40 yrs old now. I remember it took me a few hrs to finish this in my very early teens and this man did it in a few mins 😂 Part two was my favorite. I could have run through that one with ease. One was the most difficult imo and I’ll get around to beating it someday, hopefully. Well done man !
a few hours for NG3 is actually pretty nuts. limited continues and all.. hell even the other ones in a few hours is hard on your first attempt to beat them
oh my God, what do my eyes see now, I've never seen anyone pass the game so quickly, I didn't even think that there was no need to jump in 3 and 6 locations, you just could walk like that, Arсus respect you for this quick passage, I'm just very happy that there are such skill players!
I actually used a speedrun strat & didn't know it. I kept that fire shield on my normal play through, but the timer doesn't reset in between levels so I beat the final boss with something like 10 seconds left. Masterful speedrun there. Very well executed.
This was by far the hardest Ninja Gaiden. I only ever beat it twice, then put it away forever. The other two I could beat without dying, but I would always run out of time on the ancient ship of doom just before the last boss. You made it look easy.
About seven years back, I made it a point to go through and beat all the Ninja Gaiden games for the NES. This one, as you said, was easily the hardest. I think that outside of the limited continues, it's the best one though. Really encourages you to use every tool at your disposal and learn the game front-to-back. If I ever got into speedrunning, I imagine that I could probably pick this up because speedrunning strats were practically necessary to beat the darn thing at all. I remember, specifically, using that fire wheel strat you did in the final level to get through the spike walls.
After more than 30 years (and lots of Arcus’ runs), I just discovered that the background sprites of level 4-1A are upside-down. Copy the image and 180degree it, you can see the mountains with snow, clouds and grass at the bottom.
Wow man, I've watched several of your runs now and am blown away, totally making some of these very tough games look like a walk in the park. Thanks for the cool content!
If you were to show any of these speed runs to 8 year old me, my mind would have melted. The most amazing feat I ever witnessed back in the day was my cousin beating Mike Tyson
Seeing this dude beat this game in speed run fashion was impressive! This was one of the two games I owned that I couldn’t finish. (Iron Sword-Wizard and Warriors II was the other one)..Got towards the end and always lost to one of the bosses and went back to stage 5, which was difficult as well. It always bothered me after all these years and even in my 40’s today. So when he finished the game, I finished it as well...Now I have closure! Lol! Thanks man! 👍
One of my favorite NES games of all time. Takes me like an hour to beat on a good day haha, so unreal how perfect this play is Watching him blow through the gauntlet of Act 5 and on is just amazing. I never knew the fire shield powerup blocked so much stuff, even the spikes. Ive gotta try some of these tricks sometime.
I couldn't agree with you more! What he did particularly in stages 5 and 7 is otherworldly! 7-2 and 7-3 are two of the hardest levels in the game and yet he just did some incredible things in both!
My dude you have some skills hehe, am a big fan of your speedruns! This is by far my favorite ninja gaiden, music on this one is amazing. I remember playing this game as a kid and being totally obsessed with it. Thanx for the memories
I still think The Ancient Ship of Doom has some of the top 3 NES game graphics. This, Vice Project Doom, Shatterhand. All were stunningly beautiful, with masterful music as well. For the time, Culture Brains' Magic of Scheherazade was beautiful too. Man, I want to go back to my era.
I just started twitching and speed running this game. Still getting the hang of clunking the timer! I found it really difficult to clunk on each section so I have just been doing each sequence by boss fight. Great run!
The six thumbs down on this vid are from people jealous that they've had decades to beat this game and they still can't do it. Impressive as always, Arcus! You're the king of the NES. You make all these insanely difficult games look like a breeze. Truly impressive and entertaining to watch.
Damn, I was wondering how you got through those spikes at the end of the game. Now I finally understand how you do it due to your play. That Ring of Fire is very much needed very cool thanks for the tip!!
This was the only ninja gaiden I could never beat. 1&2 were hard, but this shit here was on another level for me. I think I made it to around level 5 maybe and called it a day.
That was fantastic! This game beckons speed and really punishes you for hesitating, or slowing down. Spent many day trying to achieve a pace like that, but it's a hard game lol!
the Ninja Gaiden games are some of best for learning to play at a rhythm, once you get locked in the whole game sort of flows, if you can't do that, the games are crazy hard.
Well you killed my best time..... I only did one timed attempt before (long ago when i had these games), I managed to win in around 30 minutes. If I hadn't continued 2 times it'd have been much better. This is insane
FFFUUUUCK YYYOOOU! I can beat this game with no lives lost and grab almost everything on the way. Itll take me about 45 minutes. I thought I had this game down to a science. I saw your thumb nail and I was like na. You shat on this game under 13 minutes. Un fuckin believable. Full mastery of the obstacles. I also learned something, I didn't know that you could use the fire shield and run through hazards. I always considered\assumed them as walls. Much props & mad respect man. Today you made me realize that my skill are crap. I still cant believe this shit.
I thought I had gone through the first three games, but I don't remember this one... not even the music. The only parts which seemed familiar were the big spikes and the alternate slash animation.
mash, mash, mash, aaaaand KLUNK! love this dude.
Tbh all this time I heard klonk but after reading what you wrote I cannot unhear klunk lol
I thought he said clock.
Hi Toph!
It’s oddly mesmerising watching his runs lol
Hahaha yes :)
I find this video so relaxing, knowing that someone would definitely destroy this hard game is kind of relaxing.
This is crazy watching you play Arcus ,your hand eye coordination is incredible when it comes to these NES games.
40 yrs old now. I remember it took me a few hrs to finish this in my very early teens and this man did it in a few mins 😂
Part two was my favorite. I could have run through that one with ease. One was the most difficult imo and I’ll get around to beating it someday, hopefully.
Well done man !
a few hours for NG3 is actually pretty nuts. limited continues and all.. hell even the other ones in a few hours is hard on your first attempt to beat them
oh my God, what do my eyes see now, I've never seen anyone pass the game so quickly, I didn't even think that there was no need to jump in 3 and 6 locations, you just could walk like that, Arсus respect you for this quick passage, I'm just very happy that there are such skill players!
I love playing this game. Its frantic gameplay with lots of flying enemies almost forces you to play it with speedrunning techniques at times
All nes ninja gaiden games are stunning looking, have amazing music, and hard as all fuck.
Dark Souls sweats thinking of Ninja Garden 😈
One of the few NES games I've played that I couldn't beat. GG
I actually used a speedrun strat & didn't know it. I kept that fire shield on my normal play through, but the timer doesn't reset in between levels so I beat the final boss with something like 10 seconds left. Masterful speedrun there. Very well executed.
Been looking forward to watching this speed run, Arcus! DUDE... the way you completely obliterated Stage 5-1 was awe-inspiring! WOW!!
Slicin' and a dicin'!
Boomin’ and a movin’
This was by far the hardest Ninja Gaiden. I only ever beat it twice, then put it away forever. The other two I could beat without dying, but I would always run out of time on the ancient ship of doom just before the last boss. You made it look easy.
This game was so hard. I never got passed the dessert. Arcus makes this game look like child’s play.
*Looks at this speedrun*
*Compares with the one he saw Arcus doing just today*
To 2021 Arcus: You're playing too safe.
I'm just here because of the "AND CLUNK"
im here because of "mash n smash" or something...
Mash mash mash
i need the t-shirt of that
The calm stoic strength and skill with the clunks... PRICELESS. You are the cowboy ninja. Hats off to you sir (((tips hat))).
About seven years back, I made it a point to go through and beat all the Ninja Gaiden games for the NES. This one, as you said, was easily the hardest. I think that outside of the limited continues, it's the best one though. Really encourages you to use every tool at your disposal and learn the game front-to-back. If I ever got into speedrunning, I imagine that I could probably pick this up because speedrunning strats were practically necessary to beat the darn thing at all. I remember, specifically, using that fire wheel strat you did in the final level to get through the spike walls.
After more than 30 years (and lots of Arcus’ runs), I just discovered that the background sprites of level 4-1A are upside-down. Copy the image and 180degree it, you can see the mountains with snow, clouds and grass at the bottom.
I spent a entire year of my life playing this every day and didnt get to the end this blows me away
Wow man, I've watched several of your runs now and am blown away, totally making some of these very tough games look like a walk in the park. Thanks for the cool content!
If you were to show any of these speed runs to 8 year old me, my mind would have melted. The most amazing feat I ever witnessed back in the day was my cousin beating Mike Tyson
Excellent run! I saw you do this live in Twitch. Much respect.
Absolutely man, Arcus is an incredible speedrunner!
This is the only NG I haven't defeated yet on NES. Watching your vid really makes me want to Remedy that. You're great!
Spiny Egg-looking enemies from Super Mario.
Jesus arcus, your reflexes are amazing
Seeing this dude beat this game in speed run fashion was impressive! This was one of the two games I owned that I couldn’t finish. (Iron Sword-Wizard and Warriors II was the other one)..Got towards the end and always lost to one of the bosses and went back to stage 5, which was difficult as well. It always bothered me after all these years and even in my 40’s today. So when he finished the game, I finished it as well...Now I have closure! Lol! Thanks man! 👍
Me to 🤩
arcus: mash mash mash and clonk
agadmator: sorry about that
That platforming was gorgeous.
I loved this game. The best Ninja Gaiden..all the monsters so cool.
One of my favorite NES games of all time. Takes me like an hour to beat on a good day haha, so unreal how perfect this play is
Watching him blow through the gauntlet of Act 5 and on is just amazing. I never knew the fire shield powerup blocked so much stuff, even the spikes. Ive gotta try some of these tricks sometime.
I couldn't agree with you more! What he did particularly in stages 5 and 7 is otherworldly! 7-2 and 7-3 are two of the hardest levels in the game and yet he just did some incredible things in both!
My dude you have some skills hehe, am a big fan of your speedruns! This is by far my favorite ninja gaiden, music on this one is amazing. I remember playing this game as a kid and being totally obsessed with it. Thanx for the memories
God tier run Arcus. Seriously. Saw your World Record Ninja Gaiden run too and it was equally epic. Also, love the hat.
MashaAllah, that was a fantastic pace. Nice run brother!
May you be granted the best of guidance and blessings.
When I was a kid, level 3 always messed me up. My tiny mind couldn't comprehend, going left, lol.
I still think The Ancient Ship of Doom has some of the top 3 NES game graphics. This, Vice Project Doom, Shatterhand. All were stunningly beautiful, with masterful music as well. For the time, Culture Brains' Magic of Scheherazade was beautiful too. Man, I want to go back to my era.
getting to the 4:36 mark is LEGANDARY !!!!!!!!!!! never seen those level before!!!! geeeezzz
I feel like Arcus should have more of a following by now! Are we just on the fame train early?? Lol
Finally beat this game!!! Trilogy completed!!!! Now, time to try again and see if I just got lucky. LOL.
And here I am still trying to get off the 3rd stage in NG1. Lol! Awesome run!
10:40 WOW !!! 😮
This game was so weird. The first two you're fighting assassins and demons, and then you get to the third one and it's all robots.
He's like the Mr Rogers of speedrunning
Arcus speed running these games like a true ninja.
It's nice to see these games played in a manner that actually makes Ryu look like a master ninja instead of a bumbling idiot.
Klunk has become a household word in my family. Arcus rules
I just started twitching and speed running this game. Still getting the hang of clunking the timer! I found it really difficult to clunk on each section so I have just been doing each sequence by boss fight. Great run!
wow amazing! I remember spending weeks on this game when I was a kid lol!
Another great run
Damn Arcus you're the best
This is just amazing
Absolutley amazing, Grand master skill sir!
1 left in the NES trilogy....I need to complete that love!!! AVGN style!!
Awesome run!!!
The dancing cats! I'm in tears, too cute. X,D
This guy proves not all aliens are bad.
That game use to piss me off as a kid but love playing it great job on you're speed run!
The Guardian Legend should be mentioned too. Even computers at the time couldn't handle the scrolling solutions used by Compile.
As someone who struggled to even get to the last boss, I could never think that someone could make such a mockery of this difficult game.
The six thumbs down on this vid are from people jealous that they've had decades to beat this game and they still can't do it. Impressive as always, Arcus! You're the king of the NES. You make all these insanely difficult games look like a breeze. Truly impressive and entertaining to watch.
Fantastic run, that game is hard as nuts! I beat it as a kid and again a few weeks ago, keep up the good work
Im here watching every video because number hes amazing number 2 when he beats his time he has genuine glee and joy its contagious
That was amazing to watch!
When you’re so freaking good you don’t even need the 1-ups.
Even one downvote is too many for this. Thanks for being polite on video and grats on your skills, Arcus!
Respect..... You're the man Arcus
what a wonderful game
what can I say man? You're the best!!
Terrific gameplay and the player seems like a pretty positive fella. Makes it look easy, which it is anything but :)
Used to play the Bootlegged NG3. That was Spiderman 2 hack of NG3. Hard af
Arcus: "Act 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 are nightmare material." I quit. lol
WOW! I have never seen 3. What an amazing looking game. Ryu 4 life!
Awesome run!! I’d love to watch you run the power blade series.
Amazing run
Damn, I was wondering how you got through those spikes at the end of the game. Now I finally understand how you do it due to your play. That Ring of Fire is very much needed very cool thanks for the tip!!
10:58 very nice.
Talk about skills,I only managed to beat this game using save states
Wow. I thought I was good at this game, until I saw this one. Awesome gameplay.
Who knew a cowboy could make a great ninja? :)
That last mission run start to finish was nuts! I always run out of time right when I get to the boss!
This was the only ninja gaiden I could never beat. 1&2 were hard, but this shit here was on another level for me. I think I made it to around level 5 maybe and called it a day.
Best speedrun ever!
Ninja gaiden iii was hard but somehow complete the game. Ah those memories
Legend has it his brain is exposed under the hat 🧠
Dios que bendito tiempo
Watched this at 2x speed absolutely amazing
That was fantastic! This game beckons speed and really punishes you for hesitating, or slowing down. Spent many day trying to achieve a pace like that, but it's a hard game lol!
I can't beat this game without save states, yet this dude is speedrunning it with minimal mistakes...😮
the Ninja Gaiden games are some of best for learning to play at a rhythm, once you get locked in the whole game sort of flows, if you can't do that, the games are crazy hard.
"The Cowboy" from Mulholland Drive movie
Well you killed my best time..... I only did one timed attempt before (long ago when i had these games), I managed to win in around 30 minutes. If I hadn't continued 2 times it'd have been much better. This is insane
12:48.11 😮 min, and forty eight seconds ! 😮 😯,🤯 .
That was the best hit i saw today
"I always play on a console, even when I'm practicing" #face #arcusforpresident
For a second I was upset I wouldn’t see the lava level tea bag
FFFUUUUCK YYYOOOU! I can beat this game with no lives lost and grab almost everything on the way. Itll take me about 45 minutes. I thought I had this game down to a science. I saw your thumb nail and I was like na. You shat on this game under 13 minutes. Un fuckin believable. Full mastery of the obstacles. I also learned something, I didn't know that you could use the fire shield and run through hazards. I always considered\assumed them as walls. Much props & mad respect man. Today you made me realize that my skill are crap. I still cant believe this shit.
Nobody can clunk faster.
I thought I had gone through the first three games, but I don't remember this one... not even the music. The only parts which seemed familiar were the big spikes and the alternate slash animation.
Nash and mash? What he any time saying? Time to time again. I cant explain that words.