Yu-Gi-Oh! | POV Locals Experience | Episode 1 (Virtual World vs D.I.S.H)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @juanel2421
    @juanel2421 2 года назад +7

    Can't summon tzolkin while shenshenn is on board.

  • @alecwilson8743
    @alecwilson8743 2 года назад +3

    Game one construct does not resolve. It was negated

  • @lordlettucee
    @lordlettucee 2 года назад +3

    Drytron best deck baby let’s go!!

  • @willy8207
    @willy8207 2 года назад +2

    @17:38 you should've baited the ash with terraforming that's what I would do and then you get to activate and search with meltdown safely.

  • @TheBystialLubellion
    @TheBystialLubellion Год назад

    You actiated Punishment and then said ur locked until next turn and then next turn proceeded to summon Construct

  • @Mk0lf
    @Mk0lf 2 года назад +2

    what's that card in the middle of ur mat

    • @rafayl19
      @rafayl19 9 месяцев назад

      I might be wrong but, its to make a center on the playmat. So its easier to see "Thats monster zone, thats grave, thats extradeck". I know someone who does that too, but might be wrong

  • @tevitamathias7080
    @tevitamathias7080 2 года назад +1

    Construct would not resolve just because it moved places lol

    • @theduelistcipherTCG
      @theduelistcipherTCG  2 года назад

      Learning something new every day. Thanks.

    • @TrinityWolfYGO
      @TrinityWolfYGO 2 года назад

      It’s also The other players fault for not knowing what his own card did. He should have known Crystal wing negates the activation completely. No matter where it is

  • @nathanheming9270
    @nathanheming9270 Год назад

    The punk versions my fav

  • @epixrobloxgaming3601
    @epixrobloxgaming3601 2 года назад +1

    How did you record your match curious

  • @ungatoenbicicleta
    @ungatoenbicicleta 2 года назад

    Where did you place your GoPro?

  • @nathanreisecker6255
    @nathanreisecker6255 2 года назад

    Wtf is this duel ahahahaha