Will the Jewish Messiah be a Liar? Rabbis Betray the Jews to Take Over Israel.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 978

  • @MrAsgharbukhari
    @MrAsgharbukhari Месяц назад +105

    Superb explanation. Finally Muslims teaching about Judaism and not just arguing with Christians.

    • @xolile5699
      @xolile5699 Месяц назад

      It is true that they would not fight for that land.the bible says they would be in the land of their captivity until The Messiah comes back to redeem them...Luke 21v24 Christ prophesied that Israel will be conquered and be led away captive into all nations , they are scattered around the world until today
      ...so wherever you go it's only black people who have been slaves to other nations all over the world
      Those people in that land are not the true Israelites they're imposters.
      We are the real Israelites and we are waiting for the Black Messiah the Christ to come and fight for us and send us back to our land ... Isaiah 14:1-3.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад

      Christians, for the most, are not worth a discussion in my view. I spent too many years being "infected" by them. Toxic. Unless Allah wants them to see, their hearts and minds are so willfully blind, closed. No point. Besides their own scriptures say pray for the non believers. That's for The Muslim Lantern. He has so much patience for them. I no longer do but there is a very personnal and painful history behind that.

    • @omar1187
      @omar1187 Месяц назад

      Brother you dont even know how deep that rabbit hole goes. Do you know modern Hebrew is not real Hebrew. Modern Hebrew was created by the modern Zionist movement to brainwash the Jews. True Hebrew was a dead language. The Jews were separated from their Torah and they lost the original Hebrew Language. God fixed this problem with how Islam was designed as an oral tradition in order to be preserved. This was all tested out during the time when Jesus was preaching. Early Christians also had oral traditions but did not succeed at being preserved the way the Quran succeeded. The Quran and the Arabic Language and Islam were designed to solve the issues that the Jews dealt with by being able to be preserved, unlike previous scriptures and languages. The Quranic Arabic language does not change stays constant, unlike other languages that constantly evolve rapidly. They don't even understand yet that Islam is the true continuation of Judaism. They are the remnants of those who have still not accepted the message possibly due to lack of exposure or misguidance from their religous leaders at the time. They rejected Prophet Isa and Prophet Mohammad. Unfortunately they are lost at the moment, but it is all a part of God's plan. So we must be patient and not be over-exessive with our dealings with them.

    • @KingDavid1979
      @KingDavid1979 Месяц назад +3

      Christian be like ; he didn’t save himself? He didn’t bring Jew home 🏡 he didn’t build the temple? Nice Muslim teaching ! Like the virgin myth

    • @omar1187
      @omar1187 Месяц назад +4

      @@KingDavid1979 bro Bro Quran is a complete original work. If you want me to share interesting things about the Quran, it is mind blowing. There are so many miracles that exist in the Quran and Islam. It could only have come from God. Its hard to reject the message after you realize its authenticity.

  • @oftbanned101
    @oftbanned101 29 дней назад +17

    As s Christian I have to say this is easily the best explanation of the reality of the situation I have ever heard, from anyone ever.. I am very grateful and deeply appreciative of your very calm, balanced and highly reasoned thinking. God bless you..

    • @gabrielleangelica1977
      @gabrielleangelica1977 21 день назад +2

      Bless you too!

    • @tinareinbergen8113
      @tinareinbergen8113 20 дней назад

      The moslims Jesus is not the same Jesus from Gods word the bible. The moslims believe he is a good prophet. But in the bible Yeshua (Jesus) is Gods Son. Yeshua is God. Who died for ouwer sin on the cross and ressurect from the dead.
      The moslims believe that in the last days there jesus will come as a prophet back to tell the whole world that islam is the religion and the whole must believe in there medina. If you don't you will be killed beheadded. How thus this sound in your ears? It sounds like the antichrist in the bible. Don't be decieved by nice words. Satan is a liar from the beginning. Yeshua ( Jesus) Warns us.

    • @tariqaslam1853
      @tariqaslam1853 16 дней назад

      This man is a gem of humanity.

  • @DavidArulnathan
    @DavidArulnathan Месяц назад +27

    “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12)”.

    • @myrabaker5650
      @myrabaker5650 Месяц назад +2


    • @laetitianizeye3368
      @laetitianizeye3368 Месяц назад +3

      Amen. Amen Amen ❤❤❤

    • @Aws1962
      @Aws1962 25 дней назад

      You like fellow Paulians proved to be a Paulian by quoting Paul who never met Jesus and contradicted Jesu's teachings.
      Paul never ever tslked about Jesus's preaching but his alleged death on the cross and resurrection.
      Paulians failed to realize that it was Paul who first started writing the Jesus died for our sins.

  • @leroypoter2313
    @leroypoter2313 Месяц назад +33

    Me trying to understand why would any Messiah come to any people in a regime that is practicing apartheid, oppression, while committing Mass genocide in a land that is not their. Their very actions and behavior tell you in no uncertain terms they are not natural to the land.

    • @yoopscoop24
      @yoopscoop24 Месяц назад

      Their messiah is the anti christ. Not Jesus. They are not on the straight path and Allah only increases disbelief for the disbelievers.

    • @johnwhite428
      @johnwhite428 Месяц назад +6

      Amen? & Amen!!!

    • @chrisfrench2346
      @chrisfrench2346 Месяц назад +7

      What you just said, in simple, logical, non-religious terms hit the preverbal nail on the head. Less is more & you just proved that. Excellent!

    • @Willy_Tepes
      @Willy_Tepes Месяц назад +6

      In their delusion they think that they are specially blessed while they behave opposite of God's commands. They do in fact have a God, but it is not the same as ours.
      "By their fruits shall ye know them."

    • @Willy_Tepes
      @Willy_Tepes Месяц назад +5

      They have been misguided by their Rabbis, who absolutely know what they are doing and what God they worship.

  • @Incognito.ace.786
    @Incognito.ace.786 Месяц назад +21

    How is it most Christians don't understand when it says in the bible .god is telling jesus don't go to the gentiles (the world) but rather go toward the lost sheep of Israel?.and and the Jews know the Torah has been changed as well as Christians know the bible has been changed.and both tell them there is another yet to come who will guide the world on to the truth. They (Jews ) knew where how when jesus will turn up .yet they didn't believe him because he wasn't from them .( Like god is racist) And then the Christians don't believe in Mohammad (pbuh) when it meets all their criteria .so they are still waiting .but believe he is coming again .so who is the one that's supposed to be the spirit of truth in-between .the 1st and 2nd coming?. And lastly .people think Islam is here to say the other religions are false . When in fact it's here to say they are the truth and show what has been changed due to the greed of man . To any religious people I don't mean any disrespect but just curious. I believe all the true followers of god are on the right path and need to unite now more than ever . The real enemies are the multi billionaires who want more at any cost . Nothing wrong with being rich .but when it's at the cost of others then it's criminal.❤

    • @Uncanny_Mountain
      @Uncanny_Mountain Месяц назад

      How is it you came to speak in God's name?

    • @elizabethsorenson8942
      @elizabethsorenson8942 Месяц назад

      @Ingonito.ace.786 the right path that enforces yazidi and other non believing women to accept their fate in life as enslaved beings or accept this right path and forced marriages to their captors. I wish you and like minded people can usher in this right path into this world and enforce it on all human beings, it sounds like we would be living in an utopian heavenly world if that happens 😊

    • @Incognito.ace.786
      @Incognito.ace.786 Месяц назад +4

      @@Uncanny_Mountain I'm not speaking in god's name . I'm speaking from what god has revealed and I have read from . Toraha .bible .quran try it sometimes . I'm guessing you are hurt because you think I said something that you don't agree with . So either read them all and comment.or just hate for the sake of it . Your choice.

    • @Incognito.ace.786
      @Incognito.ace.786 Месяц назад

      @@Uncanny_Mountain I'm guessing you believe in one of those books . Ask yourself, have you read it cover to cover ? Not all three just the one .

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад +1

      He says the talmut is the work of man yet the three oaths are from the talmut. So it makes no difference if they accept or deny the oaths since the oaths come from the work of man? The first says they should not go up en mass; meaning to infiltrate, go up little by little to avoid being detected until the they are strong enough to defend their positions. It's a divine formula taken from the torah when in the story they go up to egypt they are discouraged to go en masse to avoid the "evil eye".

  • @AliBenrose
    @AliBenrose Месяц назад +107

    I love Islam - so fascinating how we r all linked together. Only one God so so true.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Месяц назад +5

      Even if we were to put aside the *TRINITY,* does the *TAWHID* of Allah mean that he is the same monotheistic God worshipped by the Jews as claimed by Allah in Al-'Ankabut (QS 29:46) and by Muslims? No! The claim of monotheism alone is not enough to conclude that they are the same being. The 7th century Allah of the Qur’an is *ANOTHER* god. Here's 5 reasons why:
      The true God worshipped by the Jews is:
      1. *FATHER:* The prophets of YAHWEH, like Moses, repeatedly called the true God of Israel 'FATHER' and 'CREATOR' and we are his sons and daughters (Exodus 3:14-15, Deuteronomy 32:6, Psalms 89:26‭-‬27, Isaiah 63:16, Matthew 6:9).
      Jesus prayed "Abba, Father".
      Yet Allah of the Qur’an contradicts this by saying "they falsely ascribe to Him sons and daughters without any knowledge." QS 6:100.
      Allah of the Qur’an, in no way, shape or form (spiritually, literally or metaphorically) is he FATHER to anyone (QS 6:100).
      Muhammad’s father, Abdullah, worshipped the moon and star god ☪️ Hubal as 'Allah of the Kaaba' 🕋. Just like Allah, Hubal was called *'al-ilah'/the god).* Hubal meant 'He who is Baal'. Baal is a mutation or manifestation of Satan, the Great Deceiver. "Abdullah" meant SLAVE of Hubal. Muslims ☪️ too are SLAVES of Allah of the Kaaba 🕋 and not his children.
      2. The glory (Shekinah/kavod) of God *ENTERED AND FILLED* the tabernacle of Moses (Exodus 40:34) and the temple of Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1‭-‬3) *and dwelt among the Israelites.*
      The glory of Allah of the Qur’an *does not descend to the earth* (Sahih Muslim 179). How are they the same God?
      3. In the Torah, the Mighty God (Hashem) *APPEARED ON EARTH* to Abraham in the Hebrew Torah (Genesis18:1-3,11-13) as *a man* to inform him that he will give him a son, Isaac and to Moshe (Moses) in the Torah (Exodus 3) as the *Malach Hashem* (Angel of the Lord) which is a *theophany* of God (a physical manifestation of God on earth):(Hebrew Bible Exodus 3:1-4,6). Was this Allah of the Qur’an? No.
      4. *SACRIFICE (ATONEMENT OF SINS:* The God worshipped by the Jews has always been a God of sacrifice even from the first book of the Torah when he commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son of the promise (Isaac) Genesis 22:2.
      After Isaac, God's acceptance of sacrifices was later reflected in the yearly sacrifice of a *spotless lamb* for the atonement of sins (Day of Atonement) which ALL the prophets of God participated in from the tabernacle of Moses to the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. This ended with the *sinless Messiah* offering his life as a sin offering (Isaiah 53). Has Allah of the Qur’an accepted animal sacrifice in the Kaaba? No.
      5. *DESIGN OF HOUSE OF GOD:* The tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon had the same design/pattern but the Kaaba is totally not related to the temple of YAHWEH of the Jews. Where is the *Holy of holies* and the *covering Cherubs* of the Kaaba? Moses was instructed to design the tabernacle according to the pattern of the tabernacle in heaven! The tabernacle in heaven is like the tabernacle of Moses and temple of Solomon, not like the Kaaba in Mecca!
      There is no proof whatsoever in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms that the Kaaba was ever built by Abraham and Ishmael as claimed in QS 2:127 and QS 22:26-27! It's a big lie!
      Allah's atonement of sins in the pagan Kaaba [al-Tirmidhi, 959] was never through the sacrifice of a spotless lamb but was, and still is, through a pagan stone claimed to have "fallen from heaven" and was white but became black because of the sins of the sons of Adam (al-Tirmidhi 877).
      Atonement in Islam through the Black Stone is the biggest spectacle of abomination the world has ever witnessed since the creation of mankind.
      It requires no intelligence to figure out that the God whom the Jews worship is not the 7th century god of the Qur'an! These are two different beings. Allah of the Muslims has no history whatsoever before 610 outside the 7th century Qur'an. Allah of the Qur’an is a false god, the Great Deceiver, who disguises himself as the God of the previous scriptures and the prophets inorder to deceive beloved Muslims.
      Let him who has ears hear! Blessings.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Месяц назад +3

      If Allah of the Qur’an teaches to do *RIGHTEOUS DEEDS* like prayer, charity etc, why do Christians claim that he is a *FALSE* god?
      Allah of the Qur'an's formular for deception of beloved Muslims is to condemn "S-tan" and to include "righteous deeds" in his religion, otherwise the 7th century god would be no deceiver at all.
      Beloved Muslim, the prophet Isaiah warned (Isaiah 14:12-14) that S-tan would come to imitate and claim to be the Most High God. The 7th century Allah of the Muslims has already fulfilled the Isaiah prophecy by falsely claiming (Al-Aʻla 87:1) to be the Most High God of the previous scriptures.
      People will perish because of lack of knowledge!
      Like the religion of the true God, S-tan’s religion mixes worship of himself with *“righteous deeds”* because S-tan disguises himself as an angel of *light* and his servants (like Muhammad) as servants of *righteousness* (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
      The golden rule of *deception* is management of the other person's *perception* so that they *do not know any deception is happening.*
      What beloved Muslims are left with really-after submitting to a god who is not the true God of the previous scriptures (as falsely claimed by Allah in QS 29:46)-is a long and wasted life spent by hardworking, kind and wonderful Muslims in a religion and strict lifestyle which, on the outside, has the impressive appearance of righteousness. This is reflected in Islam’s 5 pillars of faith [ *Shahada* (profession of faith), *zakat* (financial help to the needy), *sawm* (fasting), *hajj* (pilgrimage) and *salat* (5 times daily prayer)]. The righteous deeds of Islam manage the believer's *perception* so that *they do not know any deception is happening!*
      A *fake* $100 bill must be identical or imitate the *original* $100 bill.
      If they are not identical, then there is no deception. This is a basic principle of deception, and S-tan is the Great Deceiver.
      The religion of the Great Deceiver, the fake God, must also be identical to the *righteous* religion of the monotheistic God of Abraham if it is to have any chance of deceiving the believer!
      The Islamic *Shahada* of Islam condemns beloved Muslims to hell because it is a *rejection* of the God of the previous scriptures.
      Let him who has ears hear!

    • @AbelOktavian
      @AbelOktavian Месяц назад +1

      ​@@TheWatchmanWebsiteChristians who say "Muslims do not worship The God of Abraham" when you say that to a Muslim , you're just making yourself look like a complete idiot! The Muslims will laugh at you."
      Rabbi Tovia Singer.

    • @AbelOktavian
      @AbelOktavian Месяц назад

      ​@@TheWatchmanWebsiteChristians who say "Muslims do not worship The God of Abraham" when you say that to a Muslim , you're just making yourself look like a complete idiot!."
      That's Rabbi Tovia Singer.

    • @AbelOktavian
      @AbelOktavian Месяц назад +1

      ​@@TheWatchmanWebsiteDeuteronomy 21:23
      [23] Because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse.
      Galatians 3:13
      [13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
      Why did your god cursed your god ? Why did you worship a cursed god ?

  • @petecommanche9344
    @petecommanche9344 Месяц назад +51

    This guy is a seriously class act. Provides the best, most detailed explanation of the historical religious aspect of the Israel/Palestine, Muslim/Christian/Jewish equation up to the present day I've ever heard. Everyone/anyone with even half a brain should watch this from beginning to end half a dozen times for a clearer understanding. Muslims should be very proud of this guy.

    • @JenZee-oe2no
      @JenZee-oe2no Месяц назад

      He would hide from she-had. Probably behind kids.

    • @emmanuelk.tambwe2628
      @emmanuelk.tambwe2628 Месяц назад +1

      Truth and errors are more dangerous than lies

    • @HG-eu8hx
      @HG-eu8hx Месяц назад

      I've seriously never heard so many lies in one narrative. I've been learning the Bible for 40 + years , his narrative is twisted and full of hateful lies.

    • @sollykhan2385
      @sollykhan2385 26 дней назад +2

      A Masterclass in religious studies, this man is truly gifted from ALMIGHTY GOD Allah Ta'ALa 😇

    • @ammadkour
      @ammadkour 25 дней назад

      @@HG-eu8hxsounds like this struck a nerve

  • @AmatuRahman33
    @AmatuRahman33 Месяц назад +19

    Alhamdulilah you’re back 😅

  • @shyff2188
    @shyff2188 Месяц назад +11

    Amazing video mashaAllah, I would recommend everyone I know to watch this.

  • @ambreena1614
    @ambreena1614 Месяц назад +2

    Very informative lecture. Appreciate all the meticulously organized links and description in the description box.

  • @rcristy
    @rcristy Месяц назад +10

    I'm Christian, but don't believe Jesus is God. May we all find truth.🙏

    • @HexValdez
      @HexValdez Месяц назад +2

      That's something I don't often hear from my Christian friends. How did you arrive at that conclusion - genuinely curious to know.

    • @rcristy
      @rcristy Месяц назад +3

      @@HexValdez reading and studying the Bible. It became obvious to me that God is the superior being and Jesus repeatedly warning believers not to worship him gave me context.
      I appreciate your kind enquiry brother 🙏

    • @danajacobs9097
      @danajacobs9097 Месяц назад

      Christian zionists

    • @mk71b
      @mk71b Месяц назад

      Jesus and the Father are one. If you've seen Him, you've seen the Father.
      May you let yourself be found by the Truth, the Way and the Life. Just come to Jesus as you are and have Life.

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад

      @@rcristy Are you not aware what consequences of submitting to a god of a tribe brings? Christians are worshipping the god of israel don't they? Why do you think they are prohibited to extol any other gods? It would make them submit to those whose god they are worshipping. So in a way christians are servants of israel.

  • @suryaprakash72771
    @suryaprakash72771 Месяц назад +2

    Very informative and factual explanation on the Jewish religion and their political ideology

  • @oftbanned101
    @oftbanned101 29 дней назад

    I shall be most grateful for any corrections to the following which is my humble attempt to make sense of the Ashkenazi story..

    • @oftbanned101
      @oftbanned101 29 дней назад

      In 40AD and later in 70 AD, Jewish insurrections were put down by the Roman Occupiers, and finally after the defeat of Bar Kochba in 135AD the Romans got pissed off and decided to expel the Jews from Judea, Gallilee etc (aka Palestine)! but not all Jews of course; only the troublesome Jews, probably 20% (fanatics and militants, or terrorists if you prefer). The 80% who were placid peasants, labourers etc didn't leave (the Romans needed them, obviously to to the work, didn't they?)..
      Before that, in 33AD some Jews became Messianic (accepted Jesus was their Messiah) while others became Christians. The majority stayed traditional Jews. All lived in harmony up to 638AD, the Ottoman Muslims invaded and many converted to Islam (to avoid a tax put on non Muslims). But STILL, for the next 1,300 years they all lived in relative harmony until 1937..
      And so God's Chosen People, decendants of the Israelites (now with 4 faiths) lived in Palestine under very tolerant Ottoman rule, in relative peace and harmony until 1937.
      Meanwhile, back in 8thC in Khazaria (now known as Ukraine) its King decided Paganism was outdated and so a modern, monotheistic religion was needed; so he converted the country to Judaism: (he did not opt for Islam because that would've mean kowtow to Baghdad; nor Christianity as that meant kowtow to Russia - Khazars hated their neighbours). Of course they had no Israelite blood! The only Middle Eastern Jews in the entire country being an exiled Judean General and his family. He was very close to the Pagan king who renamed himself Joseph.
      However, soon afterwards the Khazarian Kaganate was conquered by Russians who oppressed them so that many of them scattered to neighbouring Poland and Germany etc. - they were known as Ashkenazis.
      In 1948 the Ashkenazi Jews, (having been subjected to genocide in WW2 by the Naz¡s) were welcomed by the decendants of Chosen People (the Palestinians). The Ashkenazis repaid that welcome and the generosity of the Palestinians with the Nakba ethnic cleansing of 750,000 of their hosts and with many massacres of Palestinians that followed..
      So if you want to support God's Chosen People make sure you pick the right side! Most Western govts. support Israel and so are cheering on the annihilation of the real Chosen People forgetting that the AskeNAZIs are Turkic andv Mongol with not the slightest connexion to the Middle East or the Chosen People; they are in fact, murdering God's Chosen People and the US and UK are supplying the weapons.. As such, Israel/US/UK are the Biblical Antichrist! Netanyahu (real name Milekowski) has a son whose DNA testproved he hadn't not a drop of Middle Eastern blood in his veins!Btw DNA testing is illegal in Israel for that very reason!
      Don't take my word for it - check it out for yourself; and also The Khazarian Mafia by Preston James PhD..
      ..and please, spread the word so this horror stops.

  • @ShahramHakimelahi
    @ShahramHakimelahi Месяц назад +1

    Pharisees were priestly and theological authorities. They believed in resurrection. The Sadducees were military and politicalleaders. The pharisees and sadducees sat on the Council (Sanhedrin).

  • @oftbanned101
    @oftbanned101 29 дней назад

    Your description of true teaching vs false teaching is profound.. yet simple and easy for anyone to follow.. As we Christians like to say: What would Jesus say/do? (on any given subject, in any given situation)

  • @benmay4911
    @benmay4911 24 дня назад

    You misunderstood the relevance of the Holocaust in cancelling the 3 oaths with some very weak analysis. Rav Kook (and also Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk) held that the Balfour Declaration (1917) and San Remo Conference (1920) meant the 3 oaths were lifted by consent of the world powers of the era. Some of those that did not agree with that position, held that after the Holocaust, the oaths were deemed to be annulled by breach by Nazi Germany and its willing collaborators. At that point in time there was no state of Israel, so though Jews had returned to Israel in significant numbers by then, in drips and drabs over several decades from about 1880 - 1930, they could not be said to have breached the wording of the oaths, which state that they should not seize back the land by arriving in force in large numbers (if they even still applied). It is not about whether the world powers are the good guys or bad guys. Rav Kook's analogy to Cyrus was just an analogy and appropriate for its time, in 1917. He had already died before the Holocaust so the post-Holocaust position was the interpretation of other scholars.
    You also conveniently ignored some important issues: 1. the Yemenite Jews started to move back to the land of Israel in the 1880s, before there was an "Ashkenazi" zionist project. 2. Religious Zionism existed before Secular Zionism got organised, and was not only the property of Ashkenazim. See Rav Yehuda Alkalay, a Sephardic scholar who lived in the Ottoman Empire, who wrote highly influential works on this subject during the 1800s. 3. Rav Kook did not gain any power by taking his positions. He had been, until then, one of the leading rabbinic figures in the world. His views made him an outcast to some parts of the religious world and that remains, to some extent, until this day. I don't believe even his opponents viewed him as acting out of self interest to gain power, no one questioned his sincerity or purity of mind, only his conclusions. 4. The Chief Rabbinate post 1948 did not change Judaism. Rav Herzog and others had to deal with hugely significant jurisprudential issues that Judaism had not faced for c.2000 years, i.e. Jews had not been sovereign in any place in that period and therefore there was a lack of latter day religious legal ruling precedents to assist with answering questions such as laws of war, criminal justice, forms of government, approaches to international law and diplomacy etc etc.
    It's an interesting video to help me understand a rational Muslim approach to these issues, but I think it misunderstands the Jewish religious world quite significantly. it is a very fringe movement that actively wishes to raze the Dome of the Rock and replace it with the Temple by force. That is just not a motivating factor for the vast majority of religious Jews. It is perhaps a final aspiration for a distant time when the Jews merit such a thing, and when the nations of the world should wish for it to happen as well.

  • @sajsultan1839
    @sajsultan1839 Месяц назад +2

    They was no divine intervention when they lost their temples. Never mind of second temple lost the first one wouldn't been lost If they where so called gods choosen people

  • @NicholasFoo-c2x
    @NicholasFoo-c2x Месяц назад

    If the deity who gave the torah and injeel, is the same one who gave the Quran, is there any basis to believe the Quran is a record perfectly preserved revelation from the almighty?

  • @sywilliamson7222
    @sywilliamson7222 Месяц назад +11

    2 points so far:
    -Jews believe that Moses is the last prophet.
    -Jews CANNOT rebuild the third Temple on the Dome off the Rock: The mosque was built over the Roman Temple that itself was built on the site of the Jewish Temple. The Romans were idol worshippers and therefore the site is considered to have been defiled. Hence building the Temple on an impure site would be an impossibility.

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад +3

      Balfour promised the land to Rothschild like god allegedly did to abraham to let the world know the re-settling part of the divine comedy has begun. In the end it doesn't matter how you interpret their screenplay whether they are right or wrong. What matters is the result and consequences of their actions and the interpretation THEY accept because that is what they base their actions on. One thing is for sure the interpretation of others differ from the author's interpretations. It is deliberately done so to obscure the meanings.Peeps who think they can defeat the inventors of a game when playing along according to what role they have been assigned in the game are foolish.

    • @lystein1070
      @lystein1070 Месяц назад

      actually your not correct, we believe that Moses was the first prophet and father (not literally) to all the prophets that followed (Samuel, Eljah, Isiah, Jeremiah etc)
      Maimondes says that the third temple will be built by G-D alone

    • @mardel-dh4pu
      @mardel-dh4pu Месяц назад +1

      What are these Three Oaths? One, that Israel should not go up [to the land] in a wall {i.e. en masse, RaShI interprets: forcefully}. Two, the Holy One adjured Israel not to rebel against the nations of the world. Three, the Holy One adjured the nations that they would not oppress Israel too much.
      In other interpretations: "forcefully" means-- that they had to approach palestine little by little to avoid being considered sneaky landgrabbers which they started back in the begininng of the 19th century. Only when the situation was ensured and clear could they go up en masse. If they rebel the nations turn against them which is exactly what they need. They have to get the rest of the tribe back to the land by making the nations persecute them.

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад

      @@lystein1070 Not exactly true; he also held another position next this one which says that the king messiah will have the temple rebuilt. Which is more likely; a temple that decends from the sky ready made in a physical form or that he meant the plans decend from the heavens and they will build it in it's physical form?

    • @mikaowx
      @mikaowx Месяц назад

      some people would need to study the seven days of creation; number 6 followed by six days as zeros act of ww2 to understand how persecuted status was achieved 😋

  • @veridianacarvalho9209
    @veridianacarvalho9209 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you. Your video is very enlightening

  • @Raks78
    @Raks78 9 дней назад

    Subhan Allah . The irony , this will
    Become the reason they cease to exist In’sha’Allah

  • @hikarisama306
    @hikarisama306 Месяц назад +2

    Thank God Almighty for the blessing of Islam.
    No mediator between you and God, no complications, it all clear, and most importantly, no BS.

  • @ShahramHakimelahi
    @ShahramHakimelahi Месяц назад +1

    Jesus fulfilled the 613 levitical laws but he never abolished them.

  • @uthman2281
    @uthman2281 Месяц назад +5

    yu are wrong shaikh
    they are not hewish they are from poland /ukrain

    • @zehravesile
      @zehravesile Месяц назад

      He knows that ....the thing is these zions call themselves je**ws....so i think he is addressing him as that.....

    • @kevintownsend3840
      @kevintownsend3840 Месяц назад +2

      Exactly. The Caucasus mountains and all over Eastern Europe

    • @georgebetts8931
      @georgebetts8931 Месяц назад

      ​@@kevintownsend3840Where do you idiots get this information from??

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад

      You forgot that today Austrio/Hungarian Empire before all those new borders you are speaking about. There are WESTERN European, EASTERN and Asia, Middle East, and India. So today that is Glasgow. Scotland, Australia, Romania, Slovakia El Salvador (from the holocaust and saved by the El Salvadoran diplomat, Arturo Jose Castellanos), Nicaragua, Cuba, Hungary, Poland, Germany, France, Russia, Croatia, Serbia, England, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Albania, Italy (Sicily), Greece, China, India, Spain, Morocco, Iraq, ect., ect. All over the world basically. 1290 All Jews expelled from England, 1492 Jews expelled from Spain. Today there are many Cyrpto Jews who stayed. And, there are many Cyrpto Jews period to this day. Yemen, Tunsia, Iran, The oldest in Europe and seldom spoken of are the Jews In Bratislava 11TH Century. (not many left now). The Caucasus Mountain Jews are NOT to be confused with what you are speaking about. The Russian converts. The Caucasus are from Azerbeijan (the cradle of Caucasus Mountain Jews). Ancient times it was called Media. There are Ossetes, Armenian, and Georgian, Kalmucks, Armenian, Kuba, Daghestan, and Tats (Iranian), After the destruction of the Temple n 70 AD scattered all over the world means just that. ALL over.

  • @joelbitton
    @joelbitton Месяц назад +1

    Hello friends and neighbors,
    This is a story about something that happened to many Jewish families, especially in third world countries, for many years.
    I never had any intention of focusing on this since it is such a painful memory but since I see that reason and decency have departed that place, I will.
    As a child, I remember a mostly peaceful life in Casablanca, Morocco. The Jews got along fine with the Muslims, they did business together and we were allowed to practice our religion with very few impediments. As a matter of fact, to this day, the principal advisor to King Mohamed and King Hassan before him is a Jew.
    Of course, propaganda will try to convince you otherwise but I and my family had very few problems.
    In 1962, my family was visited by members of the Zionist movement who showed them photos of what looked like a vacation resort with pools, sunshine and happy people frolicking about and tried very hard to convince my family that my sister and I would be better off in Israel without them (since they were too old to be useful to the cause). They said they were rescuing us from the dangers in Muslim countries??? They came back a few times and eventually convinced my parents and so in 1963, my sister and I were picked up in the middle of the night to start our journey to Israel. I was 12 and my sister 9.
    These people destroyed my family and god knows how many others to fill the ranks of their army and to justify the need for more land. They never looked back, I guess if you were from an Arab country, you didn't matter much.
    I hated every minute of my sojourn in Israel which lasted 7 years. I refused to join their army and left Israel as soon as I could.
    Both my sister and I are still dealing with the trauma of this early separation from our parents.
    Being from Morocco added to the problem since we were seen as the lowest members of their cast system and insults and abusive language were the norm.
    In the end I don't believe Israel has anything to do with Judaism, at least not in its ongoing actions in Gaza. I was taught a different kind of Judaism where decency, grace and compassion are the values. Not pushing a people out of their homes and land and locking them in ghettos.
    I am lucid enough to see how important that region is to the US and its allies but I don't think a genocide is the answer. Karma will bring back to us anything bad we do elsewhere.

    • @talkenglishbysiham
      @talkenglishbysiham Месяц назад

      Thank you for sharing your story. This is the story I have heard about Jews in Morocco. You have been lied too. I am sorry for you but you are still a Moroccan not matter what

    • @joelbitton
      @joelbitton Месяц назад

      @@talkenglishbysiham Thank you my friend, I found Buddhism 50 years ago and it's done wonders for me but truph and justice have neither religion nor country. Only the soul of us common mortals.

    • @maggyertl
      @maggyertl Месяц назад


  • @YahuconanBell5344
    @YahuconanBell5344 Месяц назад

    I'm glad to hear your version. One thing remains is, the twelve tribes still exist and we know who they are from Spain and under the hands of King Ferdernand and Queen Isabella. And the popes decrees. Great session.

  • @heathergibson1638
    @heathergibson1638 Месяц назад

    I think that the core thing here is this. That Jesus ‘ (saaws)death was seen as defeat in our human understanding; but that his willingness to die/ martyred was not defeat, though our priorities as human see things in terms of politics etc; what He achieved is beyond our normal understanding.

  • @None-wi2co
    @None-wi2co Месяц назад +1

    Interesting way of looking at things. I would like point out couple of points
    - No Prophet was infallible ! They are forgiven for their errors and mistakes. Let's not forget, Moses did commit a major sin. He killed an Egyptian and had to flee.
    - Sadducees dominated the Sanhedrin and were high priests in the temple. Zechariah, father of Yahya (John the Baptist) and custodian of Miriam (mother of Isa/Jesus) was a high priest in the temple. Is the suggestion being made here, Zechariah was also a Sadducee ?
    - Sephardic Jews from Spain are NOT the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews were/are native to Germany-Poland-Russia and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Like any other religion, over two millennia, large number of people of those regions also converted and became part of Ashkenazim. Every year thousands of people convert and join Ashkenazim.
    - Sephardic and Mizrahi both prospered in Muslim lands.
    What audience like to see is, what would be the theological response of Muslims (irrespective of denominations) to the corruption and bigotry of the religious Zionism ?

    • @bilalnicholson4959
      @bilalnicholson4959 Месяц назад +1

      Moses عليه الصلاة والسلام did not commit a sin, let alone murder. He intervened to protect an oppressed Israelite and after being assaulted, retaliated with a blow. Unfortunately, this resulted in the death of the assailant.

    • @None-wi2co
      @None-wi2co Месяц назад +2

      @@bilalnicholson4959 It depends whom you talk to. Death of a person by a blow may not be a crime according to you, but according to Tanakh it is. Anyway, point is, Prophets are not infallible.

  • @Abderrahmane_Aitouche
    @Abderrahmane_Aitouche Месяц назад

    😥 We need the words on the screen of your videos valiant-Sister, it helps us understand and learn English 👍

  • @fatumasiraj3988
    @fatumasiraj3988 Месяц назад

    MASHALLAH SHAYK ALLAH elevate your life AND work every where ❤❤

  • @afeefazaman4373
    @afeefazaman4373 Месяц назад

    Does anyone see any similarities between Pakistan creation and Israel creation?
    - both movements lead by secular people.
    - religious leaders initially opposed, then joined them.
    - religious leaders eventually took over and tried to de-secularize both countries.
    - both countries justify their existence due to hatered against their religion (Antisemitism/Islamophobia)
    - both countries have been accused of exacerbating the problems of antisemitism/Islamophobia which would be much less without them.
    - they came into existence within a year of each other

  • @ShahramHakimelahi
    @ShahramHakimelahi Месяц назад +1

    The false prophet who accompanies the Dajjal is parallel to Simon the Sorcerer.

  • @DonZestell3
    @DonZestell3 Месяц назад +2

    Everybody wants to ignore scriptures. Baruch 4:6
    “Ye were sold to the nations, not for your destruction: but because ye moved God to wrath, ye were delivered unto the enemies. We all know who was sold to the nations. Deuteronomy 28:68
    King James Version
    68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you. Who went into slavery by ships & was sold to the nations? We all know who.

    • @yehudayisrael7910
      @yehudayisrael7910 Месяц назад

      You ignore the prophet Daniel. He was Jew in captivity and he remembered his identity and he was rich and powerful. Read Daniel chapter 6. Jews are Jews. Not big pimpin foos...

  • @tonygarcia0072
    @tonygarcia0072 Месяц назад

    Regarding Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, one of the requirements is that the Jews will be returned to the land promised them by God, yet they were in that land during the lifetime of Jesus, only being driven out by the Romans later, so how could this part of the prophecy be fulfilled?

    • @helptheoppressed
      @helptheoppressed Месяц назад

      Not all the prophecies in the Bible are true. Many have been added in by the hands of rabbis to influence things in the direction of their agenda.

  • @fidelcatsro6948
    @fidelcatsro6948 Месяц назад +2

    Barakallahu Feekum

  • @monahaque1660
    @monahaque1660 Месяц назад

    EXCELLENT INSIGHT. Worth a listen!

  • @myrabaker5650
    @myrabaker5650 Месяц назад

    Beautiful presentation. Thankful to find your so well explained information. From the heart.

  • @MoonFlower-won
    @MoonFlower-won Месяц назад

    I enjoyed this video and found it very interesting, however, there is a theocratic government in Islamic countries and it's pretty harsh, as I've come to understand it. Most of the world fears Islam and Communism...both being radical extreams, so the 'pot' should not call the 'kettle' black when commenting on Religious governance in Israel.

  • @rokayael-fahl9194
    @rokayael-fahl9194 Месяц назад


  • @jibraani10
    @jibraani10 Месяц назад +1

    Subhan Allah Alhamdolillah Wa Li ilaha ilalah Wa Allah Hu Akbar ♥️☝🏼
    Peace and blessings of Allah SWT be upon all the prophets Messangers Companions Ra and the Sunni Muslim Ummah Ameen yah Rabbil Aalameen ♥️
    Alhamdolillah Rabbil Aalameen ❤️☝🏼 islam is the only one true religion of Allah SWT
    Salaam from your brother in UK ♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇰♥️
    Free falasteen 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️

  • @ShahramHakimelahi
    @ShahramHakimelahi Месяц назад

    The Dajjal is a parallel to Barabas. The crucifixion and resurrection are concepts that are interrelated and any doctrinal differences will be settled on ghiamat (resurrection day). This last part is according to the Holy Quran.

    • @maggyertl
      @maggyertl Месяц назад

      But NOT to the WORD OF GOD - which is JESUS CHRIST ( is written in Coran) :..."and the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have SEEN HIS GLORY, GLORY AS of the ONLY SON from the FATHER, FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH.❗♥
      John 1/14

  • @Yahshuahamashiacsampson
    @Yahshuahamashiacsampson Месяц назад

    3:44 Beloved, you do realize that the Rooster crowed on you just as you denied that the Messiah is the Son of Yah. The Rooster that crowed in the background at the point of this time stamp are 2 signs for you to behold. The first sign of that Rooster crowing in your background is a sign that the ROOSTER WILL COME HOME TO ROOST. Which is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone has done in the past have come back to bite or haunt the individual.
    Your second sign, and perhaps the most important of all is the following.
    Mark 14:30
    Names of God Bible
    30 Yeshua said to Peter, “I can guarantee this truth: Tonight, before a rooster crows twice, you will say three times that you don’t know me.”
    Keep denying Me if you want to beloved...And I will deny you to My Abba Yah in Heaven. Shalomalaikum.

  • @Dr.zaidi4
    @Dr.zaidi4 25 дней назад

    If they are not?
    Tell us who are the ethnically chosen people.

    • @insomnia113
      @insomnia113 25 дней назад

      Nobody chosen ethnicly. Why do you think god will favor some of his creation over others? Best of the people those who are worship god alone. Anyone who claimed to be chosen by god as a nation is heretic, and they are following step of satan because he also claim that he is supreme. Because he is created from fire while human(Adam) are created from soil.

  • @lameesbardien2908
    @lameesbardien2908 Месяц назад

    An awesome breakdown of events and clarification 👍👌👌👌

  • @te593
    @te593 Месяц назад

    Thank you so much for explaining these underpinnings to Zionist thought.

  • @MelissaLeeNg
    @MelissaLeeNg Месяц назад

    Tor’ah describes the return of the mes’siah would be a pauper [aka. poor] dude riding a white donkey. Tor’ah also says many times that Jew-ish must be absentee from the kingdoom of iz’reel until the return of the mes’siah. The existance of iz’reel violates 2 of 3 oaths held sacred in ju’daism as G0D’s deecree. Those practicing ju’daism knows how this concludes in T’almud.

  • @sidikikamara8381
    @sidikikamara8381 Месяц назад +1

    Yaa Allah save the people of Palestine

  • @chaseoner
    @chaseoner Месяц назад

    Didn't the Ashkenazi Jews come from the Khazar Empire which "converted" to Judaism back in the 8th century? Which would surely distinguish them from the Sephardic Jews, given that they are white and of actual European lineage, whereas the Sephardic Jews were more indigenous to the Middle East/Northern Africa, giving their populations a middle eastern type olive and darker skin complexions. I am asking this because you said that the Ashkenazi's were the ones who escaped from Spain and moved into Europe while the Sephardic Jews escaped Spain and moved into Muslim lands when the Spanish inquisition of 1492 ended Muslim rule in Andalusia and began forcing all non-Christians to convert. And also, if the Christians of Spain started forcing conversions of all non-Christians, why would any Jew move back to Christian lands in Europe? Whether they are leaning towards becoming secular nation states or not, it just sounds like a very stupid move in my opinion given the atmosphere of anti-Semitism at the time in the world.

  • @YahuconanBell5344
    @YahuconanBell5344 Месяц назад

    See if you can find anything in the book of Duet 28th chapter.

  • @bilalmahomed3917
    @bilalmahomed3917 Месяц назад

    1.23 What an ironical anticlimax for 'some' 😂😂😂

  • @m7wgbh
    @m7wgbh Месяц назад

    As-salaam-alaykium Shayk Alhamdulilah wel explained proper understanding for those who think and allow their hearts to be navigated by their mind by the permission of Allah. Allahu Akbar.

  • @joelbitton
    @joelbitton Месяц назад

    Thank you sir for the time you took to clarify things that somehow I knew in my heart.

  • @manroimarwein6980
    @manroimarwein6980 Месяц назад +1

    What about jihad,is religious or not,

    • @maggyertl
      @maggyertl Месяц назад

      ....is written in Koran....is this not KILLING innocent people❓❓❓❓❓

    • @反ヨーロッパのサムライ
      @反ヨーロッパのサムライ 26 дней назад +1

      Jihad which type, we have Jihad for the self, we have offensive and defensive military jihad, we have Jihad against Satan.
      The greatest Jihad is against ones desires, the lowest is military Jihad. Jihad=Struggle. Jihad does not mean holy war, that's a christian-jewish thing to justify mass murder.

  • @TheoGilbert-x6v
    @TheoGilbert-x6v Месяц назад +2

    Mmm any many rabbies are decrying israel and its vile behaviour yo the original jews of the holy land, the palestinians.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад

      Funny thing is that most of the Rabbis today that stand for Palestinians are the EASTERN european Rabbis or other survivors of the holocaust. ALL of those Rabbis of old (Ashkenazi) stated very clearly that zionism is IDOL worship and that under NO circumstances should a State of Israel ever be created. It is against TORAH.
      The Chatam Sofer for one. He was NOT a Chassid. He was well known for chadash assur m’ha’Torah (NOTHING NEW). He went on, "In contrast, you have changed everything customary among religious Jews for generations! Influenced by the chilonim (secular Jews), you invented new mitzvoth such as ‘Zionism’ and ‘nationalism’. You changed the tradition of learning by introducing secular studies. How can you dare to claim that you represent the path of Torah?
      In Eastern Europe, The Jews in Bratislava (Pressburg) were severly persecuted and small in number. So many laws forbidding land ownership, education, jobs (why so many were shoe makers, musicians, artists, and farmers). That was ALL that this very small Eastern European group of Jews were ALLOWED to do. That was the law. Very small closed society and that never changed. Kind of the "Gintanos" from the heart of Europe. That hatred is still in place today. (Sefardis consider themselves "better" smarter, more "book learned", ect). The Sefardi's did not ever have to live through an actual "holocaust". Queen Isabella and the dispora 1492. I would joke with them, "at least you got a choice. Convert, leave, or die, And, if not for Jose Arturo Castellanos, ALL Slovak Jews would have been murdered. As it was, we were the FIRST to die (about 600 woman and children - sound familiar?) My dad, a child then, and my Dzedo and Baba survived also. They NEVER spoke about the holocaust but were always very protective and many times said, "Don't ever trust the Goverment, or even your neighbour. They will sell you out for $5". New country same life. CLOSED to the outside world for the most. FYI Herzl sacrificed JEWS to get what he wanted. He was an atheist.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад +2

      They are mostly the holocaust survivors of Ash of EASTERN Europe. Bratislava (Pressburg). Everyone knows what the Chatam Sofer said, that “chadash assur m’ha’Torah” (NOTHING NEW). He went on, "But in contrast, you have changed everything customary among religious Jews for generations! Influenced by the chilonim (secular Jews), you invented new mitzvoth such as ‘Zionism’ and ‘nationalism’. You changed the tradition of learning by introducing secular studies, which the Gedolei Yisrael vigorously fought. How can you dare claim that you represent the path of Torah?" No State of Israel ought to be made. It is IDOL worship".

  • @chengmohdamin172
    @chengmohdamin172 Месяц назад

    The Pharisees could have been right as the political system from Moses was looking forward to its completion in the Quran. There was leeway in interpretation perhaps basirah in the rabbi who gave the fatwa and preserved Jewish presence in Palestine. Remember too Jesus's impact on Roman Stoicism which enabled the Jews to receive the benefit of the doubt that led to their soft handling by the Romans in this settlement.

  • @TheGreenfrog140
    @TheGreenfrog140 Месяц назад

    Jesus the messiah was the messiah to the Jews but they refused to acknowledge him because Jesus rejected the altered scriptures and the corruption of the rabbis and Jewish elites turning worldly..
    The Jewish rabbis later on argued that the messiah they had been expecting had to be a king., but for this to happen the jews had to give him pledge and accept him.. but it also seems that the jews had been following the altered and contaminated prophecies .. (contaminated by earlier rabbis who gave more importance to the messiah to be an israeli descent ..
    Prophesies had been translations and interpretations and retranslations., defective translations. Because according to expert biblical studies and researchers they claim the coming messiah’s are not one but two . One is Jesus and the other is imam Mohammad al mahdi
    If you research Shia islam prophecies by their 12th imam also., a lot will make sense brother., the Iran Shia Muslim puzzle 🧩 will connect the dots.
    But just like the Jews rejected Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammad (peace be upon them both), the Sunni Muslim brothers and sisters must wake up that it is Iran’s ayatollah Ali khamenei that is the prophecy of prophet Mohammad as the “Khurasani”. And the imam Mohammad al mahdi is the 12th awaited Shia Imam.

  • @SamGold-pe6xz
    @SamGold-pe6xz Месяц назад +1

    Muslim messiah King Mahdi❤ is the Jewish Messiah🎉 folks .... 🎉

  • @SH8ZIA
    @SH8ZIA Месяц назад +1

    Ashkenazi Jews are from an area of Turkic and European people. They mass converted to Judaism from paganism.

    • @yehudayisrael7910
      @yehudayisrael7910 Месяц назад

      This is BS. Ashkenazi Jews are simply Jews who were exiled to Europe after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE

    • @YusufMullan
      @YusufMullan Месяц назад

      @@yehudayisrael7910you mean after the Christians invaded and took over Muslim Spain, like the speaker mentions in the video.

  • @mohammedzageer
    @mohammedzageer Месяц назад

    It seems to be an accurate explanation of Zionism❤

  • @maggyertl
    @maggyertl Месяц назад

    John 10/18

  • @klaxongreg
    @klaxongreg Месяц назад

    Were miracles a necessity to be a messiah?

  • @TheZenGarden_
    @TheZenGarden_ 24 дня назад

    Bereshit 10
    2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, ...3 And the sons of Gomer; *AshkeNazi* aka "jews." *Believe it or not, "Hebrews" aka Yisra'eyl (Devarim **28:15**-68) descend from Shem,* not Japheth.

  • @SamuelOnyekwere-q4w
    @SamuelOnyekwere-q4w 16 дней назад

    Frankly speaking, you are misfiring " carnally". You don't understand what you are saying; and until God opens your eyes, you can't understand it. The Jews and their Rabbis rejected Christ as their Messiah because of " Romans 11v25". Again, the " Christ" of Islam can never be the same Christ of Christianity. The devil created Islam and crafted every biblical characters into it.

  • @zohaibmaqbool
    @zohaibmaqbool Месяц назад

    Some very important information shared in this video

  • @pamelawinson3192
    @pamelawinson3192 Месяц назад +1

    Zionist born out of what belief ...from where..
    Cyrus was persisn??
    Persia now is..

  • @LoboAtwater-o8h
    @LoboAtwater-o8h Месяц назад

    The supreme idiocy!? A coward hiding in the middle of a battlefield!? Jesus, Love your enimies. My God?!

  • @aquarius1500
    @aquarius1500 Месяц назад

    And Judas the traitor went on the cross it is said that he hanged himself on a tree signifying the wooden cross he Jesus was raised up to the heavens by God and will return to say not in my name..

  • @diminatadeazi
    @diminatadeazi Месяц назад

    Jesus The Son of GOD !
    God Himself...in the begining was the Word ! it is in the Coran also
    Jesus was in the begining.
    Jesus is the Word of God.
    No one will save u,
    but Jesus.
    You'll see.

  • @denisespencer8000
    @denisespencer8000 Месяц назад

    Yes he will be lying about who he is

  • @lM-zr5vu
    @lM-zr5vu Месяц назад

    Very comprehensive, jazaakalah.

  • @steveryder1174
    @steveryder1174 Месяц назад

    Did not Isaiah say that the one to come would be from gentile origin, from Kedar? (A descendent of Ishmael). The Messiah (the praised one) is and was.... Muhammad saw. He is the prince of peace (Islam) and peace would spread across the earth (and it is). To say the Messiah will be of David is a lie and is not in the old testament. Isaiah 42 is important to read.

  • @Doriel-DeLorenzo
    @Doriel-DeLorenzo Месяц назад

    There is no messiah commandment in the Torah

  • @RogerDosethee-bg8rw
    @RogerDosethee-bg8rw Месяц назад

    Total craziness in the name of god that world is crazy 😧

  • @susmitbhai
    @susmitbhai Месяц назад

    Awesome lecture. Check out dr Ali Ataie. I understand ur point sheikh but u should point out the differences in religious jews. Religious Orthodox like most Natura Carta is oppose to Zionist project and many other religious jews r zionist. Not all religious jews r zionist, i think u should create more clear difference between them.

  • @irinka_kat
    @irinka_kat Месяц назад +21

    I do not believe in religion but what you're saying makes sense and historically can be fact-checked. Thank you so much for this video.

    • @TheOldWeigh
      @TheOldWeigh Месяц назад +1

      "Jesus wasn't killed" makes sense and can be "historically verified"!??? Lol.

    • @irinka_kat
      @irinka_kat Месяц назад +2

      @@TheOldWeigh I wasn't talking about that. I was referring the three Zionist movements both from the religious and secular ones.

    • @TheOldWeigh
      @TheOldWeigh Месяц назад

      @@irinka_kat why not say that to begin with then!? How does the reading public know wat you meant?

    • @carimaelfarrah7800
      @carimaelfarrah7800 Месяц назад +4

      @@TheOldWeigh the only thing historically verified about Jesus is he left the scene. Was he crucified? Did he die? It appeared so...and that's what the Quran says.
      And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain. 4:157

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад

      My question: is the torah a secular or religious text? Why then the torah has the plan to disperse and re collect the jews to palestine after a certain period when the given mission was completed? Isn't the definition of zionism about re-settling the jpepole to zion e.g. to jerusalem and what is considered the homeland? The plan is in the torah. The word zion is used dozens of times in the torah several times in relation to gathering the scattered tribe back to zion and the land of their fathers. The secular zionists used this plan to make a project out of it. Isn't zionism based on the plan in the torah?

  • @pnjwck
    @pnjwck Месяц назад +17

    Thank you for posting another video about this topic ❤️ i appreciate your insight and perspective. Its so logical and relevant to our time.

  • @poweroflove7320
    @poweroflove7320 Месяц назад +7

    I don’t usually watch long videos, but this I have to listen again 😊Thanks it’s very interesting to listen to your incredible wisdom

  • @Amina-o4y
    @Amina-o4y Месяц назад +120

    I’m so grateful to be a Muslim Alhamdulillah ❤

    • @keepcreationprocess
      @keepcreationprocess Месяц назад

      There is alot of materialism and corruption violence aggression illiteracy indifference lack of real knowledge and wisdom among Muslims and the Islam or the interpretation of the Islam and the people among those folks as well.....What if when a Muslim buys an expensive car and forced himself to park himself in front of others and not helping anyone nor educate their sons properly.....😢😢😭

    • @ShSy-ni6zq
      @ShSy-ni6zq Месяц назад +5

      At least I grew up in a free country
      I now live in phoney land
      Fascist Apartheid if only that was Israel's worst sin
      I met genuine good religious Muslims in Brooklyn

    • @laetitianizeye3368
      @laetitianizeye3368 Месяц назад

      Sorry, Jesus-Christ of Nazareth is the only one MESSIAH. MARANATHA. HE IS COMING BACK VERY SOON. EVERY ONE WILL SEE HIM EVEN WHO KILLED HIM 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

    • @JenZee-oe2no
      @JenZee-oe2no Месяц назад

      You are more likely to go down because of your sex. According to MoMo.

    • @winterowl2714
      @winterowl2714 Месяц назад

      @@ShSy-ni6zq Every country with a majority of your sort discriminates under the law. Every. Single. One.

  • @TonyisToking
    @TonyisToking Месяц назад +24

    Thank you for educating the western world on historical events that are not discussed in our schools. Yes, you heard me right. We don’t talk about the true details of Israel-Palestine. If you ask any of my friends from school “when was Israel, the state, established.” They will probably say “bro that was like 2000 years ago or something right?!” No one knows it’s something WE DID in 1947. And furthermore they don’t know the history of the Jewish people. Again, you’d be surprised how many Chrisitian Americans are completely unaware of the fact that THEIR RELIGION is derived from the Torah, let alone the fact that the current Jewish people are less like the Messiah than Christians are nowadays. Christians walk closer with God than the Israeli people yet Christians think that Israel are the “chosen ones”. It’s all backwards and that was completely by design. America likes to create the fantasy that their conquests are in the name of god because they know so many of their citizens are really god fearing. But unfortunately they use their Christian citizens fears to support sinful ways.

    • @JenZee-oe2no
      @JenZee-oe2no Месяц назад

      The details of Izlm are what need discussed. Slavery, invasion, abduction and rpe as a legal system handed down. And then the whining starts.

    • @Sa-hi5nq
      @Sa-hi5nq Месяц назад +1

      Please do not confuse Islam with the actions of some Muslims (past or present).

    • @raufsivany5272
      @raufsivany5272 Месяц назад

      Women in west are taken as commodities for sex desires. If u find there are millions of couples in western world who live together without marriage (bcs of wealth distribution rules), and busy making babies.
      These babies are called BASTARDS... Pls study Oxford Dictionary about definition of Bastards.
      Wine is another weakness of the west, which make them blind on sex doing even with incests per se.
      Rape adultery robbery are all bcs of lust for wealth, a route for corruption.
      Religions advise us to avoid such activities and respect women. Make them your wife and give respect to them. Make them queen of your home.
      Islam respects women.
      Study Quran and understand why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

    • @anonymouslurker2561
      @anonymouslurker2561 8 дней назад

      You should also need to be aware, that there are so many twisted and lies about Islamic history that are being spread by Z.ist, so when people said something like the above, often it's based on those lies. I know cause I used to believe them. Knowing the detail of any event in history is the key to avoid getting brainwashed by twisted terms designed to give false perception.

  • @rehanaflowerinjannah4499
    @rehanaflowerinjannah4499 Месяц назад +21

    This needs wider sharing... excellent compilation. ❤

    • @BasiraEducation
      @BasiraEducation  Месяц назад

      Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. Please do share to any whatsapp groups you feel will benefit from it. Also H
      dere are a few playlists you may enjoy
      Truth About Palestine That Nobody's Talking About:
      The Truth About the Red Heifer's that Nobody's Talking About:
      Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments:
      Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character):
      Defend the Prophet Playlist: ruclips.net/p/PLeVtFJ5Wg2hstNA2bq6Is0wexem3DpWrp&si=IlmG0kf1bZmGD2la

  • @MUSAD19
    @MUSAD19 Месяц назад +41

    Alhamdulillah brother , your explanation clears lots of confusion about Jewish people. We need people like you to clearly educate Muslims. May Allah Bless you , Ameen ya Allah

      @TRUTHALWAYS66 Месяц назад

      Shame my brother. You fooling so many and that's very shameful.
      1. The Almight is most powerful and whatever He decree Will be so.
      A. When through His prophets told them He WILL send a messiah, He gave them a few requirements this messiah should fulfill..
      B. So If this messiah do as pro, NO Inland not even the Pharisees can stop or postpone it. THE ALMIGHTY IS IN CHARGE.
      So for you to say those Leaders of the Jews mislead them might be true BUT that CANNOT stop G-ds plans.
      2. Remember when Moses went to Egypt to free the nation, those Egyptians made miracles. The Most High showed them that even the most evil people on earth can do miracles. He also warned them (Jews) never to fall for other nations tricks and miracles.
      So miracles can never be PROOF THAT JESUS WAS THE MESSIAH.
      3. HERE ARE A FEW REQUIREMENTS the MESSIAH should do when he comes. Note that these requirements cannot happen UNLESS THE ALMIGHTY HIMSELF IS AT WORK. THIS CANNOT BE THE MIRACLES THEY SAY JESUS DID.
      a. The temple will be rebuilt. ( Jesus came when the temple stood). It WAS not prophesied the messiah will come when the temple stand and then die and then the temple will be destroyed for Him to come again. No sir.
      b. There will be no WARS. When Jesus came WARS just continued and actually got worse.
      c. Peace will reign. Since Jesus came, was there Peace, or is this video not PROOF of hatred towards Jews. All I hear in your teaching " CORRUPT JEWS ".
      d. All Jews will make aliyah to Israel. Well Jesus came and the Jews were scattered and we only see NOW THE JEWS ARE RETURNING as prophesied.
      e. Universal knowledge of the ONE TRUE G-D and ALL WILL WORSHIP HIM.
      Well today I see you struggling to prove your point and it proves that many gods are being worshipped and too many quarrels of faiths.
      Jesus did none of the above. Don't be fooled.
      Video is a lie rather research for yourself what Jews teaches and BELIEVE.
      This guy is dangerously evil

  • @TheAmmijee
    @TheAmmijee Месяц назад +8

    JazakAllah , sir , for such an enlightening explanation of what’s going on and through the Lense of Historical, religious, foundations of the current events. So so thankful for educating us. JazakAllah , May Allah DWT , protect you Ameen ❤

  • @HussainHussain-ck7zy
    @HussainHussain-ck7zy Месяц назад +15


  • @mnoorbhai
    @mnoorbhai Месяц назад +47

    Amazing insight .Chritians Jews and Muslims must listen to this .. spread this video wide .

    • @WhiteHatzz
      @WhiteHatzz Месяц назад +5


      @TRUTHALWAYS66 Месяц назад

      Shame my brother. You fooling so many and that's very shameful.
      1. The Almight is most powerful and whatever He decree Will be so.
      A. When through His prophets told them He WILL send a messiah, He gave them a few requirements this messiah should fulfill..
      B. So If this messiah do as pro, NO Inland not even the Pharisees can stop or postpone it. THE ALMIGHTY IS IN CHARGE.
      So for you to say those Leaders of the Jews mislead them might be true BUT that CANNOT stop G-ds plans.
      2. Remember when Moses went to Egypt to free the nation, those Egyptians made miracles. The Most High showed them that even the most evil people on earth can do miracles. He also warned them (Jews) never to fall for other nations tricks and miracles.
      So miracles can never be PROOF THAT JESUS WAS THE MESSIAH.
      3. HERE ARE A FEW REQUIREMENTS the MESSIAH should do when he comes. Note that these requirements cannot happen UNLESS THE ALMIGHTY HIMSELF IS AT WORK. THIS CANNOT BE THE MIRACLES THEY SAY JESUS DID.
      a. The temple will be rebuilt. ( Jesus came when the temple stood). It WAS not prophesied the messiah will come when the temple stand and then die and then the temple will be destroyed for Him to come again. No sir.
      b. There will be no WARS. When Jesus came WARS just continued and actually got worse.
      c. Peace will reign. Since Jesus came, was there Peace, or is this video not PROOF of hatred towards Jews. All I hear in your teaching " CORRUPT JEWS ".
      d. All Jews will make aliyah to Israel. Well Jesus came and the Jews were scattered and we only see NOW THE JEWS ARE RETURNING as prophesied.
      e. Universal knowledge of the ONE TRUE G-D and ALL WILL WORSHIP HIM.
      Well today I see you struggling to prove your point and it proves that many gods are being worshipped and too many quarrels of faiths.
      Jesus did not fulfill these requirements AND FOR THAT REASON JEWS DONT ACCEPT HIM.
      Totally contrary to what this IMAMM teaches.
      Run from IDOLATRY and worship the CREATOR ALONE.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад +1

      Most xians won't. Few like to learn. They are so emotional.

    • @mnoorbhai
      @mnoorbhai Месяц назад +3

      @@nji7772 I know , most know the truth but don't won't to hear it , closed mindset .

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Месяц назад

      The truth Muslims are terrified to face: *'ALLAH'* of Islam ☪️ and the Kaaba 🕋 has more in common with *'ALLAH'* (Hubal) ☪️ the moon and star god of the Kaaba 🕋 than with 'Allah' or 'Alaha' of the Arabic or Aramaic Bibles (the God of the previous scriptures). Fact!
      'Allah' or 'Alaha' are just *common noun/generic words* for just about any god an Arabic/Aramaic speaker worships.
      Even Hubal ☪️ of the Kaaba 🕋 also called *'Allah' ('al-ilah'/the god),* right? Yes he was!
      If we go with the *same-word concept fallacy* ("the name of this being is similar to the name of that being therefore they are the same being") used by Muslims, then Allah (Hubal) is Allah of the Qur’an since they share the same:
      1. *Name* '[Allah' ('al-ilah'/the god)],
      2. *Symbol* (moon and star) ☪️
      3. *Shrine* (Kaaba) 🕋.
      4. *Yemini corner* of the Kaaba. Hubal's temple was originally in Yemini. Stones from Hubal's temple in Yemini were brought to the Kaaba. Muslims touch the Yemini corner during Hajj!
      5. Hubal was also *creator of the Heavens and the Earth.*
      6. Muslims who worship Allah of the Qur’an and worshippers of Allah (Hubal) are both *"slaves of Allah".* Hubal was worshipped by Muhammad’s grandfather (Abdu'l-Muttalib) and father (Abdullah) as 'Allah' of the Kaaba and Muhammad’s grandfather dedicated Muhammad to Hubal at the centre of the Kaaba. Abdullah meant 'slave of Hubal'.
      You are only a slave to sin and to Satan, the great Deceiver. Hubal means 'He who is Baal'. Baal is a manifestation of S-tan, the great deceiver. People will perish because of lack of knowledge!
      In Judaism and Christianity YAHWEH is our Father (Deuteronomy 32:6 Psalms 89:26‭-‬27, Isaiah 63:16, Matthew 6:9) and we are his *children* (spiritually). Allah of the Kaaba is father to no one (QS 6:100).
      The greatest deception the devil ever pulled was to make you believe that he is the Most High God of the previous scriptures (Isaiah 14:12-14). S-tan deceives by disguising himself as a being of light and his servants as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
      Why can't devout Muslims see through the deception of the 7th century 'Allah' of the Kaaba?
      The *golden rule* of *deception* is *management* of the other person's *perception* so that they do not know any deception is happening...
      You see, the greatest deception the world has ever seen was that although Muhammad had (at the conquest of Mecca) destroyed the 360 idols of the Kaaba (including the pagan human statue of the moon and star god ☪️ Hubal of the Kaaba 🕋 which stood at the center), the *destruction* of Hubal's statue was in fact the deceptive *re-invention, rebranding and disguise* of Hubal to be *like* the monotheistic Most High God of Abraham and the Prophets. Allah of the Qur’an claims this title in Al-Aʻla (87:1)). What does Isaiah 14:12-14 have to say about Allah's claim? Tawhid (oneness) of a pagan god!
      The destruction of the idols in the Kaaba was the trimming down of many gods until there was left one (monotheistic) false god, Hubal, the chief god rebranded as the God of Abraham, while still being worshipped within Hubal's Kaaba and Black Stone 🕋, shockingly, thanks to the biggest 7th century deception that they were set up by Abraham and Ishmael (QS 2:127 and QS 22:26-27)!
      From the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms there is no evidence whatsoever of these names ever participating in building the Kaaba of Islam. It's a big, big lie!
      It's not surprising that Muhammad betrayed the "new Allah" to be the same old Hubal by another name (or still by the same name 'Allah') when he initially commanded his followers to offer prayers to the pagan *"daughters of Allah (Hubal)"* -al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat!
      Did he not?
      Muhammad exposed who his god really was but he later withdrew and blamed it on S-atan (Qur’an sura 53 al-Najm verses 19-23).
      Let him who has ears hear and find the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  • @sgmovies7864
    @sgmovies7864 Месяц назад +51

    Jews cannot claim the land of Palestine as their homeland. According to the Orthodox Rabbinout in Israel, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons were not Jewish. Moses is not aware of modern traditions, Moses did not study even a little bit of the Talmud, Moses did not acknowledge or accept rabbinical authority. All that together with his two gentile wives.....
    In the Bible, Joshua 21:43-44 states:
    “So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass”.
    This passage suggests that the Israelites had already taken possession of all the land that G-d had promised to their forefathers even before the creation of modern State of Israel.
    So where is the second promise from G-d that stated Jews can repossess all land of Palestine? The idea only originated from Zionists.
    The promise of land belonging to the Children of Israel is never eternal. It comes with conditions:
    Psalm 37:29 states that “The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever”. This passage is often interpreted as a promise of God’s blessing for those who live righteously. It is believed that the righteous will be rewarded with a place in the land of Israel, which is often referred to as the “promised land”.
    G-d gave Torah to the Jews.. Being a Jew is a profession. There is no such thing as non-religious Jews. "And you will be my kingdom of priests, my holy nation.’ This is the message you must give to the people of Israel.” Exodus 19:6
    Had Israelis been listening or reasoning with the Torah, then Israelis would realised that they are now living in sins like the times of northern and southern kingdoms. Micah lists specific sins of both the northern and southern kingdoms. These sins include idolatry (1:7; 5:12-14); the seizure of property (2:2, 9); the failure of civil leadership (3:1-3, 9-10; 7:3), religious leadership (3:11), and prophetic leadership (3:5-7, 11); offering sacrifice without truly repenting (6:6-7); and corrupt business practices and violence (6:10-12).
    If Zionists claim that G-d had given the land of Palestine to the Jews is true, then why Abraham had to negotiate with the Hittites to purchase a burial plot for his wife, Sarah [Genesis 23]? Why didn't Abraham just take the land like the Zionists did?
    If you are not guided by teaching of Abraham, then you are either guided by your own desires and/or the devil/Satan.
    The modern state of Israel was created by the West and not by G-d. In ancient Israel, G-d had prepared Moses for 80 years to lead His people Israel. 1948+80= 2028 may be the complete systematic dismantling of the modern state of Israel by G-d All-mighty.

    • @gertrudevanvoorden1416
      @gertrudevanvoorden1416 Месяц назад

      Some western scholars prove these narratives to be false. No Moses, no Exodus. Some claim he was Ahkenaton. History is falsified and deleted.

    • @TonyisToking
      @TonyisToking Месяц назад +7

      You’d be surprised how many Western citizens are completely unaware of the history. Thank you for sharing. I think that what the west did in 1947 was a terrible mistake. Unfortunately, as a citizen of the west you can’t even vote for someone who is against “two state solution”. There is simply no options. I suggest to anyone in Palestine or at odds with Israel to further work to educate the west. Education is the answer.

    • @andrew_koala2974
      @andrew_koala2974 Месяц назад

      Your writing would be great if you could only learn to format the text into narrow columns
      using a text editor,
      Maximum characters in a column of 73 characters Characters include spaces.
      * AUTO text wrapping is NOT formatting.
      How is it that you gave not yet learned writing skills ?
      Did your school not teach you that ?
      Of did it not reach your consciousness ?
      Study how text is formatted in Newspapers and Magazines.
      Learn to pay attention to detail.
      Allow others sto teach you what you do not yet know -- and be teachable.
      It is not difficult to get things right.
      ZOMBIES have eyes but cannot see - ears and cannot hear
      Time to step OUT of the ZOMBIE ZONE
      For your homework write an essay explaining why
      columns are to be narrow.
      Undertake the study and learn from it.
      Study the writers and editors BIBLE
      it is called the ' Chicago Style manual '
      Then you will learn how to write.
      The word WRITING means to make things Right - i.e. RIGHTING
      Had you been one of my students - you would have learned these
      things and more.
      Just know that my youngest students age 8 are academically
      more advanced than you.

    • @sgmovies7864
      @sgmovies7864 Месяц назад +4

      @@andrew_koala2974 Thank you for the comment. Next time, I will use AI to write for me.
      Being academically advanced or using complex terminology does not necessarily equate to correctness or accuracy. Knowledge and correctness are judged by the validity of the information, its evidence base, and its relevance to the topic, not just by the sophistication of the language used. It's important to critically evaluate the content and not be swayed solely by how advanced or scholarly it appears.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Месяц назад +3

      Friend, your exegesis of Bible verses is terrible. For example, the righteous shall inherit the land does not mean that if you are in America and you are righteous then you inherit the land of Israel! This is laughable.
      Secondly, Moses never said the inheritance of the land by the children of Israel is everlasting? This is just pure ignorance!
      The inherence of the land by the Children of Israel is *everlasting* and without conditions! What had conditions was the Covenant of the Law of Moses which came with the condition of blessings or curses if they obeyed or disobeyed the Covenant of the Law of Moses
      *ISRAEL* is the *ONLY* land on earth which the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gave to a people (the children of Israel and their descendents) as an everlasting inheritance.
      I can love Israel because I love and obey the *everlasting Abrahamic covenant* (inheritance) the great I AM THAT I AM has with the children of Israel:
      "I will establish my covenant as an *everlasting covenant* between me and you (Abraham) and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your
      God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of *Canaan,* where you now reside as a foreigner, I will GIVE as an *everlasting possession* to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.” (Genesis 17:7‭-‬8)
      With whom did God make a covenant: Ishmael, Isaac or both?
      God made the covenant with ISAAC, not Ishmael, because ISAAC was the son of God's promise while Ishmael came about because of Sarah and Abraham's own human decision and rebelliousness to God's promise:
      "Then God said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him ISAAC. I will establish my covenant with him as an *everlasting covenant* for his descendants after him. And as for ISHMAEL, I have heard you: I will surely BLESS him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. BUT my COVENANT I will establish with *ISAAC,* whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year.” Genesis 17:19‭-‬21
      ‭Genesis 28:13
      [13] There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, the God of your father *Abraham* and the God of *Isaac* I will give you *(Jacob)* and your descendants the land on which you are lying."
      God repeated the Abrahamic covenant of both blessings and land to three different generations: *ABRAHAM, ISAAC,* and *JACOB.* The Lord who established this covenant calls himself by his covenant name which he revealed to mankind through Moses in the Torah as follows: 'God also said to Moses, “Say to the *Israelites,* ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers-the God of *ABRAHAM,* the God of *ISAAC* and the God of *JACOB* -has sent me to you.’ “This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation." (Exodus 3:15).
      *Almost a thousand years later, King David recalled this covenant:*
      "you his servants, the descendants of Abraham, *his chosen ones,* the children of Jacob. He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. He remembers his *covenant forever,* the promise he made, for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with *ABRAHAM,* the oath he swore to *ISAAC.* He confirmed it to *JACOB* as a decree, to *Israel* as an *everlasting covenant:* “To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion *you will inherit.”* Psalms 105:6‭-‬11
      Desist and divest from being a victim or instrument of the end of the age spirit of *ANTICHRIST* propaganda against Israel.
      Does the displacement of the Israelites at certain points and periods (such as their displacement in AD 70 (for 2000 years) by the Romans cancel their inheritance?
      Is this how God's covenants work? No. God keeps his covenants, even if we don't-even if the Jews did not.
      Don't let anyone deceive you. *"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge"* (Hosea 4:6)

  • @lokmaneredjemi244
    @lokmaneredjemi244 Месяц назад +7

    MashaAllah, very clear and eloquently explained

  • @freemanontheland507
    @freemanontheland507 Месяц назад +4

    ⚠️ The Dajjalic system...from Pax Americana, Pax Britannica to Pax Judaica..may Allah give victory to the Muslims, ameen...

  • @panjipriambudi2671
    @panjipriambudi2671 Месяц назад +8

    thank you syaikh very deep insights ..

  • @emmanuelk.tambwe2628
    @emmanuelk.tambwe2628 Месяц назад +2

    Yahushua The Anointed of Yahuah The Creator....now you're telling the history from the point of view of these imposters that has made the lives of arabs bitter yet they are from the root of Edumians.

  • @rizfarid
    @rizfarid Месяц назад +5

    It's not the dome of the rock they will replace, it's the qibli masjid i.e. the grey dome masjid at the back of the al aqsa compound.

    • @Uncanny_Mountain
      @Uncanny_Mountain Месяц назад +1

      Someone should point out Jerusalem is in Tyre Lebanon
      Shalim (Šalām, Shalem, Ugaritic: 𐎌𐎍𐎎, romanized: ŠLM) is a pagan god in Canaanite religion, mentioned in inscriptions found in Ugarit (now Ras Shamra, Syria). William F. Albright identified Shalim as the god of the dusk and Shahar as the god of the dawn.

  • @Crib3
    @Crib3 Месяц назад +5

    Revelation 3:9
    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    • @Babylon2060
      @Babylon2060 Месяц назад +1

      The New Testament was strategically written to be anti-Jewish.

    • @oftbanned101
      @oftbanned101 29 дней назад

      ​@@Babylon2060more anti Jewish authorities, just like the speaker said.. Jesus condemned both the Sadducees and the Pharicees as 'hypocrites, whited sepulchres and brood of vipers'.. also the bankers btw (money lenders)! ..and I'm in full agreement on all three criticisms!

    • @mimmogatto3765
      @mimmogatto3765 23 дня назад +1

      Forse chiese

  • @janewhite572
    @janewhite572 Месяц назад +3

    Thank you. The best explanation of what is going on with Zionism to date. 🙏

  • @MRFDR55
    @MRFDR55 Месяц назад +4

    Very Informative! But no mention of the Jews sent to São Tomé. The Moors were also put in the situation to convert, leave or die. Many early books talk about both Black and White Jews in Spain and Portugal. There is mention that the Black Jews had their Children taken from them, but no mention of this with the White Jews.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 Месяц назад

      Portugal - black jews. Not so much Spain.

  • @baruasafi5880
    @baruasafi5880 Месяц назад +4

    Mash'Allah brother. Very very educative.

  • @zahidmuslim6560
    @zahidmuslim6560 Месяц назад +4

    ALLAH Is the Best of Planners ; sheeps been gathering within the slaughter- field,,,,

    • @Aws1962
      @Aws1962 Месяц назад

      You are right. That is what their bible says too. 👇
      "The LORD will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you".
      - Deuteronomy 28:68
      In order that prophecy to come true, Probably Allah has made these zionists came together in the land of Palestine, because Egypt is next door, which is their final destination where they will be slaves again.

  • @jerryhogeweide5288
    @jerryhogeweide5288 Месяц назад +3

    You have to look at that Yom Kipper sacrifice to understand Jesus and what he was doing. That first goat had to die and he was simply performing like a priest that particular part of the sacrifice. The second goat was supposed to be led out of the city and handed over to a Bedouin tribesmen who would take the goat into the wilderness. At some point, he was to free that goat and most likely, it would choose to remain with its new master. It’s a beautiful picture of the coming messiah that suffers like a leper and again relives the life you see described so eloquently in Isa 53. Only if you read it, though he dies, he also lives a long life having children himself. It’s then that this messiah sees light and then makes his life again a sacrifice. Jesus never needed to be god or perfect, but did have to be completely submitted to god to through with it.
    The rabbis never could read prophecy or understand what Yom Kipper was saying. It depicted the Mashiach born in every generation who was tested in each life like Job. The rabbis didn’t follow the explicit commands and instead marched that scapegoat over a cliff immediately. They were even given signs that the sacrifice was no longer effective with a cloth not turning red (in the Talmud). This alone was good enough reason for god to destroy that temple. Not because they rejected Jesus. They still haven’t repented and the next thing we’re waiting for is described in Dan 12:7.

    • @Dawah_Help
      @Dawah_Help Месяц назад

      "You have to look at that Yom Kipper sacrifice to understand Jesus and what he was doing."
      > That sounds a bit fishy to say the least.

    • @jerryhogeweide5288
      @jerryhogeweide5288 Месяц назад

      @@Dawah_Help In Isa 53, you see more than one life described. One dies and another lives a long life and has children. After suffering, he sees the light and then makes his life a sacrifice. You see both goats represented.
      Today, there’s no doubt who the national scapegoat is in Israel and Jesus along with any followers are throughly hated and blamed. So Yom Kipper is a blueprint and a prophecy. When Jesus returns, he will be living the horrors of that passage again. He could very well be a Palestinian and it’s not that hard to see it now the way they are treated. At some point, the Jews will realize this according to the other prophecies and repent, though only a third will survive.

  • @N9TheNoob
    @N9TheNoob Месяц назад +4

    Jazakallahu khairan

  • @YusufMullan
    @YusufMullan Месяц назад +3

    MashaAllah, excellent presentation! It was well worth the wait ❤

  • @shamsudeenmacseain5157
    @shamsudeenmacseain5157 Месяц назад +9

    Sheikh, my understanding is that Ashkenazi Jews are not those who immigrated from Spain, but rather they were majority from those who came from the Khazars, and Eastern Europe.
    An important point, becayse this strand of Judaism have no claim to the lineage of Jacob, as they adopted Judaism as a political move, according to historians they were secular phalanx worshippers previously.

    • @gertrudevanvoorden1416
      @gertrudevanvoorden1416 Месяц назад

      And from the Rhineland, descending from ordinary european tribes.

    • @janmariablackwell8138
      @janmariablackwell8138 Месяц назад +1

      He did say this

    • @wiwlarue4097
      @wiwlarue4097 Месяц назад

      the khazarian tale was also made up by the rabbis 😆if you read the origins. They used this in times of trouble to deflect attention from jews to khazars "it's not the jews who are causing trouble it's those khazarian converts" they used this in spain, they used this in russia and they are using it now to further divide the nation's opinions on the jews so that they are unabe to unite against them.Now they are blaming it on the zionists when judaism inherently contains the element we now call zionism, when communism started they blamed it on those evil atheists; it's not judaism it's those renagede materialistic atheists who were doing it. People swallow it bait line and sinker all the time. This is the art of psychological collective self defense we call jewjitsu. 😋🤩😇

    • @TopReplica23
      @TopReplica23 Месяц назад +3

      A lot of people, including some sheikhs, don't mention that the Jews we see today aren't the original Israelites but rather descendants of European Khazars who converted to Judaism. As Muslims, we know that Moses (PBUH), David, and Yeshua (Jesus) were Black, and the original Hebrews were Black too. So how did they suddenly become Europeans from places like Poland, Austria, and Russia? Just look up the Bristol Psalter, which is held in the British Library. The image there reveals the truth. If you read the Bible, Torah, and Quran with certainty, you'll understand that the real Israelites were Black.

    • @gertrudevanvoorden1416
      @gertrudevanvoorden1416 Месяц назад

      @@TopReplica23 You first have to.prove Jesus, Moses etc are real historic figures. More and more scientists debunk the narratives. According prof ashraf Ezzat Israelites were an arab tribe to the north of Yemen.

  • @shahnazsharif2594
    @shahnazsharif2594 Месяц назад +3

    The blameless sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus came into the world to give his life for mankind so that mankind may again be braught into heavenly kingdom.