Been looking everywhere on how to start self programming but couldn't find anything really useful. These videos are freaking knowledge bombs stacked on top of each other. Very helpful videos!
This is amazing! I have been doing 3x5s until I plateaued then tried 3x10s. I then went onto a variation of this. For the first 3 months I stuck to a very linear progression of 3x10 55%, 3x9 65%, 3x8 75%, 4x7 70%, 4x6 75%, 4x5 80%, 5x4 80%, 5x3 85%, 5x2 90%, 2x2 92.5%, 1x2 95%. I did an AMRAP on the last set. My AMRAPs kept going up, so I was able to increase my "1RM." I made a spreadsheet so could easily plug the new figure in at the top and everything adjusted for me. So, I had already increased my maxes once in the 3 months, I did my first test today and my new squat and bench 1RMs went up 10killos (22lbs) each. So, I'm really happy with this new program. It makes training seem really easy, especially as I've learned to stop doing grinders, I now stop 1 short of failure, so every lift is clean. I think that has helped my gains as well. I see guys in the gym doing so many bad form grinders with heavy weights that are really kidding themselves that they are making progress! I also periodise my week. Monday and Friday I do the AMRAPS and Wed I just do the straight sets and about 5lbs lighter as well. I find the same thing helps with my assistance exercises, Mondays is 3x10, Wed is 3x8 same weight as Monday, Friday is 3x6 heavier weight than Monday. Again, Fridays are 3x6, then 2x6 1x7, then 1x6 2x7 then 3x7. My aim is to get Friday up to 3x10 then make that Monday's weight and so on! I got all this from watching various of your videos, so thanks for the information you are putting out!
Going to be doing an update on these as soon as I can - the info is solid but I have learned a few more things in the last few years that I want to share :) Blessings
sir you have very very very best knowledge and program I'm from INDIA here I ask many people about how I want to do powerlifting workout no one have knowledge . Thank you sir you have proper schedule I start do do like this
First off, this series has been the most helpful for me to understand powerlifting and to create my own personal workout. Thank you for sharing the information. I am a beginning lifter, been training for 7 months now. My BSD is 185, 225, and 335lbs. My sole purpose with lifting is to increase my powerlifting total. I created a 12 week cycle were I hope to increase my BSD by 20,30, and 40lbs. However, I'm concerned that I am training at too lift of weight. I do add at least 5 other movements to assist my lift day. My question is should beginner lifters, such as myself, create a program simular to what you propose? Or is this only for intermediate/advanced lifters?
This is more advanced programming than you probably need. Try a program that allows you to make 5lb increases every week (like the Texas Method) instead. Here is another video that might be helpful in learning how to know what type of program you need as a beginner.видео.html Blessings
Bjorn Natwick Thank you Garret. I was thinking simular things; I'm glad I asked. I will look into the Texas program. Also, have you heard of stronglifts? If so, thoughts?
alright, I'm going to copy exactly this and do it for my deadlifts cause I'm at a lagging state with my 1rm. Only at 465, but been PL'ing for 3 months so ehhh its okay lol I'm 175. I will copy this for my deadlift day and apply it.
I miss these videos Garrett - I know you're mid training now but do you have anything new planned? What about covering training books? Miss learning stuff from you so much.
Dont have anything in the works right now but I am thinking about asking for topics people would like to have covered. Thanks for letting me know they were of assistance to you. Blessings
Great content. Viewing your videos is helping me put together some missing pieces in my own programming. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. If we use a program such as the one you outlined, would the assumption be that each lift is trained once per week? If so, how would you modify the plan if a person prefers to perform each lift up to 3 times per week? Thank you in advance.
Awesome video Garrett..loved the you still use this sort of method for programming..?? PS what are the pros and cons for using Prilepin's table???
Hey Garrett, Came across your video series via reddit and found it extremely informative; especially the 'peaking for powerlifting' video. Is there a program you can recommend for peaking 6 weeks out from a meet that encompasses your ideology for the last two weeks leading up to a meet (in your peaking for powerlifting video)? I'll be participating in the American Cup in February 7 and want to be at my best; my current PRs are as followed: Squat - 410lb Bench - 235lb Deadlift - 440lb at 132lb class (cut about 8lbs). Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Sam
Just run your normal program up to 3 weeks out. Then do the 4x3 week and then the 2x3 week and then a deload leading into the meet; that is what I do and it worked well, only tried it once though. Blessings
I've watched all of Your Powerlifting Program series and it's really useful, full of knowledge and great. At this moment I have one question left - what about deload in this cycle? 12 weeks started from volume to peaking phase seems to be a long time. I've seen that after a final 11 week there is two days off and then peaking day. Should I treat this gap as deload? If not, should I just care about deload when I get sore, so let's say it may occur every 4/5/6 week, so then it's a right moment to deload for maybe one week where the volume and intensity is lowered? In that case, after deload I'm going to move to the next training week without any skipping. What's your word about it? Blessings.
+Sefiroz987 If you need one then take one but I found that as I used the lower rep ranges it was a deload from the volume of the earlier work and I did not have to take one. However, I have updated my training principles since this video and with the DUp style I use not I deload about every 5 weeks. Blessings
+Garrett Blevins Thank you for your reply. I got it. When the volume is decreasing there is a lower need for deload expect situations when I feel very taxed, then maybe i will throw one deload week. Yeah, I've saw your video about Daily Undulating Periodization but at this moment I treat myself as Novice in powerlifting and that's why I've decide to start properly with linear progression. It seems that it's very enjoyable for me and rewarding. Currently I'm at week 3 and I'm very excited about further weeks of training block. Blessings.
I have been experimenting with my bench programming recently, and have managed to find something that seems to be working wonders. would you take a look at it and let me know what you think? do you check your PMs on here?
great video! thanks for your time and efforts in putting this together in a simple to understand demo. I have a couple of questions for you. you started talking about doing the bar work first after the warm and accessory work, but then stopped and did not elaborate on that. could you explain that please. also is it ok to mix two of these in one? for example bench and deadlift on the same day, or stick to the one main work for the day then hit the others on the other week days? does it matter what you start with? as in should i start with bench on monday, squat on wed, and deadlifts on friday. again, thank you so much for this video.
+john smith You can squat with the bar for sets of 10 to warm up and the same with bench, deadlift normally requires a plate or so to be on the bar as a warm up. As to doing multiple lifts (squat, bench and deads or some combination thereof) on the same day that is totally ok and is something I do. Check out the Texas Method series for more info on this. Blessings
Hey Garrett, do you use the same concept as the CUBE method on the 10 week program or do you do the Week 1 say 3x8 @ 65% for all the main lifts Bench, Deads and Squat.
Dude your legitimate the old man from starting strength said you don’t new to warm up if your not cold your good to go and he said there is no need to stretch. These to things made me feel like shit for two weeks straight. I guess you can’t go with the most popular ones out’s just hard to figure out what’s good and what’s not, before you are really fucked.
My lifts are a 115kg bench, 190kg deadlift and a 160kg squat. do you think i should be doing 12 week cycles? i've been doing wendler 5/3/1/ for almost a year now and stalling alot lately. and what do you think about candito's program(s)?
Overly complicated programming will only hinder you, not help you. There isn't a magical formula you can follow which will make things easier. High intensity, good form, enough food, enough sleep and training all muscles are key to get big and strong. Also 1 guy can reach 700lbs deadlift naturally only doing deadlift once a week while another can't push above 600lbs doing deadlifts 2-3 times a week, some people will get stronger then you with less work, this is just how it is, Genetical potential can only be changed with steroids and if you quit using steroids your body will go back down below your genetical potential again. Don't make your own program, use a professionally set up program and stick with it. Choose a program designed for your level. If you've trained for like 3-4 years you're not advanced. Stronglifts 5x5 if you're beginner, canditos 6 week if your intermediate and smolov if you're advanced for example if you're into powerlifiting just to put some examples out there. Focus on your weak points, if you're squating 500lbs, deadlifting 600lbs and benching 225lbs, you might want to focus on getting your bench up.
Hey Garrett I just failed the 5x2 on bench today with 85%, at the 2nd set already. Last weeks 6x3 with 80% went very well. Do you think the jump was too high? I only made a 10 week cicle because of holdiday coming and staff so everything goes well together. I plan on benching another time this week shall I repeat the 5x2 with 85% or go down to 82,5%? I'd really appreciate your advice :)
Samu Did you miss all of the sets of 2 or just the last 2? Or did you not see the edit I made and were you doing 2 sets of 5 reps? I originally miswrote this and added an annotation to the video.Blessings
Garrett Blevins no I was actually doing 5 sets of 2 with 85%. the first set was alright, the 2nd was very hard and on the 3rd and 4th I think I actually couldn't have done it if I haven't had a spotter... on the last set I tried it without spotter and only managed to do one grindy rep...
Samu Just drop the weight 2.5-5% on days like that. One day of missed reps is no big deal as it could have been related to other factors. You might try to re-do the day or just move ahead with your programming. Have you missed on any other days in this training cycle?Blessings
clichayed97 Mostly the major lifts. Exercises that use fewer joints or that target smaller muscle groups can usually be done for more reps than advised here as they are less taxing. Blessings
I gain strength but no size to my muscles and I feel that if I have more size, it would aid my lifts a lot more. I eat at a caloric surplus an just have a huge gut. Should I add in more accessories and volume in addition to my big 3 lifts cuz right now all I'm doing is the big 3 stronglifts 5x5 workout
Sounds like you need to eat a little less (maybe 200 calories a day) and start an intermediate program like the Texas method. Going to your school gym is hit and miss as you may not find a good trainer and you will not know how to tell the difference. By Practical Programming for Strength Training by Rippetoe and read it through, this will help you as much as an other course of action. Blessings
I have been lifting around 2-3x a week for a year and a half now with a bit breaks in between. Do you think my numbers are good for a beginner. I am 5'6 at 170 lbs and yeah I need a cut down. Will cutting down calories affect my strength and muscle mass gains? Thanks a bunch
Johnson Yao It might a little. You will need to start more advanced training than the program you are on for sure if you have been at it for a year and a half; Texas method should be a much better option. You may be slightly overtrained so dont worry if you have to start with slightly lower numbers than you posted here. Keep at it an gains will come. Blessings
Should I stop performing the reps in the set once my form goes bad even if I did not hit the desired reps? How many reps short of failure should I go? Does the same principle apply to both compound and accessory lifts in going few reps short of failure? Thanks :]
Does anyone know how to program this way if you do, lets say bench, 3x a week? Lets say you're in block 3, are you going to be doing 2-4 sets at 80-90% for every 3 workouts of this week? Or should I do it maybe 1 heavier day and 2 lighter days? Thanks to any answers
You can do daily undulating periodization during this week and do Day 1- 2x6 @ 80% Day 2- 3x4 @ 85% Day 3- 4x2 @ 90% Or we can do like you said, 1 Heavy day and 2 Light Days, Day 1 - workout @ 90% of day 3 Day 2- workout @ 95% of day 3 Day 3- 2-4 sets @ 80-90% of your 1rm Hope this helps
@@pRodPiccaso I did look a bi more into it after my comment and I planned something similar to your 2nd option starting next week. Looking forward to the next few weeks of training! Thanks for the reply
And do you think investing in a personal trainer at my school gym is worth it? Will it help? I think there's a free one session. My lifts have been near the same for almost a year now bench 145 squat 245 and do 310 an I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I just can't seem to move the weight as quick and efficiently anymore. Bad programming? Idk I feel so lost and hopeless. I just wanna gain strength and size
I've noticed that volume fluctuates week to week rather than linearly progressing. Is it not important to calculate for volume week to week (instead of general volume increase 12 weeks overall)?
+Martin Tran The first week you move to a new rep range the volume might go down some but this is ok, the biggest thing to work on is increasing volume from the last training cycle so that you are doing more and more progressively. As you become more advanced DUP style training will help to do this more optimally but this style of training is easier to understand and implement. Blessings
I like the Texas method more but 531 works for lots of people and adding in more volume fixes a lot of the issues that I have with the base 531 program. Blessings
As a bare bones beginner (like, 835), I'm still struggling with the combination of warmups, enough exercise for weight management, and PL training. What do you actually do for warmups? Right now I'm doing a lot of bar x 20, 35-40%x15, 12
+Christof Harper I use the bar and then start working up with about a plate at a time. However, when I had a lower max I would go with 25, 45, 45+25, 45+45 and so on in my warm-ups. If you are also trying to manage weight then total calories is what you will need to manipulate for the most part. Blessings
That is really up to you and what works with your schedule. It is the overall volume and not how many times per week that is most important but I would say 3-4 days is probably best. Blessings
You might be able to push that up some, these are just general guidelines and not everything will be hard - sometimes it is about having a few weeks of easier training that you then build on as the percentages increase and become more difficult. Blessings
More about volume than what you are capable of. In linear periodization you have to have room to up the intensity each week so you leave some in the tank and focus on adding volume. Blessings
+Garrett Blevins Sorry to dig up an old discussion, but curious on this one. I am trying to gather as much info as I can before I make a program as I don't want to waste 3 months doing it wrong. I would classify myself as an intermediate, I feel like I have exhausted Texas Method and that I am not responding well to it currently. I might revisit it later but I need a mental break from that programming. I thought I had figured this programming out after watching this series multiple times but this comment has thrown me off track a bit. What do I do in the 3rd and 4th protocol when weights start to get heavy if I shouldn't do the same rep scheme with each lift in the same week? Do I do different rep schemes for each lift? Do I still go heavy on every lift in the same week? I am not sure how to program for these weeks. Sorry for all the questions just trying to be thorough.
turner97 Tough question as a lot depends on how you respond to certain intensity levels or volume with certain intensity ranges. If I was you I would look into RPE based training, powerliftingtowin has a free template or getting a coach to help you out with some guided programming. Blessings
10159218 If you are a novice then do not test 1RMs. Instead get on a program like Starting Strength that uses linear progression. This allows you to set records every workout. When that ends go to an intermediate program that allows weekly maxes to be set and then go to what i presented here. Blessings
There should be a note of correction that pops up on the video at that point (I misspoke in the video and for the sets and reps beyond 80% swap the sets for the reps (i.e. 5 sets of 2 instead of 2 sets of 5). Hope that helps. Blessings
Finally, someone who knows what they’re talking about!
Awesome stuff! This is a gold mine of information for those just picking up Powerlifting. Thank you for the uploads!
Glad to pass it along, I have had so many people help me it is nice to be able to give back.
Keep coming back to your videos. Still pure gold
Been looking everywhere on how to start self programming but couldn't find anything really useful. These videos are freaking knowledge bombs stacked on top of each other. Very helpful videos!
Denny Tran Glad that they were helpful.
You could charge serious money for this video serious. Awesome of you to spread this fundamental knowledge for free, absolutely great!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Saw your comments on Omar Isuf's page. Always good to see someone putting out solid information. Subscribed, sir!
Glad to hear and have you along.
Can't believe that you only have 3000 subscribers, this info is really really helpful! The first RUclips vids where I use a notebook while watching :)
Thanks for the support.
10/10. Smart, easy to understand and informative. Thank you!
+Neil McDonald Thanks for the kind words.
This is amazing! I have been doing 3x5s until I plateaued then tried 3x10s. I then went onto a variation of this. For the first 3 months I stuck to a very linear progression of 3x10 55%, 3x9 65%, 3x8 75%, 4x7 70%, 4x6 75%, 4x5 80%, 5x4 80%, 5x3 85%, 5x2 90%, 2x2 92.5%, 1x2 95%. I did an AMRAP on the last set. My AMRAPs kept going up, so I was able to increase my "1RM." I made a spreadsheet so could easily plug the new figure in at the top and everything adjusted for me. So, I had already increased my maxes once in the 3 months, I did my first test today and my new squat and bench 1RMs went up 10killos (22lbs) each. So, I'm really happy with this new program. It makes training seem really easy, especially as I've learned to stop doing grinders, I now stop 1 short of failure, so every lift is clean. I think that has helped my gains as well. I see guys in the gym doing so many bad form grinders with heavy weights that are really kidding themselves that they are making progress! I also periodise my week. Monday and Friday I do the AMRAPS and Wed I just do the straight sets and about 5lbs lighter as well. I find the same thing helps with my assistance exercises, Mondays is 3x10, Wed is 3x8 same weight as Monday, Friday is 3x6 heavier weight than Monday. Again, Fridays are 3x6, then 2x6 1x7, then 1x6 2x7 then 3x7. My aim is to get Friday up to 3x10 then make that Monday's weight and so on! I got all this from watching various of your videos, so thanks for the information you are putting out!
+Richard Hawkins Looks like you put it to good use, that is a great way to use it. Stay on them gains!
Dude so true. I spent a long time just going tot he gym without a plan. Just my failed attempts to
Program worked well
Nice video! Currently watching all 4 parts of this series.
Going to be doing an update on these as soon as I can - the info is solid but I have learned a few more things in the last few years that I want to share :)
Awesome! Looking forward to see it. :)
Дуже хороше пояснення! Дякую!!
Great advice and simple to follow. Thanks!
TheSideburno You are welcome.
Great Information man , you deserve more views !
Thanks for the support.
Garrett Blevins Truly amazing lifts with some of the best information.
Inspiring people like me and pranav all the way till India.
Awesome stuff!
Saketh 1991 Glad to hear it.
This is exactly what I need. Part 1 and 2.
My mild OCD says to throw in a deload between weeks 6 & 7. That way the year is split into 4 equal parts of 13 weeks. Good stuff none the less.
This needs more views
These videos helped me greatly! Good job man!
Josh Dunkle Good to hear.
Clear explained video, very informative. Thanks for the info!
Edwin K You are welcome.
This is very good. I don't normally buy into programming but this Is very good
So well explained and clear. Very good vid
loving this series man!!!
subbed man, thats freakin brilliant ! :)
+Raw Powerlifting Strength Thanks for the support.
In week 7/8/9 I probably used more sets and less reps, but it is a personal preference
sir you have very very very best knowledge and program I'm from INDIA here I ask many people about how I want to do powerlifting workout no one have knowledge . Thank you sir you have proper schedule I start do do like this
great presentation. thank you man.
No problem.
Subbed! Really useful info! keep up the great work bud
Thanks for the support.
Thank you.
First off, this series has been the most helpful for me to understand powerlifting and to create my own personal workout. Thank you for sharing the information.
I am a beginning lifter, been training for 7 months now. My BSD is 185, 225, and 335lbs. My sole purpose with lifting is to increase my powerlifting total. I created a 12 week cycle were I hope to increase my BSD by 20,30, and 40lbs. However, I'm concerned that I am training at too lift of weight. I do add at least 5 other movements to assist my lift day.
My question is should beginner lifters, such as myself, create a program simular to what you propose? Or is this only for intermediate/advanced lifters?
This is more advanced programming than you probably need. Try a program that allows you to make 5lb increases every week (like the Texas Method) instead. Here is another video that might be helpful in learning how to know what type of program you need as a beginner.видео.html
"am training at too light of weight"
Bjorn Natwick Thank you Garret. I was thinking simular things; I'm glad I asked.
I will look into the Texas program.
Also, have you heard of stronglifts? If so, thoughts?
Bjorn Natwick Not a fan of stronglifts, starting strength and texas method are much better.
Great video!!
sico sidd Thanks.
That’s some real shit going on
best video
alright, I'm going to copy exactly this and do it for my deadlifts cause I'm at a lagging state with my 1rm. Only at 465, but been PL'ing for 3 months so ehhh its okay lol I'm 175. I will copy this for my deadlift day and apply it.
+Smokeydabear415 Good luck.
Loving the videos! Do you have a video out showing how you organize your peaking block?
I miss these videos Garrett - I know you're mid training now but do you have anything new planned? What about covering training books? Miss learning stuff from you so much.
Dont have anything in the works right now but I am thinking about asking for topics people would like to have covered. Thanks for letting me know they were of assistance to you.
Great content. Viewing your videos is helping me put together some missing pieces in my own programming. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. If we use a program such as the one you outlined, would the assumption be that each lift is trained once per week? If so, how would you modify the plan if a person prefers to perform each lift up to 3 times per week? Thank you in advance.
Look at my videos on PPST and the Texas method. That will help with understanding how to work in frequency.
Awesome video Garrett..loved the you still use this sort of method for programming..??
PS what are the pros and cons for using Prilepin's table???
Hey Garrett,
Came across your video series via reddit and found it extremely informative; especially the 'peaking for powerlifting' video. Is there a program you can recommend for peaking 6 weeks out from a meet that encompasses your ideology for the last two weeks leading up to a meet (in your peaking for powerlifting video)? I'll be participating in the American Cup in February 7 and want to be at my best; my current PRs are as followed: Squat - 410lb Bench - 235lb Deadlift - 440lb at 132lb class (cut about 8lbs). Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Just run your normal program up to 3 weeks out. Then do the 4x3 week and then the 2x3 week and then a deload leading into the meet; that is what I do and it worked well, only tried it once though.
I've watched all of Your Powerlifting Program series and it's really useful, full of knowledge and great. At this moment I have one question left - what about deload in this cycle? 12 weeks started from volume to peaking phase seems to be a long time. I've seen that after a final 11 week there is two days off and then peaking day. Should I treat this gap as deload? If not, should I just care about deload when I get sore, so let's say it may occur every 4/5/6 week, so then it's a right moment to deload for maybe one week where the volume and intensity is lowered? In that case, after deload I'm going to move to the next training week without any skipping. What's your word about it? Blessings.
+Sefiroz987 If you need one then take one but I found that as I used the lower rep ranges it was a deload from the volume of the earlier work and I did not have to take one. However, I have updated my training principles since this video and with the DUp style I use not I deload about every 5 weeks.
+Garrett Blevins Thank you for your reply. I got it. When the volume is decreasing there is a lower need for deload expect situations when I feel very taxed, then maybe i will throw one deload week. Yeah, I've saw your video about Daily Undulating Periodization but at this moment I treat myself as Novice in powerlifting and that's why I've decide to start properly with linear progression. It seems that it's very enjoyable for me and rewarding. Currently I'm at week 3 and I'm very excited about further weeks of training block.
I have been experimenting with my bench programming recently, and have managed to find something that seems to be working wonders. would you take a look at it and let me know what you think? do you check your PMs on here?
Sure thing, I'll look for one from you (I have not ever checked it but will now :)).
great video! thanks for your time and efforts in putting this together in a simple to understand demo. I have a couple of questions for you. you started talking about doing the bar work first after the warm and accessory work, but then stopped and did not elaborate on that. could you explain that please. also is it ok to mix two of these in one? for example bench and deadlift on the same day, or stick to the one main work for the day then hit the others on the other week days? does it matter what you start with? as in should i start with bench on monday, squat on wed, and deadlifts on friday. again, thank you so much for this video.
+john smith You can squat with the bar for sets of 10 to warm up and the same with bench, deadlift normally requires a plate or so to be on the bar as a warm up. As to doing multiple lifts (squat, bench and deads or some combination thereof) on the same day that is totally ok and is something I do. Check out the Texas Method series for more info on this.
Garrett Blevins k
Hey Garrett, do you use the same concept as the CUBE method on the 10 week program or do you do the Week 1 say 3x8 @ 65% for all the main lifts Bench, Deads and Squat.
I follow the Cube as it is written for the most part and use the 3 different intensities each week. This is a more basic model.
Dude your legitimate the old man from starting strength said you don’t new to warm up if your not cold your good to go and he said there is no need to stretch. These to things made me feel like shit for two weeks straight. I guess you can’t go with the most popular ones out’s just hard to figure out what’s good and what’s not, before you are really fucked.
Very interesting video Garrett. How many times per week would you recommend training the lifts?
Start with 1 day per lift per week and work up from there.
Week 9 ( 2 set 5 reps ? Or 5 ser 2 reps ?
My lifts are a 115kg bench, 190kg deadlift and a 160kg squat. do you think i should be doing 12 week cycles? i've been doing wendler 5/3/1/ for almost a year now and stalling alot lately. and what do you think about candito's program(s)?
I have not tried it but heard some really good things. I would say you should give it a shot if you are stalling on 531, good luck!
Overly complicated programming will only hinder you, not help you. There isn't a magical formula you can follow which will make things easier.
High intensity, good form, enough food, enough sleep and training all muscles are key to get big and strong.
Also 1 guy can reach 700lbs deadlift naturally only doing deadlift once a week while another can't push above 600lbs doing deadlifts 2-3 times a week, some people will get stronger then you with less work, this is just how it is,
Genetical potential can only be changed with steroids and if you quit using steroids your body will go back down below your genetical potential again.
Don't make your own program, use a professionally set up program and stick with it.
Choose a program designed for your level. If you've trained for like 3-4 years you're not advanced.
Stronglifts 5x5 if you're beginner, canditos 6 week if your intermediate and smolov if you're advanced for example if you're into powerlifiting just to put some examples out there.
Focus on your weak points, if you're squating 500lbs, deadlifting 600lbs and benching 225lbs, you might want to focus on getting your bench up.
Hey garrett, do you do any online coaching/Programming?
Dakota Gautier I am working on setting it up but it may be a few months.
Hey Garrett I just failed the 5x2 on bench today with 85%, at the 2nd set already. Last weeks 6x3 with 80% went very well. Do you think the jump was too high? I only made a 10 week cicle because of holdiday coming and staff so everything goes well together. I plan on benching another time this week shall I repeat the 5x2 with 85% or go down to 82,5%? I'd really appreciate your advice :)
Samu Did you miss all of the sets of 2 or just the last 2? Or did you not see the edit I made and were you doing 2 sets of 5 reps? I originally miswrote this and added an annotation to the video.Blessings
Garrett Blevins no I was actually doing 5 sets of 2 with 85%. the first set was alright, the 2nd was very hard and on the 3rd and 4th I think I actually couldn't have done it if I haven't had a spotter... on the last set I tried it without spotter and only managed to do one grindy rep...
Samu Just drop the weight 2.5-5% on days like that. One day of missed reps is no big deal as it could have been related to other factors. You might try to re-do the day or just move ahead with your programming. Have you missed on any other days in this training cycle?Blessings
Garrett Blevins Ok I'll drop the weight next time. Thank you! No, every other day was on point, speed weeks went very well too.
Is this program only for major lifts i.e. bench, deads, squats and ohp or is it used for other exercises as well?
clichayed97 Mostly the major lifts. Exercises that use fewer joints or that target smaller muscle groups can usually be done for more reps than advised here as they are less taxing.
Thanks very much.
I gain strength but no size to my muscles and I feel that if I have more size, it would aid my lifts a lot more. I eat at a caloric surplus an just have a huge gut. Should I add in more accessories and volume in addition to my big 3 lifts cuz right now all I'm doing is the big 3 stronglifts 5x5 workout
Sounds like you need to eat a little less (maybe 200 calories a day) and start an intermediate program like the Texas method. Going to your school gym is hit and miss as you may not find a good trainer and you will not know how to tell the difference. By Practical Programming for Strength Training by Rippetoe and read it through, this will help you as much as an other course of action.
OK, are my lifts considered intermediate or still beginner?
I have been lifting around 2-3x a week for a year and a half now with a bit breaks in between. Do you think my numbers are good for a beginner. I am 5'6 at 170 lbs and yeah I need a cut down. Will cutting down calories affect my strength and muscle mass gains? Thanks a bunch
Johnson Yao It might a little. You will need to start more advanced training than the program you are on for sure if you have been at it for a year and a half; Texas method should be a much better option. You may be slightly overtrained so dont worry if you have to start with slightly lower numbers than you posted here. Keep at it an gains will come.
Should I stop performing the reps in the set once my form goes bad even if I did not hit the desired reps? How many reps short of failure should I go? Does the same principle apply to both compound and accessory lifts in going few reps short of failure? Thanks :]
Does anyone know how to program this way if you do, lets say bench, 3x a week? Lets say you're in block 3, are you going to be doing 2-4 sets at 80-90% for every 3 workouts of this week? Or should I do it maybe 1 heavier day and 2 lighter days? Thanks to any answers
You can do daily undulating periodization during this week and do
Day 1- 2x6 @ 80%
Day 2- 3x4 @ 85%
Day 3- 4x2 @ 90%
Or we can do like you said, 1 Heavy day and 2 Light Days,
Day 1 - workout @ 90% of day 3
Day 2- workout @ 95% of day 3
Day 3- 2-4 sets @ 80-90% of your 1rm
Hope this helps
@@pRodPiccaso I did look a bi more into it after my comment and I planned something similar to your 2nd option starting next week. Looking forward to the next few weeks of training! Thanks for the reply
And do you think investing in a personal trainer at my school gym is worth it? Will it help? I think there's a free one session. My lifts have been near the same for almost a year now bench 145 squat 245 and do 310 an I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I just can't seem to move the weight as quick and efficiently anymore. Bad programming? Idk I feel so lost and hopeless. I just wanna gain strength and size
Still need help?
I've noticed that volume fluctuates week to week rather than linearly progressing. Is it not important to calculate for volume week to week (instead of general volume increase 12 weeks overall)?
+Martin Tran The first week you move to a new rep range the volume might go down some but this is ok, the biggest thing to work on is increasing volume from the last training cycle so that you are doing more and more progressively. As you become more advanced DUP style training will help to do this more optimally but this style of training is easier to understand and implement.
Hey man Do the Inol formula work or im just gonna burnout
+Durban Poison Lots of individual differences on that one, it can work and has but is also taxing.
Thanks man i have plan my first periodization program Hope will PR at my test ! Tanks and kept the good work
Do you recommend training the bench press with a competition pause?
BESTSHETEVAR Yes, also do touch and go. Both are useful so train both.
What do you think about Wendlers 5-3-1 program combined with hypertrophy secondary exercises?
I like the Texas method more but 531 works for lots of people and adding in more volume fixes a lot of the issues that I have with the base 531 program.
As a bare bones beginner (like, 835), I'm still struggling with the combination of warmups, enough exercise for weight management, and PL training. What do you actually do for warmups? Right now I'm doing a lot of bar x 20, 35-40%x15, 12
+Christof Harper I use the bar and then start working up with about a plate at a time. However, when I had a lower max I would go with 25, 45, 45+25, 45+45 and so on in my warm-ups. If you are also trying to manage weight then total calories is what you will need to manipulate for the most part.
+Garrett Blevins Thanks! Not too different from what I'm doing now... I seem to have times where I feel like the 50-60 warmup reps are too many.
Hey Garette, If I'm using this cycle how many times should I train per week?
That is really up to you and what works with your schedule. It is the overall volume and not how many times per week that is most important but I would say 3-4 days is probably best.
Garrett Blevins
Thanks man, currently 17 and working on powerlifting. Your videos have really helped me a lot man. Thanks again
for protocol 3 or was it 4.. Is 5x5 at 65% of 1pr not way to low a weight?
You might be able to push that up some, these are just general guidelines and not everything will be hard - sometimes it is about having a few weeks of easier training that you then build on as the percentages increase and become more difficult.
why is it that pripepin's chart says you should do 5x5 @ around 65-70% when we all know that 5x5 is usually around 80% of your 1rm?
More about volume than what you are capable of. In linear periodization you have to have room to up the intensity each week so you leave some in the tank and focus on adding volume.
How much rest per muscle group?
Would you use these set/rep schemes for all three lifts in the same week? (2x2 @ 90% of squat, bench and deadlift in the same week?)
At a beginner level yes, at an advanced level, no.
Garrett Blevins
Train everyday?
taekler Depends on time and scheme. I train 3-4 days a week.
+Garrett Blevins Sorry to dig up an old discussion, but curious on this one. I am trying to gather as much info as I can before I make a program as I don't want to waste 3 months doing it wrong. I would classify myself as an intermediate, I feel like I have exhausted Texas Method and that I am not responding well to it currently. I might revisit it later but I need a mental break from that programming. I thought I had figured this programming out after watching this series multiple times but this comment has thrown me off track a bit. What do I do in the 3rd and 4th protocol when weights start to get heavy if I shouldn't do the same rep scheme with each lift in the same week? Do I do different rep schemes for each lift? Do I still go heavy on every lift in the same week? I am not sure how to program for these weeks. Sorry for all the questions just trying to be thorough.
turner97 Tough question as a lot depends on how you respond to certain intensity levels or volume with certain intensity ranges. If I was you I would look into RPE based training, powerliftingtowin has a free template or getting a coach to help you out with some guided programming.
When do you add weight to your 1RM and how much ?
10159218 If you are a novice then do not test 1RMs. Instead get on a program like Starting Strength that uses linear progression. This allows you to set records every workout. When that ends go to an intermediate program that allows weekly maxes to be set and then go to what i presented here.
how can you do 2x5@90% when 90% is 3-4 RM ?
There should be a note of correction that pops up on the video at that point (I misspoke in the video and for the sets and reps beyond 80% swap the sets for the reps (i.e. 5 sets of 2 instead of 2 sets of 5). Hope that helps.
Quick question - Does this set up mean that I am only lifting 3 days a week - one day for each main lift?
That is how I talked about it but you can do a higher frequency with the main principles also, there are a lot of options.