Landyachtz Tugboat: skate session and pizza

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @florianleonhardt620
    @florianleonhardt620 7 месяцев назад

    hi there from Germany... after 20 years im back on the streets =) my 10 year old daughter wanted to learn skatebboarding but only if Dad joins the fun^^ saw your videos on the tugboat jetski and the loaded coyote and really enjoyed your type of editing and the good taste of music. Since these boards cost about the same here in Germany (between 210-230 Euro) which one whould you choose as a daily board to cruise through the city? I can´t really choose one or another cause i had no chance to try them out, so your opinion whould be such a help. Thanks for the great videos . greetz Flo (and btw, our german shepherd is 5 and is called Odin =)

    • @cristianoarcari1975
      @cristianoarcari1975 5 месяцев назад

      hi man, really simple, if you able or want make tricks go for tugboat, if you want some nice riding expirience go with coyote or ballona, cheers

  • @eBoard3R
    @eBoard3R 2 года назад +1

    🤙🏼 *Great song choice* 🤙🏼
    You considerin the Loaded Ballona? Similar size to a Dinghy.
    Video currently only available in 360p not HD 🤔

    • @MadMaxProductions-sx4hu
      @MadMaxProductions-sx4hu  2 года назад +2

      I want that one actually I just started scoping it last week. Would be a perfect comparison video

    • @eBoard3R
      @eBoard3R 2 года назад

      @@MadMaxProductions-sx4hu I'd love to put 75mm In Heat wheels on it, even though they recommend 65mm wheels. I ride tighter trucks so I reckon I should be able to. Deck only option is a great price, hard to resist! *About the same foot space as my Patheon Trip*

  • @paulsamuels5637
    @paulsamuels5637 2 года назад +3

    It’s a lot easier to slide on harder wheels. If you get frustrated master it on a harder wheel and then once you’ve mastered it go back on the 78s.
    If it’s to rough try a set of mini logo 90a they are softer but slide pretty easy. Those LY riders make it look easy but 78s are tough do feel good about your efforts.

    • @MadMaxProductions-sx4hu
      @MadMaxProductions-sx4hu  2 года назад

      Dude that’s so true, they do make it look so easy haha but thank you, I’ll definitely try harder wheels next vid! Thank you 🙏🏽

    • @jonathanh2060
      @jonathanh2060 2 года назад +1

      You're right. I've been having a tough time trying to slide on 63mm78a fatty hawgs. Any idea if the Ez hawgs 78as are better? I noticed the orange specifically is 83a. I assume the 83a would be easier to slide with

    • @paulsamuels5637
      @paulsamuels5637 2 года назад +1

      @@jonathanh2060 you’ve got to really have speed to slide any 78. Try a 90a still soft but slides easier.

    • @jonathanh2060
      @jonathanh2060 2 года назад +1

      @@paulsamuels5637 Ill try that out. Thanks for the tip!

  • @srinivasaeranki2778
    @srinivasaeranki2778 2 года назад

    How has the board been treating you so far? How much does it dampen rough terrain? Are you able to go hill bombing and on hilly surfaces with it?

  • @Thoughtfulbadger2017
    @Thoughtfulbadger2017 2 года назад

    Hey man love the vids would like to see you review Orangutang Stimulus Wheels see if they are worth it