Great info - brilliant. I had to amend a couple of the items to get them to work with the current Roll20/Compendium/Macros - Saves/Perception/Stats where throwing up errors for me so I changed my code slightly and I've pasted below the code and what the issue was so that people can use it if they're looking for a solution with the same issue ? I'm no Roll20 expert - these seem to work but haven't been tested on 50+ monsters yet... Saves - wasn't finding the modifier and threw up errors. Did show the table but info was wrong as didn't include the modifiers. /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{strength_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{strength_save_bonus}]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{dexterity_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{dexterity_save_bonus}]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{constitution_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{constitution_save_bonus}]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{intelligence_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{intelligence_save_bonus}]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{wisdom_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{wisdom_save_bonus}]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{charisma_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{charisma_save_bonus}]]}} Perception - Was rolling perception (with advantage) twice and not showing passive. I've amended into a table as I could figure that out, still looks good etc etc and works for me... /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Perception}} {{Passive Perception= @{selected|passive_wisdom}}} {{Perception= [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]]}} Stats - was throwing an error up about not being able to find armor type, and leaving code in the table it produced. Simplest change :) /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Stats}} {{Armor Class= @{selected|npc_AC} @{selected|npc_actype}}} {{Hit Dice= @{selected|npc_hpformula} | [[@{selected|npc_hpformula}]]}} {{Speed= @{selected|npc_speed}}} {{Senses=@{selected|npc_senses}}} Hope this helps someone :)
For saving throws it's better to use npc_X_save_base instead of Y_save_bonus because Y_ save_ bonus is the Y modifier, it do not include the proficiency bonus (X is str, dex, con, int, wis or cha | Y is strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma). To see that, you can try with an ancient white dragon which have a +6 to Dex saving throws. With dexterity_save_bonus, you'll see in the chat "1d20+0" instead of " 1d20+6" for the Dex Save. For the active perception %{Selected|npc_perception} is enough (the passive perception is in Senses in the Stats). You can use the %{Selected|npc_SKILL} to throw a skill check. For example, %{Selected|npc_stealth} throw a stealth check with the monster's bonus. Hope this will help in addition of Jon Sargent comment
@@antoinelanave5888 Or you could have passive perception set as one of the three bubbles. It makes sense not to do that for hp, because as he says all the monsters will lose hp upon one losing it. I'm assuming if a monster has a passive wisdom perception score, all the others would also have the same, unless I guess you wanted to make one of the monsters wiser than the others. If you keep the wisdom straight across the board for a given monster, this works great.
I realized my fixes for this were hidden in a reply sho here are all the updated and fixed macros from the ones listed in the video description. So I figured all of this out yesterday and wanted to put it here to make things easier for others rather than making them look through all the comments and other sources to figure things out. This is the regular NPC I used to fix all the code bugs: Multi-Attack %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action} %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action} %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_npc_action} Attack-1 %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action} Attack-2 %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_npc_action} Trait-1 /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_description}}} Trait-2 /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$1_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$1_description}}} Reaction /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npcreaction_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npcreaction_$0_description}}} Initiative %{selected|npc_init} Saves (Selectable) @{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Save|Strength,[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]}}{{rname=Strength Save}} {{type=Save}} |Dexterity,[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]}}{{rname=Dexterity Save}} {{type=Save}} |Constitution,[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]}}{{rname=Constitution Save}} {{type=Save}} |Intelligence,[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]}}{{rname=Intelligence Save}} {{type=Save}} |Wisdom,[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]}}{{rname=Wisdom Save}} {{type=Save}} |Charisma,[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]}}{{rname=Charisma Save}} {{type=Save}}} Dammage: R/I/W and conditions /w gm &{template:default} {{name=DR/Immunities}} {{Damage Resistance= @{selected|npc_resistances}}} {{Damage Vulnerability= @{selected|npc_vulnerabilities}}} {{Damage Immunity= @{selected|npc_immunities}}} {{Condition Immunity= @{selected|npc_condition_immunities}}} Perception (With propper passive perception displayed) /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Perception}} {{Passive Perception= @{selected|passive_wisdom}}} {{Perception= [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]]}} Stats /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Stats}} {{Armor Class= @{selected|npc_AC} @{selected|npc_actype}}} {{Hit Dice= @{selected|npc_hpformula} | [[@{selected|npc_hpformula}]]}} {{Speed= @{selected|npc_speed}}} {{Senses=@{selected|npc_senses}}} For legendary actions, I used the same code as in the description but for spellcasters, I used this code. &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Spellcasting }}{{ Spell DC @{selected|spell_save_dc} = @{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks }}{{ Cantrips = [@{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spell) }}{{ 1st (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spell) }}{{ 2nd (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-2_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-2_$0_spell) }}{{ 3rd (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-3_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-3_$0_spell) }} For this, you will have to edit it to include the number of spell slots that it has and as written it will only display the first spell in each slot so you will have to go to each line and change $0 to $1 for 2 spells, $2 for 3 spells and so on.
only thing i noticed is in reaction you need to finish description desc did not work for me tell i finished the word. other then that finally sorting by most recent turned out to be a good thing in comment section
Thank you so much for this, I know you have moved on to other virtual tabletops at this point... but your videos are above and beyond the most informative that I have come across in trying to learn how to use roll20
Not sure how relevant this is going to be now, but I had some trouble gettinf "Traits" to work properly until I found a fix. Instead of calling for the attribute "desc", call for the attribute "description"
Not sure if you are still checking the comments for this video but I wanted to say thank you for all of this info. I've recently become the DM for our group and I stumbled across your page looking for tips on roll20. This has been an absolute life saver. I've always run games in person and with the help of your videos, I feel like I'm able to run our game as if we were all in the same room. Having fun with your D&D 30-day challenge as well.
I'm preparing for GMing a game in a system I've never done before. Roll d20 is my players preference and it's completely alien to me. Your efforts are very much appreciated! I foresee much time viewing your videos.
Same here!! I just started to DM for the first time last week and this video is going to help me SO MUCH into getting my monster preparation ready for the encounters! :D
Working on my first campaign and these videos are great for getting roll 20 set up and looking like i have my stuff together. i can already tell the monster manual will make encounters run much more smoothly than i see other GM's run them. Love the series so far, keep it up.
This was a great video and was extremely helpful in getting started creating NPC's for my first time being our group's DM. For those asking how to use the spell macro with the recent changes, as of right now, this format is working well for me: %{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$1_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-1_$3_spell} The spell tier is written as "cantrip" or a number and then the $x identifies which spell number is cast in that section, starting from $0.
I keep stumbling into your videos here and on Reddit when I'm hunting answers. You do good work sir and I'll be sure to point folks your way when I can.
Bro, I am really impressed with the clarity of your instructions and.. OMG, I had NO IDEA that Roll20 was going to transform my game so profoundly! Man, the sweat I used to go into when raging a big combat, trying (and failing) to remember all the abilities of a monster rather than slowing the flow down by opening the Monster Manual... all of this will soon be in the past! I can see there is some setup work ahead of me, but well worth it! Thanking you for your time to make the video and I’ll pop into the Roll20 forum to give them my heartfelt appreciation of their software! Cheers!
I wish I could give this video 1,000 thumbs up. Thank you so much!! I just started using Roll20 for my group and at first was a bit frustrated and unsure of how useful it would be. Your videos have done such a great job of showing the possibilities and I'm sooo excited for our first session using the tool next week. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
I actually found the other tutorial on this first and since it wasn't for the OGL sheet I just spent two days learning about how to convert the macros to that sheet. Then I found this one. Both are great tutorials, thanks for putting them together. I'm setting up my first roll 20 game and this helped a bunch.
I'm 44, a long time PC gamer, and this is not "so easy". It's easy when you know how to do it. From someone new to roll20 it's overwhelming as hell and the learning curve looks deadly steep.
Fantastic guide, Thanks a lot! I'm DM'ing a campaign for the first time next weekend, running a group through the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign and will be using this system as I go.
Awesome! I love hearing that people are actually using the manual. Best of luck with LMoP. My tip: Give Sildar and Barthen really great personalities for your players to interact with.
I'm just beginning to plan for my first ever DM session and I'm glad I found this before I started. I can't wait to get into Roll20 and set my stuff up! Thank you for this video!
Dude! You've made my life as a GM a piece of cake! Thank You so much for this amazing video! Im going to binge watch all of the master series videos now.
It was not as basic as you think. I had to search other wiki artcles and videos to understand certain steps. but at the end, your technique is very good,. thanks
If the spell macros aren't working for people, it didn't for me too cause the npc spell sheet thing has changed since the making of this vid. I found these work: %{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-2_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-3_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-4_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-5_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-6_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-7_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-8_$0_spell} %{selected|repeating_spell-9_$0_spell} got them from:
Loving these macros. I saved myself some time on templates/adding them to monsters by having a few of the macros set globally as token actions - this way they are on every token (even if I just drag out from the SRD). I ended up going with Saves, immunities, Perception, Initiative as global ones and saved heaps of time with updating my existing monsters.
Hey Cody! So first off, thanks a ton for these videos, super helpful to someone just getting started with Roll20! Best I've seen. I'm a long time D&D player (since 76) but very new to the "online" concept. Anyway, I loved all of the token macros you provided and have been adding them in to the stuff provided by Storm King's Thunder (yeah, jump right in for the first campaign...BTW, I'm guessing others only learned about Roll20 once Wizards published this stuff... doing a how to run SKT as your entry to Roll20 might be a great vid!). The one thing I noticed about your "Action" macro (rolling hit and dam) is that it only shows to the DM. In our group, typically we'd share that roll so the players can see it too (I know, takes away some of the tricky DM stuff, but...). It would be even better if I could show it or not show it as I want... Anyway, any way to mod it so that it announces in chat to the group? Thanks for your help!!
No problem Jon, this is not a "Macro" setting, and is a sheet setting. Forgive me as I don't have it in front of me-- but I believe you can go into the sheet's settings (cogwheel) and adjust the default output setting there. Make sure you make this change on your template too, so you don't have to change it every time.
Thanks for the quick reply and though it took me just a bit to locate what you meant, I did find it and learned something new!!! It looks like that is the default for all of the NPC/Monster sheets in SKT, so I have just a bit of work ahead of me... Still, super helpful and thanks again!
Outstanding video and info! It took me two weeks of study and practice, but I understand everything from the video and it's application! Absolutely outstanding system!! (update: there's a slight typo in the second line for the stat; just erase the "d" from npc_actype.)
there's a great API that will roll and insert unique hp values into the correct bubble when you drag a mob into the map. thanks for some great ideas. looking forward to watching your other videos.
Hey guys, I had a few comments on the last video about the sound being a bit low so I have re uploaded the video with better audio. I hope you guys enjoy!
Great video! This helped me so much! However i have some changes and suggestions: 1) Perception needs to be redone to : /w gm %{Selected|npc_perception} /w gm @{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{normal=1}} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Passive Perception}} {{mod=}} {{r1=[[@{selected|npc_passiveperceptionbase}]]}} to fix the passive perception. Also i made it /w gm because i dont want others to read when my monsters try to percept them 2) I added a stealth Macro /w gm [[1d20+ @{selected|npcd_stealth}]] 3) Saves are actually are just checks. To make them saves you need to add their saving throw bonus (or did i just not see it?) greetings
Started looking at the npc template and edited your stealth check to make it multi creature: @{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=^{stealth}}} {{mod=@{selected|npc_stealth}}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{selected|npc_stealth}]]}} @{selected|rtype}+@{selected|npc_stealth}]]}}
About 3), I've seen that most monster from the compendium have not saves, and some of them have only 1 or 2 saves bonus filled and the others are empty. If you replace the attributes mods with the saves, you will have lot of saves with +0 bonus. A mix could be done with some "if conditional" but I don't think you can do that in roll20 macros.
I have a question. When ever i made a monster from scratch everything works except perception and passive perception. Instead of normal massage i get this - SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but end of input found.
Okay, so love both videos for creating your monster manual. Been using Roll20 full time for over 2 years now and after watching these, I realized I've been making my job too difficult. So I have set up everything above but I am having the following issues : The trait comes up with a script error. Don't see any listing for Bonus Actions. I have zero skill with macros and would greatly appreciate any help. Other than that, keep up the great videos and I look forward to the future ones.
Ok confused, in a comment below you say you don't need a subscription, but me being a Plus member, I don't see a "blank" sheet when I go to that tab. Don't see how I can customize like you are. I see a full sheet, selected the 5e sheet by Roll20. thanks I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looked at your older video, need to flip the switch from Player Sheet to NPC sheet. Click on the COG, then chk NPC. Cool. This is amazing! Thanks!
Can you elaborate? I have the 5e SRD loaded (can search for goblin fine) and my character sheet looks nothing like his. My sheet is "( OGL by Roll20 )" and hitting the cog appears to not do much. Then drag and dropping the goblin does not cause yellow highlighted fields like the video. And I do not see a pc/npc option. Please advise.
After clicking the cog, in the third column there is a tiny 'npc' checkbox. after that, it matched the video and the drag and drop worked. Hopefully if anyone else has issues, this helps them.
With the Saving Throw macro I am consistently getting an error message reading: "No attribute was found for @{selected|npcd_wis_mod}" I am not very proficient with the macros by the issue seems to be that is not finding "npcd_wis_mod" (or equivalent for other ability score modifiers) on the Hobgoblin template. SOLUTION: Whether I am operating off some some different template or what I cannot say, but for the hobgoblin (Monster Manual) and Hopgoblin Devastator (Volo's Guide) this is the command that is the equivalent and works for me,, use: /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{npc_str_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_str_save}]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{npc_dex_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_dex_save}]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{npc_con_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_con_save}]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{npc_int_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_int_save}]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{npc_wis_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_wis_save}]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{npc_cha_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_cha_save}]]}} This also has the advantage of, if the creature has a listed save bonus, the calculation uses that bonus and not just the base ability score. If there is no listed saving throw bonus, it defaults to the base ability score modifier. So if a creature is proficient in a save, this should pick it up. You can also use this macro which will create a drop down menu allowing you to select which same to roll, rather than rolling them all every time: @{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Save|Strength,[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]}}{{rname=Strength Save}} {{type=Save}} |Dexterity,[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]}}{{rname=Dexterity Save}} {{type=Save}} |Constitution,[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]}}{{rname=Constitution Save}} {{type=Save}} |Intelligence,[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]}}{{rname=Intelligence Save}} {{type=Save}} |Wisdom,[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]}}{{rname=Wisdom Save}} {{type=Save}} |Charisma,[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]}}{{rname=Charisma Save}} {{type=Save}}}
Brilliant and useful video, thank you. One possible improvement - if you instead create the macros as general macros (i.e. in your macro list in the 3-bars menu, rather than as the monster template) and then in your monster template create macros that simply call the general versions of the macro - e.g. the monster template "trait0" macro would have only the line #npc-trait0 (where "npc-trait0" is the name I gave to the macro to display the first trait) then if you later need to change the macro code (e.g. the sheet changes and the attribute names change, or you want to add more stuff into it) then you only need to change the macro code in one place, rather than have to change the code in ALL the monsters you have already created from your monster template, and the change will work for all monsters automatically.
The spell macro has a problem, at least as for the Hobgoblin Devastator it just leads to the error message: "No attribute was found for @{Hobgoblin Devastator|repeating_spell-npc_$0_rollcontent}" SOLUTION: The issue was that the Hobgoblin Devastator populates as if it had a spellbook. I used this macro to create in chat a menu of spells of each level that I can click on to cast. Even adjusting the macro given in the video, it just pops up in chat as if the creature were casting all the listed spells, so this works better for me. You could also make different token actions for each spell if you get the syntax right (see below). THIS ONLY WORKS IF THE TEMPLATE PRESENTS THE SPELLS IN A SPELLBOOK FORMAT, RATHER THAN JUST A SIMPLE LIST AS IN THE VIDEO...but to create a (whispered) menu, by spell level, showing the spell save DC and Spell attack bonus and Slots per day (or uses per day if you change the text), use: For Cantrips (four are listed in the example below): /w gm @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Cantrips }}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|spell_save_dc}= +@{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks }}{{At Will =[@{repeating_spell-Cantrip_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-Cantrip_$0_spell) [@{repeating_spell-Cantrip_$1_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-Cantrip_$1_spell) [@{repeating_spell-Cantrip_$2_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-Cantrip_$2_spell) [@{repeating_spell-Cantrip_$3_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-Cantrip_$3_spell) }} For 1st Level Spells: /w gm @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} 1st Level Spells }}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|spell_save_dc}= +@{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks }}{{Slots @{lvl1_slots_total} =[@{repeating_spell-1_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spell) [@{repeating_spell-1_$1_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-1_$1_spell) [@{repeating_spell-1_$2_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-1_$2_spell) }} For higher level spells swap out references to "1st level" as appropriate and change "spell-1" to "spell-X" and "lvl1_slots_total" to "lvlX_slots_total", where "X" is the level you want. It will create a menu that sort of looks like this (reworked for an innate spellcaster): If you just want to create a token action to click on the spell, then just use this macro: %{selected|repeating_spell-X_$Y_spell} where "X" is the spell level in question and "Y" is the position in the spellbook.
this might be a bit much to ask but could you tell me how you changed it to function for an innate spellcaster, thanks eitherway this comment has already helped me so much fixing up an MM for my soon to be dad DM who didnt have the time :D
change the desc to description I was messing around today and found out this fixes it /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_description}}}
Didn't catch this, as it was working for me when I created this a few months ago. Sometimes, when Roll20 releases an update on the sheet it does some wacky things. Thanks for the catch AND the fix!
This is brilliant! I'm starting my first game on roll20 and I'll make sure to watch every videos! I was wondering, when you set up the nightvision for the goblin, is that option only available to Roll20 Subs? Also, is there a more recent way to import all the SRD Monsters in a batch? Keep up the good work!
Fix from the Perception Macro in the comments. That one rolls Perception twice instead of giving the Passive one too. Took while to figure out lol. %{Selected|npc_perception}@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{normal=1}} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Passive Perception}} {{mod=}} {{r1=[[@{selected|npc_perception}+10]]}}
hey awesome video thanks alot !, one quick question, at 14:00 ish you created the goblin and drag it over, ive followed this vid to the T and when i drag the monster ive created over nothing appears ? have i missed something ? for ref: ive only got the standard SRD that comes with the game, not paid for extra monster manual etc
NPC is clicked, so ive rewatched this video a couple times to try and figure out where im going wrong, i noticed when you finished creating the goblin at 14:00 and drag it onto the map, it auto represents goblin for where it should pull its stats from and who controls it etc. mines not doing that, so i can only assume thats it........ do you know how to fix that :) ?? thanks in advance if you do EDIT- click the physical name of the sheet not the = looking sign.... leaving this here for anyone else making this mistake :)
Great info, and happy you made it SRD friendly (I haven't bought any modules yet). But 2 questions. 1: You uploaded this 2016, and it's 2020 now. Is this still applicable or does it need updating? Like if the codes have changed due to R20 updates? 2: Those templates, where do I actually get and set those up to begin with? I couldn't find that part out in this video, which kind of stopped me from, well, the rest of the video content. :P
This is helpful. I enjoy the geeky exuberance. But, is there a step by step breakdown available? Like... how to navigate and what to add where to make use of this approach?
Great Video! I have a couple of questions: Can you set up a "Monster Manual" to appear in any game that you play? I don't know about anybody else but I have a bunch of games in my game tab. So would I have to make a Monster Manual in every game I have set up? And also would this work in Pathfinder? Or do I need a different set of macros for Pathfinder?
Nice video series. You helped me crack some trouble I have been having with some of the formatting and code. One thing I found out that is pretty neat, is you can add the button information to the trait section of the NPC sheet of 5e OGL. I was able to transform the spellcasting section into a clickable button option to view spells and cast them if able to do attack rolls. So where it lists the spells, I change them to [Spell Name](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell). When you call the trait using /w gm "&{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc}}}" it changes the code in the trait to buttons or whatever your trying to do in there. Some traits like to have damage for saves and what not and I just add brackets to the damage rolls and can click on the trait to produce random damage each time without pulling out a different option for speed. Just wanted to share.
Yours are by far the most helpful videos I've found for Roll20 thus far! Question: How can I change the INITIATIVE macro to be public, i.e. not a whisper? Or do you have a video on the basic syntax that I've overlooked?
I love this, thanks a million for publishing this video. Quick question. How do you transfer your monster manual from one game to the other. The only way I found so far is one by one by either using the transmogrifier or one by one importing them from the vault. Is there a way to import them all at the same time?
Fantastic. I really liked what you did on the first version, but my game was using the SRD forms and I was scared to change them. This is awesome. A question about casters. When I drag over a caster from the compendium, it just lists their spells as a trait and doesn't link the actual spell. How do I add the spells to an NPC so that they roll a spell attack (if appropriate) when clicked?
Glad you like it! OK, so, 1st I want to make sure we are talking about the "NPC" sheet and not a character sheet. 2nd, you should see from your blank template the "+" button for spells. It will be above Legendary Actions and right below Reactions. Let me know you were able to get it going!
I'm actually having the same issue. I've doubled checked that it's an NPC and that the spellcaster button has been checked. (Without clicking that box I couldn't add spells.) I've dragged over the spells and made sure I've got the numbers in the macros correct. When I click to roll the spell, all it does it link the spell card(s) and not an actual attack.
This is how the Sheet's author set up the NPC sheet. Go to the NPC/Monster's sheet, scroll down to the spell section. Click on the spell's cogwheel (settings). Scroll down until you see 'Output:' You can change this to either Spellcard or Attack to your preference.
After some testing, turns out it was a couple of things. First, the NPC character sheet I was using must have gotten messed up at some point so even when I made sure that the spellcasting NPC box was checked, it wasn't adding the spell section. Second, when I make a new NPC and drag it over from the compendium (both to the duplicated template and a fresh character page) the spellcasting NPC box isn't selected by default. Even though the NPC is a spellcaster and has that trait. (Ex: Once I click the box, the spell section DOES show up but I then have to go in and add the spells by hand. (Ex: I've tried multiple different monsters with spellcasting and it does the same thing each time. Now that I know I can at least add it manually I can work with it. It's too bad it doesn't pop in by default. Thanks for the response!
Thanks for doing these videos. They are a fantastic resource. I'm having an issue however trying to create NPCs. For instance, I wanted to create a Raider and decided to base it on the Bandit from the compendium. I drag the Bandit onto the character sheet and all is well until I try to add equipment. In my case the Raider should have a longsword, shortbow, net and leather armor. If I have not checked the NPC checkbox I can drag the equipment from the compendium and it shows up. However, as soon as I check the NPC box the equipment disappears and there are no actions for the weapons. If I uncheck the NPC checkbox I see them again. How can I create NPCs with equipment? Thanks.
Any chance you could do a review on the Monster Manual from WotC built into Roll20? I'm interested in purchasing, and can't seem to find any in depth information on it anywhere.
Cody, awesome creation system and awesome video! Can't wait to implement it. How do you make a clean NPC monster template? Mine starts off with creating a barbarian and I don't know how to remove all the barbarian stuff. I just want a clean NPC sheet with the ability macros. After clicking the cog wheel, I can drag a new monster over the barbarian stats in the character sheet, but then sometimes that has issues like double attacks and such. Please advise. Thanks!
I totally got you covered Lexus, 1.) Create any new character sheet. 2.) Go to "Character Sheet" tab 3.) On the right you should see "Core, Bio, Spells, and a Cogwheel" Click the Cogwheel 4.) RIGHT under that you should see a tiny check box that says "NPC", check it. 5.) Rename / setup the Monster Template 6.) DUPLICATE the new template for your first monster 7.) Profit lol
Great. That worked. I was performing the correct steps for the most part. I think my master template got out of whack somehow. I created a new one from scratch and everything is good now. Thanks. Oh, and yeah, I subscribed. :)
Wonderful! And Yes, I think I know what happened, its a little hard for me to describe, but if you try and create a new blank monster sheet after it had stuff filled out on it, it add variables and throws everything off. But glad you got it going!
Fantastic content! I don't think the OGL character sheet has the best layout, but the ability to incorporate a lot of content directly from the SRD makes it worth using. As a non-coder and fairly new DM, I have a few questions: 1. When I try experimenting with the amended "Saves" macros that you and Paul L. discuss in the comments, I get the following error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined." Any ideas or suggestions? 2. I'm trying to create stacked macros such that the button names will change to reflect a particular selected NPC's actions, traits, spells, etc. However, I can't seem to figure out how to define it. In particular, I'd really like to be able to create a button to click that brings up a list of a NPC's spells as a clickable table. Is there a way to do this for the OGL's repeating action/trait/spell mechanic? I had some success with a similar table I found using the Community Contributed character sheet, but now that I've switched over to the OGL, it obviously doesn't work. And I can't seem to find the proper language to use in lieu of defined terms such as @{selected|npc_action_name1}. Below is an example of a macro I've used in the past that is of the sort I'd like to be able to use with OGL character sheets. Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated. /w GM &{template:5eDefault}{{weapon=1}}{{subheader=Weapons and Abilities}}{{title=@{selected|character_name}}} {{Ability 1=[ @{selected|npc_action_name1}](~selected|npcaction1)}} {{Ability 2=[ @{selected|npc_action_name2}](~selected|npcaction2)}} {{Ability 3=[ @{selected|npc_action_name3}](~selected|npcaction3)}} {{Ability 4=[ @{selected|npc_action_name4}](~selected|npcaction4)}} {{Ability 5=[ @{selected|npc_action_name5}](~selected|npcaction5)}} {{Ability 6=[ @{selected|npc_action_name6}](~selected|npcaction6)}} {{Ability 7=[ @{selected|npc_action_name8}](~selected|npcaction8)}} {{Ability 7=[ @{selected|npc_action_name7}](~selected|npcaction7)}} {{Ability 8=[ @{selected|npc_action_name8}](~selected|npcaction8)}} @{selected|classactionmeleeweapon}
Thanks John! Glad you like it. Ok 1. Use this: I have had success getting this to wrok, and it seems to function correctly. Thanks goes out to Paul! /w GM &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{strength_mod} }+(@{npc_str_save}-@{strength_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{strength_mod}+(@{npc_str_save}-@{strength_mod})]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{dexterity_mod} + (@{npc_dex_save}-@{dexterity_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{dexterity_mod}+ (@{npc_dex_save}-@{dexterity_mod})]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{constitution_mod} + (@{npc_con_save}-@{constitution_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{constitution_mod}+ (@{npc_con_save}-@{constitution_mod})]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{intelligence_mod}+ (@{npc_int_save}-@{intelligence_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{intelligence_mod}+ (@{npc_int_save}-@{intelligence_mod})]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{wisdom_mod} + (@{npc_wis_save}-@{wisdom_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{wisdom_mod}+ (@{npc_wis_save}-@{wisdom_mod})]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{charisma_mod} + (@{npc_cha_save}-@{charisma_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{charisma_mod} + (@{npc_cha_save}-@{charisma_mod})]]}} 2. Here is what you want for spells: [Cantrip](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell) That is not in a template/whispered/cleaned up. But I'm going to challenge you to write it and get back to me with what you have been able to come up with. Be sure to post it here so everyone can see what's you've ended up with.
FYI, I have it ready to go to do EXACTLY what you want it to do if you need help. Just trying to push you guys a bit, but I'm still a safety net for you if you need it!
1. Strange, I still keep getting the "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined" message. (I am testing it on selected tokens designated to represent an NPC created by filling an OGL sheet directly from the SRD -- specifically a Noble and a Drow.) I think the issue may have something to do with using variables such as "strength_mod" instead of "str_mod" because the Attributes & Abilities tab lists it as the latter, but when I try swapping them out, it seems to mess with the order of operations such that the net effect is only to add the save value (the added and subtracted mod values having canceled each other out). Does Roll20 utilize any "greater of" functions similar to MAX(a, b)? Sorry to be high maintenance! 2. I can't promise a quick turn-around time, but I will get to your suggested homework assignment on the spell list at some point, as I really do want to actually learn the mechanics. :)
Hmmmmm John... Are you having that issue with the macro Paul posted? To be honest, I'm not sure what could be causing it-- it seemed to work just fine for me. Try to create a new monster using the 'aboleth' from the compendium. That way we can eliminate any issues caused from you inputting the monster manually (da dun duuun). lol If that's still a problem, then I'm not sure what to tell you and we may need to reach out to a dev for further guidance. As far as Max stuff, not to my knowledge at the moment. They may add this functionality (or they may have added it recently, and I am unaware of it) in the future. Good! I am glad you want to learn the actual techniques. That will let you customize the stuff I am showing you guys to really fit you and your games better.
Kody, Super noob to DM'ing on Roll20 and going to follow this to build my own Monster Manual. For drag and drop to work out of the compendium - I need to buy the Monster Manual to add to my Roll20 correct?
This may be a stupid question but can you share your templates, maps etc with other Roll20 players? Is it tabu? additionally do i have to save each of the monsters in my monster manual to my character vault individually? I am a total newb when it comes to roll20 and i have found your video to be essential. I hope they are paying you.
Yo, Cody. I noticed my Attack macros were only giving me the "to hit" rolls and not giving me the damage rolls like in your video. I had to add the following damage expression into the Attack macros for it roll the damage. Do you know why this would be? %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_dmg}.
I do! On the NPC Character sheet hit the cogwheel. Scroll down until you see "General Options". Change "Auto Damage Roll" to "Auto Roll Damage & Crit". Done. Let me know if you got it working!
Excellent info, this was so helpful! I'm having some trouble getting out the weapon attack type/ range when there are multiple attacks and was wondering if I'm missing something in my macro? The macro I used to return the attack type/ range is %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action} {@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_attack_type} weapon attack, @{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_attack_tohitrange}}
ok, i LOVE your videos!!! but im totally new to DMing.. i love that i can click a simple token action on any of my Monsters.. but the "2" dice roll is confusing. i understand the purpose of Advantage/Disadvantage rolls.. but what if its not a case of Advantage/Disadvantage.. and i only need to roll 1 dice. would we just pick one of the results and take that one? sorry for the lack of knowledge..
Pretty much yes. I always just roll 2. If there is not Adv/Disadv, then just take the first one. If there is take the highest/lowest. Profit. Nice and easy, with no need to roll twice.
Hi Cody. I love your work, it helped me soooooo much! I have a quick question: is there any way to make an "easy to create\ easy to dispatch" humanoid character that resembles a D&D class, using one of your methods? Like " random rogue number 1" or "big barbarian warrior number 2"? Just to give my player some humanoid enemy more challenging than a bandit or a town's guard.
This video was very useful. I've found the 5e OGL character sheet a little frustrating at times - a little glitchy, and several monsters I needed weren't in the SRD - but overall it's worked well. I didn't bother with a separate template for spell use and legendary actions, I just delete or uncheck the "show as token action" box. I also used your video on stacking macros so that I can chose from a list of spells, rather than have them all display at once (which is what appears to be the case when you are showing the spell casting macro. It might be nice if you could magnify the view of the pages you are working on during the video, my eyesight ain't so good :) Thanks again.
I opted for something similar as the commenter above using the method from the stacking macros video as well. But instead of making macros for each of the spells I just made it nest the repeating sections from the monster's spell list like so: Hopefully that removes some macro clutter from the settings tab! I hope this is of use or at the very least get some more ideas flowing. And thanks for the awesome videos!
+Inai10 so glad you liked it. And pleeeease... if you guys have ways you've improved on my system, share it! I have no problems learning from you guys too.
Yes, that's what I was looking for. I should have realized I just needed to convert the % sign. Perfect. Thanks. P.S. Instead of typing in the spell names you can use @{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}. So, for 2 PC cantrips you can use: &{template:npcaction}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}}{{rname=Cantrips}}{{description=[@{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](!
This is a great video. The only issue i run into is that my Monster information in Roll20 compendium doesn't have the convenient "monster manual look" so the drag and drop part that is going on here isn't seeming to work. I'll have to look around and see what I'm doing wrong.
This looks super cool. Can you use that same monster manual in different games? The only way I can see is to save every monster to the character vault and importing them in the next game and creating the folder structure from scratch. but that seems like it would be a bigger and bigger job as you get more monsters inputted.
Ok, here is a very simple question that I'm breaking my head with. How to create that template ( I know how to create the NPC sheet, but those macros in the description is all that I need to add?) Thanks for all the help!
Fist off, videos are awesome.. I just started my roll20 Career the beginning of this month.. I Subbed immediately after watching your first Master Series video, they've been a big help... How would i deal with this?. I'm going to have to input everything for a Beholder Zombie since its not in the Compendium. how would i go about dealing with the eye ray when it comes to Macros?
great video and series. thanks for the work. all my rolls are coming out as whispers to myself which is fine for most but i'd like my players to see the action/attack rolls. is that possible? i don't see what in the macro line makes it a whisper. thanks
hah after a week of searching and minutes after posting the question i figure out it's in the attributes section which i just copied off your screen. i changed the wtype to 0 and everything is as i want it. perfect. thanks again for the great videos
Is there anyway to make buttons of all the attacks and skills appear in chat like they do with the Pathfinder Character sheet with the D&D5e Sheet? I would prefer to see the list and select from it, as opposed to just rolling all of the attacks at once for a multi attack.
Great stuff. I am curious, however, why rather than putting the universal things (Initiative, Saves, etc) in each and every monster, that you didn't just make them universal macros under the macro window? I did that instead and it works just fine without having to redo it 9,328,667 times. :)
My left ear thanks you for the information I was having difficulty with this.
HAHAHAHA. It is very welcome.
(Fixed the issue after first two videos)
how did you fix this issue? i found i have this issue when i record as well...
Thank you, I tought my right headphonespeaker broke and I was upset :'D :'D :'D
I just started watching this and I almost dropped my laptop because of this hahahaha
Great info - brilliant.
I had to amend a couple of the items to get them to work with the current Roll20/Compendium/Macros - Saves/Perception/Stats where throwing up errors for me so I changed my code slightly and I've pasted below the code and what the issue was so that people can use it if they're looking for a solution with the same issue ? I'm no Roll20 expert - these seem to work but haven't been tested on 50+ monsters yet...
Saves - wasn't finding the modifier and threw up errors. Did show the table but info was wrong as didn't include the modifiers.
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{strength_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{strength_save_bonus}]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{dexterity_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{dexterity_save_bonus}]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{constitution_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{constitution_save_bonus}]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{intelligence_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{intelligence_save_bonus}]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{wisdom_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{wisdom_save_bonus}]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{charisma_save_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{charisma_save_bonus}]]}}
Perception - Was rolling perception (with advantage) twice and not showing passive. I've amended into a table as I could figure that out, still looks good etc etc and works for me...
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Perception}} {{Passive Perception= @{selected|passive_wisdom}}} {{Perception= [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]]}}
Stats - was throwing an error up about not being able to find armor type, and leaving code in the table it produced. Simplest change :)
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Stats}} {{Armor Class= @{selected|npc_AC} @{selected|npc_actype}}} {{Hit Dice= @{selected|npc_hpformula} | [[@{selected|npc_hpformula}]]}} {{Speed= @{selected|npc_speed}}} {{Senses=@{selected|npc_senses}}}
Hope this helps someone :)
It did. Thank you so much!
Thanks man!!!!
Thanks a bajillion my dude
For saving throws it's better to use npc_X_save_base instead of Y_save_bonus because Y_ save_ bonus is the Y modifier, it do not include the proficiency bonus (X is str, dex, con, int, wis or cha | Y is strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom or charisma).
To see that, you can try with an ancient white dragon which have a +6 to Dex saving throws. With dexterity_save_bonus, you'll see in the chat "1d20+0" instead of " 1d20+6" for the Dex Save.
For the active perception %{Selected|npc_perception} is enough (the passive perception is in Senses in the Stats).
You can use the %{Selected|npc_SKILL} to throw a skill check. For example, %{Selected|npc_stealth} throw a stealth check with the monster's bonus.
Hope this will help in addition of Jon Sargent comment
@@antoinelanave5888 Or you could have passive perception set as one of the three bubbles. It makes sense not to do that for hp, because as he says all the monsters will lose hp upon one losing it. I'm assuming if a monster has a passive wisdom perception score, all the others would also have the same, unless I guess you wanted to make one of the monsters wiser than the others. If you keep the wisdom straight across the board for a given monster, this works great.
I realized my fixes for this were hidden in a reply sho here are all the updated and fixed macros from the ones listed in the video description.
So I figured all of this out yesterday and wanted to put it here to make things easier for others rather than making them look through all the comments and other sources to figure things out.
This is the regular NPC I used to fix all the code bugs:
/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_description}}}
/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$1_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$1_description}}}
/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npcreaction_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npcreaction_$0_description}}}
Saves (Selectable)
@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Save|Strength,[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]}}{{rname=Strength Save}} {{type=Save}} |Dexterity,[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]}}{{rname=Dexterity Save}} {{type=Save}} |Constitution,[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]}}{{rname=Constitution Save}} {{type=Save}} |Intelligence,[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]}}{{rname=Intelligence Save}} {{type=Save}} |Wisdom,[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]}}{{rname=Wisdom Save}} {{type=Save}} |Charisma,[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]}}{{rname=Charisma Save}} {{type=Save}}}
Dammage: R/I/W and conditions
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=DR/Immunities}} {{Damage Resistance= @{selected|npc_resistances}}} {{Damage Vulnerability= @{selected|npc_vulnerabilities}}} {{Damage Immunity= @{selected|npc_immunities}}} {{Condition Immunity= @{selected|npc_condition_immunities}}}
Perception (With propper passive perception displayed)
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Perception}} {{Passive Perception= @{selected|passive_wisdom}}} {{Perception= [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]] | [[1d20+@{selected|perception_bonus}]]}}
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Stats}} {{Armor Class= @{selected|npc_AC} @{selected|npc_actype}}} {{Hit Dice= @{selected|npc_hpformula} | [[@{selected|npc_hpformula}]]}} {{Speed= @{selected|npc_speed}}} {{Senses=@{selected|npc_senses}}}
For legendary actions, I used the same code as in the description but for spellcasters, I used this code.
&{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Spellcasting
}}{{ Spell DC @{selected|spell_save_dc} = @{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks
}}{{ Cantrips = [@{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spell)
}}{{ 1st (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spell)
}}{{ 2nd (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-2_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-2_$0_spell)
}}{{ 3rd (SLOTS) = [@{selected|repeating_spell-3_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-3_$0_spell)
For this, you will have to edit it to include the number of spell slots that it has and as written it will only display the first spell in each slot so you will have to go to each line and change $0 to $1 for 2 spells, $2 for 3 spells and so on.
Thanks alot, been struggling to get the macros to work but yours work perfectly
@@tristandeklerk9454 I just tried the ones that he had up and then searched for how to fix them.
only thing i noticed is in reaction you need to finish description desc did not work for me tell i finished the word. other then that finally sorting by most recent turned out to be a good thing in comment section
BHPETER yo thanks a lot, that’s the only macro I hadn’t tested. Can you tell me what monster you used that had a reaction so I can test it out myself.
@@BoutrosSP gladiator, just happened to be who I was using at the time of scrolling comments lol
Thank you so much for this, I know you have moved on to other virtual tabletops at this point... but your videos are above and beyond the most informative that I have come across in trying to learn how to use roll20
Not sure how relevant this is going to be now, but I had some trouble gettinf "Traits" to work properly until I found a fix. Instead of calling for the attribute "desc", call for the attribute "description"
Thank you, this was very helpful!
Thank you good sir.
This also works in the reaction as well. Type out description instead of desc. Thank you for this.
i love you
This really needs more upvotes for people just finding this video - until the OP updates the copy pasta.
Not sure if you are still checking the comments for this video but I wanted to say thank you for all of this info. I've recently become the DM for our group and I stumbled across your page looking for tips on roll20. This has been an absolute life saver. I've always run games in person and with the help of your videos, I feel like I'm able to run our game as if we were all in the same room. Having fun with your D&D 30-day challenge as well.
Thanks my man! It means a lot to me to hear people say that. Glad I could help!
I'm preparing for GMing a game in a system I've never done before. Roll d20 is my players preference and it's completely alien to me. Your efforts are very much appreciated! I foresee much time viewing your videos.
Awesome glad you found them helpful!
Same here!! I just started to DM for the first time last week and this video is going to help me SO MUCH into getting my monster preparation ready for the encounters! :D
Working on my first campaign and these videos are great for getting roll 20 set up and looking like i have my stuff together. i can already tell the monster manual will make encounters run much more smoothly than i see other GM's run them. Love the series so far, keep it up.
Glad it's been helpful for you Teeon! Welcome to the channel!
Great videos dude, I'm just devoring all your Master Series! Cheers from Brazil!
Cody, thank you for this tutorial!!! I just started using Roll20 a few months into the pandemic and your videos have really helped.
This was a great video and was extremely helpful in getting started creating NPC's for my first time being our group's DM. For those asking how to use the spell macro with the recent changes, as of right now, this format is working well for me:
The spell tier is written as "cantrip" or a number and then the $x identifies which spell number is cast in that section, starting from $0.
You're such a handsome little fella. Take a cookie, you just saved my day.
I keep stumbling into your videos here and on Reddit when I'm hunting answers. You do good work sir and I'll be sure to point folks your way when I can.
Why thank you so very much! I really appreciate that.
Man... You are one of the people who make the Internet so great! Thanks a lot!
Thanks David! And welcome!
Bro, I am really impressed with the clarity of your instructions and.. OMG, I had NO IDEA that Roll20 was going to transform my game so profoundly! Man, the sweat I used to go into when raging a big combat, trying (and failing) to remember all the abilities of a monster rather than slowing the flow down by opening the Monster Manual... all of this will soon be in the past! I can see there is some setup work ahead of me, but well worth it! Thanking you for your time to make the video and I’ll pop into the Roll20 forum to give them my heartfelt appreciation of their software! Cheers!
I wish I could give this video 1,000 thumbs up. Thank you so much!! I just started using Roll20 for my group and at first was a bit frustrated and unsure of how useful it would be. Your videos have done such a great job of showing the possibilities and I'm sooo excited for our first session using the tool next week. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Wow Stephanie. You're too kind. I'm glad you like the series (and good luck!).
I've just been recently getting started with roll20, using the 5eSRD sheet, and this video has helped a TON. Thank you!
So glad to hear that! I don't want to be making these videos and then have no one actual find this stuff useful right? Thanks Josephine!
I actually found the other tutorial on this first and since it wasn't for the OGL sheet I just spent two days learning about how to convert the macros to that sheet. Then I found this one. Both are great tutorials, thanks for putting them together. I'm setting up my first roll 20 game and this helped a bunch.
I'm 44, a long time PC gamer, and this is not "so easy". It's easy when you know how to do it. From someone new to roll20 it's overwhelming as hell and the learning curve looks deadly steep.
I am very new to D&D and roll20 and your videos are immensely helpful, Thank you for taking the time to help others out. :)
As a GM trying out Roll20, after watching this all I can say is I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Fantastic guide, Thanks a lot! I'm DM'ing a campaign for the first time next weekend, running a group through the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign and will be using this system as I go.
Awesome! I love hearing that people are actually using the manual. Best of luck with LMoP. My tip: Give Sildar and Barthen really great personalities for your players to interact with.
Thanks, I'll be sure to! I've got big plans for Droop too, my group will fall in love with him.
I'm just beginning to plan for my first ever DM session and I'm glad I found this before I started. I can't wait to get into Roll20 and set my stuff up!
Thank you for this video!
Glad you like it Saia! Welcome to the channel (and twitch feed lol).
As a new DM these videos are incredibly helpful
Glad you dig 'em!
New to roll20 and definitely feel like I'm missing a few steps here.
I am as well. I don't really understand where to start. He just has the templates already made and I don't really know how to get to that point.
If you go back and watch his other video that he references at the beginning it fills in a lot of the blanks that were assumed in this video.
@@DJPhillyJoel thanks! I ws also very lsot, felt like i came in half way through a tutorial (also new to roll20)
YES! I'm trying to figure out where the heck to even set this up?!
Thanks so much! This was immensely helpful - I've incorporated your methods and macros in creating my own Monster Manual just as you've described.
Glad you liked it Tony! Thanks for subscribing.
Dude! You've made my life as a GM a piece of cake! Thank You so much for this amazing video! Im going to binge watch all of the master series videos now.
Good stuff... once I figured out to disable popouts and set the NPC as an NPC sheet it was smooth sailing.
How did you disabel popouts?
Holy hell this video just blew my mind. It takes some time to set up but it makes running combat so much easier. Thanks!
Glad you dig it!
I was struggling with this while looking at other tutorials online but this really helped. Thanks a bunch!
Glad it helped!
Dude! All your Roll20 videos are incredible!
It was not as basic as you think. I had to search other wiki artcles and videos to understand certain steps. but at the end, your technique is very good,. thanks
THANK YOU! I was struggling to add the monsters and this just explained everything wonderfully.
I'm so glad you were able to get up and running! Welcome to the Master Series!
If the spell macros aren't working for people, it didn't for me too cause the npc spell sheet thing has changed since the making of this vid.
I found these work:
got them from:
Thank you so much!
You're most welcome
Glad this helped :-)
this works! thanks!
Loving these macros. I saved myself some time on templates/adding them to monsters by having a few of the macros set globally as token actions - this way they are on every token (even if I just drag out from the SRD). I ended up going with Saves, immunities, Perception, Initiative as global ones and saved heaps of time with updating my existing monsters.
Thank you for these hands-on lessons.
Hey Cody! So first off, thanks a ton for these videos, super helpful to someone just getting started with Roll20! Best I've seen. I'm a long time D&D player (since 76) but very new to the "online" concept.
Anyway, I loved all of the token macros you provided and have been adding them in to the stuff provided by Storm King's Thunder (yeah, jump right in for the first campaign...BTW, I'm guessing others only learned about Roll20 once Wizards published this stuff... doing a how to run SKT as your entry to Roll20 might be a great vid!).
The one thing I noticed about your "Action" macro (rolling hit and dam) is that it only shows to the DM. In our group, typically we'd share that roll so the players can see it too (I know, takes away some of the tricky DM stuff, but...). It would be even better if I could show it or not show it as I want... Anyway, any way to mod it so that it announces in chat to the group?
Thanks for your help!!
No problem Jon, this is not a "Macro" setting, and is a sheet setting. Forgive me as I don't have it in front of me-- but I believe you can go into the sheet's settings (cogwheel) and adjust the default output setting there. Make sure you make this change on your template too, so you don't have to change it every time.
Thanks for the quick reply and though it took me just a bit to locate what you meant, I did find it and learned something new!!! It looks like that is the default for all of the NPC/Monster sheets in SKT, so I have just a bit of work ahead of me... Still, super helpful and thanks again!
Outstanding video and info! It took me two weeks of study and practice, but I understand everything from the video and it's application! Absolutely outstanding system!! (update: there's a slight typo in the second line for the stat; just erase the "d" from npc_actype.)
there's a great API that will roll and insert unique hp values into the correct bubble when you drag a mob into the map. thanks for some great ideas. looking forward to watching your other videos.
Can you make a video on how to use the character vault to load this manual into other games? I just started using Roll20 so it's all pretty new to me.
Hey guys, I had a few comments on the last video about the sound being a bit low so I have re uploaded the video with better audio. I hope you guys enjoy!
Audio is still really low
Yeah, after this video, I stopped reducing the audio level completely on the rest of the series. Hopefully the rest sound better!
I added an update to the saving throw macro. It's hard to keep up with the roll20 updates sometimes.
Great video! This helped me so much! However i have some changes and suggestions:
1) Perception needs to be redone to :
/w gm %{Selected|npc_perception}
/w gm @{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{normal=1}} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Passive Perception}} {{mod=}} {{r1=[[@{selected|npc_passiveperceptionbase}]]}}
to fix the passive perception. Also i made it /w gm because i dont want others to read when my monsters try to percept them
2) I added a stealth Macro
/w gm [[1d20+ @{selected|npcd_stealth}]]
3) Saves are actually are just checks. To make them saves you need to add their saving throw bonus (or did i just not see it?)
Does anyone know how he got it to write passive perception? The one in the comments shows a perception roll twice instead.
The one shown in this comment works perfectly for me.
Started looking at the npc template and edited your stealth check to make it multi creature:
@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=^{stealth}}} {{mod=@{selected|npc_stealth}}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{selected|npc_stealth}]]}} @{selected|rtype}+@{selected|npc_stealth}]]}}
About 3), I've seen that most monster from the compendium have not saves, and some of them have only 1 or 2 saves bonus filled and the others are empty. If you replace the attributes mods with the saves, you will have lot of saves with +0 bonus. A mix could be done with some "if conditional" but I don't think you can do that in roll20 macros.
I have a question. When ever i made a monster from scratch everything works except perception and passive perception. Instead of normal massage i get this -
SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but end of input found.
Thank you so much for this! As a new DM in Roll20 this is so so so helpful. Again, thank you.
Omg, this has absolutely made my day! Thank you so much my man!
Okay, so love both videos for creating your monster manual. Been using Roll20 full time for over 2 years now and after watching these, I realized I've been making my job too difficult. So I have set up everything above but I am having the following issues : The trait comes up with a script error. Don't see any listing for Bonus Actions.
I have zero skill with macros and would greatly appreciate any help. Other than that, keep up the great videos and I look forward to the future ones.
The whole series is excellent, thank you, more people need to know about this. So I've told my friends! Liked, Commented and Subscribed!
Ok confused, in a comment below you say you don't need a subscription, but me being a Plus member, I don't see a "blank" sheet when I go to that tab. Don't see how I can customize like you are. I see a full sheet, selected the 5e sheet by Roll20. thanks
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looked at your older video, need to flip the switch from Player Sheet to NPC sheet. Click on the COG, then chk NPC. Cool. This is amazing! Thanks!
Can you elaborate? I have the 5e SRD loaded (can search for goblin fine) and my character sheet looks nothing like his. My sheet is "( OGL by Roll20 )" and hitting the cog appears to not do much. Then drag and dropping the goblin does not cause yellow highlighted fields like the video. And I do not see a pc/npc option. Please advise.
After clicking the cog, in the third column there is a tiny 'npc' checkbox. after that, it matched the video and the drag and drop worked. Hopefully if anyone else has issues, this helps them.
So helpful! Thank you for saving my Sunday nights, Cody!
Thanks a lot mate, it really helped me a big time here in Brazil.
Congratulations about your channel, Cyah!
Thumbs up x 1000!
Love the video and the additional Info in the description!
You da man!
Thanks Eastwood! Welcome to the channel!
With the Saving Throw macro I am consistently getting an error message reading:
"No attribute was found for @{selected|npcd_wis_mod}"
I am not very proficient with the macros by the issue seems to be that is not finding "npcd_wis_mod" (or equivalent for other ability score modifiers) on the Hobgoblin template.
SOLUTION: Whether I am operating off some some different template or what I cannot say, but for the hobgoblin (Monster Manual) and Hopgoblin Devastator (Volo's Guide) this is the command that is the equivalent and works for me,, use:
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{npc_str_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_str_save}]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{npc_dex_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_dex_save}]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{npc_con_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_con_save}]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{npc_int_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_int_save}]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{npc_wis_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_wis_save}]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{npc_cha_save}]] | [[1d20+@{npc_cha_save}]]}}
This also has the advantage of, if the creature has a listed save bonus, the calculation uses that bonus and not just the base ability score. If there is no listed saving throw bonus, it defaults to the base ability score modifier. So if a creature is proficient in a save, this should pick it up.
You can also use this macro which will create a drop down menu allowing you to select which same to roll, rather than rolling them all every time:
@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Save|Strength,[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]}}{{rname=Strength Save}} {{type=Save}} |Dexterity,[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]}}{{rname=Dexterity Save}} {{type=Save}} |Constitution,[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]}}{{rname=Constitution Save}} {{type=Save}} |Intelligence,[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]}}{{rname=Intelligence Save}} {{type=Save}} |Wisdom,[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]}}{{rname=Wisdom Save}} {{type=Save}} |Charisma,[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]}} {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]}}{{rname=Charisma Save}} {{type=Save}}}
I was having the same problem. Thank you for posting the solution!
This is Awesome, thank you.
I know its a year later and everything... but.. Kurt, you are awesome! ^^ tyvm
A year out, but the drop down menu option for saving throws is still the best solution here!
Olha os deuses mano
Brilliant and useful video, thank you. One possible improvement - if you instead create the macros as general macros (i.e. in your macro list in the 3-bars menu, rather than as the monster template) and then in your monster template create macros that simply call the general versions of the macro - e.g. the monster template "trait0" macro would have only the line
(where "npc-trait0" is the name I gave to the macro to display the first trait)
then if you later need to change the macro code (e.g. the sheet changes and the attribute names change, or you want to add more stuff into it) then you only need to change the macro code in one place, rather than have to change the code in ALL the monsters you have already created from your monster template, and the change will work for all monsters automatically.
I was having a hard time with this, thankfully I found VTT and the thing that makes macros automatically helped a LOT
The spell macro has a problem, at least as for the Hobgoblin Devastator it just leads to the error message: "No attribute was found for @{Hobgoblin Devastator|repeating_spell-npc_$0_rollcontent}"
SOLUTION: The issue was that the Hobgoblin Devastator populates as if it had a spellbook. I used this macro to create in chat a menu of spells of each level that I can click on to cast. Even adjusting the macro given in the video, it just pops up in chat as if the creature were casting all the listed spells, so this works better for me. You could also make different token actions for each spell if you get the syntax right (see below).
THIS ONLY WORKS IF THE TEMPLATE PRESENTS THE SPELLS IN A SPELLBOOK FORMAT, RATHER THAN JUST A SIMPLE LIST AS IN THE VIDEO...but to create a (whispered) menu, by spell level, showing the spell save DC and Spell attack bonus and Slots per day (or uses per day if you change the text), use:
For Cantrips (four are listed in the example below):
/w gm @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Cantrips
}}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|spell_save_dc}= +@{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks
}}{{At Will
For 1st Level Spells:
/w gm @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} 1st Level Spells
}}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|spell_save_dc}= +@{selected|spell_attack_bonus} to hit with spell attacks
}}{{Slots @{lvl1_slots_total}
For higher level spells swap out references to "1st level" as appropriate and change "spell-1" to "spell-X" and "lvl1_slots_total" to "lvlX_slots_total", where "X" is the level you want. It will create a menu that sort of looks like this (reworked for an innate spellcaster):
If you just want to create a token action to click on the spell, then just use this macro:
where "X" is the spell level in question and "Y" is the position in the spellbook.
this might be a bit much to ask but could you tell me how you changed it to function for an innate spellcaster, thanks eitherway this comment has already helped me so much fixing up an MM for my soon to be dad DM who didnt have the time :D
This is just... Thank you so much.
Hey, i can´t drag the monster data over to the cheet. I have clicked the icon. Help?
Make sure you have the character sheet enabled in the actual games settings
I'm getting an error on the trait portion - It names the trait correctly, but second line returns "selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc"
change the desc to description I was messing around today and found out this fixes it
/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_description}}}
cmon200 Yes, I changed desc to description and it works! Thanks!
@@cmon200 Thanks. I was getting this too.
I wish i could hit the like button x100, this is great stuff i'm just setting up a few monsters now.
Man, thank you so much! So glad you like it!
One thing i have noticed is that the passive perception is always coming out as a ten??
So it seems for this to work you have to manually put the modifier in to the perception field.
Didn't catch this, as it was working for me when I created this a few months ago. Sometimes, when Roll20 releases an update on the sheet it does some wacky things. Thanks for the catch AND the fix!
Such a great video, can't wait to get this set up!
This is brilliant! I'm starting my first game on roll20 and I'll make sure to watch every videos!
I was wondering, when you set up the nightvision for the goblin, is that option only available to Roll20 Subs?
Also, is there a more recent way to import all the SRD Monsters in a batch?
Keep up the good work!
Fix from the Perception Macro in the comments. That one rolls Perception twice instead of giving the Passive one too. Took while to figure out lol.
%{Selected|npc_perception}@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{normal=1}} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Passive Perception}} {{mod=}} {{r1=[[@{selected|npc_perception}+10]]}}
hey awesome video thanks alot !, one quick question, at 14:00 ish you created the goblin and drag it over, ive followed this vid to the T and when i drag the monster ive created over nothing appears ? have i missed something ?
for ref: ive only got the standard SRD that comes with the game, not paid for extra monster manual etc
+Tom Manley cogwheel, check the box that says NPC.
NPC is clicked,
so ive rewatched this video a couple times to try and figure out where im going wrong,
i noticed when you finished creating the goblin at 14:00 and drag it onto the map, it auto represents goblin for where it should pull its stats from and who controls it etc.
mines not doing that, so i can only assume thats it........ do you know how to fix that :) ?? thanks in advance if you do
EDIT- click the physical name of the sheet not the = looking sign.... leaving this here for anyone else making this mistake :)
Is this information still up to date? Have any major changes happened to Roll20 in the past four years that would make this obsolete?
Dude, I love you. No kidding. You made my life so much easier right now
Haha... Glad you like the videos
late to the party but deeply grateful for this !
Great info, and happy you made it SRD friendly (I haven't bought any modules yet). But 2 questions.
1: You uploaded this 2016, and it's 2020 now. Is this still applicable or does it need updating? Like if the codes have changed due to R20 updates?
2: Those templates, where do I actually get and set those up to begin with? I couldn't find that part out in this video, which kind of stopped me from, well, the rest of the video content. :P
Has there been any updates to this for 2021? For example, the Spell List Macros don't appear to work anymore.
Any chance of telling us how to adapt and use the attributes on the attributes and abilities tab? Cheers
This is helpful. I enjoy the geeky exuberance. But, is there a step by step breakdown available? Like... how to navigate and what to add where to make use of this approach?
I am testing the macros UFFFF This takes the game to another level AMAZING
Great Video! I have a couple of questions: Can you set up a "Monster Manual" to appear in any game that you play? I don't know about anybody else but I have a bunch of games in my game tab. So would I have to make a Monster Manual in every game I have set up? And also would this work in Pathfinder? Or do I need a different set of macros for Pathfinder?
Would love an answer to this inquiry
Your videos are great! Any new ones coming for roll20?
Nice video series. You helped me crack some trouble I have been having with some of the formatting and code. One thing I found out that is pretty neat, is you can add the button information to the trait section of the NPC sheet of 5e OGL. I was able to transform the spellcasting section into a clickable button option to view spells and cast them if able to do attack rolls. So where it lists the spells, I change them to [Spell Name](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell). When you call the trait using /w gm "&{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}}} {{description=@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc}}}" it changes the code in the trait to buttons or whatever your trying to do in there. Some traits like to have damage for saves and what not and I just add brackets to the damage rolls and can click on the trait to produce random damage each time without pulling out a different option for speed. Just wanted to share.
Great tip Dominic! Thank you for sharing.
Also, glad you like the series! It has been a ton of fun so far.
highly interested in more explanation for this. do you have any pictures for example?
Yours are by far the most helpful videos I've found for Roll20 thus far!
Question: How can I change the INITIATIVE macro to be public, i.e. not a whisper? Or do you have a video on the basic syntax that I've overlooked?
juat remove "/w gm" in the script
I love this, thanks a million for publishing this video. Quick question. How do you transfer your monster manual from one game to the other. The only way I found so far is one by one by either using the transmogrifier or one by one importing them from the vault. Is there a way to import them all at the same time?
Very grateful for the information.
Fantastic. I really liked what you did on the first version, but my game was using the SRD forms and I was scared to change them. This is awesome. A question about casters. When I drag over a caster from the compendium, it just lists their spells as a trait and doesn't link the actual spell. How do I add the spells to an NPC so that they roll a spell attack (if appropriate) when clicked?
Glad you like it!
OK, so, 1st I want to make sure we are talking about the "NPC" sheet and not a character sheet. 2nd, you should see from your blank template the "+" button for spells. It will be above Legendary Actions and right below Reactions. Let me know you were able to get it going!
I'm actually having the same issue. I've doubled checked that it's an NPC and that the spellcaster button has been checked. (Without clicking that box I couldn't add spells.) I've dragged over the spells and made sure I've got the numbers in the macros correct. When I click to roll the spell, all it does it link the spell card(s) and not an actual attack.
This is how the Sheet's author set up the NPC sheet. Go to the NPC/Monster's sheet, scroll down to the spell section. Click on the spell's cogwheel (settings). Scroll down until you see 'Output:'
You can change this to either Spellcard or Attack to your preference.
After some testing, turns out it was a couple of things.
First, the NPC character sheet I was using must have gotten messed up at some point so even when I made sure that the spellcasting NPC box was checked, it wasn't adding the spell section.
Second, when I make a new NPC and drag it over from the compendium (both to the duplicated template and a fresh character page) the spellcasting NPC box isn't selected by default. Even though the NPC is a spellcaster and has that trait. (Ex: Once I click the box, the spell section DOES show up but I then have to go in and add the spells by hand. (Ex:
I've tried multiple different monsters with spellcasting and it does the same thing each time. Now that I know I can at least add it manually I can work with it. It's too bad it doesn't pop in by default.
Thanks for the response!
Thanks for doing these videos. They are a fantastic resource.
I'm having an issue however trying to create NPCs. For instance, I wanted to create a Raider and decided to base it on the Bandit from the compendium. I drag the Bandit onto the character sheet and all is well until I try to add equipment. In my case the Raider should have a longsword, shortbow, net and leather armor. If I have not checked the NPC checkbox I can drag the equipment from the compendium and it shows up. However, as soon as I check the NPC box the equipment disappears and there are no actions for the weapons. If I uncheck the NPC checkbox I see them again.
How can I create NPCs with equipment?
Any chance you could do a review on the Monster Manual from WotC built into Roll20? I'm interested in purchasing, and can't seem to find any in depth information on it anywhere.
None of the Macro's are showing up at the top of the screen foor some reason?
Cody, awesome creation system and awesome video! Can't wait to implement it. How do you make a clean NPC monster template? Mine starts off with creating a barbarian and I don't know how to remove all the barbarian stuff. I just want a clean NPC sheet with the ability macros. After clicking the cog wheel, I can drag a new monster over the barbarian stats in the character sheet, but then sometimes that has issues like double attacks and such. Please advise. Thanks!
I totally got you covered Lexus,
1.) Create any new character sheet.
2.) Go to "Character Sheet" tab
3.) On the right you should see "Core, Bio, Spells, and a Cogwheel" Click the Cogwheel
4.) RIGHT under that you should see a tiny check box that says "NPC", check it.
5.) Rename / setup the Monster Template
6.) DUPLICATE the new template for your first monster
7.) Profit lol
Also, thanks for the kind words! Let me know if you got it working! (Oh and subscribe) haha
Great. That worked. I was performing the correct steps for the most part. I think my master template got out of whack somehow. I created a new one from scratch and everything is good now. Thanks. Oh, and yeah, I subscribed. :)
Wonderful! And Yes, I think I know what happened, its a little hard for me to describe, but if you try and create a new blank monster sheet after it had stuff filled out on it, it add variables and throws everything off.
But glad you got it going!
Fantastic content! I don't think the OGL character sheet has the best layout, but the ability to incorporate a lot of content directly from the SRD makes it worth using. As a non-coder and fairly new DM, I have a few questions:
1. When I try experimenting with the amended "Saves" macros that you and Paul L. discuss in the comments, I get the following error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined." Any ideas or suggestions?
2. I'm trying to create stacked macros such that the button names will change to reflect a particular selected NPC's actions, traits, spells, etc. However, I can't seem to figure out how to define it. In particular, I'd really like to be able to create a button to click that brings up a list of a NPC's spells as a clickable table. Is there a way to do this for the OGL's repeating action/trait/spell mechanic?
I had some success with a similar table I found using the Community Contributed character sheet, but now that I've switched over to the OGL, it obviously doesn't work. And I can't seem to find the proper language to use in lieu of defined terms such as @{selected|npc_action_name1}. Below is an example of a macro I've used in the past that is of the sort I'd like to be able to use with OGL character sheets. Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.
/w GM &{template:5eDefault}{{weapon=1}}{{subheader=Weapons and Abilities}}{{title=@{selected|character_name}}} {{Ability 1=[ @{selected|npc_action_name1}](~selected|npcaction1)}} {{Ability 2=[ @{selected|npc_action_name2}](~selected|npcaction2)}} {{Ability 3=[ @{selected|npc_action_name3}](~selected|npcaction3)}} {{Ability 4=[ @{selected|npc_action_name4}](~selected|npcaction4)}} {{Ability 5=[ @{selected|npc_action_name5}](~selected|npcaction5)}} {{Ability 6=[ @{selected|npc_action_name6}](~selected|npcaction6)}} {{Ability 7=[ @{selected|npc_action_name8}](~selected|npcaction8)}} {{Ability 7=[ @{selected|npc_action_name7}](~selected|npcaction7)}} {{Ability 8=[ @{selected|npc_action_name8}](~selected|npcaction8)}} @{selected|classactionmeleeweapon}
Thanks John! Glad you like it.
Ok 1.
Use this: I have had success getting this to wrok, and it seems to function correctly. Thanks goes out to Paul!
/w GM &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{strength_mod} }+(@{npc_str_save}-@{strength_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{strength_mod}+(@{npc_str_save}-@{strength_mod})]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{dexterity_mod} + (@{npc_dex_save}-@{dexterity_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{dexterity_mod}+ (@{npc_dex_save}-@{dexterity_mod})]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{constitution_mod} + (@{npc_con_save}-@{constitution_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{constitution_mod}+ (@{npc_con_save}-@{constitution_mod})]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{intelligence_mod}+ (@{npc_int_save}-@{intelligence_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{intelligence_mod}+ (@{npc_int_save}-@{intelligence_mod})]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{wisdom_mod} + (@{npc_wis_save}-@{wisdom_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{wisdom_mod}+ (@{npc_wis_save}-@{wisdom_mod})]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{charisma_mod} + (@{npc_cha_save}-@{charisma_mod})]] | [[1d20+@{charisma_mod} + (@{npc_cha_save}-@{charisma_mod})]]}}
Here is what you want for spells:
That is not in a template/whispered/cleaned up. But I'm going to challenge you to write it and get back to me with what you have been able to come up with.
Be sure to post it here so everyone can see what's you've ended up with.
FYI, I have it ready to go to do EXACTLY what you want it to do if you need help. Just trying to push you guys a bit, but I'm still a safety net for you if you need it!
1. Strange, I still keep getting the "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined" message. (I am testing it on selected tokens designated to represent an NPC created by filling an OGL sheet directly from the SRD -- specifically a Noble and a Drow.) I think the issue may have something to do with using variables such as "strength_mod" instead of "str_mod" because the Attributes & Abilities tab lists it as the latter, but when I try swapping them out, it seems to mess with the order of operations such that the net effect is only to add the save value (the added and subtracted mod values having canceled each other out).
Does Roll20 utilize any "greater of" functions similar to MAX(a, b)? Sorry to be high maintenance!
2. I can't promise a quick turn-around time, but I will get to your suggested homework assignment on the spell list at some point, as I really do want to actually learn the mechanics. :)
Hmmmmm John... Are you having that issue with the macro Paul posted? To be honest, I'm not sure what could be causing it-- it seemed to work just fine for me. Try to create a new monster using the 'aboleth' from the compendium. That way we can eliminate any issues caused from you inputting the monster manually (da dun duuun). lol
If that's still a problem, then I'm not sure what to tell you and we may need to reach out to a dev for further guidance.
As far as Max stuff, not to my knowledge at the moment. They may add this functionality (or they may have added it recently, and I am unaware of it) in the future.
Good! I am glad you want to learn the actual techniques. That will let you customize the stuff I am showing you guys to really fit you and your games better.
Kody, Super noob to DM'ing on Roll20 and going to follow this to build my own Monster Manual. For drag and drop to work out of the compendium - I need to buy the Monster Manual to add to my Roll20 correct?
This may be a stupid question but can you share your templates, maps etc with other Roll20 players? Is it tabu? additionally do i have to save each of the monsters in my monster manual to my character vault individually? I am a total newb when it comes to roll20 and i have found your video to be essential. I hope they are paying you.
I replied to your email, but if you still have any questions, just let me know Gus!
Thank you but I never received an email from you.
Yo, Cody. I noticed my Attack macros were only giving me the "to hit" rolls and not giving me the damage rolls like in your video. I had to add the following damage expression into the Attack macros for it roll the damage. Do you know why this would be?
I do! On the NPC Character sheet hit the cogwheel. Scroll down until you see "General Options". Change "Auto Damage Roll" to "Auto Roll Damage & Crit". Done.
Let me know if you got it working!
That worked like a charm. You da man. Thanks!
Awwww... thanks Lexus! And glad you got it up and going!
Hey Cody, thanks for the awesome video!
I ain't gay, but if I was I would rock your world for this! Seriously bro... I love you...
As a new Dm to Roll20, this is amazing haha
Excellent info, this was so helpful! I'm having some trouble getting out the weapon attack type/ range when there are multiple attacks and was wondering if I'm missing something in my macro? The macro I used to return the attack type/ range is
{@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_attack_type} weapon attack,
ok, i LOVE your videos!!! but im totally new to DMing..
i love that i can click a simple token action on any of my Monsters..
but the "2" dice roll is confusing. i understand the purpose of Advantage/Disadvantage rolls.. but what if its not a case of Advantage/Disadvantage..
and i only need to roll 1 dice. would we just pick one of the results and take that one?
sorry for the lack of knowledge..
Pretty much yes. I always just roll 2. If there is not Adv/Disadv, then just take the first one. If there is take the highest/lowest. Profit. Nice and easy, with no need to roll twice.
Hi Cody. I love your work, it helped me soooooo much!
I have a quick question: is there any way to make an "easy to create\ easy to dispatch" humanoid character that resembles a D&D class, using one of your methods? Like " random rogue number 1" or "big barbarian warrior number 2"? Just to give my player some humanoid enemy more challenging than a bandit or a town's guard.
Thanks for making these videos. Kick Ass!
This video was very useful. I've found the 5e OGL character sheet a
little frustrating at times - a little glitchy, and several monsters I
needed weren't in the SRD - but overall it's worked well. I didn't
bother with a separate template for spell use and legendary actions, I
just delete or uncheck the "show as token action" box. I also used your
video on stacking macros so that I can chose from a list of spells,
rather than have them all display at once (which is what appears to be
the case when you are showing the spell casting macro. It might be nice
if you could magnify the view of the pages you are working on during the
video, my eyesight ain't so good :) Thanks again.
Yeah sorry Paul... I might be well-versed in Roll20, but not so much in video editing... Glad you like it though!
I opted for something similar as the commenter above using the method from the stacking macros video as well. But instead of making macros for each of the spells I just made it nest the repeating sections from the monster's spell list like so:
Hopefully that removes some macro clutter from the settings tab! I hope this is of use or at the very least get some more ideas flowing. And thanks for the awesome videos!
+Inai10 so glad you liked it. And pleeeease... if you guys have ways you've improved on my system, share it! I have no problems learning from you guys too.
Yes, that's what I was looking for. I should have realized I just needed to convert the % sign. Perfect. Thanks.
P.S. Instead of typing in the spell names you can use @{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}.
So, for 2 PC cantrips you can use:
&{template:npcaction}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}}{{rname=Cantrips}}{{description=[@{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spellname}](! %{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$0_spell})[@{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$1_spellname}](! %{selected|repeating_spell-cantrip_$1_spell})}}
Thanks for sharing this guys!
Stats aren't staying on my tokens. When I drag a monster onto a map it has no HP or AC. I have to put them in each time. Am I missing something?
You missed a step. Set the token up correctly, then edit sheet, remove token, THEN press use selected token.
This is a great video. The only issue i run into is that my Monster information in Roll20 compendium doesn't have the convenient "monster manual look" so the drag and drop part that is going on here isn't seeming to work. I'll have to look around and see what I'm doing wrong.
This looks super cool. Can you use that same monster manual in different games? The only way I can see is to save every monster to the character vault and importing them in the next game and creating the folder structure from scratch. but that seems like it would be a bigger and bigger job as you get more monsters inputted.
Ok, here is a very simple question that I'm breaking my head with. How to create that template ( I know how to create the NPC sheet, but those macros in the description is all that I need to add?)
Thanks for all the help!
I am assuming these do not work with pathfinder
Fist off, videos are awesome.. I just started my roll20 Career the beginning of this month.. I Subbed immediately after watching your first Master Series video, they've been a big help... How would i deal with this?.
I'm going to have to input everything for a Beholder Zombie since its not in the Compendium. how would i go about dealing with the eye ray when it comes to Macros?
great video and series. thanks for the work. all my rolls are coming out as whispers to myself which is fine for most but i'd like my players to see the action/attack rolls. is that possible? i don't see what in the macro line makes it a whisper. thanks
hah after a week of searching and minutes after posting the question i figure out it's in the attributes section which i just copied off your screen. i changed the wtype to 0 and everything is as i want it. perfect. thanks again for the great videos
Glad it worked out for you.
Is there anyway to make buttons of all the attacks and skills appear in chat like they do with the Pathfinder Character sheet with the D&D5e Sheet? I would prefer to see the list and select from it, as opposed to just rolling all of the attacks at once for a multi attack.
Great stuff. I am curious, however, why rather than putting the universal things (Initiative, Saves, etc) in each and every monster, that you didn't just make them universal macros under the macro window? I did that instead and it works just fine without having to redo it 9,328,667 times. :)