Hybe is bringing back GFriend back Girls Kpop group to Source Music Label in Hybe which is amazing, Go to (Kpop Shock ) by Korean Reporter Journalist Mr Kim and click on last two videoes on top on RUclips read it. Translate to Korean
One has to expect these sorts of things but for those who don't have stocks, shares, understand bonds etc and do not watch the trends up and do see only small parts rather then see things in the long term, they just don't understand.
차트를 보면 하이브의 주가는 반등을 위한 바닥다지기, 횡보에 가깝습니다. 이런 형상의 차트는 일반 개미들의 주식보유수를 사실상 빼앗기위한 불리한 기사들이 제일 많이 쏟아내는 지점이기도 합니다. 간혹 지하 1층 아래 2층 3층 4층으로까지 끌어내리는 악랄한 세력도 있긴합니다만. 차트만으로 볼때는 저점갱신이 안된다면 반등을 위한 그림은 그려진게 맞습니다.
Hybe is really going through a lot this year. I just don't get how one company can have so many haters wishing and praying for their downfall. It's annoying to say the least, because what have they even done to you to warrant so much hate. I'm a firm believer that what doesn't kill you always makes you stronger and I do hope that when hybe comes out from all this, they can be way stronger than they are now. No company is perfect like you said, but the amount of gang ups from citizens, the media and “know it all Kpop fans” just makes it seem like its really hybe against the world. All their groups debut with a target behind them just for bearing the name hybe. It's so exhausting. They just became a conglomerate and they have way bigger plans for the future. The company just needs this rough path because more is to come and it's not going to be easy overcoming them all, but they would and that's what's going to make them better.
Thank you for the update. I’d love to buy some HYBE stock in the U.S., but I can't find it on Fidelity. Do you have any information on where I can purchase it?
K-pop and HYBE are going through a very rough patch, but patience is needed. The "K-pop drama" won't last and attention will be on Sergeant Jung Ho-seok discharge. The atmospere will change. Per ARMY, the Moon & Sun will meet and joy will overflow.
Les membres de NJ n'ont plus une bonne image; c'est à cause d'elles que les actions de HYBE continues de baisser. Les actions de HYBE remonterons dès qu'elles seront renvoyés; et si HYBE annonce en même temps leurs remplacement par de nouveaux membres, les actions remonterons plus vite que la flèche verte
thanks for this but i already knew becase i remember there was talk about this last year and hybe planned to make these new bonds to insure investors and it was recevies positively. they knew and mhj knew that Hybe was vulnerble in 2024, when bts was away. they all knew so now all the attacks on Hybe is coming in. i remember many army predicted that would happen. it always happened when BTS had a comeback, they also tried in 2020 but then BTS rise in fame again and broke records. they also tried before their comeback for wings in 2016 and in 2019 with all of these next BTS articles beeing written. and this periode is also planned a heard. every comeback for BTS was planned years a heard same with hybe itself. but when Hobi returns and will tour we will see the stock rise again trust me. he will sell out very venue around the world just like suga did
궁굼한점 있습니다 6:00에 님의 말을 들어보면 "미리 CB를 상환하려 준비 하려고 CB를 추가 발행한다는 건데" 전환사채 막으려고 CB를 발행한다는 것은 회사가 보유한 현금이 부족할 가능성이 있다는 말이잖아요? 그러면 CB로 CB를 돌려막기 하는건데 투자를 받아 회사를 성장 시키는 게 아니라, 투자를 받아 빚을 갚는다란게 좋은 신호는 아닌 것 같아서요, 이게 정상인가요?
해외분들을 위해 영어로 답변해 드립니다. Q: Issuing new CBs (Convertible Bonds) to pay off existing CBs seems like the company might be lacking cash. Is this normal? It feels like they're using debt to cover debt, rather than growing the company. Isn't that a bad signal? A: Great question. At first glance, it might seem like a red flag, but it's actually a pretty common strategy for companies. Issuing new CBs to pay off existing ones, also known as "refinancing," allows the company to manage their finances more flexibly. Instead of burning through cash reserves all at once, they can spread out their payments or even get better terms on the new bonds. This can free up capital to focus on growth or other investments. So, while it might look like they're just juggling debt, it’s often more about managing the balance sheet smartly. As long as the company has a solid plan and financial health, it’s not necessarily a bad sign.
thanks for breaking this down as antis like using this talking point and it's lead to a lot of concern & confusion. IDK if you do shorts, but may be a good option for a short as well.
Ce n'est pas parce que les membres de NJ menace HYBE que les actions baissent; les actions baissent parce que HYBE ne les à toujours pas renvoyées avec tout ce qui se passe, elles n'ont plus une bonne image. Les actionnaire s'impatiente et s'énervent, ils sont là pour leurs intérêts et non pour ceux de cinq filles mal éduqués. Les licencier ce n'est pas de la méchanceté, c'est de la logique.
아일릿은 나오자마자 망했쥬~~남의 안무를 베끼고 있는 그룹이 잘될리가있나~~ 전환사채에 2천억이 넘는다니 그걸 토해내야될텐데 하이브에 유동자산이라도 남아있나? 어디더라? 콜라보했는데 그것도 망했지...50만원선이였던 주식이 지금은 13만원인가? 그렇게 떨어졌지 뭐~미래에셋이 하이브랑 같이 죽겠다 하면 대신 토해내겠다만 과연?? 하이브가 여유자금이없어 하이브의 방시혁이랑 그 밑의 떨거지들이랑 대가리가 돌덩이라그런지 사태파악도못해 오죽하면 국회에서 노닥거리지말고 사태수습하라는 말이 나오겠냐
00:00 Korean
21:11 English
Hybe is bringing back GFriend back
Girls Kpop group to Source Music
Label in Hybe which is amazing,
Go to (Kpop Shock ) by Korean
Reporter Journalist Mr Kim and
click on last two videoes on top
on RUclips read it.
Translate to Korean
정말 대한민국 인터넷 기자들의 저급함에 부끄럽네요. 내 나라 언론이 얼마나 더 싸구려가 될런지. 인터넷이 일상이다 보니 인터넷 기사를 안 볼 수는 없는데, 점점 더 신뢰가 가지 않게되니...
' 좋은건 기관이 다 가져간다 ' 정답. 개인 한테 넘어올 물량은 없음
이뉴스는 악플을 계속 만들라는 주문일뿐~~~😌
its been more than a week i found your account and i am totally in love with your content
Hybe will be fine ,just get rid of MHJ & New jeans . 2025 is just around the corner…
One has to expect these sorts of things but for those who don't have stocks, shares, understand bonds etc and do not watch the trends up and do see only small parts rather then see things in the long term, they just don't understand.
안전핀도 없고 무이자 무수익 빵빵CB 이지만
여전히 하이브 배짱은 두둑하다
하이브 믿는 사람들만 사라는 거고 이미 완판 끝났다
I've never been so fast lol
말씀 하신것 처럼 당연한 순서로 진행되고 있는 내용을 파이낸셜 기자란 놈이. . 알면서도 ? 설마 진짜 몰라서 ? 개똥같은 뉴스를 계속 올리고 있군!!
오늘도 감사합니다 😊
Everyone support ILLIT in October!!! And keep supporting TXT Yeonjun, Boynextdoor and LE SSERAFIM who just released new music 🎉😊
차트를 보면 하이브의 주가는 반등을 위한 바닥다지기, 횡보에 가깝습니다. 이런 형상의 차트는 일반 개미들의 주식보유수를 사실상 빼앗기위한 불리한 기사들이 제일 많이 쏟아내는 지점이기도 합니다. 간혹 지하 1층 아래 2층 3층 4층으로까지 끌어내리는 악랄한 세력도 있긴합니다만. 차트만으로 볼때는 저점갱신이 안된다면 반등을 위한 그림은 그려진게 맞습니다.
무슨 의도로 저런 기사를 쓰는지, 편파적인 기사가 하도 많아서 신문이 오히려 공해가 되었네요.
저는 주식 투자는 잘 하지 않기 때문에 모르는 것들이 많은데, 신선한 정보 감사합니다.
Hybe is really going through a lot this year. I just don't get how one company can have so many haters wishing and praying for their downfall. It's annoying to say the least, because what have they even done to you to warrant so much hate. I'm a firm believer that what doesn't kill you always makes you stronger and I do hope that when hybe comes out from all this, they can be way stronger than they are now. No company is perfect like you said, but the amount of gang ups from citizens, the media and “know it all Kpop fans” just makes it seem like its really hybe against the world. All their groups debut with a target behind them just for bearing the name hybe. It's so exhausting. They just became a conglomerate and they have way bigger plans for the future. The company just needs this rough path because more is to come and it's not going to be easy overcoming them all, but they would and that's what's going to make them better.
In za vse to, kar se v tem letu dogaja je kriva Min Heejin!
Totally agree!!
When BTS, returns everything will be back to normal.
오히려 지금이 찬스라고 생각합니다. 뉴진스 정리되고 방탄 복귀하면 승승장구 올라갑니다.
@@dhs4618ify네 재계약했습니다!!
@@dhs4618ify재계약 했습니다
Thank you for the update. I’d love to buy some HYBE stock in the U.S., but I can't find it on Fidelity. Do you have any information on where I can purchase it?
두나무 투자실패해서 총 7000억 손실보고 있어가지고 4차 cb투자 모집하는건 왜 빼냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이슈별로, 리뷰 따로, 필요할땐 영어로 또는 한국어로...하이브만 관련되서만 하는데도 이슈도 많고 그룹도 많아서인지? 컨텐츠가 다채롭네요.
기사타이틀에 이모티콘이라니 파이낸셜 수준이 ㅉㅉ
K-pop and HYBE are going through a very rough patch, but patience is needed. The "K-pop drama" won't last and attention will be on Sergeant Jung Ho-seok discharge. The atmospere will change. Per ARMY, the Moon & Sun will meet and joy will overflow.
Les membres de NJ n'ont plus une bonne image; c'est à cause d'elles que les actions de HYBE continues de baisser. Les actions de HYBE remonterons dès qu'elles seront renvoyés; et si HYBE annonce en même temps leurs remplacement par de nouveaux membres, les actions remonterons plus vite que la flèche verte
thanks for this but i already knew becase i remember there was talk about this last year and hybe planned to make these new bonds to insure investors and it was recevies positively. they knew and mhj knew that Hybe was vulnerble in 2024, when bts was away. they all knew so now all the attacks on Hybe is coming in. i remember many army predicted that would happen. it always happened when BTS had a comeback, they also tried in 2020 but then BTS rise in fame again and broke records. they also tried before their comeback for wings in 2016 and in 2019 with all of these next BTS articles beeing written. and this periode is also planned a heard. every comeback for BTS was planned years a heard same with hybe itself. but when Hobi returns and will tour we will see the stock rise again trust me. he will sell out very venue around the world just like suga did
조기상환한 투자자들도 다시 전환가액 낮은 CB 다시 청약하겟지
뜬금없지만 목소리랑 딕션 다 너무좋으시네요 ㅠㅠ
궁굼한점 있습니다 6:00에 님의 말을 들어보면 "미리 CB를 상환하려 준비 하려고 CB를 추가 발행한다는 건데"
전환사채 막으려고 CB를 발행한다는 것은 회사가 보유한 현금이 부족할 가능성이 있다는 말이잖아요?
그러면 CB로 CB를 돌려막기 하는건데 투자를 받아 회사를 성장 시키는 게 아니라,
투자를 받아 빚을 갚는다란게 좋은 신호는 아닌 것 같아서요,
이게 정상인가요?
해외분들을 위해 영어로 답변해 드립니다.
Issuing new CBs (Convertible Bonds) to pay off existing CBs seems like the company might be lacking cash. Is this normal? It feels like they're using debt to cover debt, rather than growing the company. Isn't that a bad signal?
Great question. At first glance, it might seem like a red flag, but it's actually a pretty common strategy for companies. Issuing new CBs to pay off existing ones, also known as "refinancing," allows the company to manage their finances more flexibly. Instead of burning through cash reserves all at once, they can spread out their payments or even get better terms on the new bonds. This can free up capital to focus on growth or other investments. So, while it might look like they're just juggling debt, it’s often more about managing the balance sheet smartly. As long as the company has a solid plan and financial health, it’s not necessarily a bad sign.
업비트 상장 하면 그때도 꼭 나와라 멍청한 파이낸셜 기자야!!
개인은 CB 못 사나요 CB에 투자하고 싶네요^^
보통 사모라서 개인투자자들한테 기회가 없긴한데 님이 돈 존~나 많으면 가능함
thanks for breaking this down as antis like using this talking point and it's lead to a lot of concern & confusion. IDK if you do shorts, but may be a good option for a short as well.
전환사채는 하이브한테 절대적으로 불리한데 왜 4차 투자자들을 모집하는지에 대해 써야지 하이브한테 돈 얼마 처받냐 나도하자 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ce n'est pas parce que les membres de NJ menace HYBE que les actions baissent; les actions baissent parce que HYBE ne les à toujours pas renvoyées avec tout ce qui se passe, elles n'ont plus une bonne image. Les actionnaire s'impatiente et s'énervent, ils sont là pour leurs intérêts et non pour ceux de cinq filles mal éduqués.
Les licencier ce n'est pas de la méchanceté, c'est de la logique.
아일릿은 나오자마자 망했쥬~~남의 안무를 베끼고 있는 그룹이 잘될리가있나~~ 전환사채에 2천억이 넘는다니 그걸 토해내야될텐데 하이브에 유동자산이라도 남아있나? 어디더라? 콜라보했는데 그것도 망했지...50만원선이였던 주식이 지금은 13만원인가? 그렇게 떨어졌지 뭐~미래에셋이 하이브랑 같이 죽겠다 하면 대신 토해내겠다만 과연?? 하이브가 여유자금이없어 하이브의 방시혁이랑 그 밑의 떨거지들이랑 대가리가 돌덩이라그런지 사태파악도못해
오죽하면 국회에서 노닥거리지말고 사태수습하라는 말이 나오겠냐
육즙 망하나?
당연하지.. ㅋㅋ cb 발행때 보다 주가가 반토막이 나버림 ㅋㅋ문제는 앞으로 더떨어짐..4천억 다 청구될꺼 같은데,.ㅋㅋ 내가 알기로는주가폭락으로 4천억 이자도 못받고.. 투자자들 손해가 어마어마 할껄?
아는게 없으면 그냥 지나가라~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ㄸㅁㅊㅇ~~
응 민희진이 어도어 제안 거절하고 주가 오름ㅋㅋㅋ
@@danielspick 그런걸 전문용어로으로 기계작 반등 주가방어라고 하는거고.. 음악을 듣는사람 절반은 이제 하이브 음악은 듣지 않을것이니 이회사는 이제 부도났다고 봐도 됩니다 ㅋㅋ
@@ssanta7654응 방탄 10년 재계약 체결 안망해
하이브 매수대기자인데... 이 영상땜에 좀 더 기다려야되나요.? ㅋ
김주리기자 ㅋㅋㅋ 과즙세연. 부러웠나? 주식기사에 민희진. 과즙세연의 제목. 왜나와 ㅋㅋㅋ
어제 엔터주 다 양봉이였는데 하이브만 빠진데다 저 기사 까지 나오니 주주들 돌아버리게 하는거죠
영상 잘봤습니다. 감사합니다. 11월1일까지 주식이 떨어질 가능성이 크지 않을까요?
HYBE 머잖아 골로간다... 이제 그 어느누가 빵시혁을 믿고 4,000억을 빌려 주겠나 ?.... 손절 못하고 물려있는 주주들 뺴고 전부 빵시혁이와 거리를 두고 멀리하는 중이다.
ㅋㅋ정말 그렇게 봄?
변희재? ㅋㅋㅋ
버니즈? ㅋㅋㅋ
@@Goodda2 변희재 ㅋㅋㅋ