OLTL: July 14, 2010


Комментарии •

  • @judilesser9620
    @judilesser9620 8 лет назад +6

    Thanks for posting these full eps of OLTL. I really miss this show!

  • @queen_slayfordays6329
    @queen_slayfordays6329 5 месяцев назад +2

    Nora annoys me like how are you still trying to charge him for something you know he didn’t do

    • @Atronshen
      @Atronshen 3 месяца назад +2

      Nora was always trying to bring cases against people she knew to be innocent only because she didn't like them. Meanwhile if you are friend or family of hers you can break damn near any law you want as many laws as you want and never worry about facing charges.

  • @daughterofthelordgodalmighty
    @daughterofthelordgodalmighty 4 месяца назад +1

    Cole is too aggressive, even when he’s with Starr. Mario deserves better than Langston. I think it’s sweet Jack is trying to protect his mom. I’m gonna miss this Jack actor when they replace him.

  • @coreyortiz9913
    @coreyortiz9913 2 года назад +2

    its like all the couples on this show had great chemistry Robert and langston were awesome

  • @TaurusGang77
    @TaurusGang77 4 года назад +4

    Cole boy bye come to you and you was running around with Hannah 🙄

  • @TDH-yo9rj
    @TDH-yo9rj Год назад +1

    Isn't it unethical for the victim to treat the person responsible for hurting them.

    • @queen_slayfordays6329
      @queen_slayfordays6329 5 месяцев назад

      It was annoying that they acted as if she was the only person with a psychiatrist degree in town