I’m glad you shared this story so our Khmer community is aware. The suspect was a child even though she was 15 years old. Her parents divorced each other twice so I blamed the parents. Why do I say this? Because of their action they neglected their daughter’s feelings and well being. They didn’t realize the effects it had on their daughter which in turn the only way she could express her emotions was to lash out violently; took it out on innocent people for attention. So why did she shoot herself afterwards? She had nothing to lose. My heart feels for the suspect and the victims. I do not feel bad for her parents.
I’m glad you shared this story so our Khmer community is aware. The suspect was a child even though she was 15 years old. Her parents divorced each other twice so I blamed the parents. Why do I say this? Because of their action they neglected their daughter’s feelings and well being. They didn’t realize the effects it had on their daughter which in turn the only way she could express her emotions was to lash out violently; took it out on innocent people for attention. So why did she shoot herself afterwards? She had nothing to lose. My heart feels for the suspect and the victims. I do not feel bad for her parents.
បងប្អូនស្រុកខ្មែរ នេះហើយ អោយស្គាល់អាមេរិក បញ្ញូនកូនទៅរៀនរាល់ព្រឹក ដូចបញ្ញូនកូនទៅកន្លែងប្រយុទ្អសង្រ្គាមអញ្ជឹង😂😂 កុំថារៀននៅអាមេរិកហ្នឹងស្រួល ពុកម្ដាយអង្គុយព្រួយ😂😂 កើតមានរាល់តែឆ្នាំបាញ់ៗ
Ahaha 🤣 ដូចគ្នា។
ភាគច្រើនគ្រប់យ៉ាងកើតចេញពីការ bullyនឹងការប៉ះពាល់សតិ្តអារម្មណ៍របស់គ្នា