I have SOOO much respect for Chad, Derrick, and Larry. They were so eloquent in this panel. So happy to have them part of the festivities and to have Chad+Derrick on RPDR. Come through, Larry!
Larry Edwards is a fucking legend ! She was part of the fabulous four - a group of entertainers in the 80s that were incredibly talented. If Larry Edwards went on drag race she would win everything and I’d feel sorry for the other contestants they wouldn’t stand a chance
6 лет назад+35
It's crazy how Chad is more Cher than Cher herself... XD
The moment Chad and Derrick talked about the misconceptions about impersonation I was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Man, they both has been receiving CRAP over something so difficult to do. The way people treated Derrick by the end of season 8 was horrible. They deserve better.
i say larry last night at divas, easily the best part of the show. great energy and clearly enjoys his work. glad to see hes just as likable and charismatic in person as he is on stage
I've seen Larry perform when he was at La Cage at The Riviera. I met him a few times too. He is as sweet as he appears, and he's a fantastic performer.
I remember Larry Edwards, AKA-Hot Chocolate, from back in the day, he performed quite often at the Sunset Boulevard in San Antonio, TX. He was so great!
Chad, Derrick, Larry, Coco, Venus.... my favorites. I love celebrity impersonation. I love that they don't make a mockery of their artists, they impersonate their divas with the most respect.
Wonderful insight !! Larry is Amazing !! Roks Patti Labelle and all these Ladies are stars in their own rite..💓 luv you all !! Thank you for being so wonderful!!
@4:15 "shade before shade existed" A qoute from the same girl who thought people died at stone wall. Somebody please enroll her into a gay history class.
Prince Paris I was 20 & didn’t grow up with “gay history classes”. I didn’t even meet a drag queen until that night. Step outside your gay bubble & realize that some kids didn’t come out until they were 21.
'' I feel the drag queens that , came before drag race are now shining superstars and they go to DragCon# La to make people want to do drag and that right there is a beautiful thing ''.
@larryedwards is the SWEETEST and KINDEST person you will ever tip! (Not knowing the other two personally). =) And Chad with that DEEP ASSED VOICE! GURL!
I have SOOO much respect for Chad, Derrick, and Larry. They were so eloquent in this panel. So happy to have them part of the festivities and to have Chad+Derrick on RPDR. Come through, Larry!
People forget that these people were stars even before rpdr... i love them all
Derrick is underrated she’s funny she doesn’t deserve the hate that she got sense her season
I low key want Derrick to be in all stars XD even though i hated him in s8. shes grown on me.
Conner Hogel well.. you MIGHT get your wish!👀
if he'll be drunk all season, i'd wanna see that too.
You’re probably not gonna like episode one, though.
like a rash
chad's always praising people and seeing the good in everyone
Larry Edwards is a fucking legend ! She was part of the fabulous four - a group of entertainers in the 80s that were incredibly talented. If Larry Edwards went on drag race she would win everything and I’d feel sorry for the other contestants they wouldn’t stand a chance
It's crazy how Chad is more Cher than Cher herself... XD
The moment Chad and Derrick talked about the misconceptions about impersonation I was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Man, they both has been receiving CRAP over something so difficult to do. The way people treated Derrick by the end of season 8 was horrible. They deserve better.
i say larry last night at divas, easily the best part of the show. great energy and clearly enjoys his work. glad to see hes just as likable and charismatic in person as he is on stage
I've seen Larry perform when he was at La Cage at The Riviera. I met him a few times too. He is as sweet as he appears, and he's a fantastic performer.
Chad is totally celebrity type. The way she talks like really composed.
It's so nice to see the winners of AS1 and AS4 sitting together.
Jay Wimhurst said no one ever..........jk KIMORA
And season 12!!
Jay Wimhurst i don't recognize the fat bald guy....is that madam laqueer? is she the winner of as4?
Category is DELUSIONAL
I don’t see jasmine masters in this panel!
I remember Larry Edwards, AKA-Hot Chocolate, from back in the day, he performed quite often at the Sunset Boulevard in San Antonio, TX. He was so great!
Chad is the best.
Chad, Derrick, Larry, Coco, Venus.... my favorites. I love celebrity impersonation. I love that they don't make a mockery of their artists, they impersonate their divas with the most respect.
Derrick was making moves even before drag race
They're so respectful to each other
Wow what an amazing panel!
Omg Larry’s Tina turner wig ❤️❤️😍😍😍😍
Chad is a LEGENDARY.. hold the dairy.
Derrick is in so many of these panels um excuse me all stars I see you
“Someone has to go first”
gabriel fernandes the shade the shade of it all
gabriel fernandes :O you went there! lol
gabriel fernandes you gonna come at me and tell me my hair is scraggly? With that cheap shake and go wig you got on, wrong queen mama.
And she’s entertaining in all of them! Derrick might not do very well in the Drag Race format but she’s an exceent “working” queen.
This was such a great panel everything from the questions to the performers
Derrick is stunnningggg
Wonderful insight !! Larry is Amazing !!
Roks Patti Labelle and all these Ladies are stars in their own rite..💓 luv you all !! Thank you for being so wonderful!!
That is 100000% Cher
Chad is such a legend and Derick is kinda cute
So far my favorite panel
I love all of them. That’s all I have to say.
Lmaooo that DragCon ad was so random
@4:15 "shade before shade existed" A qoute from the same girl who thought people died at stone wall. Somebody please enroll her into a gay history class.
Prince Paris I agree!! Opens mouth with no thought behind it !!!
😂😂😂 I was about to say the same thing
Prince Paris I was 20 & didn’t grow up with “gay history classes”. I didn’t even meet a drag queen until that night. Step outside your gay bubble & realize that some kids didn’t come out until they were 21.
Nobody was killed??
wait, what?? 😂 shes learning with kimora
More Larry Edwards!!! LEGEND.
It just dawned on me that all the impersonators use their own names.
King P well like Derrick said... they are them... they are just portraying a character
Chad .. you look like Cher but THAT VOICE IS STILL THERE
Paris is burning, anyone?
'' I feel the drag queens that , came before drag race are now shining superstars and they go to DragCon# La to
make people want to do drag and that right there is a beautiful thing ''.
I’m here to put it out in the universe that I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Larry on RPDR!!!!
Derrik is very funny!
I can’t wait to see Derrick on season 5 of all stars !
Jessica Evans I think she will do really well !! I love Derrick
@larryedwards is the SWEETEST and KINDEST person you will ever tip! (Not knowing the other two personally). =) And Chad with that DEEP ASSED VOICE! GURL!
Trixel Lattel
Thorgy Shor
Sorry, Derrick Barry, you will never not be Drunk Britney at that roast.
Such a great panel!
I hope they make a Cosplay Panel with Chad and Phiphi and Dax and some others on a Dragcon soon, cannot wait
Amazing to see Britney Spears, Cher, Tina Turner and Louis CK all on one panel!!
I wish Farrah wouldv'e been on this panel (even though she isn't an impersenator she's still very Christina I guess)
No joke I though it was roxxxy on the right
Aggustina Jaramillo this comment is so racist and filled with so much homophobia and bigotry.
LOUIS XVII Sure dude, it must be racist if it involves someone of color. Calm tf down.
Aggustina Jaramillo she’s here to make it CLEAR
Aggustina Jaramillo how?!?😒
LOUIS XVII Oh my god no it's not.. just stop! I see what they mean. Take your wannabe triggered self somewhere else.
Derick was in the We Made You music video.....didn't see that coming.
"if you're not willam" omg for real tho i love willam sm
I’m fascinated on how the queens strut in heels and not fall on there face and break there nose
Where is Venus D-lite the maddona impersonator?
What Emimen video was Derrick on?? cuz i thought Eminem did Britney
Caeser ooo We Made You :)
Not over Derrick Barry not being Derrick Berry
Shout out from a girl who is in Miss congeniality the original that’s so cool
Derrick gets a lot of shit (some of it deserved, some not so much), but she really is a fantastic impersonator.
Did Chad just say Different Kind Of Love Song from Closer To The Truth?!
Right? :X
Am i the only one who thought Chad Michael's and Detox were the same person at some stage??? 🤔
bitch the thumbnail had me thinking Cher was in this video im shook CHAD MICHAELS IS THE QUEEN OF CHER IMPERSONATION
Which Eminem video was Derrick in?
We Made You
Britney Sparkles thank you
I think Derrick Berry looked more like Britney Spears before all the plastic surgeries.
Cher or Marilyn Manson ?.
Derick to me isn’t am Impersonators and looks nothing like Britney 2 me sorry but umm not sorry