I am from Bangladesh. And i have something to say, before august 5th, our previous illegal govt. Hasina regime did all kinds of killings, crackdowns, human right violation, every violence you can think of and every violence you can NOT think of, they did all the crimes. The govt was a total dictator and a puppet government to India. I'm aware that the people of Korea are peace loving people and un-aware of something like India's "Akhand Bharat" plan. A plan to eradicate all religious even atheist people Except Hindus and slowly taking over or invade regions of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan. By spreading this kind of propaganda on twitter and elsewhere, they tend to want to justify their invasion or immediate intervention in Bangladesh since their puppet govt is taken down. Most of the photos and videos shown and claimed that Hindus are under attack is fake or taken years before, some are not even in Bangladesh, some are not even religious attacks and most of it aren't even attacks on Hindus. This expected propaganda swarm was expected and pre planned by Indian intelligence and Hasina regime to 1.Make Hasina seem like the better one 2.Make the Indian people want to Intervene and invade by pressuring on the army 3. Create chaos inside Bangladesh and many more. My comment is getting to long but my point is all the propaganda the Indian Hindu extremists are spreading is for their selfish cause, also I am glad that while most of the Indian people are spreading hates like they always do, some Indians are smart enough not to listen to this propaganda and i also think that Indian army is smart because they fact check before doing something as they are not listening to this. Please do your own research, we need your support and the world's support in a time like this and i think you all will help us by researching a bit more. Thank you. Khamsagmmida
총리를 왜 지지했냐고 물었다면 종교적 이유 맞는데요. 위에서와 같이 힌두교도를 왜 핍박하냐고 물으면 정치적인거죠. 헷깔리면 저기에 힌두교 대신 다른 종교나 소수민족을 넣어도 같은 결과값을 얻게될거란 예상이 가능하죠. 그리고 회적 파장이 큰 사건이 벌어지면 그 사건을 명확히 규정하는게 사회적 문제를 해결하는 차원에서는 중요하죠. 그걸 명확히 종교 분쟁이 아닌 정치적 보복으로 규정한거죠. 한국이면 여성 혐오 범죄냐 아니냐 미국이면 인종 차별 범죄냐 아니냐를 구분하고 그에 따른 사회적 파장이 다름.
India is very upset because of the resignation of Hasina, President of Bangladesh, since India has been exploiting Bangladesh since independence and now they cannot exploit Bangladesh's resources, so he is creating sedition in order to cause problems. Hindus are safe in Bangladesh. Muslims in India are the ones who are not safe. Even before yesterday, India opened the gates of the rivers. In order to destroy Bangladesh and currently 200,000 families are homeless because of the Hindus
I am from Bangladesh. And i have something to say, before august 5th, our previous illegal govt. Hasina regime did all kinds of killings, crackdowns, human right violation, every violence you can think of and every violence you can NOT think of, they did all the crimes. The govt was a total dictator and a puppet government to India. I'm aware that the people of Korea are peace loving people and un-aware of something like India's "Akhand Bharat" plan. A plan to eradicate all religious even atheist people Except Hindus and slowly taking over or invade regions of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan.
By spreading this kind of propaganda on twitter and elsewhere, they tend to want to justify their invasion or immediate intervention in Bangladesh since their puppet govt is taken down. Most of the photos and videos shown and claimed that Hindus are under attack is fake or taken years before, some are not even in Bangladesh, some are not even religious attacks and most of it aren't even attacks on Hindus. This expected propaganda swarm was expected and pre planned by Indian intelligence and Hasina regime to 1.Make Hasina seem like the better one 2.Make the Indian people want to Intervene and invade by pressuring on the army 3. Create chaos inside Bangladesh and many more. My comment is getting to long but my point is all the propaganda the Indian Hindu extremists are spreading is for their selfish cause, also I am glad that while most of the Indian people are spreading hates like they always do, some Indians are smart enough not to listen to this propaganda and i also think that Indian army is smart because they fact check before doing something as they are not listening to this.
Please do your own research, we need your support and the world's support in a time like this and i think you all will help us by researching a bit more. Thank you. Khamsagmmida
你们的国家还会乱 这种乱会持续 导致经济倒退 没有经过系统学习政治的无知学生
종교를 내세워 나라를 운영하면 망할 수 밖에 없다는 대표적인 사례군요. 하긴 이란이 먼저 폭망하긴 했었죠 ㅋ
힌두교인들이 하시나를 지지했던게 종교적 우호정책 때문인데 그 지지에 대한 보복이 종교적 이유가 아닐 수 있나?
순전히 정치적 이유라고 해도 가해자는 전부 이슬람 피해자는 전부 힌두교인데 종교적인게 아니야? 정치적 이유면 시민들이 보복 받아도 어느정도 괜찮다는 뉘앙스네
총리를 왜 지지했냐고 물었다면 종교적 이유 맞는데요. 위에서와 같이 힌두교도를 왜 핍박하냐고 물으면 정치적인거죠. 헷깔리면 저기에 힌두교 대신 다른 종교나 소수민족을 넣어도 같은 결과값을 얻게될거란 예상이 가능하죠. 그리고 회적 파장이 큰 사건이 벌어지면 그 사건을 명확히 규정하는게 사회적 문제를 해결하는 차원에서는 중요하죠. 그걸 명확히 종교 분쟁이 아닌 정치적 보복으로 규정한거죠. 한국이면 여성 혐오 범죄냐 아니냐 미국이면 인종 차별 범죄냐 아니냐를 구분하고 그에 따른 사회적 파장이 다름.
우리도 종교가 정치에 참여하는 일은 결코 막아야 합니다 기독교당을 외치는 이들이 대표적이지요 전세계적으로 종교 때문에 나라 망하는 곳이 한 두군데인가요 ㅠ
종교보복은 하지말아야지....
India is very upset because of the resignation of Hasina, President of Bangladesh, since India has been exploiting Bangladesh since independence and now they cannot exploit Bangladesh's resources, so he is creating sedition in order to cause problems. Hindus are safe in Bangladesh. Muslims in India are the ones who are not safe. Even before yesterday, India opened the gates of the rivers. In order to destroy Bangladesh and currently 200,000 families are homeless because of the Hindus
이래서 종교국가는 안돼….
목표를 잃은 시위대만큼 무서운건 없지...
혁명의 성과가 저많은 시위대 전부에게 돌아가기엔 턱없이 부족하고
악마를 지지 해왔으니.... 결국 댓가를 치르는듯...........
_귀신 뜬구름 잡는 종교갈등으로 패악질 일삼는 우매한 인간(?)들_
인과응보라는 거다.
새정부가 생기면 어쩔수 없는 이념대립.. 피해는 최소화.. 빠른 정상화 되길 바랍니다.
하옇튼 후진국은 그렇게 된 이유가 있어
같이 해먹었으니 실어하지...머리가 없냐?
무슬림 힌두교 종교적 이유가 이렇게ㅇ극단적인데 한국내 이슬람사원 증가 되도록 방치해도 되는것인가?
뉴스를 보면 한국인들이 모스크 앞에서 노래를 부르고 돼지머리를 가져와서 모스크 앞에 놓고 무슬림을 공격하는 모습을 보면 한국에서는 무슬림이 위험에 처해 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 한국은 무슬림들에게 안전하지 않습니다.
propaganda news channel what a single solid proof