Australian Open 2013 R4 Djokovic vs Wawrinka Full match [HD]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 73

  • @rsundar1973
    @rsundar1973 4 года назад +23

    Best fouth round match ever

  • @sabarishchandramouli8494
    @sabarishchandramouli8494 2 года назад +3

    The set point from Stan at 3:02 in the 4th set tie breaker is pure bliss!

  • @Blancrougeblanc
    @Blancrougeblanc 4 года назад +11

    I found this match in some "list of the best Grand Chelem matches" or something. Indeed, it's a real treasure. What a pleasure to watch it in this unprecedented period of no-pro-tennis activity.

    • @Ilegator
      @Ilegator Год назад

      For me it's the best hard court match in history

  • @cesar5665
    @cesar5665 3 месяца назад

    Unbelievable match. On of the best matches in the history. Wawrinka has the best backhand in the history. Djokovic has colossal mental strength and saves balls that seen impossible.

  • @Marc-vk7rl
    @Marc-vk7rl 6 лет назад +8

    This was the match, which made Stan great

  • @liliwang2337
    @liliwang2337 2 месяца назад


  • @ntnnot
    @ntnnot 5 лет назад +19

    3:53:30 Stan robbed. Djokovic seems to have hyperopia and umpire must've been napping. Not to mention the line umpire spoiling a solid, crucial return. A short, slow attackable ball from Djokovic.

    • @DrFearfall
      @DrFearfall 4 года назад +7

      Fully agree. Stan could have served for the match! Still, I always tell myself that even though it's a gutting loss for Stan and I wished he had won the match at the time, maybe he needed to lose in order to become the player he went on to become. Maybe if he had won, he would never have become a 3x slam champion!

    • @ivankozlov3237
      @ivankozlov3237 4 года назад +4

      worst no challenge of all time

    • @Blancrougeblanc
      @Blancrougeblanc 4 года назад

      Well, Stan was rewarded later in Roland Garros 2015. Djok had cleared him the way from Nadal (only 2nd Nadal's defeat in RG in history!) and lost.

    • @velekorunoski5997
      @velekorunoski5997 4 года назад +3

      Even if Stan challenged the point would have been replayed

    • @kh2freek
      @kh2freek 4 года назад +2

      @@velekorunoski5997 He was robbed because the incorrect call shouldn't have been made in the first place

  • @jlwebster9
    @jlwebster9 8 лет назад +15

    if someone told me at the time that stan would win the Australian French and us over the next three years I wouldn't believe it. Let's go Stan Wimbly2017!

    • @Blancrougeblanc
      @Blancrougeblanc 4 года назад +2

      It's just a pity that he didn't do it earlier in his career. But he is an excellent example for those who lose hope to win a (or several) Chelem(s) while approaching their 30.

    • @NamTran-xc2ip
      @NamTran-xc2ip 2 года назад

      @@Blancrougeblancit proves that modern technology can help players stay in their prime even in their 30s.

  • @jaygerard4507
    @jaygerard4507 6 месяцев назад +2

    Excellent match! Stan and Novak had a few instant classics.
    That being said, a match like this is further proof that the Slams took far too long to reach the common sense consensus on 10-point breakers in the 5th set. Never found extra games to be compelling. It just becomes a battle of endurance instead of shotmaking. Having a vastly different set of rules for the 5th was always bonkers to me.

  • @mateosimon4237
    @mateosimon4237 Год назад

    Wawrinka was two points away from being two sets to love..; not only an amazing win for Novak, but an incredíble loss for Stan

  • @jaaa8787
    @jaaa8787 9 лет назад +20

    The audio is completely out of sync. Can you please fix it and upload it again?

    • @Guitar4life99
      @Guitar4life99 7 лет назад +1

      Not just out of sync but absolutely terrible :(

  • @christopherbowen2547
    @christopherbowen2547 6 лет назад

    Stan my favorite player. Always a great game.

  • @cjever6625
    @cjever6625 6 месяцев назад

    3:53:48 the most pivotal point. 2013 could be so much different if Wawrinka challenged this ball.

  • @streetfightsguild7480
    @streetfightsguild7480 10 месяцев назад

    Once aus open was renovated and changed to blue. Novak was a different beast on aus open since 2008.

  • @ramyg5037
    @ramyg5037 8 месяцев назад

    19:36 - My favorite point

  • @nostrumnostrum1277
    @nostrumnostrum1277 9 лет назад +4

    Le son n'est pas synchro

  • @madhukiranattivilli2321
    @madhukiranattivilli2321 Год назад

    Stanimal started like Gilchrist does for Aussies, Jayasuriya for the Lankans, Sehwag for the Indians, Gayle for the Windies, ...

  • @lunkbea2
    @lunkbea2 11 лет назад +2

    my favourite too :D

  • @laurblois11
    @laurblois11 11 лет назад +1

    Dommage le son est décalé à partir du second set ...

  • @yukigran
    @yukigran 9 лет назад +5

    Two monters !!!!!

  • @GCbfan
    @GCbfan 7 лет назад +9

    "He knows he'll never step out of the shadow of roger federer..." Look at him now

  • @vultur311
    @vultur311 Год назад +1

    Goran watching in audience?? 53:21 ...Never knew that

  • @DRA25dra
    @DRA25dra 2 года назад +3

    Djokovic won but this was the first time I'd seen a player overpower him on a hard court. Yes, I know Federer beat him on hard courts as well as Nadal, but they weren't the type of matches where I thought gosh, he's getting blew off the court and that was when he was young not prime number 1 as he was here still won 6-1 4-1 down crazy.

    • @tatsuyasigh1906
      @tatsuyasigh1906 Год назад +1

      Exactly. I'd say Stanimal (and later Medvedev) is the only guy who can go toe to toe with Djokovic from the baseline, no slices, no looping forehands, just pure ball striking

    • @mrhatman675
      @mrhatman675 Год назад

      @@tatsuyasigh1906 ha Federer is by far the best ball striker

    • @tatsuyasigh1906
      @tatsuyasigh1906 Год назад

      @@mrhatman675 The slice is a huge part of Fed's weapons as he uses it to set up his shots a lot though. The best ball striker should be able to go toe to toe with anyone from the baseline AND off both wings

    • @fransiscoscaramanga674
      @fransiscoscaramanga674 9 месяцев назад

      @@mrhatman675 oh you mean the guy who come crunch time, starts to hit the ball long or into the net......that guy....?

  • @fg92626
    @fg92626 Год назад

    It’s fair to say that broke Wawrinka’s confidence was way harder than enslave Federer

  • @sambitghosh25
    @sambitghosh25 4 года назад +1

    The moment that changed the outcome of the match.. Got to blame the chair umpire for this blunder n that too at the most crucial juncture of match.

    • @velekorunoski5997
      @velekorunoski5997 4 года назад +3

      Yes but even if Stan challenged the point would have been replayed because Novak returned the ball back

  • @estebancruz5713
    @estebancruz5713 11 месяцев назад

    How many match slam he had so lucky..It is Amazing

  • @tennislove6716
    @tennislove6716 4 года назад +5

    Nole goat

  • @christopherbowen2547
    @christopherbowen2547 6 лет назад

    Sound screen not in sync.

  • @jennatodd9396
    @jennatodd9396 3 года назад

    Stan the man! 😀

  • @sabarishchandramouli6418
    @sabarishchandramouli6418 10 месяцев назад

    This match gave a free pass for Wawrinka to enter Djoker's head!

  • @cjever6625
    @cjever6625 3 года назад

    Severin Luthi was there to push Stan to beat Novak. Severin wants his boy to return to No. 1.

  • @Sandrineworld
    @Sandrineworld 5 лет назад +1

    Nole is my favorite player, but on this one, Stan should have won...So unfair for him.

  • @sabarishchandramouli8494
    @sabarishchandramouli8494 2 года назад

    The day when Stan got into Djokovic's head

  • @naysayer1238
    @naysayer1238 20 дней назад


  • @Nikica40
    @Nikica40 6 лет назад +1

    It's not Stain it's Stan... Jesus...

  • @majaneralic4407
    @majaneralic4407 4 года назад +2

    that mach point... epic! Novak1 the best

  • @cjever6625
    @cjever6625 4 года назад

    If he had lost here to Wawrinka, Federer would have returned to No. 1 and add 4 weeks to his time as No. 1.

  • @ksrbrain
    @ksrbrain 6 лет назад +2

    It is amazing that the exhibition of unnecessary arrogance by Djokovic is tolarated by elders in the game of Tennis . I think Wawrinka has good future. Rao Kalluri

    • @ongdjafebadivoc2958
      @ongdjafebadivoc2958 6 лет назад +8

      He is tolarated because he is THE GOAT of tennis my ignorant friend, go crawl under your rock and hate yourself instead, loser!!!!

    • @joosiej85
      @joosiej85 6 лет назад +2

      Nice to see Djokovic's fans are just as disrespectful as he is!

    • @thekeythesecret66
      @thekeythesecret66 5 лет назад

      @@ongdjafebadivoc2958 HA HA! Roger is on another planet to the serbian muslim and his tv box head. ha ha ha ha!

    • @georgeway2092
      @georgeway2092 4 года назад

      it's a "GAME" ... lighten up .......

    • @velekorunoski5997
      @velekorunoski5997 4 года назад

      @@thekeythesecret66 Serbia is ORTHODOX, not muslim