Hola amiga ly tieu ly porque no le das un poco de afecto de cariño al niño grande está bien que no sea tu hijo pero es un niño que necesita el amor de una madre y el se la pasa mirando cada vez que besas y abrazas a tu bebé no te da pesar eres muy distante de ese niño quierero recuerda que tú eres su única familia en con tu bebé para el saludos.
I wish that you had some other way to carry your young son since he isn't yet old enough to walk on his own and be independent. But your aea is too tough to find a baby stroller helpful. Could you find a push cart that would be helpful? I wish you well as you work to provide for your boys. They are looking cleaner and more well-taken care of.
Vc é muito esforçada... parabéns...te desejo saude.. força..
Awwwwwww! he is such a great helper
I have no words for this lady.I believe she lives somewhere else
Dios te siga bendiciendo grandemente.no hay nada para teprocharte.todo esta bien.bendiciones para los tres
Hello Ly. Great to see this from you !! Best wishes for you always !! ❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
You are a good Momma …. One of these days both boys will be able to help you 👍👍
Deus proteja vcs sempre
selamat beraktivitas semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu dan sukses terus ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙋🌹
Ly es tubo muy buena la venta
Lo único parece que hace mucho calor cuidense
Little Jack Champion 🏆 Weldon boy congratulations 😅
Hola amiga ly tieu ly porque no le das un poco de afecto de cariño al niño grande está bien que no sea tu hijo pero es un niño que necesita el amor de una madre y el se la pasa mirando cada vez que besas y abrazas a tu bebé no te da pesar eres muy distante de ese niño quierero recuerda que tú eres su única familia en con tu bebé para el saludos.
I wish that you had some other way to carry your young son since he isn't yet old enough to walk on his own and be independent. But your aea is too tough to find a baby stroller helpful. Could you find a push cart that would be helpful? I wish you well as you work to provide for your boys. They are looking cleaner and more well-taken care of.
Did the little boys parents die? Please kiss him too.he wants to help with everything.so wellbehaved