I've never read or heard that you can run a yagi at 45° and get both vertical and horizontal with only a 3db loss. Interesting and a heck of a game changer. Thanks for that. 73, KS5KY.
@@KK6USYHamRadioAdventures question.. could you you'll could put a kit together for 49-1 for 10,15,20and 40. Yes I don't the rules on RUclips. One for QRP and 100. I want to try my hand at POTA don't about SOTA. Here in Florida I don't think about hight we are at sea level the highest 288 ft. Hell I am 75. Until my heath just gets better I could make it up to Georgia. I to was a fire fighter as volunteer it was crazy it was all about the money. The equipment hand me downs. Did get a new truck. Everything else you can just Is anything that was imaginable. The county put in a vote soy we STRUB it was a tax. East County Fire. We paid. One paid he was the drive of 213 engine hoping the Volunteers would pitch in and show up. That is gust getting off topic. Sorry But getting a price brake on Material. Where I would just want one, you all could get better pricing, on the rest. Then what would you all think. I would like to say thank you for your service. de KQ4CD Paul
@@paulhastings3109 Hey keep checking in on Coffee and Ham Radios we will have a kit out soon for a EFHW that will do both and is pretty light weight and small! Watch Dudes stream I will give you a link. ruclips.net/video/I-ijVD86JXY/видео.html
Great video Chuck! I like your down to Earth style. I just saw Derek's video yesterday. It's awesome to hear both sides of the conversation. I like that you guys are hitting it hard on the radio and filming too. I wish I had more hills here in IL to work from like y'all do. Thanks again for the video and 73!
Thanks Aaron, I try to get out once every couple of months to do some 2m work at elevation it's a blast. You still may do ok if it's flat around you at my house I have hills around me but if I just go up the hill maybe 300' elevation I can get out better. Thanks for the comment!
We were up doing a SOTA around this same time, the fire sure did burn a lot of the area. Hopefully it’ll be showing signs of healing next time we go up.
I just came across your channel, you videos have fantastic content! Subscribed and I sent links to my ham radio friends. I have a yaesu 991a and I plan on doing some 2m side band work and that looks like a great antenna. Thanks K2ZH
Hello I like your video. This video and it has inspired me to get my Cushcraft A270-10S up. I also have a High Gain 8 element to play with. As for the scenery at Mount Vaca, I live in Oroville and we have a lot of scenery like that all around us. Paradise just isn't the same anymore. Love the video and keep up the good work. Maybe we will have a QSO some day. Gary KF6EWO
Brent these are version 1 and version 2 of the same yagi. I also have a 6m hexbeam and moxon build. ruclips.net/video/iv6CKQwnRtQ/видео.html, ruclips.net/video/oobvufJq2d8/видео.html
HI Chuck, having been away from Ham Radio for many years I am just getting back involved over the last few years. I just recently purchased my first VHF/UHF radio since owning one back in the late 80's. I am finding out that where I live, Central California, there doesn't seem to be much going on these frequencies. I would love to get into the 2 meter SSB but all of the radios I have seen are $1200.00 and higher. It is really disappointing because I think the SSB portion would be a lot of fun. I would love to find a good used SSB rig that I could get my hands on! 73's Brian KM6GO
Do it Fred ! There a lot of older radios that can do 2m and 70cm SSB along with a few new ones. Check out my shack in the box video where I mention the new ones that are available! Thanks for the comment and hope to hear you out there!
I've never read or heard that you can run a yagi at 45° and get both vertical and horizontal with only a 3db loss. Interesting and a heck of a game changer. Thanks for that. 73, KS5KY.
I'm going have to try this.
Glad to be able to make contact with you! Looks like a fun day! One of these days I'll have to get a 991a! -K6MRP
TeamReplay for the win.
Super cool man
thanks Chuck watch youtub because up early and having coffee. realing enjoy you vidios.
going to build one of 2mts beams de kq4cd 73
Good deal Paul I do the same thing coffee and catch up on videos early , thanks for the kind words!
@@KK6USYHamRadioAdventures question.. could you you'll could put a kit together for
49-1 for 10,15,20and 40. Yes I don't the rules on RUclips.
One for QRP and 100.
I want to try my hand at POTA
don't about SOTA. Here in Florida I don't think about hight we are at sea level the highest 288 ft.
Hell I am 75. Until my heath just gets better I could make it up to Georgia. I to was a fire fighter as volunteer it was crazy it was all about the money. The equipment hand me downs. Did get a new truck. Everything else you can just Is anything that was imaginable. The county put in a vote soy we STRUB it was a tax. East County Fire. We paid. One paid he was the drive of 213 engine hoping the Volunteers would pitch in and show up. That is gust getting off topic. Sorry
But getting a price brake on Material. Where I would just want one, you all could get better pricing, on the rest. Then what would you all think.
I would like to say thank you for your service.
de KQ4CD Paul
@@paulhastings3109 Hey keep checking in on Coffee and Ham Radios we will have a kit out soon for a EFHW that will do both and is pretty light weight and small! Watch Dudes stream I will give you a link. ruclips.net/video/I-ijVD86JXY/видео.html
Great video Chuck! I like your down to Earth style. I just saw Derek's video yesterday. It's awesome to hear both sides of the conversation. I like that you guys are hitting it hard on the radio and filming too. I wish I had more hills here in IL to work from like y'all do.
Thanks again for the video and 73!
Thanks Aaron, I try to get out once every couple of months to do some 2m work at elevation it's a blast. You still may do ok if it's flat around you at my house I have hills around me but if I just go up the hill maybe 300' elevation I can get out better. Thanks for the comment!
We were up doing a SOTA around this same time, the fire sure did burn a lot of the area. Hopefully it’ll be showing signs of healing next time we go up.
I just came across your channel, you videos have fantastic content! Subscribed and I sent links to my ham radio friends. I have a yaesu 991a and I plan on doing some 2m side band work and that looks like a great antenna. Thanks K2ZH
wdsracer thank you for subscribing and sharing! I have a couple good 2m antenna builds for portable use check those out. Thanks for the comment!
Hello I like your video. This video and it has inspired me to get my Cushcraft A270-10S up.
I also have a High Gain 8 element to play with. As for the scenery at Mount Vaca, I live in
Oroville and we have a lot of scenery like that all around us. Paradise just isn't the same anymore.
Love the video and keep up the good work. Maybe we will have a QSO some day. Gary KF6EWO
Great video… very professional… unlike myself😂😂😂 . Maybe we should try one of those M squared antenna thingies …
I have their 7 element would be great for what we do! Thanks Derrick, people loved it you were in the chat
You guys rock.. 73s de W5ZM
Fun watching how far you got out. If there was some tropo, you'd probably get out to 300 to 400 miles on SSB with that elevation and antenna
Another great video, Chuck. I am interested in this for sure. Also what video has you building your own yagi. I love the diy antenna building.
Brent these are version 1 and version 2 of the same yagi. I also have a 6m hexbeam and moxon build. ruclips.net/video/iv6CKQwnRtQ/видео.html, ruclips.net/video/oobvufJq2d8/видео.html
HI Chuck, having been away from Ham Radio for many years I am just getting back involved over the last few years. I just recently purchased my first VHF/UHF radio since owning one back in the late 80's. I am finding out that where I live, Central California, there doesn't seem to be much going on these frequencies. I would love to get into the 2 meter SSB but all of the radios I have seen are $1200.00 and higher. It is really disappointing because I think the SSB portion would be a lot of fun. I would love to find a good used SSB rig that I could get my hands on! 73's Brian KM6GO
I thought i heard a weak signal in between but the RUclips creator didn't respond? Did i hear it wrong?
I need to find a rig that does 2M SSB and get out there and make contact with you guys on SSB.
Do it Fred ! There a lot of older radios that can do 2m and 70cm SSB along with a few new ones. Check out my shack in the box video where I mention the new ones that are available! Thanks for the comment and hope to hear you out there!
Is 2m SSB most popular on upper or lower SB ? Thx
How do you think it'll work around 153mhz?
Not sure you may have to adjust the elements some. Thanks for watching!
Thanks for the info.
What's the best yagi if you live in an HOA? Oh, wait!! Never mind.