Funny enough, despite being called Logicians, I've seen mostly Intp's loving philosophy and anime rather than math and logic-based stuff. I think more than anything we just like learning random stuff and being hipsters on that knowledge. Being the first ones to it and slowly welcoming our chosen few to know the wonderful thing we discovered like anime and mbti or whatever else we've hyper-focused on.
Agree 😅 I love watching anime and some random times a what if question will just pop up and I’ll think abt it probably for months 😂 and being interested in random stuff but then slowly lose interest in it cuz I found another interesting project or topic
I do love math and logic. I actually created my own formula for deriving to an answer but my math teacher said I should use the standard one and I said it felt easy using it and she scolded me for not following the standard.
@@salinspook3642 Yeah I had that happen too. My teacher called it "signs of cheating" if you get the right answer in a way that's not typically or that the teacher can't make sense of. I just try to follow patterns because I don't see how math is logic and in everything myself, and I can't remember those crazy steps. But I see the strange patters in answers. I wish I did get it because I've seen people use math to predict the future or do some seriously cool things and I wish I had that skill. But I think being good at math is just something that happens for people who can make sense of how it is logic, and then there's the other half that doesn't see it as logical or sees it as just some squiggles we attach a lot of meaning to, imaginary in a sense, even though it isn't exactly. We don't all really get it is all I'm trying to say. I think the mutual factor in INTP is that we all look through a lense of logic, but what logic means to us is different depending on the person and sometimes it's just stuff we thought about or learned about and we want to discuss, not anything proven or concrete either.
They were arguing whether or not this version of Sherlock was INTP or ISTP.. I think ISTP won after I made this tribute...😅Thanks for watching, though!😊
@@msucsabahmuhammadhazman1821 Actually this was when the personality database website said he was an INTP but I think he's actually an ISTP (which they have since changed to) since he doesn't have Ne anywhere but it's too late to change the AMV XD... Thanks for watching anyways! 😊
That is 100% accurate! To us actions speak louder than any pretty words can do. Also why we tend to offer advice to people even when they really only want someone to vent to. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
i like that you included Connor from D:BH. he was such a badass INTP when he turned into a deviant uhh 🛐🛐 - fellow INTJ who is an unironically INTP simp
@@altair.-.2573 at this point i will literally simp for anyone i find cool, so... but yeah the intellectual aura covered with humor and funkiness is just 😩👌
Light Yagami is actually an ENTJ so they share no cognitive functions. The author actually wrote L as an antithesis of Light. That's why he is so disheveled looking, messy, and had no clear goals in mind (except to follow cases that interested him) until Kira came along. Light actually has a goal that screams "Extraverted Thinking" to me as he essentially wants to control the entire world population. He justifies this goal with his "Introverted Intuition," which formed a conclusion that the world would be a better place without criminals. His inferior "Introverted Feeling" lead him to judge others on whether they were "good" or "bad" in a very black and white sort of way. L, on the other hand, uses his "Introverted Thinking" in order to solve the Kira case and numerous of past cases. INTPs don't particularly care about managing other people and would rather work alone on a project as they like to form conclusions from their own subjective foundation. We see this in L as he solves most cases from his past by himself and when he forms his own deduction about Light being Kira very early on despite no obvious outside evidence. I guess they are similar in that they both did what they did mainly out of boredom. They both are highly intelligent, but while L is a true prodigy, having been raised in an orphanage founded solely for gifted children, Light is just more intelligent than the small population of his high school. Hell, L beat Light at his own game even though he didn't even know the rules. I could go on but yeah... The two are very different characters with different personality types.. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
@Meraki chan like you said, you don't know cognitive functions that well. ENTJ uses Te-Ni-Se-Fi, not Te-Fi you're basically typing Light with stereotypes. learn cognitive functions and type him that way.
@Meraki chan no no you're good, i appreciate your open-mindness! if you have any questions in the future you can ask me, i'll try my best to explain. have a great day!
Thanks for watching! Ehh, I tried to be as accurate as possible but at the time there was this really close vote between ISTP and INTP for this version of Sherlock Holmes. Turns out he's actually ISTP 😅 but glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
First of all, thank you for reading this message and for this work. I have many friends of different types and Sherlock is very similar to me. Even my friends who watched the anime call me Sherlock, so either I am an ISTP or he is intp, because of the argument about that, I may need to analyze his character myself, but This is just a headache, but is there a difference? In the end, I love him for himself and not for a particular type. My admiration for him will not stop for a certain type
Hi, thank you for watching and I am glad you enjoyed the video! Sorry for the late reply but in regards to your question, I believe that in order to fully understand the differences between not only INTP and ISTP but among any other types, you must learn about cognitive functions first. I think this video:видео.html does a great job of explaining the basics of the functions and better than if I were to type the explanations here. So now that you know the basics, the next is to lay out the cognitive functions for ISTP versus INTP: INTP Dominant Cognitive Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti) Auxiliary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Tertiary Cognitive Function: Introverted Sensing (Si) Inferior Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) ISTP Dominant Cognitive Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti) Auxiliary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se) Tertiary Cognitive Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni) Inferior Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Notice how the dominant and inferior cognitive functions are shared. I like to think of the auxiliary as the "means" and the dominant as the "ends." The tertiary, as the video stated, is almost or as important as the auxiliary function while the inferior function is underdeveloped and often suppressed (but comes out when one is stressed). Both INTPs and ISTPs have underdeveloped Fe which means they tend to be very straightforward and blunt which may come out as harsh to others as times. They both have difficulty reading "the mood of the room" and often struggle to pick up on emotional cues from others. Both INTPs and ISTPs lead with Introverted Thinking which allows them to take any single problem internally and "poke at it" from all different angles, coming up with a solution to said problems through their own subjective foundation. This makes them great at solving complex problems and even crimes. Remember how I said that the auxiliary function is the "means?" In order for Introverted Thinking to work, data must first be gathered. While INTPs use Extraverted Intuition to take in information, ISTPs use Extraverted Sensing. Extraverted Intuition has to do with not only processing outer data but also "reading between the lines" and branching new possibilities from those stimuli. Extraverted Sensing, on the other hand, is more straightforward and just takes in the physical data without any further interpretations. The tertiary function is what I like to think of as a "checklist." After the "means" has been used to achieve the "ends," the individual will then check with their tertiary to make sure everything is in order. For instance, INTPs will use Introverted Sensing to make sure the solution they came up is consistent with details that they gathered in their past while ISTPs will use Introverted Intuition to make sure that their solution matches up with the patterns they've recognized before. I hope this helps you in typing yourself!
@@riddletonian1236 First of all, thank you for your detailed comment. No need to apologize for the delay. I understand how busy one can be. I agree that to understand something you have to look from the roots, types are not just letters it's much deeper that can be used to understand those close to you and who you want to understand and even to understand yourself, for Sherlock I understand him really but the information I have about typed is not much to determine if it is intp or istp I will search more and start from jobs, keep up your good work
It's hard to fit in every single character but I'll be sure to make a part 2 once I'm done with the rest of the MBTI series. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
Yes, to the best of my knowledge, other than that version of Sherlock Holmes. He's ISTP but at the time I made this AMV, there was a huge debate on the personality database whether he was INTP or ISTP. Thanks for watching btw!😊
According to the personality database, he's an INTP. I think "Jam" did a good job explaining it here: Thanks for watching btw! 😊
Yes, at the time when this video was made, the personality database had "INTP" as his type. I will try to remake this video in the future but for now I need to finish the series. Thanks for watching btw!
At the time this video was made, I had not watched Hunter X Hunter yet. Also, I do my best to incorporate a lot of characters into one video but of course it's impossible to fit every single one of them. Thanks for watching anyways and I hope you enjoyed the video regardless! 😊
Goes the other way around too I think. My best friend is infp, my partner enfp. The people I like the most are always these too types. Btw you like mochi? It's actually easy to make (yes I researched it)
Yes, there was an argument about whether this version of him was INTP or ISTP on the personality database. When I made this video, he was INTP because people voted him that just because most of the other versions of him were INTPs. It's too late to change this video now but I will make sure to include him in a future ISTP video! Thanks for watching btw! 😊
This Sherlock is actually ISTP but yeah... When I made this video, the votes on the personality database was very close between ISTP and INTP. I believe he's one of them because his Introverted Thinking is definitely dominant. Thanks for watching btw!
Funny enough, despite being called Logicians, I've seen mostly Intp's loving philosophy and anime rather than math and logic-based stuff. I think more than anything we just like learning random stuff and being hipsters on that knowledge. Being the first ones to it and slowly welcoming our chosen few to know the wonderful thing we discovered like anime and mbti or whatever else we've hyper-focused on.
Agree 😅 I love watching anime and some random times a what if question will just pop up and I’ll think abt it probably for months 😂 and being interested in random stuff but then slowly lose interest in it cuz I found another interesting project or topic
@@sleepysnout5303 XD We are the introverted adhd and anxiety type lol
I do love math and logic. I actually created my own formula for deriving to an answer but my math teacher said I should use the standard one and I said it felt easy using it and she scolded me for not following the standard.
@@salinspook3642 Yeah I had that happen too. My teacher called it "signs of cheating" if you get the right answer in a way that's not typically or that the teacher can't make sense of. I just try to follow patterns because I don't see how math is logic and in everything myself, and I can't remember those crazy steps. But I see the strange patters in answers. I wish I did get it because I've seen people use math to predict the future or do some seriously cool things and I wish I had that skill.
But I think being good at math is just something that happens for people who can make sense of how it is logic, and then there's the other half that doesn't see it as logical or sees it as just some squiggles we attach a lot of meaning to, imaginary in a sense, even though it isn't exactly. We don't all really get it is all I'm trying to say. I think the mutual factor in INTP is that we all look through a lense of logic, but what logic means to us is different depending on the person and sometimes it's just stuff we thought about or learned about and we want to discuss, not anything proven or concrete either.
Yeah, I personally hate math with all my soul, but I love philosophy and debating..
I love my fellow INTPs and I love anime couldn't ask for anything better than this
Thanks for watching and glad you liked the video! 😊
I saw Sherlock Holmes from Moriarty the Patriot, I click. Also cuz I'm INTP lol
They were arguing whether or not this version of Sherlock was INTP or ISTP.. I think ISTP won after I made this tribute...😅Thanks for watching, though!😊
@@riddletonian1236 do you think that this version of sherlock is an intp?
@@msucsabahmuhammadhazman1821 Actually this was when the personality database website said he was an INTP but I think he's actually an ISTP (which they have since changed to) since he doesn't have Ne anywhere but it's too late to change the AMV XD... Thanks for watching anyways! 😊
@@riddletonian1236 Oh i see.Thank you
@@riddletonian1236 why do you think he is an istp?
We are that level twisted where even MBTI. Personality can't define how we truly are
Aw thanks. I feel powerful
Thanks for watching! 😊 Glad you liked it!
Im a female intp...this is great
Thanks for watching and I'm glad you liked the video! 😊
me too lol
Amii 💜
@@amibts3899 yo
Me too 😩😩💗
so this actually explain why I can relate to saiki really well lol
Thanks for watching! 😊
Lmao same
Agreed lol
MACHI IS ALSO AN INTP??? I DIDNT KNOW OMG that explains why i relate to her so so much now,, it’s bcs we’re both intps jskdjskdj
Thanks for watching! And I relate to her too even though I'm INTJ and we share no cognitive functions 🤣
I think (imagine) therefore I am. As an intp I agree with this mantra.
Thinkers be like: Don't apologize to me, fix the problem.
Just something that popped into my head.
That is 100% accurate! To us actions speak louder than any pretty words can do. Also why we tend to offer advice to people even when they really only want someone to vent to. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
@@riddletonian1236 So you are also intp, cool
@@ACE77441 Actually was replying as a Thinker. I'm an INTJ but you INTPs are pretty cool 😊
Good to have these videos, my God complex is not gonna fuel itself
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
i like that you included Connor from D:BH.
he was such a badass INTP when he turned into a deviant uhh 🛐🛐
- fellow INTJ who is an unironically INTP simp
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video! Yeah, Connor is awesome! 😆
Wait I am an INTJ simp..
Are you thinking what I am thinking ?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why simp for us? What picks your interest?
@@altair.-.2573 at this point i will literally simp for anyone i find cool, so...
but yeah the intellectual aura covered with humor and funkiness is just 😩👌
@@chaotichomie 😂😂😅
Thank you for this video -INTP
Thank you for watching and glad you enjoyed it!😊
guys we have saiki we won
Thanks for watching! 😊
I overthink, therefore I (am not altogether here.)
Thanks for watching, guys! 😊
here once again to feed my ego, works like a charm.
Thank you for this tribute dgfsdgsdf
Thanks for watching! 😊
Lmao Connor from Detroit: Become Human. INTPs are already jokingly called robots and now we get the literal android.
this is feeding my ego, which is a problem because it is already impressively inflated.
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
I do like directing things in an order that would play out like i thought it would be
1:05 that's literally the INTP avatar as an anime character Ö
I keep dwindling between INFP and INTP. :D
Feeling cool
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
L from death note...explains why I relate to him. But that doesn't that also make Light an intp cause he's similar to L🤔?
Light Yagami is actually an ENTJ so they share no cognitive functions. The author actually wrote L as an antithesis of Light. That's why he is so disheveled looking, messy, and had no clear goals in mind (except to follow cases that interested him) until Kira came along. Light actually has a goal that screams "Extraverted Thinking" to me as he essentially wants to control the entire world population. He justifies this goal with his "Introverted Intuition," which formed a conclusion that the world would be a better place without criminals. His inferior "Introverted Feeling" lead him to judge others on whether they were "good" or "bad" in a very black and white sort of way. L, on the other hand, uses his "Introverted Thinking" in order to solve the Kira case and numerous of past cases. INTPs don't particularly care about managing other people and would rather work alone on a project as they like to form conclusions from their own subjective foundation. We see this in L as he solves most cases from his past by himself and when he forms his own deduction about Light being Kira very early on despite no obvious outside evidence.
I guess they are similar in that they both did what they did mainly out of boredom. They both are highly intelligent, but while L is a true prodigy, having been raised in an orphanage founded solely for gifted children, Light is just more intelligent than the small population of his high school. Hell, L beat Light at his own game even though he didn't even know the rules. I could go on but yeah... The two are very different characters with different personality types.. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
@@riddletonian1236Thanks for the explanation.
@@delucet7082 😊
@Meraki chan like you said, you don't know cognitive functions that well.
ENTJ uses Te-Ni-Se-Fi, not Te-Fi
you're basically typing Light with stereotypes. learn cognitive functions and type him that way.
@Meraki chan no no you're good, i appreciate your open-mindness!
if you have any questions in the future you can ask me, i'll try my best to explain.
have a great day!
why it seems like we're some kind of sociopath XDDD lol
Thanks for watching! 😊
Accurate characters 👌
Thanks for watching! Ehh, I tried to be as accurate as possible but at the time there was this really close vote between ISTP and INTP for this version of Sherlock Holmes. Turns out he's actually ISTP 😅 but glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
La canción es istp
guys we have mikey from tr, pieck and zeke from aot, inumaki and shoko from jjk and kakashi and shikamaru from naruto, too! Best best best!!!
I love my intp gang :3
First of all, thank you for reading this message and for this work. I have many friends of different types and Sherlock is very similar to me. Even my friends who watched the anime call me Sherlock, so either I am an ISTP or he is intp, because of the argument about that, I may need to analyze his character myself, but This is just a headache, but is there a difference? In the end, I love him for himself and not for a particular type. My admiration for him will not stop for a certain type
Hi, thank you for watching and I am glad you enjoyed the video! Sorry for the late reply but in regards to your question, I believe that in order to fully understand the differences between not only INTP and ISTP but among any other types, you must learn about cognitive functions first. I think this video:видео.html does a great job of explaining the basics of the functions and better than if I were to type the explanations here.
So now that you know the basics, the next is to lay out the cognitive functions for ISTP versus INTP:
Dominant Cognitive Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Auxiliary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Tertiary Cognitive Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Inferior Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Dominant Cognitive Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Auxiliary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Tertiary Cognitive Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Inferior Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Notice how the dominant and inferior cognitive functions are shared. I like to think of the auxiliary as the "means" and the dominant as the "ends." The tertiary, as the video stated, is almost or as important as the auxiliary function while the inferior function is underdeveloped and often suppressed (but comes out when one is stressed). Both INTPs and ISTPs have underdeveloped Fe which means they tend to be very straightforward and blunt which may come out as harsh to others as times. They both have difficulty reading "the mood of the room" and often struggle to pick up on emotional cues from others. Both INTPs and ISTPs lead with Introverted Thinking which allows them to take any single problem internally and "poke at it" from all different angles, coming up with a solution to said problems through their own subjective foundation. This makes them great at solving complex problems and even crimes.
Remember how I said that the auxiliary function is the "means?" In order for Introverted Thinking to work, data must first be gathered. While INTPs use Extraverted Intuition to take in information, ISTPs use Extraverted Sensing. Extraverted Intuition has to do with not only processing outer data but also "reading between the lines" and branching new possibilities from those stimuli. Extraverted Sensing, on the other hand, is more straightforward and just takes in the physical data without any further interpretations.
The tertiary function is what I like to think of as a "checklist." After the "means" has been used to achieve the "ends," the individual will then check with their tertiary to make sure everything is in order. For instance, INTPs will use Introverted Sensing to make sure the solution they came up is consistent with details that they gathered in their past while ISTPs will use Introverted Intuition to make sure that their solution matches up with the patterns they've recognized before. I hope this helps you in typing yourself!
First of all, thank you for your detailed comment. No need to apologize for the delay. I understand how busy one can be.
I agree that to understand something you have to look from the roots, types are not just letters it's much deeper that can be used to understand those close to you and who you want to understand and even to understand yourself, for Sherlock I understand him really but the information I have about typed is not much to determine if it is intp or istp I will search more and start from jobs, keep up your good work
shigaraki is an intp too 😏
It's hard to fit in every single character but I'll be sure to make a part 2 once I'm done with the rest of the MBTI series. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
@@riddletonian1236 ah yes that’s understandable - i was just mentioning it hehe
oh, intp? dark atmosphere,, good.
Thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed the video! 😊
But.... Are they really INTP tho? Idk... Just, don't wanna let my ego high up, justmaking sure
Yes, to the best of my knowledge, other than that version of Sherlock Holmes. He's ISTP but at the time I made this AMV, there was a huge debate on the personality database whether he was INTP or ISTP. Thanks for watching btw!😊
@@riddletonian1236 thanks for the response, yea it really seems like that to me.
What is the anime of the the blond and black hair guy ?
Did you mean William and Sherlock? They're from Yuukoku no Moriarty.. Thanks for watching btw! 😊
In the original books by Arthur conan doyle sherlock Holmes is an istp. His elder brother, mycroft is an intp.
It's interesting to see how many different versions of both characters have risen since then... Thanks for watching! 😊
i am almost certain gintoki was an entp
According to the personality database, he's an INTP. I think "Jam" did a good job explaining it here:
Thanks for watching btw! 😊
Sherlock Holmes mbti istp
I thought Sherlock Holmes from Moriarty The Patriot is an ISTP.
Yes, at the time when this video was made, the personality database had "INTP" as his type. I will try to remake this video in the future but for now I need to finish the series. Thanks for watching btw!
@@riddletonian1236 I see, this is kinda out of topic but I think your edits are nice, I'm looking forward for more of them.
@@viviantarunajaya7844 Thank you! I will upload more as soon as I can! 😊
0:34 who is he? :0
He is Midori Nagamasa from "Aoharu X Kikanjuu." Thanks for watching btw 😊
@@riddletonian1236 tysm for telling me and your vídeo was great *chef kiss ✨
You forgot Killua.
At the time this video was made, I had not watched Hunter X Hunter yet. Also, I do my best to incorporate a lot of characters into one video but of course it's impossible to fit every single one of them. Thanks for watching anyways and I hope you enjoyed the video regardless! 😊
@@riddletonian1236 I see, I understand, btw I really enjoy the video, you did a good job❣️
i somehow always end up liking intps as an infp lol
Goes the other way around too I think. My best friend is infp, my partner enfp. The people I like the most are always these too types.
Btw you like mochi? It's actually easy to make (yes I researched it)
Sherlock is entp
L died?
Yeah, I stopped watching Death Note for awhile after that episode... 😢 Thanks for watching btw!
sherlock is istp tho
Yes, there was an argument about whether this version of him was INTP or ISTP on the personality database. When I made this video, he was INTP because people voted him that just because most of the other versions of him were INTPs. It's too late to change this video now but I will make sure to include him in a future ISTP video! Thanks for watching btw! 😊
Sherlock was Entp 😭
This Sherlock is actually ISTP but yeah... When I made this video, the votes on the personality database was very close between ISTP and INTP. I believe he's one of them because his Introverted Thinking is definitely dominant. Thanks for watching btw!
Nvm I don't want to be an intp anymore
Why not? Plus unfortunately we do not get to choose what type we are... 😢