Chess Openings: Giuoco Piano
- Опубликовано: 9 янв 2025
- The oldest openings recorded, the Giuoco Piano has some exciting opening lines that you can play according to your personal style. Hopefully this video will help you understand the concepts behind the opening and what to look for when you come across it.
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More than 13 years later, this remains a very helpful video. Thank for this!
i love ur comments cause they are so uplifting. thanks for the kind words. glad to hear people are enjoying the vids.
hey, no newb questions.
1. there is a fine line between simply memorizing openings and understanding the concepts behind the openings. I def would know the main lines for the most common openings but also why each side moves where so that if you get surprised you can think "oh hey that's a bad move because...."
2. The position at 1:29 is the giuoco piano. black can choose to move few other places but when he moves Bc5 that is the giuoco piano. That's all that meant.
Hope this helps.
Lol "No newb questions 😂" I'm sure most people watching this are newbs 😂.
You definitely want to be careful if black breaks from the main line. With a wide open and dynamic opening, it is often common for both sides to try multiple traps. If black deviates from the main line ask yourself what his goal is? Is he simply developing? Is he attacking one of your pieces? Is he setting up an attack. See what he is threatening and then respond.
Glad to hear you are enjoying them.
For editing my videos I just use Windows Movie Maker
For recording I use Windows Media Encoder
The actual software i use for chess is Aquarium which uses Rybka.
All of these are free (Aquarium is free although it costs money to buy a more powerful engine) to use. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
Yeah I think you are watching a video that was made back in March. I have since then gotten new equipment and new software and the sound quality has been fixed. If you do watch the old videos (this one in particular was one of the very first videos I ever uploaded) then you may see a difference in sound. Hopefully you still enjoyed. Be sure and check out the new ones.
shocking opening song, especially when i use headphones
+Julio Irawan i agree
I liked it
Julio Irawan there is no song
Wow, this was a while ago...
so is this
So is this
@@vincentr9445 4 whole days
Origin: 16th century
Pretty interesting stuff; a lot of masters avoid this opening due to the fact that it promises both sides quick development.
for the time being it's halted. White should just take the bishop on c3 and be happy that he's up in material, has king safety and has a lot of his pieces in very active places. White should have a very good game here with lots of attacking ideas.
Thanks for checking out the video. I think this was the first day I posted a chess video on youtube so it probably was not my best video. I've tried to improve as I've done more videos but thanks for the feedback. I'm always trying to make better videos.
Thanks for the comment. I'm very new to youtube but hopefully in the future everyone can learn from future videos and this community can become something awesome.
i am in 2022😄
yeah, you are right about the isolated pawn. Keep in mind though that this is kinda the goal of those that play the Evans Gambit. They are giving up the pawn to have very active pieces, an active center and lots of attacking possibilities. You are correct about your analysis though, but it's not all bad for white.
Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the kind words.
I would simply develop to Nc3, bringing the night into the game and defending your e pawn. You might get in trouble by trying to defend with something like d3 as it blocks in your light square bishop. If you have two moves that develop and one keeps lines open for your pieces, I'd choose that. Then you can focus on developing your bishop or bringing pawn to d4 and opening up the center.
Going through the various openings, I feel more impressed by the aggressive nature of the Giuoco Piano and I especially love the way your video simplifies the process, comparing the different variations.
well some openings are just one move. Others, you are correct, depend on where your opponent moves.
If he moves a5 or b4, I would capture the knight c6 right away. If black captures with the d pawn then you can trade queens and force black to take with his king.
If black take with the b pawn then you can move your queen to a4! which will attack the bishop on either the a5 or b4 and threaten bishop f7 check and at the same time attack with the queen either the black bishop or knight, winning a extra pawn and forcing the king to move.
Yours is one of the first chess channels I learnt from, thanks for these videos! Revisiting your channel again after a long time
True that
One of the most solid openings in chess.
lol ive just played a party exactly like that, the 10th move, the queen behind the bishop is pure theory i just saw that on chesscom, he took my rook with his black square bishop and then i had a very good attack
Top quality channel in every way. Thank you for this tremendous resource! Subscribed.
@RoyalDevil3 i will look into it and if there is, i'll make a video for ya
not sure i completely understand the question. So evans gambit, white b4 and accepted, black Bxb4. Then white d4. Then black exc4?
I want to make sure I understand the question correctly. Are you asking if black or white moves back to d3. I see that white has the option to move to d3 but I thought you might be referring to black.
i would say if he doesn't move bishop then opening is shot anyway. I would start thinking about different things once he plays his knight instead of bishop.
Great video. I've been watching your videos for some times and they are extremely helpful. Thank you!
very powerful opening. i already learned it, once you get to 7:21, black will play d6, white bishop takes knight at e7, there goes the queen, you'll be 2 rooks down , but you will quickly get the bishop on a1 for the pawn on d4, which leaves you with a queen and a knight vs 2 rooks, very good odds. from there just use the queen's mobility and you should have no problems what-so-ever
Bc4 isn't this opening, that's the Italian game. It's blacks Bc5 which makes it.
Hoss Cartwright This opening is a continuation of the Italian game.
sorry i actually still don't see the exc4 move for black...?
@ArthurMattoso yes it is covered by the night, but that does not negate the fact that it it pinned. It cannot move while that bishop is aiming down the King.
Thanks Really Great Vid! Ive watched lots of chess video's that are really boring and others that dont explain why certain moves are made. You seem to strike a really great balance!
Keep em Coming!!!
that's awesome man. congrats.
2:14 that was the move i was looking for. Thank you.
That's awesome. Glad you found it.
@lifessaverz if you castle after Nf6, black has no reason to play Bb4. keep in mind in this trap you gambit a pawn, which you'll lose unless you're careful.
Great explanation and walkthrough of this. Very helpful
If it's any help the continuation I've seen recommended for white is:
10.bxc3 Nxc4
11.Qd4 Ncd6
I'm not convinced by it to be honest - it looks quite threatening, but I think black's position is defensible without sacrificing the piece gained. Happy to be shown error of my ways if anyone else knows better though.
@ArthurMattoso that is not to say white is in a bad position by any means. I just think he's got a little more confidence in that one pawn than it deserves.
his bishop would be taken (if I have the position is correct)
@daggergblue i think its because the knight on b1 is defending the pinned c3 pawn, he sais so in the video
ur queen is also protecting the d4 square
On 7:50 of this video, after Pawn to D5 threating na knight C6, this knight can go to A5 and attack the bishop on C4.
I think, There's no need to sacrifice the knight for black.
In the trap: after we have moved the rook to e1, black does whatever move, we do b-e7 taking the knight, queen takes, rook takes, king takes, what then? I can't think of any checking move that doesnt leave the bishop unguarded
very true, when the fishing pole works, it's wonderful.
@AlbertEinsten26 first of all, black king can move to f6 square. second of all, the attack can be blocked by pawn to d3. third of all, if that happens, your game is screwed.
@ 4:23
What about Bd2 ?
Better outcome imo
15 years and im here in May 17 ,2024 watching this video.
Make another video showing what to to if
@ 1:20 Black G8-F6
@ 5:30 Black D7-D5
I am crying right now looking at this chess video from 12 years ago 😢
Can anyone tell me why at 09:00 black couldn't just castle king side instead of sending his knight back to defend?
You are right, castling is actually perfectly fine, just tested it with an engine.
I had this exact game when I played as white. The only exception was that at 6:49, black forked my queen and knight. I was too excited to capture the other queen, I didn't see the fork. I still had a good game and won in the end as I captured the black knight with the white bishop, brought my rook out, etc.
In retrospect, had I seen the fork, I should have moved my queen to b4, to win the black queen.
At 9:06 would black gain from castling instead of moving a knight?
The Kostics Trap is a neat trap that can be used against opponents that open with Giuoco Piano when you are playing as black. Have you heard of it? If you haven't it might be worth looking up.
great video kevin thanks for dedicating ur time for helping us
7:21 White needs to play accurately to win after BxN+ QxB RxQ KxR because while the Black King is forced out into the open White is a piece down and has no rooks.
@tomhb1993 skilled players who don't know the opening will play as showed. these are most favorable moves, except for the trap. as i said before, very powerful opening if you know how to play it
Can you create some videos about creating a plan and strategies ?
i never get tired of that opening
My mistake, I wanted to say that after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 black can not avoid the Italian game.
at 8:05, what if black play Ne5 instead of Bf6? Looks like white is losing a piece here
Qe2 is a strong move
+Jose very brilliant!
@MyBeachRock Yeah but then white would be down material. The only positive thing is black can't cancel, while white already did. And white's bishop/knight is more active than black's bishop and rooks.
Why can't black' s bishop just move back to c5 in the Evans Gambit after b4?
Why would you want to do that? Even with your bishop on c5 white still has a defender more than black has attackers so you will just have to move your bishop back again and lose even more tempo
Evan's Gambit Declined line
can someone explain to me whyxat 5:42 he doesnt do c1 to g5? I am still getting in to the game but thats what i saw
crazy dutch people because the point is to checkmate the king and if you did that the king would castle, allowing the rook to move to the other side. So even if black didn't see the threat to the queen, if you took, blacks rook would take you and your trap would be ruined. Hope this helped
Gucci piano
Im really sorry but i think i have found a really easy counter :S When white moves his dark squared bishop to Bg6 attacking the queen blacks knight goes Nxd4. Then if white takes the queen black also takes the queen. And if the continuation is after Nxd4 then white's knight takes d4 black's queen takes the bishop on g6. Just wondering can anyone correct me?
seems like you could spring that trap whether black takes with the bishop or the knight?
What if at 9:10 black chooses to castle instead? Cause that solves the king's safety problem, and he's gonna lose a knight anyway.
+Micmacaroni its still the same, as RxN the best move for black, in my opinion, will be Ne7
+Bassel Safwat there is nothing special about that position. If rook takes knight on e4, black plays Na5
+Anuttam Ramji this will make more problems for the black, as back will have to keep an eye on b4 or he looses the knight, for example while ideas Bd3 followed by Rb1 threatening b4, the knight will have to retreat to b7... think about the black as not developed so far
Bassel Safwat thanks
u r welcome
You say "more than likely he's going to take as much material as he can" but if he's a reasonably good player he will sense the danger of the queen and bishop eyeing his f7 square.
Great Vid! Actually black could also attempt the fishing pole trap, which actually comes in the spanish opening, which is very similar to this.
13 years ago OH MY GOD. Btw can you make a video on c3 variation?
love the music 😀
glad you like it.
At 5:13 you chose to castle king's side, but why not just Qe2? Pins down the Knight and then castle, to win the Knight?
At 8:00 couldn't black knight be moved to a5 attaching the unprotected white bishop, and thus retaining the piece advantage?
Hey great videos! I'm kinda knew to all the technical chess openings and strategies etc. Can you help me with a couple questions?
1. Is the idea to memorize as many openings as possible? Beacause naturally black won't always react like the Giuoco Piano says or like another opening says.
2. What does it mean at 1:29 when you say "it leads to the Giuoco Piano"?
Thanks and sorry for the nweb questions...
requiem for a dream
around 6:51 after white moves Bg5 why would black respond Knight takes d4? That attacks the queen and if you traded queens then your white square bishop would be undefended. How can you counter that move instead?
6:36 Bg5 is a mistake because Re1 is mate in 9
I love how you thrust your pawns ;)
oh hey thanks.
3:10 I never really play this opening, but what about Bg5 here?
Jeroen, I can't really see the point behind 6.Bg5. What is your plan after 6.-h6?
Jens Petersson I was thinking of simple 7. Bxf6 Qxf6 (7. .. gxh6 8. cxd4 would get black with a bad pawn structure) 8. e5 Qe7 (or maybe to g6) 9. cxd4. Here, white has got rid of his bad bishop and both sides are about even in development, 7. cxd4 wouldn't be as good, because 7. .. Bb4+ 8. Bd2 would be a double-moved bishop.
when the trap is set and the white bishop moves to F7 and the king moves out of check, white moves black square bishop to G5, what move would white make if black moves Knight from C6 to D4, attacking the white queen? I played this opening and everything went well up to that point, then there was a barrage of wapping pieces and i found myself down. any advice?
Your vids are very helpful. Thanks for the effort of doing them.
Which software do you use for editing your videos? and which program do you use for capturing your tutorials?
I think you messed up the queen positions and you have a rook for your white king.
Two Knights Defense
This is really rare... most people will think your playing italian and mess up your giuoco piano
Still a very good opening for patzers like myself. One of the few openings that I have memorized.
you could link videos which trap black or white can use on the different openings. that would be very helpful
Great vid I am a chess beginner who needs to learn higher level strategy!
So whatt ur rating now?
at 8:20 what if black moves bishop to a5 or b4... the pressure is still on that square, would you counter by just eating the knight or trying to force the bshop off that line with your two pawns on a and b
I have a little comment for u: at 10:15, remember Pawn at c3 was pinned by Black Bishop. What happened if exd4?? You can't take that Black Pawn by your c3 Pawn (cuz the above reason). And if you take that pawn by Knight f3, you'll lose materials by the Black Knight. Anyway, good Vid, keep moving forward ^^
Epic music is how every chess video should start.
Ok so the moves black makes that lead up to the Giuoco Piano at 1:29....are they showing his most favourable moves against white? Thanks for the help!
At 10:07 after bishop takes pawn and white pawn to c3, what if bishop just moves back to c6 instead of a6? And after pawn exchange, bishop checks and exchanges and is up in
At 6:43, what about Nc6xd4 instead of Nc6e7?
if white captures queen then no piece can take the bishop, but if black captures queen then the pawn can take it. so then white will have the advantage
I like this oppening very much
6:50. Black can move his knight to d4 and fork white's queen and knight. Trap has not been unleashed, but demolished by black!
I like the dramatic music
i was wondering if there was any trap,or opening against the dragon defense?
Italian game, my fav opening :)
mine too
10.08 i don't get it after d4 black takes with the pawn the c3 pawn is useless as it is pinned to the king???
I find it quite funny, that the oldest opening recorded has a modern style defense from black :)