Oh, great to see this. Many long-time aikidoka in the Netherlands have very fond memories of Fujita Sensei. Also, once Ken Cottier Sensei returned to the UK, I met him several times during seminars there. Two wonderful people.
After fifty years of studying Judo, Aikido, and Taichi, it is important to develope a cotton shoulder (ikyu). I saw this when I was attenting Yamaguchi Sensei class in Humbo.
Oh, great to see this. Many long-time aikidoka in the Netherlands have very fond memories of Fujita Sensei. Also, once Ken Cottier Sensei returned to the UK, I met him several times during seminars there. Two wonderful people.
I trained many years in the Netherlands. Only later i did found out that a great sensei like Fujita did teach in the Netherlands. Life is cruel. :-(
After fifty years of studying Judo, Aikido, and Taichi, it is important to develope a cotton shoulder (ikyu). I saw this when I was attenting Yamaguchi Sensei class in Humbo.
Ce stage montre l'importance du centre dans tout mouvement avec harmonie .Oss
はい、おっしゃる通りです。彼女は特徴的な声を持っています。幸いなことに、彼女の日本語はとても上手で、英語も上手です。:) 残念ながら、これらのビデオのマイクはすべてホールの後ろにありました。そのため、音質はあまり良くありませんでした。