Love the run, and love that the story of the game is basically unspoiled. Who the hell is Rauru? Why is Zelda a dragon for 5 minutes? Why did Link shave his head? Are pants real? All things I can still learn for myself once I play.
Tears of the Kingdom is one of my favorite Switch games, and the speedrun just goes from the beginning to Ganondorf in just under an hour. Excellent run Gymnast!
if i turned into a worm and was trapped into that state for hundreds of years and the love of my life who saved me from that had a buzz cut, i’d turn back into a worm
I don't get why they can't just make it so that the run officially starts after Link wakes up & you are able to move. Seems like such a trivial solution.
RBM is a back in time-based glitch from skyward sword that Gymnast discovered, that lets you apply flags from a BiT scene (like digging something from a hole) to the saved file
In Skyward Sword, if you start your file and open Wryna's door in BiT while saved in Eldin Volcano, it will open the fourth key piece dig spot. It's a trick you could use in the randomizer to get a free item -- Raid is notorious for doing it every seed even if it's often not worth it.
Hi, Raidspinel, the guy, it's a mostly useless application of BiT I found in Skyward Sword that you can use to summon an the item buried in one of the digging spots (Earth Temple Key Piece) from thin air in Eldin Volcano. It's a meme in the Skyward Sword randomizer community.
Dig Spot RBM it’s only useful in Skyward Sword randomizer. Raid is the person who discovered the particular RBM. And doing it is almost always just time loss except for the very few times when it saves an incredible amount of time. It wouldnt have been as funny to gym and co if it wasn’t raid who wrote the dono.
The chips in amibos are extremely simple, unencrypted nfc chips you can write yourself with nothing more than your smartphone. Do with this info what you wish.
then people say on twitter zelda isnt a bugg mess but pokemon is more buggy mess then zelda but its the ohter way around zelda is more buggy/glitchy lmao
AGDQ 2024 is live right now! Tune in to watch at
Gymnast86 is a true GDQ treasure
That one ruby falling off the glider at 35:25 on its way to airstrike a random bokoblin 500 meters below
Always love to see Gym. He's such a sweetheart, he's great at commentary and his skill at speedrunning is a delight to see.
GDQ staff just broke their previous WR on uploading GDQ runs on RUclips 🙏 Awesome service and of course awesome run!
Gymnast recommending other speedrunners channels is a class move
Much respect
Watching Gym is what got me into speedrunning years ago. He's a wonderful runner and I love seeing him so comfortable on the big stage like this.
Love the run, and love that the story of the game is basically unspoiled. Who the hell is Rauru? Why is Zelda a dragon for 5 minutes? Why did Link shave his head? Are pants real? All things I can still learn for myself once I play.
pants are a state of mind
stalagmite and stalactite.... both have at least one T... this stayed on my mind the whole run xD
No one as good as Gymnast. I love this guy!
"You can re-grow hair?!"
He just re-grew two legs and an arm.
Man Gymnast is the coolest! This was such a great run and your couch is so cool! Loved this run :D
Love how Gymnast86 just breaks the game so casually….”let’s just clip out over here and dupe some items and immediately defeat Gannon.” lol!!!
Yes, this run was Spicy indeed. Very smooth run!
Indeed. Suave, one might call it.
immediately hilarious. i feel so blessed to exist at the same time gymnast runs happen.
Gymnast86 is the GOAT. Always fun to watch him
TerminalMontage really nailed it
*S U A V E M E N T E*
Yes he did
Pippyinatophat dropped that "soap shoes" reference. Those always crack me up.
Tears of the Kingdom is one of my favorite Switch games, and the speedrun just goes from the beginning to Ganondorf in just under an hour. Excellent run Gymnast!
if i turned into a worm and was trapped into that state for hundreds of years and the love of my life who saved me from that had a buzz cut, i’d turn back into a worm
Link figured Zelda would think this, so he grew his hair back before she could wake up. Zelda must never know.
So sad I was at work and couldn't catch this live! 😭 Excited to watch now!
GDQ exposed me to speedrunning, gymnast86 made me a true fan - always a great performance.
great run, great commentary ❤❤
love gymnast! such a great guy to have on every time
Gym's Zelda runs at GDQ are always peak vibes.
Looking forward to seeing 😄
Kungfufruitcup is my fave GDQ host
I don't get why they can't just make it so that the run officially starts after Link wakes up & you are able to move. Seems like such a trivial solution.
I expected this to have millions of views and thousands of comments! thanks for the speedrun guys loved it
6:49 this is a banger donation message this RaidSpinel guy's pretty funny.
I've never seen Gymnast so animated. It's nice to see him laugh.
Totk, where even using the best speed run strats available, it still takes you over a half hour to complete the tutorial section.
"She's not a worm, we can love her again!"
45:45- Zelda! How the hell were you able to have that stuck in your head for all this time and not lose your sanity?!
"Why that man not got no pants?!" i'm dying lmao
I hope there'll be a TotK all main quests speedrun like with BotW years ago^^
i still cant get over how similar this is to Princess Mononoke where his arm gets cursed... same arm too
Well done, Gymnast86! 👏🏼
can someone explain the dig spot RBM joke to me lol
It's a reference to Reverse Bit-Magic, a trick done in Skyward Sword speedruns
RBM is a back in time-based glitch from skyward sword that Gymnast discovered, that lets you apply flags from a BiT scene (like digging something from a hole) to the saved file
In Skyward Sword, if you start your file and open Wryna's door in BiT while saved in Eldin Volcano, it will open the fourth key piece dig spot. It's a trick you could use in the randomizer to get a free item -- Raid is notorious for doing it every seed even if it's often not worth it.
Hi, Raidspinel, the guy, it's a mostly useless application of BiT I found in Skyward Sword that you can use to summon an the item buried in one of the digging spots (Earth Temple Key Piece) from thin air in Eldin Volcano. It's a meme in the Skyward Sword randomizer community.
Dig Spot RBM it’s only useful in Skyward Sword randomizer. Raid is the person who discovered the particular RBM. And doing it is almost always just time loss except for the very few times when it saves an incredible amount of time. It wouldnt have been as funny to gym and co if it wasn’t raid who wrote the dono.
damn what a good team, had laughs all the time good company
Great run. I want Link's haircare routine
Such a fun run
Gymnast just keeps getting cooler, man. how does he do it?
hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu
Love her laughing 😂😂😂
I fuckin' love this guy
46:20 The sword and axe blades aren't even aligned x)
"pants are slow" xD
Breath of the tears of the skyward kingdom
twilight breath tears of the majora ocarina wind of the skyward kingdom
Twilight breath tears of the majora ocarina wind of the skyward minish kingdom between worlds to the past
@@shtudent2783 to the past
Oracle of the Majoras Minish Twilight Ocarinas Link to the Past
buzzcut link goes hard
i don't remember dig spot rbm taking THIS long .... 💔
damn, great comenntary, and pippyinatophat's laughter is contagious af!
This run was very suavemente
i seen all the runs before this lol the only one i wanted to see n i missed it 👌🏼
What is Gym using for his amiibo?
He doesn't seems to be using an Amiibo itself, so is it something special?
Possible he's using an ntag, which can have amiibo data loaded onto it and works with the amiibo reader well
Probably a little nfc tag.
The chips in amibos are extremely simple, unencrypted nfc chips you can write yourself with nothing more than your smartphone. Do with this info what you wish.
aw i had to stop before the final boss bc i've still not done it
he's backkkkkkkkkkk
Is this dupe glitch free?
no, dupe glitches are an essential part of the run
suavamente ganon
gg gym
Was not expecting a CSS joke in my speedrun
Good stuff.
finally good fucking audio
that laughter
then people say on twitter zelda isnt a bugg mess but pokemon is more buggy mess then zelda but its the ohter way around zelda is more buggy/glitchy lmao
the point is that zelda is buggy only when you go out of your way to break the game, S/V is just plain buggy
Quite an infectious laugh lol
I love her laugh
i love that laugh
"The difference is one has a T"
Well, my dude, let's if that's the case: stalactite and stalagmite.
Oh crap, they differ in more than just a T... 🫢