This 1 THING makes LOW ELO SO EASY! - League of Legends

  • Опубликовано: 22 янв 2025

Комментарии • 128

  • @skillcapped
    @skillcapped  Год назад +1

    IMPROVE FAST and RANK UP at: 💎💎💎💎💎💎

    • @Blue_Moon_Cannabis
      @Blue_Moon_Cannabis Год назад

      Thank you for this video . . . this is the best advice - really understanding the game, and really outplaying people

    • @schoolassessmentpt5057
      @schoolassessmentpt5057 Год назад

      omg i really wanna join the class but... i'm living as nursing student in foreign country, i lack money and time for this... is that tutorial have the same price after 3 yrs?

  • @GreatLadyKatherine
    @GreatLadyKatherine Год назад +69

    I appreciate having this put into words. It’s something that I’ve really felt intuitively with good Morgana, Pyke and Blitz players. They will just keep walking towards me *menacingly* while I try to juke nothing. It’s something that just felt more oppressive than other players who would blow it right away.

  • @henryt9731
    @henryt9731 Год назад +17

    After taking a break for 3 months because of the Azir nerfs and now he’s viable again. I find myself way more disciplined and has climbed much more consistent then before. Sometimes you just gotta chill and keep your cool. Theres a jg in the bush.

  • @gordijancirovic26
    @gordijancirovic26 Год назад +4

    These kinda of guides on RUclips made me go from b4 to s2 this season.

    • @gordijancirovic26
      @gordijancirovic26 Год назад +1

      I just want to say its crazy how informative this chanell is

  • @doctathrow6665
    @doctathrow6665 Год назад +22

    The whole guide can be summarized by hold your important spells to maintain pressure.

    • @peterdonohue2171
      @peterdonohue2171 Год назад +3

      @@christopherwray4788 lol what type of low elo games are you in? all of my games have players blowing their entire combo on the first champion they see, engage supports included, 1vs5, no matter the situation.

  • @BouncingTribbles
    @BouncingTribbles Год назад +13

    It's funny how often you'll put a video on here that specifically addresses something I've been consciously working on. I've been focusing on controlling pressure and the dorito of death, and viola you make a video about spacing and patient pressure

  • @Zeksham12
    @Zeksham12 Год назад +3

    im so glad you always take examples right of diamond and gold. been hardstuck in that worst elo and i finally learn something

  • @inhdung4521
    @inhdung4521 Год назад +6

    I think this documentary speaks a lot. Not biased here, but when you have an important spell, you should take a second to think about how to use them effectively. Low elo players tend to throw their skills and hope they will land on enemies, but the effectiveness of the spell is what you need to consider, too, but do it when you watch your replay. After understanding that in different types of situations, what skills and what actions should we take will have more contribute to the W outcomes in the point of this vidieo.

  • @LadungsBlitz
    @LadungsBlitz Год назад +28

    Skillcapped in every other video they have: - Dont waste your time coming to fights that look useless and where you are outnumbered. its not worth it.
    Skillcapped in this video: - Stay in river and zone off the enemy with the potential use of your coreskills untill your whole team has respawned 17. times.

  • @othersteeve1048
    @othersteeve1048 Год назад +1

    I connstantly have to use pressure to keep peeps off my river crystals as Skarner when it comes to fighting over objectives.

  • @ViciadoSocialempires
    @ViciadoSocialempires Год назад +2

    I think thats something you can learn by observing other players, I kinda learned when I questioned a Lee sin engagin an enemy didn't use it's Q right away and kept it to pressure, so I started questioning

  • @johnysimps1191
    @johnysimps1191 Год назад +12

    I think the way you handled the dragon fight was a high elo solution. Sure you had 2 teammates grief you but if the other followed suit then the pressure wouldn't have mattered.
    Not shitting on the information. I'm a perma bronze player and i could very well be wrong. But in low elo I'm leaving that drake and getting some minions

    • @garrettbillington7230
      @garrettbillington7230 Год назад +4

      I'll agree. In bronze that game is dragging to 30-35 mins anyway. Don't feel like this one dragon is going to matter, and don't trust in those teammates to kite properly. Just farm up and win yourself up until maybe platinum. Platinum is kind of where the more team-minded process can start happening and more plays are open to be made. I'd also like to point out he was 9/2 on gragas and I'm pretty sure a 9/2 gragas 1v2's without any problems, so he had plenty of room to bait a 3v4 without dying. There's a lot prior to this moment that allowed for this to happen.

    • @yoannme1181
      @yoannme1181 Год назад +1

      ​@@garrettbillington7230obviously but u guys are too tunneled on this fight only, this is only used to illustrate a point, that in any situation u have to think of it
      I think the Elise example showed in this video is the best example of the concept (as it is something that will happen at any elo and at any point in a game)

  • @Shuyin128MK4
    @Shuyin128MK4 Год назад +1

    In some games we call this "trigger discipline".
    Just because you can take a shot or go in in a game, does not mean you should until it gets the most value.

  • @mikeish6640
    @mikeish6640 Год назад +2

    The point about saving your kha'zix W... ezreal and cait mains, don't ult when you can keep autoing if it is safe to keep autoing... save your ult for when they are out of auto range (in a won fight were the opponent is running away). I find it so tilting when an adc uses these abilities straight away when there is no threat on them and they could just auto attack for the extra dmg and finish with the ult once the enemy is out of range.

    • @rainbowduckies
      @rainbowduckies Год назад +1

      Cait should definitely wait, but there's plenty of reasons to ult as ezreal before they've left range. 1. It keeps channelling even whilst you are cc'ed, so if you know you're about to be hit by one it makes sense to buffer your ult. 2. It's not a targetted ability, so using it when your enemy is cc'ed guarantees the damage. Whether or not that is worth more than the opportunity cost of using your autos and basic abilities instead is case-by-case.

    • @mikeish6640
      @mikeish6640 Год назад

      I mean the CC point is not relevant, read what I typed. "in a won fight were opponent is running" & "when there is no threat on them (the ez)". There is no way you are getting CC'd here. The 2nd point is more reasonable though it will cost you in potential overall damage as you could be walking up and autoing them. If you are sure the ult will kill maybe but I got to think in most cases you will do more dmg with 2 or 3 extra autos than the ult anyway, unless you're ap. Worrying about someone else showing up after so not wanting to be to far up makes sense so you stay back and ult. I agree with the 2nd point is what I'm saying, but if in doubt I would say auto till you can't, usually going to be the correct play.

  • @Drew-ck4gh
    @Drew-ck4gh Год назад +7

    wait the enemy team respects cooldown? my teams just go in and die every single time XD

    • @szwab91
      @szwab91 Год назад +3

      :D its league of luck, you win when u get the not inting team and smth like low elo does not rly exist cuz of smurtfs and ppl with higher skill being trapped there bcs of inters

    • @szwab91
      @szwab91 Год назад

      @@christopherwray4788 yes league of luck =)

    • @szwab91
      @szwab91 Год назад

      @@christopherwray4788 but the name is still lol so it's fine

  • @Johnny_200
    @Johnny_200 Год назад +2

    Probably the biggest thing that's like this is Azir. I have to admit I play him too instead of mid and this entire concept is what makes him so fucking deadly. People especially in low elos like bronze and iron really have no idea what azir is doing and how to play around that. They will not only step into my W range but the first thing I see them doing is thinking: Okay Azir placed one W and now I can all in. Just for me to say a loud sike, use the second W charge, commit shuriman shuffle and yeet them under tower before they can do anything. I had a particularly nastyatchup against Jax. I played cautiously since azis early game is really bad but the second I got Nashors and sorcerers I could easily 1v1 Jax and win by a landslide because all I waited for was him to misplace an EQ combo on a low HP cannon minion and then I could just all in, yeet him and let the soldiers do the rest. Pressure is such an important tool

  • @utikahk4538
    @utikahk4538 Год назад +1

    Last game I was MF. The enemy team, Shaco, Pyke, Malphite, and EZ. What do you do as an adc with high dive comps? Mal won the game just by holding his ult. It's hard to bait every spell that can kill you, especially with an actual iron support in a gold game. I don't lose a lot anymore, but this one I did.

    • @sandman153
      @sandman153 Год назад +1

      Just be patient wait out the skills

  • @dajmahal
    @dajmahal Год назад +3

    Unless youre diamond or above, you are basically locked to a small champ pool to actually carry games. The skill difference between bronze and plat is not far enough to make a plat adc be able to deal with a bronze 11/0 hecarim 2 items ahead

    • @michaelyang838
      @michaelyang838 Год назад

      It depends, I’ll tell you from experience that unless the hecarim is smurfing. There will be a moment where he overcommit for one of your teammates and that’s when you and your team commit to kill him for the bounty. I’ve come back from impossible odds in low elo against fed trash players. Problem is if they are a Smurf and are actually trying to win, they will snowball properly

    • @dajmahal
      @dajmahal Год назад +1

      @@michaelyang838 it doesnt matter if they overcommit when your team is too afraid to fight them, if only one of your team knows that theyre out of position and can be punished it doesnt matter

    • @michaelyang838
      @michaelyang838 Год назад

      @@dajmahal this all just sound like excuses, this happens across iron silver gold plat and I’ve seen low to mid diamond as well. If you did not farm enough gold to capitalize on their mistakes that’s on you.

  • @muhammied
    @muhammied Год назад +10

    Just pick kled with barrier ignite, no one looks at your spells, and they sometimes try to flash away from your e2 or ultimate after it connects.

    • @evenotfound4026
      @evenotfound4026 Год назад +1

      iron moment

    • @ciriousjoker
      @ciriousjoker Год назад +1

      Congrats you will climb until people start reading spell descriptions and you'll never learn any of the game fundamentals that way

    • @muhammied
      @muhammied Год назад

      @@ciriousjoker basicly until bronze 1

    • @ciriousjoker
      @ciriousjoker Год назад

      @@muhammied nah you can still cheese people in plat with this but at some point you will hit a brick wall and to actually climb you have to start back at the bottom.

  • @Dutex98
    @Dutex98 Год назад

    I personaly like this on lee sin q , sometimes my ememy just is trying so hard to Dodge my q and i keep auto attackin and never throw q and get kill just with autos.

  • @iwuvblunts
    @iwuvblunts Год назад

    Great breakdown and analysis

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    5:38 min.: My Champ have two of themp. Her insane stronge ultimate that can turn hole fights and her E the be realy anyoning if she get hitted with a rylais in my inventory. Sera is there realy anyoning.
    You dont want to enagd at her if she still has ult. Its can turn the hole fight around if its hitted. Its like a amumu Ult. Danger af.

  • @Hclody95
    @Hclody95 Год назад +1

    what if it was a realistic situation where you do all good as here but your teammates would just all engage and die then type "gg jg diff"

  • @hudsoncampbell5064
    @hudsoncampbell5064 Год назад

    9:49 The most impressive thing about this video... someone playing skarner!

  • @smokyx
    @smokyx Год назад

    massive content, ty (great video)! ❤

  • @nicholas9268
    @nicholas9268 Год назад +1

    Teammates: “he’s saving his abilities for next game”

  • @VegetaMentality
    @VegetaMentality Год назад +9

    i just hit master for the first time in my life

  • @karlogolubic6804
    @karlogolubic6804 Год назад

    I just wonder why do I get emerald and even master rank players in low elo? How can I beat level 1033 when I am level 50?

  • @Lonfield
    @Lonfield Год назад +2

    I guess it helps that you are inmensely ahead already. I'm all in for the concept, but silver is not a place where you can for example profit from this, probably high gold/plat and above, which is not that low elo anymore. For that low elo the best thing I learnt was the cheat recall. That was literally 100LP worth of knowledge

  • @LostAccount404
    @LostAccount404 Год назад

    On the other hand there are some player who dont even engage once because they are scared all the time

  • @bloodcraver9183
    @bloodcraver9183 Год назад

    Wall street bets meme. When is the "to the moon" guide comming

  • @morthozst-n-rusalye
    @morthozst-n-rusalye Год назад +3

    Is there a channel that gives tips like these but for wild rift?

  • @nicccynic74
    @nicccynic74 Год назад

    I love that you used the terms diamond and paper hands. GME!!!

  • @persona5911
    @persona5911 Год назад

    How do i escape from this afk, and trollers that i got everygame? That is the issue -.-.
    I just need a way to reset this matchmaking

  • @ExhyaGaming
    @ExhyaGaming Год назад +36

    they don't engage because you are 8/1 ... of course you can 3v4

    • @dethdaemon
      @dethdaemon Год назад +25

      I'm never sure why low elo players always argue with these vids, they're objectively better than you at league. Why not take your ego out of it, listen to what they're telling you, and you may get better at league. I've climbed to D1 with their advice, it's actually v useful, especially when dealing with low elo teammates

    • @dethdaemon
      @dethdaemon Год назад +21

      @@deathlyshivers8601 Yes, because it's objectively true, have I got into the top 0.5% to reach masters? Nah, does that mean I know what high and low elo looks like? Yep, it seems like you're another one who get's offended by objectivity

    • @dethdaemon
      @dethdaemon Год назад +5

      @fyrewanderer2802 Yh, I dunno what upset him, to LCS I'm braindamaged, to silvers I'm a genius, it's all relative, and these vids are made by challengers

    • @ExhyaGaming
      @ExhyaGaming Год назад +1

      @@dethdaemon this video is pure common sense and showing clips of someone way ahead of others is not informational at all. A bonzer player knows this.
      I have nothing against skillcapped, I am watching their video aren't I? But this one just sucks.

    • @dethdaemon
      @dethdaemon Год назад +3

      @@ExhyaGaming He's demonstrating constant pressure and understanding the range and effect of each champions abilities, and not to waste your own ability, yes a bronze player could understand that concept, but you have more faith than I do that they'll implement it. If he got too close and wastes e, they could easily take him down, between pant/swain/J4 they have sufficient cc, then kata with ridiculous damage, but by playing at the edge, they cannot force a play, and as he says, he outranges them with q. I very much doubt a bronze player would have the patience to wait at the end of his range to keep them back while moving forward to keep pressure, and it's a valid vid to demonstrate that concept. Unfortunately bronze players do not have common sense, so these vids often seem obvious and stupid. But in bronze a 0/6 kata will ult into a 5/0 malz with r. These vids are incredibly simple, and they are explained so basically that it seems a miracle that people don't know the concepts, but they're not for high elo learning, they explicitely state that these vids are not catered to those in master/grandmaster. And being 8/1 does not mean you'll easily win any fight, even in challenger you can get outplayed when ahead

  • @albertcohee7757
    @albertcohee7757 Год назад

    Bold of yall to assume my bronze opponents and teamates are having any respect for or playing around my cooldowns.

  • @lieutenant_rtda2234
    @lieutenant_rtda2234 Год назад +1

    Even in GM to Challenger, paper hands is quite common among my team

  • @somebodystvontwtich
    @somebodystvontwtich Год назад

    This whole video should just have been about Mord R.

  • @BronzeTF
    @BronzeTF Год назад +1

    Tether in teamfights and hold valuable abilities to apply pressure or lengthen a fight. Got it. Spent 99% of the video wondering what "paper hands" meant

  • @AnnaSa92
    @AnnaSa92 Год назад

    Literally a loading screen tip

  • @Nitrucha
    @Nitrucha Год назад

    There is 1 rule in low elo, No Rules are working 🤣

  • @dacusthracus4827
    @dacusthracus4827 Год назад

    It`s not paper hands. It`s paper brain teammates .

  • @olliolson
    @olliolson Год назад

    Sorry, but the learning curve stopped at the "3v4" point. In Bronze, the enemy team chases you with no regard for consequences, completely ignoring the situation including the objective (sometimes the support enchanter like lux or seraphine tries to solo the dragon tho, while the others brainlessly charge in, including the Katharina smurf - spoilers: that gets a triple kill). They trade queens to get a pawn and this situation would play out like this:
    Pantheon engages, brain red-zoning. Your team, including yourself, lack the mechanical skill and awareness to kyte him out. Everyone burst out what they can fat-finger, one person remains alive, Bronze in a nutshell. And this is why skilled players rarely know how to coach basement-elo. They cannot get the concept for the lack of skill and experience that you see in every single game.

  • @captain7883
    @captain7883 Год назад

    That elise nocturne situation was so dumb. Even the analysis is garbage. It was literally a free kill lmao

    • @inhdung4521
      @inhdung4521 Год назад +1

      The garbage replay proves how 🗑you are when you throw everything on enemies without spending a split second to think how to throw them correctly

    • @captain7883
      @captain7883 Год назад

      @@inhdung4521 Nobody Said that's 2hat you're supposed to do lmao

    • @Darkoness21
      @Darkoness21 Год назад +2

      How exactly is it garbage? He’s explaining how to layer your abilities vs the enemy. It seems pretty logical to me. I wanna know and understand why you believe it’s garbage when you have an ability the opponent needs to respect.

    • @captain7883
      @captain7883 Год назад

      @@Darkoness21 The example he gave was just super terrible. In this scenario the tips he gave weren't really good. Elise could have easily killed nocturne. He is right with not using abilities instantly which results in losing pressure but in this situation elise could have killed him (or burned flash) even after she missed that e

    • @Darkoness21
      @Darkoness21 Год назад

      @@captain7883 I see what you’re saying. I feel the main takeaway from the example is applying the psychological pressure of holding an ability that can dictate a 1v1 situation. Keep in mind too the Elise was feared by the E and couldn’t go into Spider form immediately after the Nocturne flashed over the wall. I feel like it easier to nitpick at the replay because there is more clarity when you are not in-game.

  • @Insomnia99530
    @Insomnia99530 Год назад

    The Gragas Dragon Dance is just dumb J4 dont want to engage no matter what. he is playing so far if he have Flash or ult they can easily force it and how did Gragas out range Swains E?? your first is not a scary skill you are just fed in the game i bet the J4 got killed and invaded multiple times this game

  • @TheMrMurtag
    @TheMrMurtag Год назад

    only one mistake - playing with useless team

  • @dajroz
    @dajroz Год назад

    So what you are saying is, I should HODL?

  • @jensers11
    @jensers11 Год назад

    No MF in the video. Bait.

  • @DanteCrowlley
    @DanteCrowlley Год назад +1

    Easy to be bad

  • @thebitcoingarden
    @thebitcoingarden Год назад

    HODL 🙌

  • @medielijah
    @medielijah Год назад +16

    9 1 8 grag. End of the story.

    • @king_kunta_0
      @king_kunta_0 Год назад +10

      Nah, it really isnt. The entire point of it was to show how even an 8/1/7 gragas needed the correct macro to pull off and win the teamfight. Almost everyone in his position would've probably lost that. And if you, mr commenter, are diamond and below, you most likely would've lost that too.

  • @redtrac8129
    @redtrac8129 Год назад


  • @abdomination
    @abdomination Год назад

    Today, I had a Leona on my team who cost us the game by constantly going into the enemy Alistar.

  • @KidTrigger
    @KidTrigger Год назад


  • @oussamabahamma4978
    @oussamabahamma4978 Год назад

    paper hand a khay nibrass ya l3atwa khrj elya hhhhhhh

  • @Kittensinabox
    @Kittensinabox Год назад


  • @Ru1nedK1ng
    @Ru1nedK1ng Год назад

    So basically, those who pay for skill capped are prioritized in matchmaking to guarantee them in winning, so you guarantee money back if they don't but the matchmaking is programmed to prioritize the payers to climb.

  • @Abololo33
    @Abololo33 Год назад +1

    Impossible to climb from bronze when your team feeds 20 kills each within 20 minutes..

    • @DuppyBoii187
      @DuppyBoii187 Год назад +4

      I found it very easy to carry bronze teams who died 20 times in 10 minutes every time. Skill issue.

    • @hbgkool
      @hbgkool Год назад +1

      Bronze is literally easy af lmao

    • @captain7883
      @captain7883 Год назад

      If you didnt start like playing this season and are somewhat able to use your brain there is no way you canb land in bronze

    • @fetti22
      @fetti22 Год назад

      Yeah man you're just bad lmao, any good league player just steamrolls right through bronze

    • @cloudwalker9572
      @cloudwalker9572 Год назад +1

      Literally get a late game champ and farm 8 cs a minute. Bronze can be stat checked with just items because you've farmed better.

  • @samconnor2613
    @samconnor2613 Год назад

    More Iron Game Play

  • @mikerich350
    @mikerich350 Год назад


  • @skywalkerog3886
    @skywalkerog3886 Год назад

    We should make riot ban players from playing ranked, when they DESERVE it. There ate players that have absolutly no clue about rhe game and queue up for ranked just to waste time. We need to force rior into dealing with trolling and griefing players because they made it more than clear that they dont care about those people

  • @yanivtube
    @yanivtube Год назад

    i already knew alllll of this lmfao