Placebo - Blind (lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @alternativeinsightful4290
    @alternativeinsightful4290 7 лет назад +82

    Placebo is a band that impresses your mind; it's when you afford listening to some songs like above that you figure out how strong and personal their sound really is! It crosses the sheer span of a sweet ballad, it comes through sadness and obscurity! The fact that a song sounds blurry and fierce often depicts the aims of a band or the feeling and I truly believe that the actual position in the music industry pays off their efforts and their deep sense of allegiance towards rock. I keep trusting these guys and I openly state that I'm so proud of them (with a slight boast)!

  • @Sydonia108
    @Sydonia108 8 лет назад +121

    One of my most favourite tracks ever. It's so melancholic, I love it!

  • @cristinasousa5821
    @cristinasousa5821 3 года назад +8

    this song it's absolutely beautiful, thanks placebo

  • @holdencornfield472
    @holdencornfield472 4 года назад +44

    my depression: acts up
    my placebo playlists: allow us to introduce ourselves

  • @lyn-mq9bg
    @lyn-mq9bg 3 года назад +10

    2021 and still listening! ❤️

  • @snooze793
    @snooze793 Год назад +1

    This will forever be my favorite placebo song.

  • @sarahjane8054
    @sarahjane8054 6 лет назад +40

    It takes a very particular sort of situation to be able to relate to this song.

  • @johnkarag
    @johnkarag Год назад +2

    If you hear Placebo once then you can recognise their unique and special sound and that incredible voice forever ♾️ this is an excellent piece of music art perfectly performed and done as always by them....!!!!!!

  • @valeriekelly410
    @valeriekelly410 5 лет назад +7

    Your eyes forever glued to mine

  • @mariafoteini
    @mariafoteini 6 лет назад +18

    You don't believe me..
    but you do this every time..

  • @Owlandpie
    @Owlandpie 4 года назад +31

    Unpopular opinion: this is my favourite song from Placebo.

    • @Velenofertile35
      @Velenofertile35 7 месяцев назад

      Same here. I feel it so much withun the depth of me.

    • @chantalpotter8714
      @chantalpotter8714 6 месяцев назад

      The only unpopular aspect of your opinion, in my opinion, is that there could possibly even be a singular favorite song from Placebo. 😏

  • @sirinemsd6101
    @sirinemsd6101 8 лет назад +16

    find a brand new way of seeing ,your eyes forever glued to mine

  • @demetryod
    @demetryod 3 года назад +1

    I love this song... Greetings from Peru

  • @wetwitina
    @wetwitina 7 лет назад +7

    their BEST song! 100%

  • @breakofdawn44
    @breakofdawn44 5 лет назад +4

    Got my hubby loving their music😊😊

  • @Rebeccamay89
    @Rebeccamay89 7 лет назад +23

    I miss you... Every second without you i feel numb

    • @Rebeccamay89
      @Rebeccamay89 7 лет назад +10

      I don't know how you can love someone so much.. When they leave you don't like yourself and don't know how to get on with life without them but before them you were fine

    • @100-w6e
      @100-w6e 4 года назад +2

      @@Rebeccamay89 You fear loneliness and keep idealizing them at the same time. Its like a chemical reaction in brain, but is not undefeatable. There are so many souls and lives you can experience with someone else, but you are just blinded with the past experience. Life is simple, you just need to accept it. : )

  • @hectornavasmir788
    @hectornavasmir788 5 лет назад +3

    Great melody..amazing placebo 😉

  • @MegaBrandOn
    @MegaBrandOn 5 лет назад +10

    Happy birthday Ali, you were taken from me way too soon. 10 years was too short, you left me wanting more. How am I supposed to keep going without you, my love? So lost since you left this world. I LOVE YOU

  • @miaward1792
    @miaward1792 7 лет назад +4

    If I could would I?? The greatest band ever go on tell me I'm wrong I'll be waiting --Anthony Monroig

  • @jenniferbrown6380
    @jenniferbrown6380 9 месяцев назад +1

    Brian's voice.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺

  • @almazmcvey4680
    @almazmcvey4680 4 года назад +2

    Every lyric is defo about my life atm. Love placebo 🐝😈👊🖤💚💛

  • @caroleml2814
    @caroleml2814 7 лет назад +4

    esta banda es mi favorita... al igual que este tema... 💚

  • @susandas7555
    @susandas7555 5 лет назад +2

    Awesome song.💋💋💋💋❤❤❤❤

  • @rebeccahammond9777
    @rebeccahammond9777 4 года назад +3

    Love you placebo ❤️

  • @tiffanyhopkinson2168
    @tiffanyhopkinson2168 2 года назад +2

    Oh fuck I love this song. The words are hitting me hard at this particular moment...

  • @matishareza6370
    @matishareza6370 7 лет назад +2

    one of my favorite songs from Them.😘

  • @placebo_girl
    @placebo_girl 2 года назад +3


    • @davidg8123
      @davidg8123 3 месяца назад

      We all are dear friend

  • @elisabianco5706
    @elisabianco5706 4 года назад +1


  • @jacoba8762
    @jacoba8762 6 лет назад +5

    Not a big placebo fan, but this song just makes me tear up, so hunted.

  • @stumor6762
    @stumor6762 Год назад

    Beautiful song.

  • @cutecat6325
    @cutecat6325 8 лет назад +4

    great song. great inspiration for a kana x shinichi amv ;)

  • @jasminakrnetalausevic2495
    @jasminakrnetalausevic2495 4 месяца назад

    I always cry when I hear this song

  • @xevilgothgirlx
    @xevilgothgirlx 2 года назад

    goddd his voice!

  • @θεανώμοσιάλου
    @θεανώμοσιάλου 6 лет назад +5

    τους αγαπάω πάρα πολύ

  • @gustavoribeiro156
    @gustavoribeiro156 2 года назад +1

    Linda d +

  • @hildegardelol8789
    @hildegardelol8789 5 лет назад +1

    With out you I m nothing❤️💘

  • @davidg8123
    @davidg8123 2 месяца назад

    You wouldn't even know me now I miss you emensly I've turned into the man you always seen in me ,so thank-you from the bottom of my heart

  • @tabesone4050
    @tabesone4050 8 лет назад +6

    immence for you my princess..

  • @fliss5152
    @fliss5152 7 лет назад +16

    "If I could tear you from the ceiling" jfc- is this John Winchester singing to Mary? O-o

  • @PRINCIPESA-mp6se
    @PRINCIPESA-mp6se 6 лет назад +1

    ..mery xmas placebo...

  • @theonewhousedtorun8713
    @theonewhousedtorun8713 6 лет назад +2

    Don't go and leave me...

  • @Khosmik
    @Khosmik Год назад

    My body shakes but my mind stays with a dissorded somewhat peace at mind don't go and hear meee so you thought a voice wold hear meee but a you can't me mine you try almost everytime

  • @Paz_na_terra
    @Paz_na_terra 8 лет назад +4

    AVE MARIA !!!!! CONTAGIANTE , !@#$%¨¨+* MUITO BOM !!!

  • @tezn9531
    @tezn9531 6 лет назад +2


  • @elifnurerdogan4254
    @elifnurerdogan4254 8 лет назад +4

    gülnur aşqım bu şarkı benden sana gelsin iyi yatmalar hayırlı geceler

  • @raeechllee
    @raeechllee 4 года назад


  • @gata374
    @gata374 8 лет назад +4


  • @jasminakrnetalausevic2495
    @jasminakrnetalausevic2495 2 месяца назад

  • @raeechllee
    @raeechllee 4 года назад


  • @davidg8123
    @davidg8123 2 месяца назад

    Never hate just love and lessons cristy i doubt you will see this but just know im progressing beyond belief 💯 miss you xox

  • @noneinparticular2338
    @noneinparticular2338 5 лет назад

    Best band since Joy Division

  • @Searcher123456789
    @Searcher123456789 4 года назад

    I was from few (maybe) who didn’t push the youtube money making button (2015 and before) maybe I should. It could be a mistake. But I took an other way , much, much harder. The (not) Brocken 2020.

  • @olegkolgatin5279
    @olegkolgatin5279 7 лет назад +3

    чет всплакнул

  • @nuriulcay5732
    @nuriulcay5732 4 года назад

    Her gün gelicem galiba 8 May

  • @olimpostatoglu2187
    @olimpostatoglu2187 4 года назад +2

    bugün kawga yok
    aşk war

  • @angelikamaurer7740
    @angelikamaurer7740 10 месяцев назад +1

    Gib acht auf dich

  • @glittergirl19022
    @glittergirl19022 2 года назад

    this sounds a bit like my chemical romance

  • @alexdesastreOFFICIAL
    @alexdesastreOFFICIAL 6 лет назад

    le copiaron el intro a vico-c

  • @matishareza6370
    @matishareza6370 7 лет назад +6

    one of my favorite songs from Them.😘

  • @cinkay9235
    @cinkay9235 4 года назад +5

    Don’t go and leave me....

  • @jasminakrnetalausevic2495
    @jasminakrnetalausevic2495 2 месяца назад