@ *LUYBAG* You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much.
Do you know how much stuff the bag can hold ? Got mine @ repxbag.com ,and you just pay a fraction compared to the actual thing, haha! So cool that it comes with the brand card as well! They really pay attention to detail and clearly try to make it as authentic as possible .
Super cute !
I appreciate you for your all videos because your all videos are beautiful
God bless you
@ *LUYBAG* You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much.
i bought mine at @andyfactorys on Instagram, really satisfied.
Do you know how much stuff the bag can hold ? Got mine @ repxbag.com ,and you just pay a fraction compared to the actual thing, haha! So cool that it comes with the brand card as well! They really pay attention to detail and clearly try to make it as authentic as possible .