Trying Broodmother in 2024

  • Опубликовано: 17 июл 2024
  • I loved Broodmother when I first started playing Dota, I'm not good by any means, I still have less than 800 games, but I wanted to see if she was still viable in 2024, and man she did not disappoint. Definitely a strong carry, she absolutely deletes the backline, and can go toe to toe with even some of the harder carries. with 600+ right click dmg, 400-500AS at 1.4 BAT, 100%dmg lifesteal, I'll definitely be playing more of her now!
    I failed buying items in general, as it was a very fast paced match, and even in 50mins, had a lot of other things I was thinking about. I didn't know what to build on her, but Harpoon was definitely a must! I shoulda gotten Aghs Blessing for the new web traps, and idk it was my first game with her this year, but I did have 30,000 Gold unspent..
    Also I forgot to add a pic of the end score, but I went 18/11/33
    Warlock was the true Hero "STIFF LIKE THE DEER" earned that MVP ez. One of the best Warlocks I've ever played with actually.

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