@@skrflybro I bought it from Daiso which is kind of one dollar shop in South Korea. They can deliver it to you if you live in South Korea. Here is the link for you below. www.daisomall.co.kr/pd/pdr/SCR_PDR_0001?pdNo=1032007&recmYn=N also another shop from Naver (Korean Google) smartstore.naver.com/glenhuntly/products/11071176010?nl-query=%EB%A7%8C%EB%91%90+%EB%B0%80%EB%8C%80&nl-ts-pid=iywtmwqVOZossFm1sR0ssssssIR-097523&NaPm=ct%3Dm36jc74w%7Cci%3D1bbc1a832a31ea71679322cb559e456ff814440d%7Ctr%3Dimg%7Csn%3D5833755%7Chk%3D2cb08d56d8665386df71e6c872eab1d5e7fca86d
또 가고 싶어지네요~
영상 잘 봤습니다..10월의 제주 날씨가 환상이였네요 ^^
그렇쵸 10월의 제주 정말 좋았어요. 😁😁😁 Ep3에선 백수한님도 간간히 등장하시지 않을까? 조심스레 예측해봅니다 ㅎㅎ 아직 영상 정리 중이라 내용이 어떤지 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎ
영상 잘 봤습니다. 행사장 까지 즐거운 여정이 보이네요
덕분에 즐거운 시간 보내고 행사장까지 무사히 도착했습니다! 😁😁😁
Can you tell me or give me a link about where you buy your backpack carrier accessories? thx.
@@skrflybro what do you mean by backpack carrier accessories?
@Byeol2TV sorry,i mean the stick on the saddle can put u giant backpack strap on it. i wanna know where to buy or u just made by uself?
@@skrflybro I bought it from Daiso which is kind of one dollar shop in South Korea. They can deliver it to you if you live in South Korea. Here is the link for you below.
also another shop from Naver (Korean Google)
@@Byeol2TV thanks for u kind,god bless u bro.
@@skrflybro my pleasure. =)