G. bimaculatus have black body in wild, but nymphs and adults with red brown body and light brown wings can be occured in highly-crowded breeding conditions. Physical(developmental) and behavioral differences in isolated and crowded indiviiduals are mentioned by Iba, Nagao & Urano (1995).
이 소리는 파충류샵에 가면 매일 나는 소리..
Bimaculatus have black head, are you sure the species in your clip, is Bimacullatus ones?
G. bimaculatus have black body in wild, but nymphs and adults with red brown body and light brown wings can be occured in highly-crowded breeding conditions. Physical(developmental) and behavioral differences in isolated and crowded indiviiduals are mentioned by Iba, Nagao & Urano (1995).