from Abhidhamma and later the Visuddhimagga.

    • @bogdangeorgian8424
      @bogdangeorgian8424 2 года назад

      @@BarbarraBay thank you for the answer. Can you give me a good resource (book/video) about paticcasamuppada? Or any other essential (authentic) teaching of the Buddha?

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 2 года назад

      @@bogdangeorgian8424 i offered a link to a book but it disappeared/was deleted. censorship is today's norm. you'll need to keep searching in the confusion

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      @@BarbarraBay You didn't say why and it's unethical to judge a Ven. Bhikkhu in that way.

  • @chebo73barney
    @chebo73barney 11 лет назад

    I still don't get it......what is slopism?

  • @daveyork0
    @daveyork0 15 лет назад +1

    Credit to speaker and thanks to uploader.
    The speaker seems to be an Italiano. He's very impractically dressed. I expect he made and dyed his own robes.

  • @sheelusrinivas6234
    @sheelusrinivas6234 3 года назад +1

    🙏 🙏🙏🌹Listen to the talk till the last minute.

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +2

    Ajahn Chah taught the follow about Dependent Origination.
    "We are unaware that a process of dependent arising begins & ends in a flash. Within this very short period of time, the eleven states or twelve links of dependent arising are manifested successively. For instance, when we become angry, suffering emerges. In an instant, we already experience suffering because of anger. We are unaware that all the eleven states, from Ignorance through Birth, occur & end successively in that instant."

  • @ketsan
    @ketsan 15 лет назад

    Can't remember, what did I say?

  • @thinlo1679
    @thinlo1679 2 года назад

    How to get rid of sticking to this ignorance

  • @mikewatson437
    @mikewatson437 3 года назад +1

    Thoroughly enjoyed your discourse. Thank you

  • @anandmurumkar5190
    @anandmurumkar5190 5 лет назад

    Agyan ( Ignorance) - Sanskara- Vigyan - Namrupa - Sadayatana- Sparsh ( contact) - vedana - Trusna (Desire ) - Upadan ( Grasping) Jati - Jara

    • @peacebe2u480
      @peacebe2u480 3 года назад

      What kind of language is that? Not Pali, not Sanskrit.

    • @peacebe2u480
      @peacebe2u480 3 года назад

      Avijja - Sankhara - Vinañña - Form n Rupa - Salayatana - Phassa - Vedanna - Tanha - Upadana - Bhava - Jati - Jara Marana.
      12 Dependent - Origination.
      There are 3 Actors in Avijja (Ignorance is not Blissful) :
      Moha - Lobha - Dosa
      There is a Provocateur - Vedanna (= Feeling of likes n dislikes)
      It is our job to kill off this provocateur. Once what we experience the phenomena as neither likes nor dislikes, thus the Craving will not arise... the chain is broken or reduce every time.
      For this to happen, it requires Wisdom which arises out of Meditation that originates from practicing Sila.
      Sila - Samadhi - Pañña.
      The golden triangle.

  • @rachelfok3714
    @rachelfok3714 6 лет назад +1

    🙏🏻 Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @prasasea
    @prasasea 14 лет назад

    avijja-the realm of molecules sankhara-dna vinnana-consciousness namarupa-name and form salayathan-six sense bases phassa-contact vedana-feelings thanha-cravings upadana-clinging bhava-becoming (preseption of me and myself)...these things can happen consequently when we are still in the womb..then jathi-being born jara marana-aging and death describes what happens after being born.this is my view. i donot think multiple lives involved.

  • @jobbew
    @jobbew 11 лет назад

    This sounds like a Hinayana approach, am I right?

    • @Mrtrainer100
      @Mrtrainer100 4 года назад

      Hinayana is a derogatory term. We prefer to say the original teaching.

    • @saintsword23
      @saintsword23 2 года назад

      I'd go further and with all compassion, ask Jobbe W to examine the mindset he was in when he asked this question. To me it sounded like a question from a turbulent mind full of derision.

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      The Twelve Links are share with Mahayana also.

  • @cesarjake4867
    @cesarjake4867 10 лет назад

    Jason, the "rift" is your ego (your concept of "I") not wanting to let go. Keep meditating (or start) and you'll "see" it. It may take years before you get there though. Good luck.

  • @ronaldporto6294
    @ronaldporto6294 9 месяцев назад

    thank you

  • @jobbew
    @jobbew 11 лет назад +2

    Well, that is quite a judgement. I have not met 2 alike buddhists yet, there are so many styles, schools, countries, cultural differences...a Tibetan village lama, can not be compared to a university schooled Australian practitioner...yet to you all buddhism is poetic must have traveled more years than my total life expectancy :-)

  • @daveyork0
    @daveyork0 15 лет назад

    Every job I've had in my life, and I've had a few, is like a 'past life'. Otherwise I don't remember any past life and I disdain belief in that. Those that I relate to, in a psychological or sympathetic sense, are the living or recently demised, like the oppositionist Joshua B Jeyaretnam, and the political prisoner Chia Thye Poh. In any life I'd like to Play a Full Game and live up to their example.
    Did you ever notice how those who claim a past life tend to have been Mary Queen of Scots ..

  • @Oksendal5
    @Oksendal5 15 лет назад

    I'm surprised you have time for all this general silliness.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      Why do think it's silliness ? Do you believe in any God ? Isn't it real silliness since it's proven fake ? Check these 20 evidence especially the first 4:
      20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains them all:
      1) A creator god claimed to be all mighty should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier. This proved their Creator claim fake.
      2) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from on water, Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, after they passed away, 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.
      3) Many of the Bible's mythologies was copied from older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam & Eve from Atman and Jiva, in Hinduism, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons same as Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Even the names of Abraham and wife/sister Sarah close to Brahma and Saraswathi beside having quite similar story. Regardless of which religion copied which, it proved this god is NOT the only true god or all mighty as it doesn't makes sense for an ALMIGHTY GOD to create or allow more copies or religions.
      4) Why should a true all mighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism ? "Free will" as an excuse is not acceptable as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned.
      5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or tend to pay more when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a stationed money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam made it even bigger by suggesting donation of a certain percentage of their income.
      6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both sides of the same coin, both good and evil ?
      7)Not knowing why or how the world exists don't mean that it was created by a god. Now "Creator" idea got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent in its design? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then I will call it an intelligent design.
      8)Wisdom, mindfulness and meditaion are not taught or encouraged by them because they don't want their followers' minds to be clearer and wiser.
      9)The Bible copied very much from older religions but not the theory of karma because karma idea defeats the purpose of the all mighty God and it will prevent people from doing bad deeds. Saying God love or forgive sins is a trick playing both sides of the coin.
      10) If there is a loving God, why are there Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ?
      11) It don't makes sense to claim that only their believers will go to heaven and others don't since they claimed their God created all people. Such claim is an insult to other religions and cultures and caused people to divide. A good religion should be non-sectarian, secular and treat all people equally.
      12)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are fake including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and even New Year are copied from paganism.
      13) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" every 2 years but we are still here.
      14) The fraud case of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India.
      15)If their God is all-mighty, why need missionaries to convert others ?
      16) The ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests that I read so often.
      17) The Bible is full of lust(Solomon's part), evil and violence. Their God killed countless people when Satan only killed a few.
      18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion.
      19) If God created everybody, why then condemn LGBT or other religions ?
      20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities rate countries are all highly religious, 500K Americans alone !! (b)The Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few month old baby. (c) spree killings happened inside a church.
      Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God was man-made to con or control people.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    Where is it proven?

  • @PCForDummies
    @PCForDummies 3 года назад

    excellent dhamma talk

  • @francoaustralien
    @francoaustralien 9 лет назад +2

    sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @Buddhist_Philosopher
    @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

    If Venerable Brahamali would like to understand that, he only has to study the *Salistambha Sutra (Rice Seedling).*

  • @jobbew
    @jobbew 11 лет назад +1

    Everybody needs a hobby :-)

  • @anandmurumkar5190
    @anandmurumkar5190 5 лет назад

    Dependent Origination in Pali Language " Patticca Samupada.".

  • @anglikai9517
    @anglikai9517 4 года назад

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @timeanica4937
    @timeanica4937 4 года назад


  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад

    This monk is saying to experience suffering, a human being must have literal aging & death. However, sometimes young people have suffering.
    This monk is also saying we cannot experience the end of suffering whilst living in or being born into this world. This is contrary to the Buddha who said here & now we can experience the end of suffering.
    Aging & death merely mean change, decay & impermanence. For example, when a child's toy breaks, the child has has suffering due to change.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      I haven't seen the whole video but on your 2nd paragraph, you seem to misunderstood. What he said didn't contradict the Buddha.

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 3 года назад

      @@truth8307 You have to post where in the video he said this, at what exact time (because i am not listening again). Thanks

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      @@BarbarraBay you refer to your own comment where you misinterpreted his words or Buddha's words. In another reply to me you said you believe in God so now I understand why you misinterpreted it. BTW, the Buddha said you can end sufferings NOW moment by moment(refer to his Noble 8 Fold Path on Right Mindfulness) but if you reborn after death, you are bound to sufferings again. That's why Christianity copied and created the concept of heaven.

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 3 года назад

      @@truth8307 please refrain from stupid comments

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      @@BarbarraBay LOL。you just proved karma. If you comment on others, be prepared to receive comment from others. Simple karma logic which God believers don't know.

  • @se7ensnakes
    @se7ensnakes 10 лет назад +1

    minip64 Before you come to criticize a system you should be knowledgeable as to what it is saying. By your comments you apparently have not a clue.
    "self centred idealism of buddhism"
    No one can do the knowing for you. You have to do your own knowing. The quest in buddhism is to know the basis. You are either proposing to let others know for you, or let ignorance reign in your life. it is not sufficient to claim logic, for logic is merely a tool. But also to examine precisely what is the nature of logic.
    "B'sm is dogma and solipsism"
    Buddhism has meditation which are mind exercises so that you can investigate first hand Cause and the Absolute. No one can tell you of these things accurately. They may hint but ultimately and ideally you have to find out for yourself.
    "B'ism denigrates the material"
    And rightly so. To attempt to dwell on the material without a curiosity for its cause is proposing ignorance. Atoms are not things.
    "Your various posts do contain some truth"
    I suppose you are the mediator as to what truth is. You have done some reading and now you are ready to dictate TRUTH to all of us?
    "emotions are not 'abstract principles' but comprehension of physical biological/chemical events."
    Really and the mind has nothing to do with it? Or perhaps you believe the mind to be a mere result of material cell structure and chemicals? Yet the science of the mind is so primitive that it cannot adequately even map the brain or explain scientific aberrations.
    Your view of Buddhism: "solipsism and passive acceptance"
    Thereby dismissing the basic tenets of Buddhism: right concentration. Have you ever tried to do any breathing exercise? Have you ever tried doing yoga? I suppose you are going to put on your yoga expert hat and tell the world what yoga is. without as much as doing a single moment in meditation or even a physical yoga posture.
    Before continuing comments please learn that which you attempt to prejudicially criticize because it is ever so clear that you have no idea what it is.

  • @andersonooi6297
    @andersonooi6297 2 года назад

    Saddhu! Saddhu! Saddhu!

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад

    There is no such thing as existential suffering. All suffering is attachment. At the end of the 1st Noble Truth, the Buddha described all forms of suffering as "attachment to the five aggregates".
    Whilst the 2nd of the Three Characteristics is unsatisfactoriness, just because all phenomena are imperfect & subject to impermanence, this does not mean the mind suffers about these unsatisfactory phenomena. The discerning of unsatisfactoy phenomena is enlightenment & Nibbana.

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      Existential suffering is the most subtle form of dhukkha. It's the natural affliction that comes from not recognizing the nature of reality.

  • @lazyfreedom98
    @lazyfreedom98 14 лет назад

    @mrbluesummers Shiva Rocks

  • @lazyfreedom98
    @lazyfreedom98 14 лет назад

    you only trust people you a nut shell

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад

      No, this is dangerous. See how many people got cheated by the church or misled into a bad religion because they trusted their parents. The Buddha said one must not simply believe in anyone.

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      @@truth8307 The Ajahn didn't say that was god nor bad,he was just describing on who we put our trust. That's all.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 Год назад

      @@Buddhist_Philosopher I am not referring to Ajahn, I refer to the first comment, and I have seen many parents forced their children to go to church(using Christianity as an example) and ruined their lives. See all those young Korean pop celebs who commited suicide due to depression, 85% are Christians (while only 30% in their population)

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      @@truth8307I know. And also everybody knows christian parents always try to transfer christianity to their children. Trust in people you know it's not a problem per se.

  • @madamkirk
    @madamkirk Месяц назад

    If you don't get born, there is still Samsara

  • @whiteoleander72
    @whiteoleander72 12 лет назад +4

    What is most perplexing to me is what is the deal with the Buddhism/Buddhist hating guy? Dude, why are you here? Oh - to clarify, cause I know you like to make long convoluted speeches, I mean on this page, not the planet. You don't have to listen to any Buddhism....its called a mouse... click click click.......

    • @alankuntz4406
      @alankuntz4406 4 года назад +1

      So you are craving, suffering aversion?

  • @chebo73barney
    @chebo73barney 11 лет назад

    Dont worry your hormones will calm down at some point.
    with metta.x

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 6 лет назад

    Shadu Shadu Shadu

  • @ketsan
    @ketsan 15 лет назад

    Nothing in buddhism is haphazard, it's the product of 2,500 years of debate.

  • @DanielRamBeats
    @DanielRamBeats 5 лет назад

    He doesn’t know what he is talking about. Rebirth does not imply physical birth. It is when you associate and re-associate stories of your self in every thought. That thought of you experiences suffering and you identify with it so then all the conditions there exist.
    desire isn’t something you do, it is the search for happiness which is only occurring in the mind.
    For 11 mins into the talk he himself is confused and I feel sorry for those being lead the wrong way...

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      What you describe is a psychological process product of karma. DO indeed entail rebirth.
      Tanha is Craving, not "desire".

  • @Pianoantics
    @Pianoantics 14 лет назад +1

    Buddha did not talk about reincarnation and that is not what he taught as this can not be verified based on experience. Why is there suffering and pain and how to elminate it. He is talking about suffering and how to overcome it. The Four Noble truths and the 8 Fold Path are core teachings then there is the Heart Sutra along wtih more basic teachings that came out of Hinduism..Buddha was once a Prince then foresake his station in life to find out what he wanted to know about life.

    • @Buddhist_Philosopher
      @Buddhist_Philosopher Год назад

      The Heart Sutra is a teaching that does not belong to Theravada tradition.

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +1

    In summary, this monk has not comprehended Dependent Origination. If we wish to learn about this subject, we should study from a monk who knows & sees, such as Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sumedho, Ajahn Buddhadasa, Nanavira or even the Lord Buddha himself in the suttas, such as from the Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta or the Chachakka Sutta.

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay 15 лет назад +1

    To me, it sounded like the blind leading the blind.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    Every human is born with dignity! And you have the right to keep that. Don't end up walking the streets of Asia barefoot, begging for food, and kissing the feet of monks!
    First they will tell monkhood is not necessary. But eventually they will tell to reach the mythical enlightment u have to become one
    There is a purpose of our lives! Islam is the only way for success in the life after death. Look past the negative stereotypes

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      Islam ? How about Christianity ? Both claimed an all mighty and only god but both are fighting each other 🤣🤣

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад +1

    You live only once.
    Past life thing is a lie and not proven!

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      What about God ? Is it believable ? Rebirth is proven by Thai singer Langgalamu.

  • @guaylayhua5653
    @guaylayhua5653 2 года назад

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏