Tips form a pro : -When choosing trinkets, I highly suggest using trinkets that your toon sucks at. For example for Tisha I'd use Magnifying Glass (it makes you extaction speed faster but lowers your skill check) and Speedometer. You can use any trinkets if you want though, I'm not forcing you. -If you see a Goob, Scraps, Pebble or Flutter and possibly Tisha (maybe all) in your lobby, there is a chance that they would distract so if you see them distracting, avoid them because the twisteds chasing either of them will spot and chase you. If this happens, there's a chance that the distractor will die because thye would have to take risks so they can get the twisteds chasing them again. -Hide behind objects to avoid twisteds, keep in mind that different twisted can have different attention spans, like how Twisted Goob and Scraps give ip after hiding behind an object for 3 seconds. -Speaking of Twisted Goob and Scraps, they can reach you very far, if they spot you hide behind an object so their attack can't hurt you. Not only that, if nobody activated them in a while they will most likely attack with their ranged attack, if they were activated not too long ago, they will most likely not have their ranged attack. -Twisteds cannot see you through the window. -Twisted Poppy and Boxten are the most harmless twisted because they don't have a special thing with them, if you die to them dont be embarrassed because you could die to them when having no more stamina or your lagging. -Twisted Tisha basically is kind of like camper, she usually stops and cleans a certain area from time to time shes fairly easy to avoid. -Twisted Shrimpo is one of the slowest twisteds, but be careful he has good eyesight. -Twisted Teagan is a rich girl that likes tea parties and steals your tapes when attacked. -To identity Twisted Rodger, you must look carefully at the capsule if it has foil or not. If it doesn't have foil, its him. But if someone activated him, wait for a bit so he can go back in the capsule. -Avoiding Twisted RnD (Razzle and Dazzle) is pretty easy, just dont run in the circle, if someone did run in the circle wait for a bit to make them go back to sleep. -Twisted Brightney only exists because she increases a chance of a blackout, so if you see her on a floor there are chances that there will be a blackout next floor. -Twisted Flutter is a fast one, not only that but she doesn't stop when she checks an area so be careful when she stops you. -So far there are 4 main twisteds in the game whom being Vee, Pebble, Astro and Shelly -Even though Astro is the most harmless main twisted, if you fail a machine and hide, he can reduce the amount of completion in your machine so dont fail. -A tip for Vee is to not fail and get chased by her, it's because when you fail Vee is always the first twisted to be there even if she's far and with her Slow ability it makes your walking and running speed slow. -A tip for Pebble is to Avoid him all costs, its because (like Twisted Shrimpo) he has good eyesight, but if you get spotted by him run as fast as you van because he is one of the fastest twisteds (the others being Twisted Toodles and Shelly) -A tip for Shelly, she's the 2nd least threatening Twisted Main but her ability allows the extraction speed to be lower. -A tip for all Mains is that their attention span is long so if you getting chased by anyone of them hide for as long as you can, also with that they can still spot you even after you get hit, after getting hit stay as far as you can. -Many tips for Twisted Dandy. Twisted Dandy is the SLOWEST twisted in the game but if he spots you and attacks you, it's game over because he can one shot you. Another thing to note about for Dandy is that when you complete a machine he will run straight at it with his good sense of hearing. -If you don't want to do a Dandy Run anymore just buy a thing from his shop, sometimes he doesn't spawn immediately so if you dont want to do it anymore just buy something or let your teamates buy something, then he will calm down. But I must remind you that you can activate him again so that the run can continue late in the game. This last one is not a tip but the next update of this game is coming soon so be ready for it.
if your a distractor with low stealth like goob, most toons other than (brightney, shrimpo, and glisten), can walk right past you with no harm usually because they're stealth is high enough to (wouldn't recommend though cause it causes stress for the kiter)
Ooh yay! First wrote this like 20 seconds into the video. ALSOOO TIPS [ plus facts ]!!! I'm also an amateur at this game. And some of these tips might be some you already know so... 1. Hide behind objects to lead the twisted away 2. To avoid twisted Rodger, AVOID capsules with no tape in the middle of them. 3. Avoid twisted Razzle n Dazzle by walking in their area. Not running. 4. Worried about Dandy? No worries, he is VERY slow. 5. Although he doesn't have much speed. He can still one-shot you. 6. Dandy can hear you complete machines. 7. Don't want to do a Dandy run? Just buy his items. IF they are absolute trash. Don't worry maybe your teammates will purchase instead, and he doesn't get that mad quickly. 6. Main characters have unique abilities to kill you with. [Vee, Astro, shelly, Pebble, and Sprout ] 7. The Twisted cannot see you through the windows. You're alright. 8. Even though Twisted Shrimpo doesn't seem like a threat. He still has some good eyesight. 9. The following characters, Goob, Pebble, Tisha, Flutter, AND Sprout , Have great movement speed. And can distract the Twisted very well. 10. If you encounter a Twisted Shelly, she can give you confusion. Which lowers your extraction speed and a little more. 11. Twisted Goob and Scraps can reach you from very far. Try to avoid them if you can. 12. Twisted Teagan can take an amount of your tapes when she reaches you. 13. You can see father in blackouts by zooming in with toons like Finn, Glisten, and Rodger. To zoom in, get your toon up and close to the wall and then try to zoom in. This can work with windows too if you don't have those toons. [1 quality bar recommended for this to work much more better] I'll probably edit this once i figure out more!!! I think i know more but i forget sometimes. Feel free to mention some to my replies and I will add it!! THANK YOU TO PEOPLE WHO DID THAT!!!
I’ll give you some to add! Dandy is slow, so don’t panic much. Dandy knows when you complete a machine so when you’re done with one, run! Avoid spawning dandy by buying his items! Ngl he acts like Mr crabs- The main characters have superpowers/affects to kill you with, some are fast and some are slow. Twisteds can’t see you through windows, so you’ll be fine! Edit: I just started a tip cult-
I’ll add some too! Although Twisted Shrimpo is extremely slow, and seems weak, he has one of the BEST eyesight out of any twisted! Be aware! Characters such as, Goob, Pebble, Tisha, Flutter and Teagan, (Sprout in the future), have excellent speed and with that speed comes with great and smooth rounds! Those six toons can distract monsters! Almost all the monsters. Everyone besides Pebble can distract every twisted besides mains. Pebble can distract everyone besides Twisted pebble himself! So if you have any of those characters yourself, or have friends who have them, have fun! Because they or you will make the game more fun then it already is! Twisted Shelly confuses you when she’s on your floor. What that does is decreases your extraction speed! Yikes! I recommend wearing extraction trinkets that increase extraction speed, so your extraction goes smoothly! Twisted Goob and Twisted Scraps are ranged twisted! They can stretch out their arms (Goob) and Tail! (Scraps) in order to not get hit, hide behind a box, or anything in their direction! That’s all I have. I have more, but most of them were already said. Anyways, enjoy those tips!
Imma also add sum 1: twisted Teagan takes a big chunk of your tapes if she hits you 2:when twisted Shelly is there a confused status appears 3:twisted vee is kinda blind so hide behind an object and she will walk away 4: twisted Astro is kinda slow 5:twisted toodles is pretty fast- That’s all
Also 1 .twisted vee can add adds so when u doing a machin or distracting stop every 45 sec or 10 sec u migth get hit or hear 2. Twisted astro can use a machin and lower it so u stay on his floor 3. If u have questions mark it bc there a main that it
Here's some tips to survive each twisted!! Extra tip first: if you can circle around one obstacle for long enough while not being in line of sight of a twisted they will eventually leave you alone Poppy and boxten: these two don't have any abilities to help them, they have very similar attention spans, if you can just circle around obstacles you can easily lose them Shrimpo: this is the slowest twisted even though he can see you from a bit further away then boxten and poppy, but just like them he also has an average attention span so you don't have to worry (he also has no abilities) Tisha: she usually just goes around cleaning the floor but I'm pretty sure (not rlly) that she has a stronger attention span then the other 3, but she also has no abilities Now, brightney(the red lamp): she doesn't have any abilities to help her catch up to you, but she does increase the chances of blackouts on floors she's in, also her attention span is similar to the other 4 Teagan(the golden/white cup): she has no abilities but if she hits you she takes away some of your tapes Razzle and dazzle: they have a circle that they sleep in, as long as you walk in the circle then your safe DON'T RUN! Rodger: he hides as a fake capsule, how to tell if a capsule is fake? If it does not have a thing in the middle, if the fake capsule was picked up, rodger will charge a beam and try to hit you, the person that breaks the capsule gets the slow debuff (and one other debuff either tired or confused) Toodles: toodles is the 2nd fastest twisted in the game and she can be an absolute pain, luckily she has one of the lowest attention spans in the game aswell Goob and scraps: these two siblings are what you can call "grabbers" in which they have a long ranged ability that can aid in them hitting you, scraps has a long tail that shoots out and attacks you from far distances, and Goob can pull you towards him and hit you, if you can stay behind obstacles they cannot hit you, and their ranged attacks have a cool down of 8 seconds Flutter: this twisted is also very fast like toodles but the thing is her attention span isn't to bad I'm sure it's average, but the thing is her roaming speed is the same when she sees a player and she never stops moving unless she hits you Now the hardest twisteds!! Astro (the moon guy): he can apply a "tired" debuff that I honestly can't remember what it does- I think it lowers your extraction/movement speed maybe?? Idk, if you fail a skill check he will find that machine and steal progress from it, so make sure you get ur checks right Vee (tv head): she can make useless ads pop up in your face to cover your screen and make seeing a skill check really annoying, so her and astro wouldn't be ideal, her slow debuff makes your movement speed drastically lower Shelly (seashell dinosaur girl): her confused debuff makes it so it halves your extraction speed, idk how confusion makes the toons not know how to turn a wheel on a machine but it does Pebble: this giant dog is the fastest twisted in game, and he can see you thru almost across the whole map, luckily his attention span isn't the strongest if your far away, but still remember he has no status debuff Lethal twisteds: Dandy is the only lethal twisted at the moment (lethal twisteds kill you in one shot) I never did a dandy run so idk Abt his speed or attention span So yeah that's all hope these tips help nenaa!!! Ik it's a lot but these are all the basics of each twisted you should know Abt Edit: thanks to one of the ppl in the replies, Astro's debuff makes it so u Regen stamina slower!
Okay, I'm gonna be the correction here. For one, Astro "Tired" debuff decreases how fast you gain stamina! And two, luckily as it is, Dandy does not do any debuffs, he just one shots and can hear a machine being completeted! Hope that helps! :]
Tips for twisted dandy! Twisted Dandy Twisted Dandy is a massive, dangerous roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting his enigmatic counterpart, he has a unique spawning condition that must be met before he has a chance to spawn: Players must not buy any item from Dandy's Store for at least three floors that it appears on. Each time every surviving player skips a shop. Dandy will become increasingly upset. Upon skipping the third shop. Dandy will become angry and Twisted Dandy will have a chance to spawn. On every subsequent shop players skip, this chance will increase, on the third time that you continue to ignore him, the music in his shop will stop playing, and Twisted Dandy is almost guaranteed to spawn on the next floor. Once this occurs (or a player purchases an item from his shop) he will go back to his cheerful self, and players must skip another three shops in order to have a chance at spawning Twisted Dandy again. 1/6 Twisted Dandy continuously emits the sound of a lullaby version of music box Clair de lune. and he makes stomping noises as he walks. These sounds are loud enough that they can be used to determine his location and if he has spawned on a floor. Twisted Dandy acts like a normal roaming Twisted, with Twisted Shrimpo's speed, above- average detection range, and a very long attention span. However, any player he successfully attacks will be instantly killed, making him a uniquely grave threat on any floor he appears on. Twisted Dandy additionally has the ability to immediately beeline at full speed for machines when a toon finishes a machine. Twisted Dandy can kill the player with one punch, making him the only character in the lethal category. "The star of the show. The one who runs the Ichor operation. It's all his fault." - Twisted Research
@D4NDYZW0RLDL0V3R I said i already KNEW it and stating i wasnt trying to be rude. Ik some peeps are new. Im jst saying that i already knew it. No need to tell me that ppl are NEW, people only want to know this so they can survive and try not to die. DONT tell me ppl are NEW when ik they are.
Hey neena!! I knew u since u started aka 2019 ;) here is some tips as a pro!! 1. U can collect capsules but the one with no tapes has Rodger in!! 2. If u walk in razzle and dazzles circle ur safe if u run/sprint they attack you! 3. I recommend pressing twisteds (in the lobby) it will help u better 4.try to get Vee! But u need brightney first vees really good 5.try to avoid scraps and goob cuz they can grab u from afar ! (They are siblings) 6. Dandy hears ur machine! 7. The one yall called a bun is actually a shell!
I can't wait for them to meet Twisted Glisten...Twisted Sprout too..Twisted Finn as well🤑 1:25 "He got a cinnamon roll on his head!!" That ain't a cinnamon roll.. Or a he! Her name is Shelly! She is an archaeologist, and due to her love for dinosaurs, she became one in her Twisted version. She is so powerful and detailed because she is a main character! Poor girl gave into the Ichor Operation for hatred of constantly being ignored and left out. 1:27 Twisted Astro!! Another main character, and one if Dandy's former best friends. He canonically has for arms, but tends to hide them under his blanket in his toon form, bless the poor dream giver..
U met Astro and Shelly :D And u experienced a blackout. I’ll tell how to NOT DIE in main moments Shelly has a high rate of speed, once u get out. Stay clear of her She can also make u confused which makes extraction speed slower Astro mostly takes naps when 5-10-15 floors. He is like one of the rarest mains besides pebble. His power is to make u tired Vee is a robotic figure which her power, she can make ads pop up on your screen. Pebble also has a high rate of speed and eye sight. Even when you hide he will still chase you. A dandy run is when he becomes mad because u didn’t give him tapes. And he becomes mad and he becomes a twisted for a round. Twisted dandy can sense when you do a machine. Also he can make u lose all of ur hearts
Another thing to add is that Astro can take half of the ichor out of machines, idk if he can take them from completed ones.. I just know he can take half the ichor out of machines.
I just started 3 days ago on my second day of playing I had a friend I told her look how far I'm getting without you bc I was on floor 5 she died on floor one then somehow at the next elevator door is PEBBLE HOW DO YOU GET HIM TO NOT SEE YOU
This Video Gave Me The Chills In Floor 10! I Love Your Videos So Much Neena! Espicially When You Post Dandy's World Stuff Or My Singing Monsters Stuff! ILY! ❤
Ah… something about Twisted Dandy that might not have been informed to you; Every time someone completes a machine, Dandy will run full speed towards the location of the machine
Hey Nenaa! Heres some facts about Dandy! Everytime a machine gets finished, he *will* hear it. He isnt too fast, hes fast like toodles. And thats all the facts i know :>
I may be super late but nena here's a tip when using tisha, tisha has 4 star movement speed like gooby goob so when getting chased by a twisted that is not toodles or pebble dont run and waste your stam though but there are some twisteds who are an exception such as vee or finn or rodger because they all slow you if you do a certain thing for vee is when you get seen, for finn is for when you finish a machine, and for rodger is when you open his capsule thats all you need to know i love your channel nena❤❤❤❤
OMG NENA IM SO GLAD UR PLAYING BC THERE IS NEW TOONS!!! So there is Finn,Glisten,Sprout(sprout is a main) And finally,Cosmo pls check it out I was very confused if it was real or not so pls check it out Thank You For Reading!
Goob at 1 heart: I JUST WANT TO DIEEEEEEEE YEAH Sprout and cosmo: WE WONT LET YOU DIE YOUR OUR ONLY DISTRACTION *give heart* Goob : YAY BACK TO MY JOB other toon at 1 heart: I FOND A MED KIT everyone except goob: WHERE they all fond the med kit* Everyone except goob: IS MINE IM A HEALER Other: IM A MAIN Shrimpo: I HATE YOU AND MED KIT Gigi : I can a med kit from my head Ig Goob: GUY STOP FIGHTING Everyone look at goob:WDYM STOP Goob : GUY IK ALL OF YOU GUY ARE AT 1 HEART BUT COSMO AND SPROUT CAN HEAL YOU elevator close in 29 seconds * EVERYONE CAME IN THE ELEVATER * Dandy : show med kit and bandages and eject button Everyone : THIS IS FLOOR 1 DANDY Dandy: no item must be saving your tapes! Everyone : get to floor 30* Dandy : I HAVE GUMBALL AND POPS Everyone : WERE AT 1 HEART AGAIN Poppy and shrimpo boxten die* Goob :WHAT THERE 10 TWISTED NOW ? Get all main except vee and pebble The end like for part 2
Neena liked my last story, so I'm gonna write a remake of it, about how the community of THE NEENA NATION tried to make her dance lol, I love this one - *In the illustrious realm of the Neena Nation, where the art of dance was revered above all else, ruled a Queen known as ForeverNeena. Her stoic presence atop her throne often left the citizens longing for a glimpse of her graceful movements. They believed that if they could coax the Queen into dancing, her elegance would inspire joy throughout the kingdom, bringing about a harmonious celebration of movement and rhythm. Determined to accomplish this feat, the people of the Neena Nation embarked on a quest to devise the most captivating melodies and beats that would entice their Queen to sway to the music. They organized a grand event known as The Dance Extravaganza, a spectacle designed to showcase the finest compositions and performances crafted specifically to elicit the Queen's participation. Months before The Dance Extravaganza, the citizens of the Neena Nation began preparations for the grand event. Streets were adorned with colorful banners and streamers, fluttering in the gentle breeze. Artisans crafted elaborate decorations, transforming the cityscape into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures. Every corner of the realm was infused with an air of excitement and anticipation. As the day of the festival drew near, performers from far and wide flocked to the Neena Nation, eager to showcase their talents in the hopes of eliciting a reaction from the Queen. Jesters and acrobats honed their routines, comedians perfected their jokes, and musicians composed melodies that echoed through the streets. On the day of The Dance Extravaganza, the entire kingdom buzzed with energy as citizens gathered in the town square, eager to witness the spectacle unfold. The stage was set with elaborate props and dazzling lights, casting a magical glow over the festivities. Atop her throne, ForeverNeena was carried onto the podium overlooking her kingdom with an interested and inquisitive glance. Her subjects watched with bated breath as the first performers took to the stage, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation. The festival began with a parade of dancers, each troupe showcasing their unique style and flair. From classical ballet to energetic street dance, every genre was represented as performers twirled and leaped with grace and precision. Yet, despite the mesmerizing performances, ForeverNeena remained seated upon her throne, her expression unchanged. The citizens watched with a mixture of disappointment and determination, refusing to let their spirits be dampened by the Queen's stoicism. As the day wore on, various attempts were made to capture the Queen's interest. Musicians played lively tunes, magicians performed dazzling tricks, and artists painted colorful murals depicting scenes of joy and celebration. But still, the Queen remained unmoved, her gaze fixed ahead with unwavering resolve. The citizens of the Neena Nation refused to admit defeat, rallying together with renewed determination to find a way to make their Queen dance. And so, as the sun began to set on the horizon, a sense of anticipation filled the air. With each passing moment, the citizens of the Neena Nation held their breath, hoping against hope that their efforts would not be in vain. Little did they know, the key to unlocking ForeverNeena's elusive smile lay not in the grandeur of their performances or the sophistication of their inventions, but in the simple joy of unity and creativity that bound them together as a nation. Despite the mesmerizing performances, ForeverNeena remained seated upon her throne, her expression unchanged. With one final stand of hope however, desperate to give their queen the time of her life, the citizens pushed forward, determined to find the perfect rhythm that would stir the Queen's soul. As the event progressed, a group of innovative inventors unveiled their latest creation: The Danc-a-tron 2.0. This state-of-the-art device was designed to analyze the Queen's movements and preferences, generating a bespoke playlist of tunes guaranteed to get her feet tapping. With anticipation mounting, the Danc-a-tron 2.0 sprang to life, filling the air with an irresistible medley of beats and melodies. Dancers of all styles took to the stage, their movements synchronized to the pulsating rhythm of the music. Yet, to the dismay of the onlookers, the Queen remained unmoved, her demeanor unchanged. The citizens watched in disappointment as their most ambitious invention failed to achieve its intended purpose. Refusing to admit defeat, the people of the Neena Nation rallied together, determined to find another way to make their Queen dance. Drawing inspiration from their diverse cultural backgrounds, they began to craft a symphony of sounds that blended seamlessly together, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of music that transcended language and genre, blending the machine into a whirlwind of all the genres of music, put together. They called it the Symphonic Radiance! With each new composition, the citizens poured their hearts and souls into their music, infusing it with the passion and energy that defined their beloved nation. And finally, as the sun began to set on the horizon, a magical melody filled the air, its infectious rhythm impossible to resist. In that moment, the crowd gasped in awe as ForeverNeena's foot started slowly tapping against the ivory floor, until her head started to lesuriely sway to the music, as her face became a bubbly and enigmatic canvas, painted by the people of the Nation, and so, with utmost cries and cheers of Joy, the once stagnant and stern overlooker ForeverNeena rose from her throne, her movements graceful and fluid as she joined her subjects on the dance floor. Together, they swayed and twirled in perfect harmony, celebrating the joy of music and movement. And so, in the Neena Nation, it was not the sophisticated inventions or elaborate performances that succeeded in making their Queen dance. It was the heartfelt expression of unity and creativity that touched her soul, proving that the power of dance could bring even the most steadfast ruler to her feet* . And thats it lol, hope you enjoyed it and that it brought a smile to all of your faces! Feel free to use this for your essays, beauteous as I like to say, just be wary when you get to the end of the story, since the sheer amount of words may just make you faint without you knowing it. *Another one bites the dust* lmao XD 💀💀💀💀
@@wubtastical I’ll take that as a compliment lol, even though that usually ends up being the last thing individuals say before they faint like a rock, and seems there was no exception for you, another one bites the dust XD, seems YOU CANT RESIST ZA STORY Or maybe you faint just by the sight of looking at it, I wouldn’t be surprised!!! NO WONDER your eyes hurt! 😂 And hopefully Ryan will recognize it, it would mean the world to me lol, anyway thanks, I put a lot of effort into my stories, so thanks for the support actually in fact at the moment I’m writing a story called long may they stand with 42,000 words hoping for around 50k or more and am at chapter 36 at the moment approaching the climax, it’s about two brothers who are sent to an island which has had reports of dinosaur sightings in the area, but once they finally arrived on a perilous track, they would soon realize that there was much more than just dinosaurs awaiting them on that island, and soon the fate of the entire world and the universe for that matter would rest in their fragile hands… hope you enjoyed that sneak peak, lol even more reading to make your eyes bulge out of your sockets, just be wary when pressing the read more button, or you might just faint from the sheer amount of words underneath, AT LEAST YOU DIDNT FAINT FROM THE SHEER AMOUNT OF WORDS, OR DID YOU! This is ur queue to faint lmao 💀💀💀
@@Glistenoffical That’s probably the most agreeable answer I’ve seen in the history of writing Decleration of indipendences lol, I would assume it’s long based off the fact that I nearly faint from the sheer amount of words from pressing the read more button lmao XD ;D 💀💀💀
The part when one of them said that they picked up a item and something killed them, that’s Rodger the magnifying glass! You need to look at it very closely… if it doesn’t have strips of tapes then don’t pick it up! Just letting u know
I use to watch all of you fnf vids, you inspired me when I was younger and I’m glad to see you still thriving. Continue inspiring people and keep up the amazing work neenaa ♥️
tips abt dandy: he can one shot you (you die when he attacks) when you finish a machine, he come to your machine as if you missed a skillcheck a song called Caire le duin (i think) plays when he spawns so you know.
hmm, Astro and Shelly huh? I'll tell you how NOT to die in Dandy's World (hope this helps!) 1. look for capsules with lines to avoid Twisted Rodger, they are real, capsules with no lines are FAKE! 2. TRY to avoid twisted Shelly or any BIG twisted by just... not doing anything, I guess. 3. twisteds can't see you through windows, your all good. 4. twisted shrimpo has low stats, he can still see you very well..! 5. the following toons, Goob, Tisha, Pebble, Flutter, AND Sprout have very well speed, try to use them more often! 6. don't wanna do a Dandy run 'cause you're just lazy? just buy his TRASH stuff, like a stopwatch, or instructions, etc YOU name it! or your teammates can just buy his stuff, maybe he'll get more happy whatsoever! 7. don't like it when ALL your teammates die and you're all alone? maybe just do a solo run, IF you're fine with it. 8. when you are doing a solo run, don't be scared, be yourself, embrace yourself, anything that you wanna do! 9. if you're scared, just tell your teammates "I'm already scared LOL" then they'll say "me too ngl" or smth like that 10. don't get a lot of people in your run when you host? try joining a run! 11. Shelly was actually FORGOTTEN, and THAT is why she has the "confused" effect! Edit: Please pin this Nenaa I worked so hard on this comment and now my lil' fingers hurt please I beg Edit 2: 11 was the furthest we've gotten and tysm for 0 likes :
The 3 twisteds you didn't know were : the one that has a roll for her head : thats shelly the one that has two hands and the hat: astro last but not least.. the one that has the red brightness: brightney hope this helps!^^ (Aslo i'm a fan!(=^w^)
Quick tip get dot plush and then get scraps to get goob cuz it's good for people with Tisha and when you get goob you can get anything character you want
Nenna if you have a character that’s at 4 speed try to get toodles at 100% research so you can get dog plush it will make you fast and will help distract :)
Tips form a pro :
-When choosing trinkets, I highly suggest using trinkets that your toon sucks at. For example for Tisha I'd use Magnifying Glass (it makes you extaction speed faster but lowers your skill check) and Speedometer. You can use any trinkets if you want though, I'm not forcing you.
-If you see a Goob, Scraps, Pebble or Flutter and possibly Tisha (maybe all) in your lobby, there is a chance that they would distract so if you see them distracting, avoid them because the twisteds chasing either of them will spot and chase you. If this happens, there's a chance that the distractor will die because thye would have to take risks so they can get the twisteds chasing them again.
-Hide behind objects to avoid twisteds, keep in mind that different twisted can have different attention spans, like how Twisted Goob and Scraps give ip after hiding behind an object for 3 seconds.
-Speaking of Twisted Goob and Scraps, they can reach you very far, if they spot you hide behind an object so their attack can't hurt you. Not only that, if nobody activated them in a while they will most likely attack with their ranged attack, if they were activated not too long ago, they will most likely not have their ranged attack.
-Twisteds cannot see you through the window.
-Twisted Poppy and Boxten are the most harmless twisted because they don't have a special thing with them, if you die to them dont be embarrassed because you could die to them when having no more stamina or your lagging.
-Twisted Tisha basically is kind of like camper, she usually stops and cleans a certain area from time to time shes fairly easy to avoid.
-Twisted Shrimpo is one of the slowest twisteds, but be careful he has good eyesight.
-Twisted Teagan is a rich girl that likes tea parties and steals your tapes when attacked.
-To identity Twisted Rodger, you must look carefully at the capsule if it has foil or not. If it doesn't have foil, its him. But if someone activated him, wait for a bit so he can go back in the capsule.
-Avoiding Twisted RnD (Razzle and Dazzle) is pretty easy, just dont run in the circle, if someone did run in the circle wait for a bit to make them go back to sleep.
-Twisted Brightney only exists because she increases a chance of a blackout, so if you see her on a floor there are chances that there will be a blackout next floor.
-Twisted Flutter is a fast one, not only that but she doesn't stop when she checks an area so be careful when she stops you.
-So far there are 4 main twisteds in the game whom being Vee, Pebble, Astro and Shelly
-Even though Astro is the most harmless main twisted, if you fail a machine and hide, he can reduce the amount of completion in your machine so dont fail.
-A tip for Vee is to not fail and get chased by her, it's because when you fail Vee is always the first twisted to be there even if she's far and with her Slow ability it makes your walking and running speed slow.
-A tip for Pebble is to Avoid him all costs, its because (like Twisted Shrimpo) he has good eyesight, but if you get spotted by him run as fast as you van because he is one of the fastest twisteds (the others being Twisted Toodles and Shelly)
-A tip for Shelly, she's the 2nd least threatening Twisted Main but her ability allows the extraction speed to be lower.
-A tip for all Mains is that their attention span is long so if you getting chased by anyone of them hide for as long as you can, also with that they can still spot you even after you get hit, after getting hit stay as far as you can.
-Many tips for Twisted Dandy. Twisted Dandy is the SLOWEST twisted in the game but if he spots you and attacks you, it's game over because he can one shot you. Another thing to note about for Dandy is that when you complete a machine he will run straight at it with his good sense of hearing.
-If you don't want to do a Dandy Run anymore just buy a thing from his shop, sometimes he doesn't spawn immediately so if you dont want to do it anymore just buy something or let your teamates buy something, then he will calm down. But I must remind you that you can activate him again so that the run can continue late in the game.
This last one is not a tip but the next update of this game is coming soon so be ready for it.
How long did it take to write this?
@@AshantiVeeSkzBPprob 30 mins is they type fast and prob an hour if they dont
if your a distractor with low stealth like goob, most toons other than (brightney, shrimpo, and glisten), can walk right past you with no harm usually because they're stealth is high enough to (wouldn't recommend though cause it causes stress for the kiter)
How long did it take you to write this????
Ooh yay! First wrote this like 20 seconds into the video.
ALSOOO TIPS [ plus facts ]!!! I'm also an amateur at this game. And some of these tips might be some you already know so...
1. Hide behind objects to lead the twisted away
2. To avoid twisted Rodger, AVOID capsules with no tape in the middle of them.
3. Avoid twisted Razzle n Dazzle by walking in their area. Not running.
4. Worried about Dandy? No worries, he is VERY slow.
5. Although he doesn't have much speed. He can still one-shot you.
6. Dandy can hear you complete machines.
7. Don't want to do a Dandy run? Just buy his items. IF they are absolute trash. Don't worry maybe your teammates will purchase instead, and he doesn't get that mad quickly.
6. Main characters have unique abilities to kill you with. [Vee, Astro, shelly, Pebble, and Sprout ]
7. The Twisted cannot see you through the windows. You're alright.
8. Even though Twisted Shrimpo doesn't seem like a threat. He still has some good eyesight.
9. The following characters, Goob, Pebble, Tisha, Flutter, AND Sprout , Have great movement speed. And can distract the Twisted very well.
10. If you encounter a Twisted Shelly, she can give you confusion. Which lowers your extraction speed and a little more.
11. Twisted Goob and Scraps can reach you from very far. Try to avoid them if you can.
12. Twisted Teagan can take an amount of your tapes when she reaches you.
13. You can see father in blackouts by zooming in with toons like Finn, Glisten, and Rodger. To zoom in, get your toon up and close to the wall and then try to zoom in. This can work with windows too if you don't have those toons. [1 quality bar recommended for this to work much more better]
I'll probably edit this once i figure out more!!!
I think i know more but i forget sometimes. Feel free to mention some to my replies and I will add it!!
I’ll give you some to add!
Dandy is slow, so don’t panic much.
Dandy knows when you complete a machine so when you’re done with one, run!
Avoid spawning dandy by buying his items! Ngl he acts like Mr crabs-
The main characters have superpowers/affects to kill you with, some are fast and some are slow.
Twisteds can’t see you through windows, so you’ll be fine!
Edit: I just started a tip cult-
I’ll add some too!
Although Twisted Shrimpo is extremely slow, and seems weak, he has one of the BEST eyesight out of any twisted! Be aware!
Characters such as, Goob, Pebble, Tisha, Flutter and Teagan, (Sprout in the future), have excellent speed and with that speed comes with great and smooth rounds! Those six toons can distract monsters! Almost all the monsters. Everyone besides Pebble can distract every twisted besides mains. Pebble can distract everyone besides Twisted pebble himself! So if you have any of those characters yourself, or have friends who have them, have fun! Because they or you will make the game more fun then it already is!
Twisted Shelly confuses you when she’s on your floor. What that does is decreases your extraction speed! Yikes! I recommend wearing extraction trinkets that increase extraction speed, so your extraction goes smoothly!
Twisted Goob and Twisted Scraps are ranged twisted! They can stretch out their arms (Goob) and Tail! (Scraps) in order to not get hit, hide behind a box, or anything in their direction!
That’s all I have. I have more, but most of them were already said. Anyways, enjoy those tips!
Ok that was way too much sorry 😅😅
Imma also add sum
1: twisted Teagan takes a big chunk of your tapes if she hits you
2:when twisted Shelly is there a confused status appears
3:twisted vee is kinda blind so hide behind an object and she will walk away
4: twisted Astro is kinda slow
5:twisted toodles is pretty fast-
That’s all
Also 1 .twisted vee can add adds so when u doing a machin or distracting stop every 45 sec or 10 sec u migth get hit or hear 2. Twisted astro can use a machin and lower it so u stay on his floor 3. If u have questions mark it bc there a main that it
Here's some tips to survive each twisted!!
Extra tip first: if you can circle around one obstacle for long enough while not being in line of sight of a twisted they will eventually leave you alone
Poppy and boxten: these two don't have any abilities to help them, they have very similar attention spans, if you can just circle around obstacles you can easily lose them
Shrimpo: this is the slowest twisted even though he can see you from a bit further away then boxten and poppy, but just like them he also has an average attention span so you don't have to worry (he also has no abilities)
Tisha: she usually just goes around cleaning the floor but I'm pretty sure (not rlly) that she has a stronger attention span then the other 3, but she also has no abilities
Now, brightney(the red lamp): she doesn't have any abilities to help her catch up to you, but she does increase the chances of blackouts on floors she's in, also her attention span is similar to the other 4
Teagan(the golden/white cup): she has no abilities but if she hits you she takes away some of your tapes
Razzle and dazzle: they have a circle that they sleep in, as long as you walk in the circle then your safe DON'T RUN!
Rodger: he hides as a fake capsule, how to tell if a capsule is fake? If it does not have a thing in the middle, if the fake capsule was picked up, rodger will charge a beam and try to hit you, the person that breaks the capsule gets the slow debuff (and one other debuff either tired or confused)
Toodles: toodles is the 2nd fastest twisted in the game and she can be an absolute pain, luckily she has one of the lowest attention spans in the game aswell
Goob and scraps: these two siblings are what you can call "grabbers" in which they have a long ranged ability that can aid in them hitting you, scraps has a long tail that shoots out and attacks you from far distances, and Goob can pull you towards him and hit you, if you can stay behind obstacles they cannot hit you, and their ranged attacks have a cool down of 8 seconds
Flutter: this twisted is also very fast like toodles but the thing is her attention span isn't to bad I'm sure it's average, but the thing is her roaming speed is the same when she sees a player and she never stops moving unless she hits you
Now the hardest twisteds!!
Astro (the moon guy): he can apply a "tired" debuff that I honestly can't remember what it does- I think it lowers your extraction/movement speed maybe?? Idk, if you fail a skill check he will find that machine and steal progress from it, so make sure you get ur checks right
Vee (tv head): she can make useless ads pop up in your face to cover your screen and make seeing a skill check really annoying, so her and astro wouldn't be ideal, her slow debuff makes your movement speed drastically lower
Shelly (seashell dinosaur girl): her confused debuff makes it so it halves your extraction speed, idk how confusion makes the toons not know how to turn a wheel on a machine but it does
Pebble: this giant dog is the fastest twisted in game, and he can see you thru almost across the whole map, luckily his attention span isn't the strongest if your far away, but still remember he has no status debuff
Lethal twisteds:
Dandy is the only lethal twisted at the moment (lethal twisteds kill you in one shot) I never did a dandy run so idk Abt his speed or attention span
So yeah that's all hope these tips help nenaa!!! Ik it's a lot but these are all the basics of each twisted you should know Abt
Edit: thanks to one of the ppl in the replies, Astro's debuff makes it so u Regen stamina slower!
Okay, I'm gonna be the correction here. For one, Astro "Tired" debuff decreases how fast you gain stamina! And two, luckily as it is, Dandy does not do any debuffs, he just one shots and can hear a machine being completeted! Hope that helps! :]
@@orangoes_ oh oki
When you said that idk how slow dandy is, well, I heard some people say that dandy is slow.
Dandy’s as slow as Shrimpo but his attention span is pretty high, he also runs to completed machines so make sure to run once you complete a machine.
13:26 Bro was screaming for her life 😭😭
@FooziW0rm for real
Ik 😭🙏
Bro can be in a horror movie w those screams
FRRRR 😭😭😭😭😭
Floor 13*
@Rockytherock-z7 ik-
@@Yup023 yeah, that's ONE floor
I got Astro and vee on floor 6
Once i got pebble, on FLOOR 6💀
Another i got shelly and vee on a floor.
1:40 2 main char twisteds in a run is insane dude
Ikr i think i got a doublepebble and goob 😮
@@blue_berry1607 did you survive tho?
@@Thekid.inyourclass no
Well did you hear her screaming 💀💀💀
Got vee and shelly on my 2nd game with my friend;-;We gave up
Tips for twisted dandy!
Twisted Dandy
Twisted Dandy is a massive, dangerous roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting his enigmatic counterpart, he has a unique spawning condition that must be met before he has a chance to spawn: Players must not buy any item from Dandy's Store for at least three floors that it appears on. Each time every surviving player skips a shop. Dandy will become increasingly upset. Upon skipping the third shop. Dandy will become angry and Twisted Dandy will have a chance to spawn. On every subsequent shop players skip, this chance will increase, on the third time that you continue to ignore him, the music in his shop will stop playing, and Twisted Dandy is almost guaranteed to spawn on the next floor. Once this occurs (or a player purchases an item from his shop) he will go back to his cheerful self, and players must skip another three shops in order to have a chance at spawning Twisted Dandy again.
Twisted Dandy continuously emits the sound of a lullaby version of music box Clair de lune. and he makes stomping noises as he walks. These sounds are loud enough that they can be used to determine his location and if he has spawned on a floor.
Twisted Dandy acts like a normal roaming Twisted, with Twisted Shrimpo's speed, above- average detection range, and a very long attention span. However, any player he successfully attacks will be instantly killed, making him a uniquely grave threat on any floor he appears on. Twisted Dandy additionally has the ability to immediately beeline at full speed for machines when a toon finishes a machine.
Twisted Dandy can kill the player with one punch, making him the only character in the lethal category.
"The star of the show. The one who runs the Ichor operation. It's all his fault." - Twisted Research
Bro made a essay
wowa i already knew thaat not tooo bee reaude :>
@D4NDYZW0RLDL0V3R I said i already KNEW it and stating i wasnt trying to be rude. Ik some peeps are new. Im jst saying that i already knew it. No need to tell me that ppl are NEW, people only want to know this so they can survive and try not to die. DONT tell me ppl are NEW when ik they are.
@VIVVYTHEDWZNERD oh im srry but when did that happen? when you said CLEARLY that it wasnt for me only?
What is goin on in here- I started a 1v1 war-
Hey neena!! I knew u since u started aka 2019 ;) here is some tips as a pro!!
1. U can collect capsules but the one with no tapes has Rodger in!!
2. If u walk in razzle and dazzles circle ur safe if u run/sprint they attack you!
3. I recommend pressing twisteds (in the lobby) it will help u better
4.try to get Vee! But u need brightney first vees really good
5.try to avoid scraps and goob cuz they can grab u from afar ! (They are siblings)
6. Dandy hears ur machine!
7. The one yall called a bun is actually a shell!
She ain't a shell, shes an Ammonite.
U weclome diddy
Damn 2 CA dollars
I can't wait for them to meet Twisted Glisten...Twisted Sprout too..Twisted Finn as well🤑
1:25 "He got a cinnamon roll on his head!!" That ain't a cinnamon roll.. Or a he! Her name is Shelly! She is an archaeologist, and due to her love for dinosaurs, she became one in her Twisted version. She is so powerful and detailed because she is a main character! Poor girl gave into the Ichor Operation for hatred of constantly being ignored and left out.
1:27 Twisted Astro!! Another main character, and one if Dandy's former best friends. He canonically has for arms, but tends to hide them under his blanket in his toon form, bless the poor dream giver..
Ye agree
U met Astro and Shelly :D
And u experienced a blackout.
I’ll tell how to NOT DIE in main moments
Shelly has a high rate of speed, once u get out. Stay clear of her
She can also make u confused which makes extraction speed slower
Astro mostly takes naps when 5-10-15 floors. He is like one of the rarest mains besides pebble. His power is to make u tired
Vee is a robotic figure which her power, she can make ads pop up on your screen.
Pebble also has a high rate of speed and eye sight. Even when you hide he will still chase you.
A dandy run is when he becomes mad because u didn’t give him tapes. And he becomes mad and he becomes a twisted for a round. Twisted dandy can sense when you do a machine. Also he can make u lose all of ur hearts
Another thing to add is that Astro can take half of the ichor out of machines, idk if he can take them from completed ones.. I just know he can take half the ichor out of machines.
I just started 3 days ago on my second day of playing I had a friend I told her look how far I'm getting without you bc I was on floor 5 she died on floor one then somehow at the next elevator door is PEBBLE HOW DO YOU GET HIM TO NOT SEE YOU
I will add these things later bc that’s a lot 2 write and it’s the morning for me and I have school 😔
@@Flowerisher229 So to get pebble no NOT see u if he is chasing u go around an island idk how he wouldn’t see you because of his large attention span.
@@KINGSLEYYYYY probs will add that later
13:26 Maima raging at poppy lol poppy fr be an op
Fr normal poppy be like 😒 twisted poppy be like 😭
She angry that the words broke Sherlock off
1:35 that was Astro and Shelly btw (Astro is the one who makes you tired)
and shelly makes you confused
Both mains is crazy
@@youngkingdials4442nah mine worser i got a blackout, shelly, vee and pebble😭😭
@@youngkingdials4442not really people get mains alot
This Video Gave Me The Chills In Floor 10! I Love Your Videos So Much Neena! Espicially When You Post Dandy's World Stuff Or My Singing Monsters Stuff! ILY! ❤
11:53 “Just checkin’ on ya!” Ahh dandy 💀
Dandy: ay, bruhs!! Do you have any tapes for me? Just checking on "your soul" (jokes aside, Devil from Cuphead can steal the souls.)
1:20 he got a Cinnamon Roll on his head got me dying
8:04 i got jumpscared by boxten bc i thought he was on the other spot lmao
Lol noah im talking about cinnamon roll
That a girl and yes Shelly head look like a cinnamon roll
Nenaaaaa three new toons is coming in 2 days
Sprout (main character) (2 hearts)
Cosmo (toon) (3 hearts)
Glisten (Toon) (3 hearts)
Bro nenna really need to see this
Boxten : *Yeet himself*
Everyone : 😳😳😳😳
NENAA THEY UPDATED THIS GAME AND NOW ITS EVEN BETTER (i didn't think they could make it better since it was allready awsome)
Ah… something about Twisted Dandy that might not have been informed to you; Every time someone completes a machine, Dandy will run full speed towards the location of the machine
Thank you I never knew that :)
Me two! Thanks :)
(Quick notice: at 0:45 that was an exploiter! aka hacker/glitcher, technically someone who cheats.)
I saw a exploiter shrimpo it was so funny he was flying and going crazy spinning
Wh what
Hey Nenaa! Heres some facts about Dandy!
Everytime a machine gets finished, he *will* hear it.
He isnt too fast, hes fast like toodles.
And thats all the facts i know :>
i love you and your sisters content you shoyld make more videos about you together!!❤
we all do
0:45 😂😂BRO😂😂
It's exploits
@@JayavarDamliterally everyone knows...
Average exploiter
@@Combatlikes Shelly: dinos go rawr!!
7:56 "He couldn't pay the bills" 😂 New headcanon for me
Wow,I'm seeing this a hour after doing a dandy run! (Also love u neena :) )
That’s cool
Why does it trigger me when she does not know Shelly and Astro😤😭
I know right😂😢
I don’t know what twisted sprout looks like
IKR,like I was like: “SHELLY IS A GIRl-“
You know if you finished an machine you have to hide (The Dandy run.) 16:39
I may be super late but nena here's a tip when using tisha, tisha has 4 star movement speed like gooby goob so when getting chased by a twisted that is not toodles or pebble dont run and waste your stam though but there are some twisteds who are an exception such as vee or finn or rodger because they all slow you if you do a certain thing for vee is when you get seen, for finn is for when you finish a machine, and for rodger is when you open his capsule thats all you need to know i love your channel nena❤❤❤❤
So there is Finn,Glisten,Sprout(sprout is a main) And finally,Cosmo pls check it out I was very confused if it was real or not so pls check it out
Thank You For Reading!
9:52 This is where y’all came for
Sprout and cosmo: WE WONT LET YOU DIE YOUR OUR ONLY DISTRACTION *give heart*
other toon at 1 heart: I FOND A MED KIT
everyone except goob: WHERE
they all fond the med kit*
Everyone except goob: IS MINE IM A HEALER
Other: IM A MAIN
Gigi : I can a med kit from my head Ig
Everyone look at goob:WDYM STOP
elevator close in 29 seconds *
Dandy : show med kit and bandages and eject button
Dandy: no item must be saving your tapes!
Everyone : get to floor 30*
Poppy and shrimpo boxten die*
Get all main except vee and pebble
The end like for part 2
Imagine if all the main would be in the same floor. (also Ginger is a healer. She's Cosmo's cousin.)
evemai: no-no-no-no-
*meme yell sound effect*
*will do at 10 likes :3*
The way Nenaa frozen in fear😂
I love forever ninaaa❤!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Angelchick2000 just t-posing 😂😂😂
Neena liked my last story, so I'm gonna write a remake of it, about how the community of THE NEENA NATION tried to make her dance lol, I love this one -
*In the illustrious realm of the Neena Nation, where the art of dance was revered above all else, ruled a Queen known as ForeverNeena. Her stoic presence atop her throne often left the citizens longing for a glimpse of her graceful movements. They believed that if they could coax the Queen into dancing, her elegance would inspire joy throughout the kingdom, bringing about a harmonious celebration of movement and rhythm. Determined to accomplish this feat, the people of the Neena Nation embarked on a quest to devise the most captivating melodies and beats that would entice their Queen to sway to the music. They organized a grand event known as The Dance Extravaganza, a spectacle designed to showcase the finest compositions and performances crafted specifically to elicit the Queen's participation. Months before The Dance Extravaganza, the citizens of the Neena Nation began preparations for the grand event. Streets were adorned with colorful banners and streamers, fluttering in the gentle breeze. Artisans crafted elaborate decorations, transforming the cityscape into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures. Every corner of the realm was infused with an air of excitement and anticipation. As the day of the festival drew near, performers from far and wide flocked to the Neena Nation, eager to showcase their talents in the hopes of eliciting a reaction from the Queen. Jesters and acrobats honed their routines, comedians perfected their jokes, and musicians composed melodies that echoed through the streets. On the day of The Dance Extravaganza, the entire kingdom buzzed with energy as citizens gathered in the town square, eager to witness the spectacle unfold. The stage was set with elaborate props and dazzling lights, casting a magical glow over the festivities. Atop her throne, ForeverNeena was carried onto the podium overlooking her kingdom with an interested and inquisitive glance. Her subjects watched with bated breath as the first performers took to the stage, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation. The festival began with a parade of dancers, each troupe showcasing their unique style and flair. From classical ballet to energetic street dance, every genre was represented as performers twirled and leaped with grace and precision. Yet, despite the mesmerizing performances, ForeverNeena remained seated upon her throne, her expression unchanged. The citizens watched with a mixture of disappointment and determination, refusing to let their spirits be dampened by the Queen's stoicism. As the day wore on, various attempts were made to capture the Queen's interest. Musicians played lively tunes, magicians performed dazzling tricks, and artists painted colorful murals depicting scenes of joy and celebration. But still, the Queen remained unmoved, her gaze fixed ahead with unwavering resolve. The citizens of the Neena Nation refused to admit defeat, rallying together with renewed determination to find a way to make their Queen dance. And so, as the sun began to set on the horizon, a sense of anticipation filled the air. With each passing moment, the citizens of the Neena Nation held their breath, hoping against hope that their efforts would not be in vain. Little did they know, the key to unlocking ForeverNeena's elusive smile lay not in the grandeur of their performances or the sophistication of their inventions, but in the simple joy of unity and creativity that bound them together as a nation. Despite the mesmerizing performances, ForeverNeena remained seated upon her throne, her expression unchanged. With one final stand of hope however, desperate to give their queen the time of her life, the citizens pushed forward, determined to find the perfect rhythm that would stir the Queen's soul. As the event progressed, a group of innovative inventors unveiled their latest creation: The Danc-a-tron 2.0. This state-of-the-art device was designed to analyze the Queen's movements and preferences, generating a bespoke playlist of tunes guaranteed to get her feet tapping. With anticipation mounting, the Danc-a-tron 2.0 sprang to life, filling the air with an irresistible medley of beats and melodies. Dancers of all styles took to the stage, their movements synchronized to the pulsating rhythm of the music. Yet, to the dismay of the onlookers, the Queen remained unmoved, her demeanor unchanged. The citizens watched in disappointment as their most ambitious invention failed to achieve its intended purpose. Refusing to admit defeat, the people of the Neena Nation rallied together, determined to find another way to make their Queen dance. Drawing inspiration from their diverse cultural backgrounds, they began to craft a symphony of sounds that blended seamlessly together, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of music that transcended language and genre, blending the machine into a whirlwind of all the genres of music, put together. They called it the Symphonic Radiance! With each new composition, the citizens poured their hearts and souls into their music, infusing it with the passion and energy that defined their beloved nation. And finally, as the sun began to set on the horizon, a magical melody filled the air, its infectious rhythm impossible to resist. In that moment, the crowd gasped in awe as ForeverNeena's foot started slowly tapping against the ivory floor, until her head started to lesuriely sway to the music, as her face became a bubbly and enigmatic canvas, painted by the people of the Nation, and so, with utmost cries and cheers of Joy, the once stagnant and stern overlooker ForeverNeena rose from her throne, her movements graceful and fluid as she joined her subjects on the dance floor. Together, they swayed and twirled in perfect harmony, celebrating the joy of music and movement. And so, in the Neena Nation, it was not the sophisticated inventions or elaborate performances that succeeded in making their Queen dance. It was the heartfelt expression of unity and creativity that touched her soul, proving that the power of dance could bring even the most steadfast ruler to her feet* .
And thats it lol, hope you enjoyed it and that it brought a smile to all of your faces! Feel free to use this for your essays, beauteous as I like to say, just be wary when you get to the end of the story, since the sheer amount of words may just make you faint without you knowing it. *Another one bites the dust* lmao XD 💀💀💀💀
10/10 essay
@@wubtastical I’ll take that as a compliment lol, even though that usually ends up being the last thing individuals say before they faint like a rock, and seems there was no exception for you, another one bites the dust XD, seems YOU CANT RESIST ZA STORY Or maybe you faint just by the sight of looking at it, I wouldn’t be surprised!!! NO WONDER your eyes hurt! 😂 And hopefully Ryan will recognize it, it would mean the world to me lol, anyway thanks, I put a lot of effort into my stories, so thanks for the support actually in fact at the moment I’m writing a story called long may they stand with 42,000 words hoping for around 50k or more and am at chapter 36 at the moment approaching the climax, it’s about two brothers who are sent to an island which has had reports of dinosaur sightings in the area, but once they finally arrived on a perilous track, they would soon realize that there was much more than just dinosaurs awaiting them on that island, and soon the fate of the entire world and the universe for that matter would rest in their fragile hands… hope you enjoyed that sneak peak, lol even more reading to make your eyes bulge out of your sockets, just be wary when pressing the read more button, or you might just faint from the sheer amount of words underneath, AT LEAST YOU DIDNT FAINT FROM THE SHEER AMOUNT OF WORDS, OR DID YOU! This is ur queue to faint lmao 💀💀💀
100/10 story
@@Glistenoffical That’s probably the most agreeable answer I’ve seen in the history of writing Decleration of indipendences lol, I would assume it’s long based off the fact that I nearly faint from the sheer amount of words from pressing the read more button lmao XD ;D 💀💀💀
@@TheHollowGuy 😭😭😭 ALSO YW
Sunny? More like Sunstroke?
U have astro and shelly at 1:40
I had Astro ,sprout ,Gigi on the same floor
I had vee and Shelly both on floor 11
yo let’s go all three of my favourite RUclipsrs together
0:45 uh what the heck XD
Just Boxten being Boxten XD
The part when one of them said that they picked up a item and something killed them, that’s Rodger the magnifying glass! You need to look at it very closely… if it doesn’t have strips of tapes then don’t pick it up! Just letting u know
Rosie chill Rosie chill Rosie chill Rosie chill oh no no no no no no no👺👹
Thanks yourself for the weekend be friends for free 😊❤
I played Dandy’s world a lot with my friends and you’re one of my favorite RUclipsrs and I can’t believe you’re playing it
0:01 poppy😢
I use to watch all of you fnf vids, you inspired me when I was younger and I’m glad to see you still thriving. Continue inspiring people and keep up the amazing work neenaa ♥️
Dandy: “DANDY MAD” *-turns into a monster cutely-*
Your commet but edited
Dandy: just. buy. something. already. You know what? You're ded, buddy!! You are cooked!! (turns into Twisted)
Nenna! I can't believe u play my fav gameee I have vee and shelly! Also pebble
bro was soo chill at astro and shelly 😭😭
Y’all got mains on floor 13 is crazy 😂
congratulations you summoned the flower demon dandy!
Thx for playing my game
I love forever ninaaa❤!!!!!!!
😂your not the only one to mix up a twisted with a toon😂
Twisted Dandy runs to any Machine you complete!
Nenaa I love your videos!
hi, I love your videos, they are just too good
tips abt dandy:
he can one shot you (you die when he attacks)
when you finish a machine, he come to your machine as if you missed a skillcheck
a song called Caire le duin (i think) plays when he spawns so you know.
Omg nenaaaa i cant Believe that Twisted Danny!
hmm, Astro and Shelly huh? I'll tell you how NOT to die in Dandy's World (hope this helps!)
1. look for capsules with lines to avoid Twisted Rodger, they are real, capsules with no lines are FAKE!
2. TRY to avoid twisted Shelly or any BIG twisted by just... not doing anything, I guess.
3. twisteds can't see you through windows, your all good.
4. twisted shrimpo has low stats, he can still see you very well..!
5. the following toons, Goob, Tisha, Pebble, Flutter, AND Sprout have very well speed, try to use them more often!
6. don't wanna do a Dandy run 'cause you're just lazy? just buy his TRASH stuff, like a stopwatch, or instructions, etc YOU name it! or your teammates can just buy his stuff, maybe he'll get more happy whatsoever!
7. don't like it when ALL your teammates die and you're all alone? maybe just do a solo run, IF you're fine with it.
8. when you are doing a solo run, don't be scared, be yourself, embrace yourself, anything that you wanna do!
9. if you're scared, just tell your teammates "I'm already scared LOL" then they'll say "me too ngl" or smth like that
10. don't get a lot of people in your run when you host? try joining a run!
11. Shelly was actually FORGOTTEN, and THAT is why she has the "confused" effect!
Edit: Please pin this Nenaa I worked so hard on this comment and now my lil' fingers hurt please I beg
Edit 2: 11 was the furthest we've gotten and tysm for 0 likes :
Your the best RUclipsr I know 😍
He got a Cinnamon roll on his head had me yapping and laughing at the same time😂
Epic Very Pro Tip: Theres a thing called sprint bursting where you run then unrun a bit after you press it to conserve more stamina
The fact they started going crazy and saying that Danny didn’t have anything we could buy, but there was a big soda pop…. 😂😂😂😂
The 3 twisteds you didn't know were :
the one that has a roll for her head :
thats shelly
the one that has two hands and the hat:
last but not least..
the one that has the red brightness:
hope this helps!^^ (Aslo i'm a fan!(=^w^)
Astro has 4 arms.
lol not nenaa forgetting what her character was made to do for the team for the entire dandy run
Not the astro and shelly trying to kill her *is that moonshell*??
The pop soda(the big one) is actually good . Gives us full stamina!
The blue looking twisted with the hat is astro 🤧
Woah nenna is very good at this and not dying
6:56 "GO BACK DOWNSTAIRS" so emotion
Nenaaa there is a update in dandys world new chacters and new twisteds!
Quick tip get dot plush and then get scraps to get goob cuz it's good for people with Tisha and when you get goob you can get anything character you want
I realy like your videos.😊
Twisted Dandy can hear you everytine you complete a machine, so he runs to it.
lol this is when i first watched you😂😂
Forever nenaa
Forever nenaa
Forever nenaa
I like your video 😊
For no reason I got jump scared by twisted boxten bruh lol 😂 8:02
Omg i love your vids
Nenna if you have a character that’s at 4 speed try to get toodles at 100% research so you can get dog plush it will make you fast and will help distract :)
Dandy : y'all pissing me off
After Dandy : 👹👹👹👹
The intro got me rolling on the floor😂😂
0:46 “I feel a beat coming on, HIT IT BOXTEN”
Nenaa you should play the dandy’s world new update!
Luv ur vids
The way neena is just hot a mood swing to troll her sis because she knows very thing about dandy
Nenaa your the reason I started playing Dandy's World
Do another one with your friends?I wanna see it.See what the new update.I think it's pretty experienced