Can I survive College Football with 5 Star recruits only?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 371

  • @NTE_
    @NTE_  Год назад +52

    For 50% off with HelloFresh PLUS free shipping, use code NTE50 at

  • @Dude00002
    @Dude00002 Год назад +173

    Drewski I just gotta say. Your editor is insane. Their editing mixed with your humor is a match made in heaven

  • @loicduchesne6891
    @loicduchesne6891 Год назад +92

    YAY! Football is back on your channel!
    I finally installed NCAA14 Revamped, impossible not to hear your voice when playing.
    Much love, man!

  • @XxHotrod24xX
    @XxHotrod24xX Год назад +132

    Hey Drewski. Love your videos been watching since the UGF pandas. I feel like it would be fun to do a challenge of only recruiting athletes

    • @NTE_
      @NTE_  Год назад +77

      Thanks for the super thanks! Athletes only is a great idea! I'll add it to my list of challenges for the future

    • @XxHotrod24xX
      @XxHotrod24xX Год назад +5

      @@NTE_ Awesome thanks Drewski

    • @ChadwickArthur
      @ChadwickArthur Год назад

      Man don’t waste your hard earned money on this product pushing clown! He’s got kids out here buying Hello Fresh with their parents credit cards while he sits at home playing video games. Back in my day we locked those ppl up and threw away the key.

    • @EMLeth
      @EMLeth Год назад +1

      ​@@NTE_hale yeah

    • @spencerrichards1342
      @spencerrichards1342 10 месяцев назад +1

      That feeling when you realize the UGF Pandas were 5 years ago...

  • @rickswordfire4774
    @rickswordfire4774 Год назад +63

    18:00 The team needed Wheatley to step up, and he was (b)ready.

  • @keelanburke9558
    @keelanburke9558 Год назад +94

    Not the expert for one hour is going to be good

  • @Mattman90
    @Mattman90 Год назад +532

    Please do a new series 🙏 we need a new squad to cheer on

    • @loicduchesne6891
      @loicduchesne6891 Год назад +3

      Hear hear!

    • @CC-bm3wb
      @CC-bm3wb Год назад +20

      Washington Wallabies

    • @Skyfighter64
      @Skyfighter64 Год назад +4

      @@CC-bm3wb Washington Wannabes.

    • @seventhsuns3580
      @seventhsuns3580 Год назад +49

      I would love a new series where the challenge is he sims the recruitment. He gets what the rng gods determines what he's worthy of

    • @Hamburger-xw2mi
      @Hamburger-xw2mi Год назад

      The flash gangstaz

  • @MrKingpin1205
    @MrKingpin1205 Год назад +120

    Never would've thought I'd see Drew use Alabama of all teams in any video 😂

    • @dexterwilliams2520
      @dexterwilliams2520 Год назад +9

      To be fair, it’s the challenge where Bama goes 1-11 in the first year. 😂

  • @don_brodka
    @don_brodka Год назад +39

    This is one of your best vids Drew. The added sound effects were on point, and just enough Drewski magic on the field. Great job dude!

  • @BordeauxYT
    @BordeauxYT Год назад +29

    That intro was insane

  • @deathwalkrecordings1318
    @deathwalkrecordings1318 Год назад +665


  • @SebastianTheRecylcer
    @SebastianTheRecylcer Год назад +14

    The editing on this was fantastic. So many elements that really helped the quality was done

  • @saulspeaks2557
    @saulspeaks2557 Год назад +6

    Editing is just out of this world on this one!

  • @Iloveslipknot648
    @Iloveslipknot648 Год назад +17

    I love this channel he needs to keep up the great work

  • @davidparkes7741
    @davidparkes7741 Год назад +22

    Who's gonna tell him that Throw Accuracy is more important than Throw Power??

  • @arwyss
    @arwyss Год назад

    13:57 was not expecting an Office reference, but I’m here for it.

  • @letscallitTheSteve
    @letscallitTheSteve Год назад +2

    Loving the playfulness and an hour of content. Keep it going Drewski! Any NTE NCAA content is an insta-watch for me.

  • @LambasterBlasterMaster
    @LambasterBlasterMaster Год назад +1

    55:45 He's giving him the business!

  • @Nick-ic1zf
    @Nick-ic1zf Год назад +9

    I love that you avoided saying the RT word. Thankful you’re keeping it family friendly!

  • @82dorrin
    @82dorrin Год назад +4

    Bobby Pancake is from Afton, Wyoming?
    I've actually been there.

  • @JohnSpratlin
    @JohnSpratlin Год назад +8

    He is such a good youTuber props to him

  • @themajorlee9263
    @themajorlee9263 Год назад +1

    Love the vid Drewski! Some really cool editing too! Keep it up

  • @pashahillyard8763
    @pashahillyard8763 Год назад

    I've got to say....I love the editing. You get better at it all the time, and your content is's good stuff, man

  • @uberapathy
    @uberapathy Год назад

    The bomb to Bobby Pancakes killed me at 26:36 🤣

  • @donfishh
    @donfishh Год назад +2

    i’d love to see a new series where you don’t upgrade the recruiting skill tree at all and see if that regulates recruiting at all

  • @timmah2723
    @timmah2723 Год назад

    As someone who played fullback, your love for Bom brings a tear to my eye

  • @Marshydarshy
    @Marshydarshy Год назад +8

    Loved this video, it really captured the 'oh god we might completely fall apart' energy of early seasons of your dynasties.

  • @LilbawseYT
    @LilbawseYT Месяц назад

    13:34 any know how he puts bom at kicker. Just wondering because it looks really fun to try with other players. Also, how does him play both positions

  • @tljscrewjob6397
    @tljscrewjob6397 Год назад +1

    Always love the content from you Drewski!

  • @pashahillyard8763
    @pashahillyard8763 Год назад

    Drew, you legit have some of the most clutch moments I've ever seen in sports video games. That pass to win the game was...whu...

  • @JSports49
    @JSports49 Год назад +3

    Love seeing the fullback carrying the team

  • @xnational6434
    @xnational6434 Год назад

    “That guy in the crowd believes “ has me crying 😂😂😭

  • @kevin1153
    @kevin1153 Год назад

    18:06 the upgrade from wheat boy to wheat man was too much for me.

  • @ZachKindaPro18
    @ZachKindaPro18 Год назад

    Loved the office reference with Deangelo Vickers

  • @GOATexp
    @GOATexp Год назад +1

    Made myself lunch just to watch this video!! I’m so ready

  • @Mrdogewater
    @Mrdogewater Год назад +2


  • @TheyCallMeSkribble
    @TheyCallMeSkribble Год назад

    Give whoever is editing this a raise

  • @Bigdaddykp
    @Bigdaddykp Год назад

    I love your CFB challenges drew, thanks for the hour of content

  • @Winston-wo6kb
    @Winston-wo6kb Год назад +2

    Thank you drewski for ur hard work u always seem to make me laugh but please can u make another ncaa dynasty

  • @MrCjwolfe22
    @MrCjwolfe22 Год назад +1

    This is why you don't let an auburn alum run a football school

  • @kingbunny1023
    @kingbunny1023 Год назад

    Wheatman!!🤣🤣🤣 18:02

  • @aaron_curry8
    @aaron_curry8 Год назад +2

    Love nte you are the greatest

  • @thisisboring6645
    @thisisboring6645 Год назад

    Mr. Dong Snapper lmfaoooooooo 😂😂😂 dude I’m dead

  • @NonFatSalad
    @NonFatSalad Год назад

    I love the edits man keep it up! 😂

  • @Yaboiirod_ii
    @Yaboiirod_ii Год назад

    3:21 Rodney Morris nice first name😉😂

  • @BarnabyCodswallow
    @BarnabyCodswallow Год назад

    Just a casual 1 Hour NTE Video!!! LETS GO!

  • @steve8383
    @steve8383 Год назад

    Great reference to “The Office” with Deangelo Vickers.

  • @BWeManX
    @BWeManX Год назад

    The receiving LT is just the greatest....bobbah!

  • @Mrwillie95
    @Mrwillie95 Год назад +2

    Awesome Drew did a college football video 😊

  • @thetrueivaid
    @thetrueivaid Год назад

    Bobby is an absolute UNIT

  • @nonchalantnoahyt
    @nonchalantnoahyt Год назад +1

    Where did the backyard baseball go? With everybody’s favorite guy Pablo Sanchez

  • @favre4ever39
    @favre4ever39 Год назад +9

    Should of done the Jimbo Fisher challenge 4/5 stars and under 7 wins

  • @jasonpina8318
    @jasonpina8318 Год назад +2

    Love the vids

  • @CommieCat
    @CommieCat Год назад

    55:20 - this is when Madden decides you won't win the game

  • @Prettywhite4awhiteguy
    @Prettywhite4awhiteguy Год назад +4

    TE option run, definitely looked like something the Chiefs would do. 😂

  • @karlewiss
    @karlewiss Год назад

    Was not ready for “Chuck Upfield” 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    @BREEZE3CST Год назад

    Derrick Harper and his magic disappearing dreadlocks 😂

  • @johncollins7465
    @johncollins7465 Год назад

    That was a lot of fun to watch! Thank you!

  • @Tyler-pm1bx
    @Tyler-pm1bx Год назад +3

    I know why Drewski is not wanting to do another NCAA series but I wish he would include it in the rotation.

  • @lil.elmo21
    @lil.elmo21 Год назад +1

    How did you make your player, when I do it, it says team is full

  • @Hanna-bx6ug
    @Hanna-bx6ug Год назад +2

    You the best RUclipsr

  • @brziperiod
    @brziperiod Год назад

    5:45 I never noticed "you are the balls" PLEASE LET THAT BE EDITED

  • @reedl.wilton312
    @reedl.wilton312 Год назад

    8:15 Ah yes, Thomas Frank A.K.A. Hurt Big

  • @aaronrobinson9578
    @aaronrobinson9578 Год назад

    new editor? either way this style of video rocks

  • @jaredjohnson1027
    @jaredjohnson1027 Год назад +6

    Drew: "This is the worst start to a dynasty I've ever seen"
    *Death Valley State has left the chat*

    • @tysn13
      @tysn13 Год назад +1

      yea but he did go 3-9 the first year

    • @jaredjohnson1027
      @jaredjohnson1027 Год назад +1

      @@tysn13 yeah against FCS teams lol

  • @Kwill_they_wont
    @Kwill_they_wont Год назад

    Great to see you back on NCAA Football!

  • @thetk9145
    @thetk9145 Год назад

    Adrian Michigan resident here and I can say our town of 12k people loved Iron Mann 😈

  • @BigChunko
    @BigChunko Год назад +1

    love these videos

  • @SGNHUBGamingandMuchMore
    @SGNHUBGamingandMuchMore Год назад

    Man made me miss NCAA more great video man!

  • @blackmagick77
    @blackmagick77 Год назад

    Upfield and Downfield did all the work! The other coach stole the glory lol

  • @goober5713
    @goober5713 Год назад

    An hour video? Now, that's a way to my heart.

  • @drrobocar6459
    @drrobocar6459 Год назад

    Yeah with your editor, you’re channel has completely transformed.

  • @MaxBasila
    @MaxBasila Год назад +1

    You should play more juwhutrulookinat Chief

  • @jcoreas07
    @jcoreas07 Год назад

    Do I have to get up early in the morning? Yes. Is it 1 am? Yup. But did I watch the entire 1 hour video in one sitting? You betcha!

  • @caseyholloway837
    @caseyholloway837 Год назад

    We need Not The Expert SSX series!!

  • @SAHD_Guy
    @SAHD_Guy Год назад

    Just solid content all around.

  • @dontaveonlove626
    @dontaveonlove626 Год назад

    I hope they drop the qb fumbling mechanic i the new game. The pain of hitting the slide button to late and fumbling was insane

  • @showtime9508
    @showtime9508 Год назад

    12:28 the dreads
    18:39 33 controller just stop
    19:34 that td look controversial

  • @jakobfowler
    @jakobfowler 10 месяцев назад

    Aaron Outlaw's last name reminds me of "Indian Outlaw" by Tim McGraw.

  • @tobin1677
    @tobin1677 Год назад

    Love that the first All NCAA team had both kicker and punter from Iowa lol.

  • @cameronchiesa1031
    @cameronchiesa1031 Год назад

    This was really fun!

  • @dominatorsixty
    @dominatorsixty Год назад +1

    #1 RUclipsr

  • @TFRiDdBrownieMan
    @TFRiDdBrownieMan Год назад

    Greatest video I’ve ever watched

  • @paulbbryan
    @paulbbryan Год назад

    Hey, nice video. This kind of reminds me of PerramCrowe's content. I don't mean that in a bad way like you're taking someone's idea or were unaware or whatever. I'm quite sure you've seen his stuff. I mean it in a positive way! He's done a lot of 5-year challenge rebuilds where he redshirts all the recruits in the first year and finishes recruiting after three years, so it's all JRs, SRs, and RS SRs on a super roster. I'd love to see your own 5-year challenges with your own ideas and creativity, like this video (:

    • @NTE_
      @NTE_  Год назад +1

      Yes Crowe and I are good friends! In fact my oldest RUclips friend

  • @bearswin4
    @bearswin4 Год назад

    An hour flew by wow ❤

  • @w00tz0rzZ
    @w00tz0rzZ Год назад

    How about a manlet challenge? Can only recruit players below like 6". Or a lanklet challenge and can only recruit players above 6" and maybe also have a weight restriction?

    @RMCOVERS. Год назад

    Are we not going to talk about how you changed mr Adam’s race when you said “he’s going to be speedy”

  • @Hfcsurge
    @Hfcsurge Год назад

    The “RT word” is hilarious 😂😂

  • @Evaniscoollike
    @Evaniscoollike Год назад

    Hey Drew, have you Ever tried a no scholarship natty run?

  • @SandRabbit
    @SandRabbit Год назад

    This was fantastic.

  • @stickydog_hopkins9860
    @stickydog_hopkins9860 Год назад

    Now NTE, since you did this with my former school (ROLL TIDE ROLL 🐘), you have to do it with Auburn. But this time with 1-⭐ recruits. I believe it's only fitting given Auburn's current dilemma in being relevant again.
    Enjoyed the upload! 💯

  • @WydNxTe
    @WydNxTe Год назад +2

    your my idol mr expert

  • @ryankutchenriter
    @ryankutchenriter Год назад +1

    Can you please rebuild the worst team 20 years into the future?

  • @rhysgreen8642
    @rhysgreen8642 Год назад +2

    Could you do an athlete only?

  • @realjordantrs
    @realjordantrs Год назад +1

    imagine a challenge where you can only recruit fullbacks, see how truly good fullbacks can be!

  • @GreeNLeaF32
    @GreeNLeaF32 Год назад +2

    Commenting until NTE PLAYS NBA STREET VOL.2 (I won't give up)

  • @jaywilson2904
    @jaywilson2904 Год назад

    could you do an all star game for all of the players from your videos not just UGF DVSU and RCU but from these smaller challenges too

  • @Preisig90
    @Preisig90 Год назад

    damn i just wanted to go to bed and now you drop a 1 hour long video of ncaa football? guess i will be a bit tired tomorrow 😂

  • @dfssfaxnkhy
    @dfssfaxnkhy Год назад +1

    bom abamo the goat 🙏

  • @codymclemore4816
    @codymclemore4816 Год назад

    I was pulling so hard for Tennessee 😂 any other game I got your back, NTE