The install was fairly easy. It became a bit confusing when I needed to pair the side cameras to the existing configuration. By default the rear camera is camera number 4. And when I paired one of the side cameras to number four. It threw me off. Thanks again for watching and safe travels this summer!
The hardest thing was the not knowing the pairing was needed. Also, I think the order of the cameras should be as follows. Cam1 should be a forward looking. Cam2 and cam3 are your left and right Cam4 is rear Hope this helps and let me the results! -David
Soldering could work. Especially the barrel connectors that have solder in it. However, for such a low current draw, the crimp connectors are more than adequate.
You made that look really easy. Good job. Lynn and Danny
The install was fairly easy. It became a bit confusing when I needed to pair the side cameras to the existing configuration.
By default the rear camera is camera number 4. And when I paired one of the side cameras to number four. It threw me off.
Thanks again for watching and safe travels this summer!
Great video! The disclaimer made me LOL!
Truth is sometimes funnier than fiction! Lol! Thanks for watching and hope all is well with you and the pups!
Great how to!!!
We give it a good try! LOL, thanks for watching!
No it is not you with the side camera pairing. We are struggling over here! Hopefully this video just helped us. Thanks!! 🤞🤞
Keep the rear camera as #4. I'm glad it did or hope it does. It thru me for the proverbial loop.
The hardest thing was the not knowing the pairing was needed.
Also, I think the order of the cameras should be as follows.
Cam1 should be a forward looking.
Cam2 and cam3 are your left and right
Cam4 is rear
Hope this helps and let me the results!
Nice disclaimer! Great install too! We enjoy having side cameras. We had to flip sides too.
Haha. Half the fun of making how to videos is the extra little things I add in. Thanks for watching!!!
Super easy - love it!
It was an easy upgrade! BTW, a friend of mine is in the Camino de Santiago right now!
@@RVWagginTails that’s awesome!!! 🙌🏼
Why didn't you Sodder the wires?
Soldering could work. Especially the barrel connectors that have solder in it. However, for such a low current draw, the crimp connectors are more than adequate.