This song reminds me of last summer. Me and my friends would go out a bale hay for some extra money. After we would go grab our four wheelers and go night riding through the woods. Fun times.
man im ready for summer now! every year i complain about the heat all summer and wish it was winter, then winter comes, no snow happens and all i want is summer again. blah.
ive loved rascal flatts for 8 years now this song started my music career ALL THXS GOES TO RASCAL FLATTS FOR STARTING FOR MY MUSIC CAREER WAYYY BACK IN 2005
Lol I played this at school on the last day of school and no one likes country there except for me one of my friends and the teachers. Well I played this and me and my friend started dancing and my teacher was belting out the lyrics! Hysterical!!!!
Some of y'all are reflecting on the good ole days....well I'll take quarantine compared to my memory 😂 I was 10 when this came out & didn't know what "getting sexy" meant, but I'm sure my grandparents knew when I was screaming the lyrics to this when it came on the radio 😂😂
I hear this song every August near the first day of school I hear this song, and it makes wish I enjoyed summer more. :P Its been like that for the past few years :P
this song is making me sweat and drink a lot of water. MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SUMMER! 2 REASONS WHY I AM SO HAPPY! 1. NO SCHOOL. 2. I WAS BORN IN JULY WHICH MEANS POOL PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this song has inspired me.... i'm gonna have a kickass summer!!!! im gonna party at night, tan in the day and everything in between!!!! I'll be off the computer as soon as this song is over, don't rush me!
YAY!!!!! WAH, summer's almost over!!! Well, it woulda bummed me out, but I just graduated, so now... yeah, it just means I can turn off the AC when goin' ta work. Still, a fun song, loved it!
ok i one of the most rock/screamo freaks you will ever see. but this song is freaken awesome. JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE ONE TYPE OF MUSIC DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT LIKE SOMETHING COMPLEATLY OPPISITE. (:
This song reminds me of last summer. Me and my friends would go out a bale hay for some extra money. After we would go grab our four wheelers and go night riding through the woods. Fun times.
Idc if its winter, summer, fall or spring I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!
I completely forgot about this song and I used to listen to it every day and I feel like I ACTUALLY dug up an old part of my brain
Can’t wait for summer 2019 this will be getting blasted all day long
Smokey _TripleOG I love summer
It’s 2021 Einstein
Country music always reminds me of summer.
Summer 2019, you have finally arrived. 🙌☀️🏝
BrainWashed FanGirl and now somehow tomorrow is already September!??!
This song makes me want summer soo badly, love it!!
man im ready for summer now! every year i complain about the heat all summer and wish it was winter, then winter comes, no snow happens and all i want is summer again. blah.
Thus is one of my favorite songs from Rascal Flatts. I remember when this song came out, this song takes me back to 2009
my favorite rascal flatts song! and i have summer now! gotta love it!
ive loved rascal flatts for 8 years now this song started my music career ALL THXS GOES TO RASCAL FLATTS FOR STARTING FOR MY MUSIC CAREER WAYYY BACK IN 2005
I graduated in May of 2009 and I remember blasting this song through town on my way home from work! Ah I miss those days
I LOVE THIS SONG!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Summer- the best freaking time of the year!
Anyone ready for summer of 2019!? Still listening..
Man I cant wait for Summer nights! Its time for the semester to end
love you rascal flatts!!!! cant wait for this summer!!!!
This just took me back to summer 2008 high school 🥺 the good old days *im old*
Summer needs to hurry up!!!!!! i cant wait to go camping with my grandparents, This song is great!!!!!!!!!!! SUMMER HURRY UP ALREADY
listening to this song in October. Now that's some summer spirit
Good bye, summer nights! U will be missed... But I will see you again after spring :)
I love this song, no matter what seasn, this song always puts me in a way better mood!!!
School got out 2 days ago!! But tonight is the first summer night!!! ☀☀☀😍😍😍
Summer 2018 lets go!!!
Mark Walter u r right
Boy do I still wish it was 2018
Lol I played this at school on the last day of school and no one likes country there except for me one of my friends and the teachers. Well I played this and me and my friend started dancing and my teacher was belting out the lyrics! Hysterical!!!!
Last day of school tomorrow! I always listen to this song when schools over! Brings back memories!
Some of y'all are reflecting on the good ole days....well I'll take quarantine compared to my memory 😂 I was 10 when this came out & didn't know what "getting sexy" meant, but I'm sure my grandparents knew when I was screaming the lyrics to this when it came on the radio 😂😂
one of my FAVORITE songs!!! i was at summer nights at busch gardens tampa bay and heard this song
i am soooooo ready for summer nights!
havent even been out a week yet. only few days but already livin it up!!
Perfect song for one of those Summer Cookouts!
Looking forward 2 going swimming and then ice cream l8r 2day with a couple of friends. Had 2 listen 2 this ;) ~♥
I hear this song every August near the first day of school I hear this song, and it makes wish I enjoyed summer more. :P Its been like that for the past few years :P
on tour with Rascal Flatts is so amazing cant wait to see what tommorow brings
Listening to this in the winter ..or when ever its cold...I can dream!
OMG! feb. 13 and there is snow on the ground. Summer needs to hurry up.... The desert needs the heat back!
I'm ready to spend those summer nights running around like a madwoman! XP
i cant wait for those 2O11 summer nightss♥
cant wait till summer!!!!!! campin down in wildwood, nj!!!!! :)
this will be the song im listening to on my way to california next summer.
summer 2011, i cant wait :)
It is finally summer here in wichita, ks. Love you guys....
Only 6 days of school left for me :))) CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
We got out of school on the 27... been partying it up everyday since then! ;) Summer 2011!
For me Summer has come!!!!I love it!!!
18 days left of school!! GRRRR let me out!!!!! school can be fun sometimes but I LOVE summer
I loooove this song!! But its soo depressin in the winter haha bcuz summer sounds soo amazing when its cold outside!
this song is making me sweat and drink a lot of water. MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SUMMER! 2 REASONS WHY I AM SO HAPPY! 1. NO SCHOOL. 2. I WAS BORN IN JULY WHICH MEANS POOL PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thumbs up i your listening to this in Summer of 2013.
cannot wait for summer omg this song gets me so excited
this song has inspired me.... i'm gonna have a kickass summer!!!! im gonna party at night, tan in the day and everything in between!!!! I'll be off the computer as soon as this song is over, don't rush me!
I have 9 more days till summer vacation. Can't wait!!! :DD
23 days left of school and im so pumped for these freekin summer nights
This is the perfect summer song!!!!!
this is the best summer song ever !!!!!!!!... im not the country type but i will always love this song !!!!!!!
I'm listening to this tonight for a reason....summer is ending and I need to remember why I'm out with my friends every damn day
I'm ready for some summer nights!!!!!!
I am ready for summer nights! :D
YAY!!!!! WAH, summer's almost over!!! Well, it woulda bummed me out, but I just graduated, so now... yeah, it just means I can turn off the AC when goin' ta work. Still, a fun song, loved it!
yep listening to this 13 days before christmas
13 more days... cant wait!!!
Hhheeeyyy 🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
I've been learning to play guitar and this well be the first song I learn to play. Hopefully I can sing it when school ends.
June 2020. Here comes summer! I hope we are out of quarantine soon lol
listening to this makes me feel like its summer, even though its almost winter :)
man!!! i want summer so bad!!! It goes by too quickly in NZ!!!! :(
i miss summer! Christmas in 4 days and it's 12 degrees out! which is surprisingly warm actually...
come on summer 2017!!!🌸🐳🌺🌞🌻😁🤙🏼
Kelsey O'Brien 2018!
Love Gary's voice at "Everybody's feelin sexy."
Today was the last day of skool. HELL YEAH!!!
His voice makes me wanna screammm
This song is sooo much fun to listen to - I totally can't wait until it's Summer. :D
Me too
Wow!!!! Love love love this song!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤it!!!
Summer in the old North Carolina!!!
Yeeeeehawwwwww heck Yeahhhhhhh we are ready 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
TGIS=Thank God it's summer!!!!!!!
Last day of school tomorrow! Heck yeah! Ready to partayy!
summer nights busch gardenss
I live in Florida, every night still feels like summer :)
Last day of good ol' school was today... Beauty, time to party.
OMG i listened to this every day on cmt this summer. GO RASCALL FLATTS!!!!!!
cant wait for the summer - minus 8 celsius in Trondheim, Norway
I'll be jammin out to them at boots and hearts this year!!! Can't wait!!
ugh 14 more days until summer is finally here!!!
I have 5 minutes left of my summer, and I would like to dedicate my last 5 minutes to this song.....
YAYYY summer vacation baby!
ok i one of the most rock/screamo freaks you will ever see. but this song is freaken awesome. JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE ONE TYPE OF MUSIC DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT LIKE SOMETHING COMPLEATLY OPPISITE. (:
I am in love with this song=) And all of his songs that he sings!!
I want summer. June 15th, come fasterrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hell yeah summer!!!
This song completely reminds me of those summer nights with friends and i LOVEEEE it!!!1
Last day of school was may 27th and when i got home i was blaring this song in my room and then my mom came in and saw me dancing and she just laughed
Love this song and lmao I used to sing this everyday when I was little girl 4 life
Anthem of tonight..YEAH BUDDY!!!
I know right this will be the theme song.
+Anna Israeli waring for 2016 summer lol
CEO of REX CORPORATION waiting for the summer of 2017
superlol28888888 summer 2017 is already almost over 😭
i dont start school until september 3 cant wait my senior year of high school!!
just saw them in concert in chicago, their soooo gooood
It ends for me tonight. Last night of summer until my senior year of high school.
summers still here for me til the fourth of september :)))