2023 International Mission to Mars: Engineering Design Competition - Day 1 Lectures

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @jamesbaranowski6050
    @jamesbaranowski6050 Год назад +1

    I HAVE a plan, and the spacecraft..I sent some of the stuff to Mars Society and it probably never got to your eyes...I am serious...it's not a silly design...How do I get a direct email to you Robert?

  • @BlueGiant69202
    @BlueGiant69202 Год назад

    I like the learning by doing nature of this competition and Dr. Zubrin's emphasis on realities of professional engineering work. However, the linear nature of this video, even with a transcript, means that the content is hidden and not easily accessible to participants. No engineer should have to waste time trying to find a specific piece of information or the answer to a question in an hour-long lecture video. It would be very helpful to the participants if a half dozen or a dozen Mars Society members interested in education and IT volunteered their time to index and cross-link the content of the corrected, and validated correct, competition lecture video transcripts with question-based indexing and conceptual indexing. chatGPT might be a useful tool for the indexing and as a standalone way to retrieve answers to questions but multiple possible lines of inquiry need to be made visible by the GUI and neither chatGPT nor the Google Search field does that. Organizing the lecture content with summary chapter headings would be a start.
    As an example of cross-linking, Dr. Zubrin makes a statement in this video at 15:49 that answers questions relevant to Trudi Hoogenboom's talk on Comparative Planetology and should be listed as an answer source within the Comparative Planetology question set.
    Why are we going to talk about comparative planetology?
    What is the easiest way to learn about planets in the solar system and exoplanets [orbiting other stars]?
    Engines for Education Hyperbook by Roger Schank and Chip Cleary
    Learning by Exploring www.engines4ed.org/hyperbook/nodes/NODE-248-pg.html
    ASK Systems www.engines4ed.org/hyperbook/nodes/NODE-358-pg.html
    VISTA’s (Virtual International Science and Technology Academy) Year in Health Sciences, online demonstration (vista.engines4ed.org/home/index.htm)

  • @karamkassir7035
    @karamkassir7035 Год назад
