Supposedly, the main reason why Owen was cut from TD All Stars was bc he was supposed to be eliminated 1st, but the writers ig didn’t want to “ruin” his character so they got ride of him and instead decided to “ruin” Lindsays character instead. I am curious to know some other people’s opinions on this. Would u of preferred Owen to be in All Stars, even if he was eliminated first, or would u keep it the same way with Lindsay being eliminated first. Let me know what y’all think of this? PS, great video, not exactly how I would of done All Stars, I would of preferred to see a Leshawna VS Scott finale, but either way good job!!
Perfect cast but i adding Mike Sam and sierra the teams are the Heroes "Mike, Zoey, Cody, Cameron, Owen, Down, Sam, Courtney, Gwen, Lindsay, Tyler, Sierra, Leshawna, Izzy, and Brick" and the Villanis are Heather, Duncan,Lighting,jo, Scott, Anne-Maria, Justin, Dakota,Noah,Ezekieal,Eva,Blaineley,Harold,Staci and Alejandro
I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS. THE 2 I WAS ROOTING FOR WON AHHAHAHAHA. I loved every character (except Scott I hate him), and these ar only things I was sad abt: (spoilers) I’m so sad courtney didn’t win, but I loved all the final 3 so it’s ok. Sad anne Maria got out earlier than I would have liked, sad Lindsay got out, but she got screen time, and that’s it. It was an amazing season and I love both brick and leshawna so much, both top 5 for me so I’m happy to see what happens
Tbh if they were doing a season like All-Stars with only 13 episodes, it would've been fine with me. But with contestants like Sierra and Sam in such a short All-Stars season, idk what they thought
Over all a great all stars season except it’s a little unbalanced 11 girls and 7 guys 12 gen 1 and 5 gen 2 I’m not sure about that here is how I would even it out Heroes: Villains: Cody. DJ. Lightning. Scott Zoey.Lindsay. Heather Anne Maria Courtney. Mike. Duncan. Jo LeShawna. Sierra Gwen. Izzy. Dawn. Brick. Alejandro. Owen That way it’s 10 boys-10 girls (u counted jo as a boy so really it’s 9-11) And 8 gen2-12 gen 1
I would eliminate them in the following order(I will not be mentioning story plot) Villains lose 2-3-5 vote 20th Anne maria Villains lose 1-4-2-2 19th Lightning Dawn and Duncan swap teams Heroes lose 4-3-3 18th Lindsay Villains lose 6-2 17th Dawn Full team swap Cameron joins the competition Team island: Duncan. Heather. Courtney. Gwen. Owen. . Leshawna. Izzy. DJ. Team revenge: Zoey. Mike. Scott. Sierra. Alejandro. Brick. . Cody. Jo. Cameron Island loses 16th LeShawna Island loses 15th Izzy Revenge loses 14th Cody Island loses 13th Heather Revenge loses 12th Brick Island loses 11th Owen MERGE: Alejandro. Mike. Sierra. Zoey. DJ. Scott. Gwen. Cameron. Courtney. Jo. Duncan Immunity Zoey 10th Duncan Immunity Mike 9th Jo Immunity Zoey 8th Alejandro Immunity Gwen 7th DJ Immunity Zoey 6th Cameron FINAL FIVE GWEN. ZOEY. COURTNEY. SCOTT. ZOEY (yes I made it the same as the canonic all stars) Immunity Gwen 5th Scott Immunity mike 4th Courtney Immunity mike 3rd Courtney WINNER/RUNNER-UP MIKE AND ZOEY
i would of added mike for heros and scott and ether noah, harold or justin on villains to even out the gender ratio and teams oh scott debuted, idk why you didn't just have him be in from the start but hey this isn't my video
Harold doesn't really feel like a villain due to all of his heroic deeds and traits he did in his time on the show, he literally saved people's lives and is apparantly a licensed paramedic.
My way With my cast! The hero’s:Cody Sierra Bridgette Owen Gwen Zoey Leshawna Lindsay Cameron Dawn The villains:Duncan Scott Courtney Jo Lighting Alejandro Heather Anne Maria Eva Izzy Episode 1 The villains lose 20:Lighting(he was very dumb and wasn’t really helpful during the challenge so he got eliminated) Episode 2 The hero’s lose 19:Owen(he didn’t help his team a lot causing him to be eliminated) Episode 3 Villains lose 18:Izzy(would have been her but it was a no -elimination round) No elimination Episode 4 Villains lose 18:Jo(all she did was fight with heather) Courtney finds the immunity idol Courtney forms a alliance with Duncan heather and Scott to get out Alejandro Episode 5 Hero’s lose 17:Gwen(dawn got a bird to rig the votes so that she could stay) Episode 6 Villains lose Alejandro uses immunity idol 16:Heather(she got eliminated because she got the second most votes( Episode 7 Hero’s lose Villains choose someone on their team to be eliminated 15:Cameron(he was so smart that it could be dangerous) Episode 8 Hero’s lose Non-elimination Episode 9 14:Lindsay(she already was in a finale in total drama action my way and didn’t help that much) Episode 10 Villains lose 13/12:Alejandro and Anne Maria(Anne Maria was kind of a jerk and Duncan was a threat) Episode 11 Villains lose 11:Duncan(he was a psychical threat which would be dangerous in the merge) Episode 12 Merge Zoey becomes commando Zoey wins invincibility 10:Dawn(some people saw her as weird due to being able to read auras) Episode 13 Reward challenge Izzy wins the reward the reward is invincibility until the final 7 Episode 14 Courtney and Zoey win invincibility 9/8:Cody And Sierra(Sierra was kinda crazy and since Sierra helped cody a lot both of them saw them as a threat sowhen Chris said they can vote two people that’s who they vote) Episode 15 Non-elimination Izzy and Courtney form a alliance even though Izzy thinks of betraying her Episode 16 Auto-eliminated During the challenge Izzy set up traps for Courtney 7:Scott(he couldn’t finish the auto-elimination challenge) Episode 17 Reward challenge Leshawna wins a immunity idol Episode 18 Courtney wins invincibility 6:Anne maria(she was a jerk) Episode 19 Izzy wins invincibility 5:Eva(she was a psychical threat chasing her to be eliminated) Episode 20 Bridgette wins invincibility 4:Courtney(at this point no one liked Courtney) Izzy Vs Leshawna Vs Bridgette Whoever finishes the race across the whole island first wins Izzy wins invincibility Izzy picks Bridgette to bring to the final 2 3:Leshawna(she played a great game but wasn’t picked to be in the final 2) Episode 21 finale Izzy’s helpers:Owen Courtney Bridgette’s helpers:Zoey Duncan And the winner is… IZZY! Runner-up:Bridgette Winner:Izzy
Mine my cast will be with 30 episodes (sorry I'm not actually using 26 that much but i added 4 more episodes to have 30 episodes instead) A cast with 26 from OG and new characters TDWT: Owen, Lindsay, Leshawna, Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Duncan, Cody, Sierra, Alejandro, Justin, Trent, Harold TDROTI: Zoey, Mike, Cameron, Anne Maria, Scott, Jo, Lightning, Brick, Dawn, B, Sam, Dakota, Staci Episode 1: Originals Vs. Newbies (Part 1) Reason: Chris announced that the campers will compete for a Season 5 Episode 2: Originals Vs. Newbies (Part 2) Eliminated: Staci (26th) Reason: She annoyed all of her team members for her talking Episode 3: Evil Dread Eliminated: Lightning (25th) Reason: He did not got the pieces correctly, and everyone voted him off Episode 4: Saving Private Leechball Eliminated: Justin (24th) Reason: He should have ducked from the Leechball to avoid, but he didn't actually win the challenge for his team Episode 5: Food Fright Eliminated: No One Reason: Chris announced the teams to do a eating contest, and it was a reward challenge Episode 6: Moon Madness Eliminated: Jo (23rd) Reason: Heather sabotaged her team to lose the challenge, everyone voted for Jo Episode 7: No One Eggspects Eliminated: Heather (22nd) Reason: Alejandro found out that Heather hided the immunity idol on the rock, then Heather leave, Alejandro sneaked to the rock to steal Heather's immunity idol, Mike starts to become Mal Episode 8: Suckers Punched Eliminated: Sierra (21st) Reason: She was almost trying to save Cody's life, but then she lost the challenge, Cody felt bad for her to go Episode 9: Arting isn't Actually Everything at all Challenge: Make a painting of Chris, Owen found a paper with paintbrushes and color buckets, Zoey also founds the same as Owen, they were have to find some sticks for a paintbrush, after all, Chris rates the paintings on the teams. Eliminated: Cameron (20th) Reason: He got lost to find sticks for a paintbrush, but after all, Scott wanted everyone to vote Cameron out Episode 10: You Regatta Be Kidding Me Eliminated: Duncan (19th) (Arrested) Reason: He got arrested because he blew up Chris's cottage for a reason, after Chris make Duncan go in prison Episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find Eliminated: Dakota (18th) Reason: She wasn't that helpful in the challenge, Sam wanted her to be careful to not get injured or something Episode 12: The Obsta-Kill Kourse Eliminated: Trent (17th) Reason: Alejandro rigged the votes to eliminate Trent for no reason Episode 13: If you look the Arrows, it goes to the other side! Challenge: Find a way to exit the maze for finding clues Eliminated: Sam (16th) Reason: He wanted to eliminate himself to be with Dakota again Episode 14: Milkshake Maker Challenge: Make a Milkshake with a different flavour you want Eliminated: B (15th) Reason: Scott think that B sabotaged the challenge, and he got eliminated Episode 15: Sunblocks to the Sun Challenge: Chris wants everyone to collect any Sunblocks to their box, they have 10 Minutes to find Eliminated: Alejandro, but... uses Immunity Idol, Lindsay (14th) Reason: even though Alejandro was going home, he's the only one who voted Lindsay off Episode 16: Go-Kart Mayhem! Challenge: Get to the karts to do a race Eliminated: Harold (13th) Reason: Alejandro sabotaged his kart from the race, Leshawna was shocked that Alejandro sabotaged him, and he made everyone to vote him Episode 17: The Emerald Chaos-Mayhem Challenge: Get to the cave, find a different way to escape the cave, there are more places in there (like pahkitew island episode 7, ngl) Eliminated: No One Reason: Leshawna was furious at Alejandro for eliminating Harold, so Chris announced that was a no vote Episode 18: Avoid the Colors Challenge: Everyone made it to the merge, so they can't their colors and here's the list Owen can't touch Red, Leshawna can't touch Green Alejandro can't touch Blue, Gwen can't touch Yellow Courtney can't touch Purple, Cody can't touch Orange Zoey can't touch White, Mike (Mal) can't touch Brown Anne Maria can't touch Cyan, Scott can't touch Black Brick can't touch Lime, Dawn can't touch Pink If they touch their color, they lose a item, they have 3 items Eliminated: Brick (12th) Reason: it was an auto Elimination round so he was last (Secondary Hero of the Season) Episode 19: Unbelievable Non-Objective Notice Challenge: the contestants have to find a way to get out of the Spa Hotel as their challenge Eliminated: Cody & Dawn (11th/10th) *DOUBLE ELIMINATION* Reason: They both didn't finish the challenge yet, but Alejandro sabotaged them, Mal tries to find a way to eliminate Alejandro Episode 20: Sundae Muddy Sundae Eliminated: Courtney (9th) (Because of Alejandro) Reason: He sabotaged her ice cream, and Scott felt confused Episode 21: Males vs. Females Eliminated: No One Reason: like tdi episode 14, they doing eating contest on the Spa Hotel instead, a team must finish, there are 5 rounds Episode 22: Four Pairs, Four Challenges Challenge: the contestants split into 4 teams of 2, here they are Group 1 - Zoey and Mike (Mal) -Stop the chaos on the cave- Group 2 - Owen and Alejandro -Stop the chaos on the mountains- Group 3 - Gwen and Scott -Stop the chaos on the other side- Group 4 - Anne Maria and Leshawna -Stop the chaos on the ocean Eliminated: No One (Again) *help I'm running out of ideas* Reason: Chris announced that they are gonna split into 4 teams of 2, it was another non-elimination round Episode 23: Super Stars in a Saga on the Ultra Showdown Challenge: (same as last challenge :1) Eliminated: Alejandro (8th) (Owen's Choice) Reason: Owen didn't get a chance to stand him, Chris announced that the winner will vote on the rest of the other characters, Mal laughed in the confessional about Alejandro being eliminated (Villain of the Season) Episode 24: Hide and be more sneaky Challenge: same as tdi episode 17) Eliminated: Scott & Gwen (7th/6th) Reason: Anne Maria didn't wanted Scott and Gwen to stay much longer (Anti-Villain and Anti-Hero of the Season) Episode 25: Dodgebrawlers Challenge: same as tdi episode 4, but different Eliminated: Anne Maria (Quit) (5th) Reason: She was bored on this game, she decide to quit the game (Anti-Hero of the Season) Episode 26: Chocolate Survival Challenge: The contestants going to the chocolate factory for their challenge Eliminated: No One Reason: Owen ate the most chocolates on the challenge and won immunity Episode 27: Break Back Mountain Challenge: same as pahkitew 11 Eliminated: No One Reason: Chris announced that the first camper to get to the top of the mountain would win immunity Episode 28: The Bold and the Booty-ful Eliminated: Zoey & Mike (Mal) (4th/3rd) Reason: Leshawna won the challenge and Zoey was last and, she decide to bring Owen to the finals Episode 29: The Final Wreck-ening (Part 1) Leshawna gets Harold, Sierra, Gwen, Scott, Sam, Dakota, Lightning, Cody, Justin, Anne Maria, Trent, Staci Owen gets Mike, Zoey, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Brick, Dawn, Lindsay, B, Cameron, Jo, Alejandro Episode 30: The Final Wreck-ening (Part 2) Leshawna wins Total Drama All Stars!!! Owen is Runner-Up *Alternative Ending* Owen wins Total Drama All Stars!!! Leshawna gets Runner-Up Placements 26. Staci (Caused the Defeat) 25. Lightning (Caused the Defeat) 24. Justin 23. Jo 22. Heather (Because of Alejandro) 21. Sierra 20. Cameron (Because of Scott) 19. Duncan (Disqualified) 18. Dakota 17. Trent 16. Sam 15. B (Because of Scott) 14. Lindsay (Because of Alejandro) 13. Harold (Because of Alejandro) *MERGE* 12. Brick (Secondary Hero) (Eliminated in Auto Elimination Round) 11/10. Cody/Dawn (Because of Alejandro) 9. Courtney (Because of Alejandro) 8. Alejandro (Villain) (Because of Owen) 7/6. Scott/Gwen (Anti-Villain and Anti-Hero) 5. Anne Maria (Quit) (Anti-Hero) 4/3. Zoey/Mike (Mal (Villain)) 2. Owen (Runner-Up) (Hero) 1. Leshawna (Winner) or 2. Leshawna (Runner-Up) 1. Owen (Hero) (Winner) That's all... U.U
Finally a season where izzy can shine a little
This honestly amazing, well done Lauryn!
Supposedly, the main reason why Owen was cut from TD All Stars was bc he was supposed to be eliminated 1st, but the writers ig didn’t want to “ruin” his character so they got ride of him and instead decided to “ruin” Lindsays character instead. I am curious to know some other people’s opinions on this. Would u of preferred Owen to be in All Stars, even if he was eliminated first, or would u keep it the same way with Lindsay being eliminated first. Let me know what y’all think of this?
PS, great video, not exactly how I would of done All Stars, I would of preferred to see a Leshawna VS Scott finale, but either way good job!!
Perfect cast but i adding Mike Sam and sierra the teams are the Heroes "Mike, Zoey, Cody, Cameron, Owen, Down, Sam, Courtney, Gwen, Lindsay, Tyler, Sierra, Leshawna, Izzy, and Brick" and the Villanis are Heather, Duncan,Lighting,jo, Scott, Anne-Maria, Justin, Dakota,Noah,Ezekieal,Eva,Blaineley,Harold,Staci and Alejandro
I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS. THE 2 I WAS ROOTING FOR WON AHHAHAHAHA. I loved every character (except Scott I hate him), and these ar only things I was sad abt: (spoilers)
I’m so sad courtney didn’t win, but I loved all the final 3 so it’s ok. Sad anne Maria got out earlier than I would have liked, sad Lindsay got out, but she got screen time, and that’s it. It was an amazing season and I love both brick and leshawna so much, both top 5 for me so I’m happy to see what happens
Izzy ain’t a villain but I can see chef convincing Chris to put her there
This looks like a really wonderfull season!!!
My way
17: Cameron
16: lighting
15: Anne Maria
14: Jo
11: Tyler (injured)
10: Alejandro
Remaining campers
Gwen leshawna Lindsay dawn Zoey Izzy heather Duncan Courtney
Immune: Courtney
9: heather
Immune : Izzy
Voted : Duncan
8: Zoey
Immune : leshawna
7: Gwen
Immune: Izzy
6: Duncan
Immune: Lindsay
5: leshawna
Immune :dawn
4: Courtney
Immune : Izzy
3: dawn
Final 2
Izzy Vs Lindsay
Winner is...........
Cool finale! But you eliminated every roti character besides Dawn pre-merge
Where's Brick
In the real Total Drama All-Stars with 26 episodes, I still think Lindsay would be voted out first in the second episode. Do you think that's true?
love this smmm
Tbh if they were doing a season like All-Stars with only 13 episodes, it would've been fine with me. But with contestants like Sierra and Sam in such a short All-Stars season, idk what they thought
Brick and izzy could have replaced them
Or they could have used them as the first 2 boots
Does anyone know the songs for the episodes 18 to 22?
It’s called “Don’t stop me now” by Queen :D
@@LaurynETN A year late but thanks
My eliminations as 30th sierra 29th Lighting 28th Heather 27th Blaineley (Cameron joins Villanous voultres) 26th Alejandro 25th Brick 24th Harold
Congratulations on 1K! 🥳
Over all a great all stars season except it’s a little unbalanced
11 girls and 7 guys
12 gen 1 and 5 gen 2
I’m not sure about that here is how I would even it out
Heroes: Villains:
Cody. DJ. Lightning. Scott
Zoey.Lindsay. Heather Anne Maria
Courtney. Mike. Duncan. Jo
LeShawna. Sierra Gwen. Izzy.
Dawn. Brick. Alejandro. Owen
That way it’s
10 boys-10 girls (u counted jo as a boy so really it’s 9-11)
8 gen2-12 gen 1
I would eliminate them in the following order(I will not be mentioning story plot)
Villains lose
2-3-5 vote
20th Anne maria
Villains lose
19th Lightning
Dawn and Duncan swap teams
Heroes lose
18th Lindsay
Villains lose
17th Dawn
Full team swap Cameron joins the competition
Team island: Duncan. Heather. Courtney. Gwen. Owen. . Leshawna. Izzy. DJ.
Team revenge: Zoey. Mike. Scott. Sierra. Alejandro. Brick. . Cody. Jo. Cameron
Island loses
16th LeShawna
Island loses
15th Izzy
Revenge loses
14th Cody
Island loses
13th Heather
Revenge loses
12th Brick
Island loses
11th Owen
Alejandro. Mike. Sierra. Zoey. DJ. Scott. Gwen. Cameron. Courtney. Jo. Duncan
Immunity Zoey
10th Duncan
Immunity Mike
9th Jo
Immunity Zoey
8th Alejandro
Immunity Gwen
7th DJ
Immunity Zoey
6th Cameron
GWEN. ZOEY. COURTNEY. SCOTT. ZOEY (yes I made it the same as the canonic all stars)
Immunity Gwen
5th Scott
Immunity mike
4th Courtney
Immunity mike
3rd Courtney
Vote & why on my Animal Competition?
Episode 1
No elimation
Epsiode 2
Epsiode 3
Votes:Beth,Cameron, Cameron,Cameron,Beth,Cameron,cameron,Cameron
Epsiode 4
No elimation
Episode 5
Episode 6
Epsiode 7
No elimation
Epsiode 8
No elimation
Episode 9
Epsiode 10
Epsiode 11
Epsiode 12
11/10:Izzy and heather
Epsiode 13
No elimation
Epsiode 14
Now elimation
Epsiode 15
Rejoin:Cody on heroes
Immune Cody
Epsiode 16
Epsiode 17
Immune:Duncan and leshawna
Cody used an immune idol
Epsiode 18
Immune:Scott and Cody
Epsiode 19
Epsiode 20
No elimation
Epsiode 21
Immune:Gwen and Scott
Epsiode 22
4/3:Gwen and Zoey
Epsiode 23
Runner up:Duncan
i would of added mike for heros and scott and ether noah, harold or justin on villains to even out the gender ratio and teams
oh scott debuted, idk why you didn't just have him be in from the start but hey this isn't my video
Harold doesn't really feel like a villain due to all of his heroic deeds and traits he did in his time on the show, he literally saved people's lives and is apparantly a licensed paramedic.
YASSS MY QUEEN LESHAWNA WON! (sorry for all caps)
my 3 problems with this are izzy tyler and cody: nothing wrong with these characters i just don't consider them all stars
How did you make the squares for this? Tell me
I just took screenshots from some of my fave moments with the characters and cropped them into squares :))
@@LaurynETNshow a video on how to cropped the Squares?
@@fallshello65 I use picsart! I barely have time to make a normal video, never mind a tutorial 😂😂
My way
With my cast!
The hero’s:Cody Sierra Bridgette Owen Gwen Zoey Leshawna Lindsay Cameron Dawn
The villains:Duncan Scott Courtney Jo Lighting Alejandro Heather Anne Maria Eva Izzy
Episode 1
The villains lose
20:Lighting(he was very dumb and wasn’t really helpful during the challenge so he got eliminated)
Episode 2
The hero’s lose
19:Owen(he didn’t help his team a lot causing him to be eliminated)
Episode 3
Villains lose
18:Izzy(would have been her but it was a no -elimination round)
No elimination
Episode 4
Villains lose
18:Jo(all she did was fight with heather)
Courtney finds the immunity idol
Courtney forms a alliance with Duncan heather and Scott to get out Alejandro
Episode 5
Hero’s lose
17:Gwen(dawn got a bird to rig the votes so that she could stay)
Episode 6
Villains lose
Alejandro uses immunity idol
16:Heather(she got eliminated because she got the second most votes(
Episode 7
Hero’s lose
Villains choose someone on their team to be eliminated
15:Cameron(he was so smart that it could be dangerous)
Episode 8
Hero’s lose
Episode 9
14:Lindsay(she already was in a finale in total drama action my way and didn’t help that much)
Episode 10
Villains lose
13/12:Alejandro and Anne Maria(Anne Maria was kind of a jerk and Duncan was a threat)
Episode 11
Villains lose
11:Duncan(he was a psychical threat which would be dangerous in the merge)
Episode 12
Zoey becomes commando
Zoey wins invincibility
10:Dawn(some people saw her as weird due to being able to read auras)
Episode 13
Reward challenge
Izzy wins the reward the reward is invincibility until the final 7
Episode 14
Courtney and Zoey win invincibility
9/8:Cody And Sierra(Sierra was kinda crazy and since Sierra helped cody a lot both of them saw them as a threat sowhen Chris said they can vote two people that’s who they vote)
Episode 15
Izzy and Courtney form a alliance even though Izzy thinks of betraying her
Episode 16
During the challenge Izzy set up traps for Courtney
7:Scott(he couldn’t finish the auto-elimination challenge)
Episode 17
Reward challenge
Leshawna wins a immunity idol
Episode 18
Courtney wins invincibility
6:Anne maria(she was a jerk)
Episode 19
Izzy wins invincibility
5:Eva(she was a psychical threat chasing her to be eliminated)
Episode 20
Bridgette wins invincibility
4:Courtney(at this point no one liked Courtney)
Izzy Vs Leshawna Vs Bridgette
Whoever finishes the race across the whole island first wins
Izzy wins invincibility
Izzy picks Bridgette to bring to the final 2
3:Leshawna(she played a great game but wasn’t picked to be in the final 2)
Episode 21 finale
Izzy’s helpers:Owen Courtney
Bridgette’s helpers:Zoey Duncan
And the winner is…
ETN S2 pls
Where's Brick?
Where is brick?!?! Edit; I found him
Go dawn and cody
İ font like it
Izzy is not a villain
Not exactly a hero either
Izzy was a Villain ? SHE WAS NOT EVIL
Shes not exactly a hero either. Didn't know where to put her but based on previous actions I placed her on villains
Why doing Izzy The Villain of the season?
And Shes Is not exactly Villain either. Didn't know wehere to put Her but based on previus actions i placed her on the Heroes or on the Neutrals
@@niccolofedele2594because she was crazy i think.
I remake All Stars
22 Leshawna
21 Lighting
20 Jo
19 Anne-Marie
18 Brick
19 Heather
18 Owen
17 Justin
16 Dawn
15 Lindsay
14 Scott
13/12 Duncan/Tyler
11 Alejandro
10 Courtney
9 Blaineley
8 Cameron
5 Cody
4 Gwen
3 Izzy
2 Mike/Mal
1 Zoey
Mine my cast will be with 30 episodes (sorry I'm not actually using 26 that much but i added 4 more episodes to have 30 episodes instead)
A cast with 26 from OG and new characters
TDWT: Owen, Lindsay, Leshawna, Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Duncan, Cody, Sierra, Alejandro, Justin, Trent, Harold
TDROTI: Zoey, Mike, Cameron, Anne Maria, Scott, Jo, Lightning, Brick, Dawn, B, Sam, Dakota, Staci
Episode 1: Originals Vs. Newbies (Part 1)
Reason: Chris announced that the campers will compete for a Season 5
Episode 2: Originals Vs. Newbies (Part 2)
Eliminated: Staci (26th)
Reason: She annoyed all of her team members for her talking
Episode 3: Evil Dread
Eliminated: Lightning (25th)
Reason: He did not got the pieces correctly, and everyone voted him off
Episode 4: Saving Private Leechball
Eliminated: Justin (24th)
Reason: He should have ducked from the Leechball to avoid, but he didn't actually win the challenge for his team
Episode 5: Food Fright
Eliminated: No One
Reason: Chris announced the teams to do a eating contest, and it was a reward challenge
Episode 6: Moon Madness
Eliminated: Jo (23rd)
Reason: Heather sabotaged her team to lose the challenge, everyone voted for Jo
Episode 7: No One Eggspects
Eliminated: Heather (22nd)
Reason: Alejandro found out that Heather hided the immunity idol on the rock, then Heather leave, Alejandro sneaked to the rock to steal Heather's immunity idol, Mike starts to become Mal
Episode 8: Suckers Punched
Eliminated: Sierra (21st)
Reason: She was almost trying to save Cody's life, but then she lost the challenge, Cody felt bad for her to go
Episode 9: Arting isn't Actually Everything at all
Challenge: Make a painting of Chris, Owen found a paper with paintbrushes and color buckets, Zoey also founds the same as Owen, they were have to find some sticks for a paintbrush, after all, Chris rates the paintings on the teams.
Eliminated: Cameron (20th)
Reason: He got lost to find sticks for a paintbrush, but after all, Scott wanted everyone to vote Cameron out
Episode 10: You Regatta Be Kidding Me
Eliminated: Duncan (19th) (Arrested)
Reason: He got arrested because he blew up Chris's cottage for a reason, after Chris make Duncan go in prison
Episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find
Eliminated: Dakota (18th)
Reason: She wasn't that helpful in the challenge, Sam wanted her to be careful to not get injured or something
Episode 12: The Obsta-Kill Kourse
Eliminated: Trent (17th)
Reason: Alejandro rigged the votes to eliminate Trent for no reason
Episode 13: If you look the Arrows, it goes to the other side!
Challenge: Find a way to exit the maze for finding clues
Eliminated: Sam (16th)
Reason: He wanted to eliminate himself to be with Dakota again
Episode 14: Milkshake Maker
Challenge: Make a Milkshake with a different flavour you want
Eliminated: B (15th)
Reason: Scott think that B sabotaged the challenge, and he got eliminated
Episode 15: Sunblocks to the Sun
Challenge: Chris wants everyone to collect any Sunblocks to their box, they have 10 Minutes to find
Eliminated: Alejandro, but... uses Immunity Idol, Lindsay (14th)
Reason: even though Alejandro was going home, he's the only one who voted Lindsay off
Episode 16: Go-Kart Mayhem!
Challenge: Get to the karts to do a race
Eliminated: Harold (13th)
Reason: Alejandro sabotaged his kart from the race, Leshawna was shocked that Alejandro sabotaged him, and he made everyone to vote him
Episode 17: The Emerald Chaos-Mayhem
Challenge: Get to the cave, find a different way to escape the cave, there are more places in there (like pahkitew island episode 7, ngl)
Eliminated: No One
Reason: Leshawna was furious at Alejandro for eliminating Harold, so Chris announced that was a no vote
Episode 18: Avoid the Colors
Challenge: Everyone made it to the merge, so they can't their colors and here's the list
Owen can't touch Red, Leshawna can't touch Green
Alejandro can't touch Blue, Gwen can't touch Yellow
Courtney can't touch Purple, Cody can't touch Orange
Zoey can't touch White, Mike (Mal) can't touch Brown
Anne Maria can't touch Cyan, Scott can't touch Black
Brick can't touch Lime, Dawn can't touch Pink
If they touch their color, they lose a item, they have 3 items
Eliminated: Brick (12th)
Reason: it was an auto Elimination round so he was last
(Secondary Hero of the Season)
Episode 19: Unbelievable Non-Objective Notice
Challenge: the contestants have to find a way to get out of the Spa Hotel as their challenge
Eliminated: Cody & Dawn (11th/10th) *DOUBLE ELIMINATION*
Reason: They both didn't finish the challenge yet, but Alejandro sabotaged them, Mal tries to find a way to eliminate Alejandro
Episode 20: Sundae Muddy Sundae
Eliminated: Courtney (9th) (Because of Alejandro)
Reason: He sabotaged her ice cream, and Scott felt confused
Episode 21: Males vs. Females
Eliminated: No One
Reason: like tdi episode 14, they doing eating contest on the Spa Hotel instead, a team must finish, there are 5 rounds
Episode 22: Four Pairs, Four Challenges
Challenge: the contestants split into 4 teams of 2, here they are
Group 1 - Zoey and Mike (Mal)
-Stop the chaos on the cave-
Group 2 - Owen and Alejandro
-Stop the chaos on the mountains-
Group 3 - Gwen and Scott
-Stop the chaos on the other side-
Group 4 - Anne Maria and Leshawna
-Stop the chaos on the ocean
Eliminated: No One (Again) *help I'm running out of ideas*
Reason: Chris announced that they are gonna split into 4 teams of 2, it was another non-elimination round
Episode 23: Super Stars in a Saga on the Ultra Showdown
Challenge: (same as last challenge :1)
Eliminated: Alejandro (8th) (Owen's Choice)
Reason: Owen didn't get a chance to stand him, Chris announced that the winner will vote on the rest of the other characters, Mal laughed in the confessional about Alejandro being eliminated
(Villain of the Season)
Episode 24: Hide and be more sneaky
Challenge: same as tdi episode 17)
Eliminated: Scott & Gwen (7th/6th)
Reason: Anne Maria didn't wanted Scott and Gwen to stay much longer
(Anti-Villain and Anti-Hero of the Season)
Episode 25: Dodgebrawlers
Challenge: same as tdi episode 4, but different
Eliminated: Anne Maria (Quit) (5th)
Reason: She was bored on this game, she decide to quit the game
(Anti-Hero of the Season)
Episode 26: Chocolate Survival
Challenge: The contestants going to the chocolate factory for their challenge
Eliminated: No One
Reason: Owen ate the most chocolates on the challenge and won immunity
Episode 27: Break Back Mountain
Challenge: same as pahkitew 11
Eliminated: No One
Reason: Chris announced that the first camper to get to the top of the mountain would win immunity
Episode 28: The Bold and the Booty-ful
Eliminated: Zoey & Mike (Mal) (4th/3rd)
Reason: Leshawna won the challenge and Zoey was last and, she decide to bring Owen to the finals
Episode 29: The Final Wreck-ening (Part 1)
Leshawna gets Harold, Sierra, Gwen, Scott, Sam, Dakota, Lightning, Cody, Justin, Anne Maria, Trent, Staci
Owen gets Mike, Zoey, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Brick, Dawn, Lindsay, B, Cameron, Jo, Alejandro
Episode 30: The Final Wreck-ening (Part 2)
Leshawna wins Total Drama All Stars!!!
Owen is Runner-Up
*Alternative Ending*
Owen wins Total Drama All Stars!!!
Leshawna gets Runner-Up
26. Staci (Caused the Defeat)
25. Lightning (Caused the Defeat)
24. Justin
23. Jo
22. Heather (Because of Alejandro)
21. Sierra
20. Cameron (Because of Scott)
19. Duncan (Disqualified)
18. Dakota
17. Trent
16. Sam
15. B (Because of Scott)
14. Lindsay (Because of Alejandro)
13. Harold (Because of Alejandro)
12. Brick (Secondary Hero) (Eliminated in Auto Elimination Round)
11/10. Cody/Dawn (Because of Alejandro)
9. Courtney (Because of Alejandro)
8. Alejandro (Villain) (Because of Owen)
7/6. Scott/Gwen (Anti-Villain and Anti-Hero)
5. Anne Maria (Quit) (Anti-Hero)
4/3. Zoey/Mike (Mal (Villain))
2. Owen (Runner-Up) (Hero) 1. Leshawna (Winner)
2. Leshawna (Runner-Up) 1. Owen (Hero) (Winner)
That's all... U.U
cody is not an all star
Cody came 3rd in world tour-
@@RemoteEpic Due to Sierra-
She should've been in this season imo
Ah yes Leshawna vs Brick is an iconic final 2
The elimination order is great