Thank you so much for emphasising on to leave the reefs as they are, that 'we are here only to take pictures and leave bubbles' and 'to always be aware where your fins are' like you said. Too many people are so careless when it comes to nature and pick things up and ruin things in the surrounding, being a biology student makes me even more annoyed at careless people in nature hahah
Hello Jason thanks for the awesome informative video and also master class skills. Can I get the same effect if I don't have a strobe but I do have a powerful video lights with similar setting for ISO, shutter speed and aperture?
You can try, but the outcome will likely be less dramatic with continuous lighting. Strobes will "for now anyway" have a better ability to reach further subjects underwater. I'd try and get super close, you'll have better results that way. Happy Diving!
Lol, yes! I've been a professional diver my entire adult life. Some things that worry others are just part of the day to day in this industry:-) I don't recommend diving with leaks like the one seen in this video:-)
Great video, you have any video on using Keldan lights? Do you ever use those video lights instead of strobes for still pics? Would you have to switch from Keldan to strobes?
Hi Jay, we shot the GH5 as our chase camera for the first few episodes. After that, we sent it on it's way. The camera preformed well above water. It was also great underwater when coupled with our keldan Luna 8's. Unfortunately the camera could not capture a good ambient light white balance. As I recall, the lens was a 17mm Panasonic. Most of the time I was shooting in 10 bit 4.2.2 White balancing the camera was very easy, even though it was rarely accurate. We were able to clean up some of the color from the 10 bit files, not so much on the lower resolution files. I hope this helps:-)
Hi ixand! Firstly I'll start by saying, there are many ways to achieve this look. The key for me is in keeping the ISO as close to the native range as possible. If I stop down the camera to f8 or f11 I would need to add ISO. My Canon 5D Mark4 could certainly handle this but I prefer staying near ISO 100 if at all possible. Stopping down the camera could also, depending on the situation, cause me to need less shutter speed. This might also change the overall look and feel of the image, after all, this video is about achieving a very specific look:-)
Seems like very typical loose shots struggle to get over under the highest tide up to the shallow surface of the ocean depth unlike the ones with sting jays most beatiful virgin clear water. Unfortunately the high tide said no first and stalking these beautiful animals is unwanted, of course it is you who know the best even better than myself if it has been watched.
Thank you so much for emphasising on to leave the reefs as they are, that 'we are here only to take pictures and leave bubbles' and 'to always be aware where your fins are' like you said. Too many people are so careless when it comes to nature and pick things up and ruin things in the surrounding, being a biology student makes me even more annoyed at careless people in nature hahah
Hello Jason thanks for the awesome informative video and also master class skills. Can I get the same effect if I don't have a strobe but I do have a powerful video lights with similar setting for ISO, shutter speed and aperture?
You can try, but the outcome will likely be less dramatic with continuous lighting. Strobes will "for now anyway" have a better ability to reach further subjects underwater. I'd try and get super close, you'll have better results that way. Happy Diving!
what about your leaky 0 ring, any noise from that?
Lol, yes! I've been a professional diver my entire adult life. Some things that worry others are just part of the day to day in this industry:-) I don't recommend diving with leaks like the one seen in this video:-)
@@CaymanJason Quite interesting) Maybe some post about this sometime...))
check your equipment!! 1st stage.I'm sure you got some comments on this issue..Thank you your video helps me a lot for the purpose of setup
Little bubbles, little troubles!
Great video, you have any video on using Keldan lights? Do you ever use those video lights instead of strobes for still pics? Would you have to switch from Keldan to strobes?
Great video thanks!!
gd details jason, thanks
thank you, next time i visit will contact you
Can you tell us how the video of you was taken with the GH5? What camera settings, what lens, what white balance?
Hi Jay, we shot the GH5 as our chase camera for the first few episodes. After that, we sent it on it's way. The camera preformed well above water. It was also great underwater when coupled with our keldan Luna 8's. Unfortunately the camera could not capture a good ambient light white balance. As I recall, the lens was a 17mm Panasonic. Most of the time I was shooting in 10 bit 4.2.2
White balancing the camera was very easy, even though it was rarely accurate. We were able to clean up some of the color from the 10 bit files, not so much on the lower resolution files. I hope this helps:-)
great photo ,i see that your first stage is leaking near bottle check you loosing dive time lol
Little bubbles little troubles:-)
Why not closing down the aperture like f/8-11?
Hi ixand! Firstly I'll start by saying, there are many ways to achieve this look. The key for me is in keeping the ISO as close to the native range as possible. If I stop down the camera to f8 or f11 I would need to add ISO. My Canon 5D Mark4 could certainly handle this but I prefer staying near ISO 100 if at all possible. Stopping down the camera could also, depending on the situation, cause me to need less shutter speed. This might also change the overall look and feel of the image, after all, this video is about achieving a very specific look:-)
CaymanJason CaymanJason cleary noted, but somehow the f/4.5 DoF quite sharp across the frame just only in corner but i think its because of the dome
Seems like very typical loose shots struggle to get over under the highest tide up to the shallow surface of the ocean depth unlike the ones with sting jays most beatiful virgin clear water. Unfortunately the high tide said no first and stalking these beautiful animals is unwanted, of course it is you who know the best even better than myself if it has been watched.