Oonishi Saori is too humble xD 0:46 Itou Shizuka back at it again with touching female seiyuu's oppai lol Inoue Kikuko still look young as always, as expected from 17 years old mama xD Amanchu is such a blessing
With that Aya Suzaki would probably complain that she wants hers bigger. While Yurika Kubo be like Im Good. And Married Women Are kinda savages on this one cuz anything goes at this point to them they are no filter mode.
A lot of his japanese fans said, he actually like that in person awkward and shy, people said he's tired being called ikemen atc etc, thats why sometimes he tried to sheed the image, by doing and saying crazy stuff cos its 180 from the ikemen image.
@@zbigbozbboy5245 ah i guess you think ikemen just on appearance, yes? Ikemen aside from being handsome described as someone who's cool and usually calm, so its different between kakkoii and ikemen. Thats why i said he always trying to shed his ikemen title.
@@greissaltair Right? But Inoue's acting voice has of the big sister or motherly feels to it, while Kayanon's more like "girl next door whom you want to get acquainted more with"...
Umehera's reaction was priceless, he's just dead from the inside.
Umehara looked so out of it. He's like "damn this is kinda...awkward"
0:54 ume-chan, that face😂😂😂😂😂
Umehara like: WHY I'M STILL HERE.....
He's definitely enjoying it deep inside hahahah
ume-chan is smirking in the back
@@GervasiusMC LOL, it's true
Just to suffer
He is like: Man, I hope my wife doesn't see this.
Ume-chan not knowing what to do 😂
right??? I was like is that like public indecency lol, and then I saw a glimpse of him behind crossing his hands, smiling silently lol
What are you talking about
He knows exactly what to do
He just having a really hard time trying to control himself not to 😂😂😂😂
At least, He enjoyed
Oh? A wild new subber has appeared?
Competition in any space is good for consumers! :)
Yes, a worth opponent to fight
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Whenever I see this on my recommendations, I always watch it. Not sure how many times I have seen this 😆
Oonishi Saori is too humble xD
0:46 Itou Shizuka back at it again with touching female seiyuu's oppai lol
Inoue Kikuko still look young as always, as expected from 17 years old mama xD
Amanchu is such a blessing
17 years old, oi oi!
0:29 is what you’re here for people.
Great. I can imagine Akeno from High School DxD doing that since Shizuka Ito voices her.😂🤣💀
are those girls forget Umehara is over there right on the corner
Just according to Keikaku.
Shizuka-san at it again with her ara-ara touchy-touchy
I can imagine Akeno from High School DxD doing that since Shizuka Ito voices her.😂🤣💀
@@MayDay14000 she is kafka
ume-chan awkward smile is too- lol
SUBSCRIBED! I've been into a lot of seiyuu content these past few months :D
I found a treasure! I laughed so hard😂
Imagine being ume-chan in this situation 🙄
Meanwhile in Saori Onishi in Blade Dance anime: Oppai okii na.
yooooo kikuko! I love seeing her.
Kafka (Shizuka Ito) saying oppai is big to Ruan Mei (Saori Onishi) is very gold 😂😂
OMG! Ume-chan's face there xD
Love that "juunana sai-" Kikuko mama
まぁ 梅原さん
With that Aya Suzaki would probably complain that she wants hers bigger. While Yurika Kubo be like Im Good. And Married Women Are kinda savages on this one cuz anything goes at this point to them they are no filter mode.
Both shizuka & kikuko are worked in rwby & fairy tail
I feel bad for umechan
Because I know what kind of person he is
And why he's looked so awkward
He's controlling himself as hard as possible 😂😂😂😂😂😂
A lot of his japanese fans said, he actually like that in person awkward and shy, people said he's tired being called ikemen atc etc, thats why sometimes he tried to sheed the image, by doing and saying crazy stuff cos its 180 from the ikemen image.
@@yokhawanha Ikemen can said anything though
@@zbigbozbboy5245 ah i guess you think ikemen just on appearance, yes? Ikemen aside from being handsome described as someone who's cool and usually calm, so its different between kakkoii and ikemen. Thats why i said he always trying to shed his ikemen title.
the ara ara ladies are here
The shapes bis good
1:31 Babanishi 😂
our girl is so funny 😂😂😂
My depression is gone...😂😂😂
Link of the full vid please 🙏🙏
17 years old Kikuko Inoue.. 😎
Aye looking ever so young lol
Oi oi
She's always 17 🤣
Oi oi!
Ara Ara!!!
I hope matsuoka there😂
Is there a way to watch the full version of this event?
I want to know too
@@ren-hl5et me too
Probably it's just me, but I still got the feeling that Kayanon's looks a lot like Inoue Kikuko. Is Kayanon related to her (maybe a niece?) ?
Yeah me too bro, i think that Kayanon's looks like Inoue Kikuko, face(kinda Similar) and Voice
@@greissaltair Right? But Inoue's acting voice has of the big sister or motherly feels to it, while Kayanon's more like "girl next door whom you want to get acquainted more with"...
Inoue seems like kayanon's big sister (or mom? 😂😂)
@@krisnantoprayogosantoso4033 "Get acquainted more with" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thx for the subs
The one with the huge rack is behind oonishi, yurika kubo
@Good night Joe ありがとうございます
Itou Shizuka being a "yuri pimp" as always. What event was this from?
The evangelical fashion tho.
a wild subber?
What anime is this from?
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Wut anime?
Amanchu advance!
Boku no pico
Is oonishi on the right side
I see a new seiyuu content subber. I subscribe
Yeah, that's right
Hahaha...jujur onishi nya😂
Oonishi weak point xd