
  • Опубликовано: 6 ноя 2024
  • 新聞智庫 逢星期一至五 now新聞台 新聞時段內播出

Комментарии • 21

  • @tt_ww
    @tt_ww 7 лет назад +33


  • @akabbq600
    @akabbq600 4 года назад +1


  • @bobtb5903
    @bobtb5903 7 лет назад +21

    我們的運動場好多沙粒😖 感覺好驚跌低因為好痛😣

    • @stayalive6613
      @stayalive6613 6 лет назад +3

      那應該是紅土跑道 會比較慢腳比較不會受傷 pu跑道則是跑的比較快 但腳容易受傷 所以有好有壞拉

    • @RayRay-ey6dg
      @RayRay-ey6dg 5 лет назад

      alive stay 我們學校餓也是

  • @藍天o實況
    @藍天o實況 7 лет назад +7


  • @Lee-tm2fj
    @Lee-tm2fj 7 лет назад +37

    真的很討厭這種不專業的新聞..= =
    什麼叫步頻不是重點 知道短跑選手的平均步頻有多快嗎?
    還什麼重點訓練小腿... 大腿以及核心 還有上身的爆發都是至關重要

    • @jcccheung
      @jcccheung 7 лет назад +3

      You're wrong.
      知道短跑選手的平均步頻有多快嗎? - Sprinters have high stride frequency because they can spend less time on the ground, as the video says 0.12 > 0.08. If you spend less time on the ground, you can take more steps. Stride frequency is the effect of shortening ground time. Ground time is the cause of stride frequency.
      步頻不是重點 - Nearly everyone CAN have the same stride frequency, however, they can't produce enough explosive force on the ground to actualize that frequency. Everyone can run in air with the same frequency.
      核心 還有上身的爆發都是至關重要 - The limiting factor to producing higher ground forces is training of the upper leg.
      This was a very very good video, a little boring, but perfectly accurate.

    • @Lee-tm2fj
      @Lee-tm2fj 7 лет назад +4

      Deep Fried Water
      我不知道你為什麼看得懂我的留言還硬要用英文回復 但我可以告訴你為什麼這則新聞是錯的
      1. 新聞內容說 跑得快的關鍵不在步頻 而是盡量延遲身體在空中的時間 照此一說 那選手應該嘗試用最短的地面接觸時間並且跳越遠越高越好 然而我們都知道 這樣將會使速度不連續而且身體重心上下震盪過大 最有效率地跑姿是身體幾乎不上下震盪 也就是說腳在空中停留的時間是有限的
      因此 在正確短跑發力姿勢的前提下 追求步頻=縮短腳掌與地面停留時間 兩者是一體的 所以步頻絕對不會不是重點
      2. 你可以自己去看學術文章 的確在短跑選手中有分"步幅派" 與 "步頻派" 然而即使如此 所有短跑選手的步頻仍是非常快的 就連步幅派的Bolt都有每秒4.26步的步頻 而且經過統計分析 在男子選手的比賽中 步頻比步幅更加影響比賽結果
      3. 你自己都說要產生足夠的地面反彈力量 最主要是依靠訓練upper leg了...那請問小腿是upper leg嗎?
      不要說奧運短跑選手了 稍有訓練的人都知道大腿及核心才是最重要的關鍵 小腿雖然也重要但絕對不會像新聞說的那樣是最重要的東西

    • @jcccheung
      @jcccheung 7 лет назад +1

      I can read Chinese but since I grew up in Canada I'm not able to type Chinese.
      1. You're claiming this: "the news report is saying that sprinting fast is not reliant on stride frequency, but rather an increase in flight time, then deductively sprinters should try to minimize ground contact time and jump as far as high as possible." I won't comment on the part about gravity.
      The news report is saying that stride frequency is not the determinant for sprinting success, and it's not, ONLY if you define it as limb repositioning speed. If you are talking about stride frequency, then you guys are on the same page. So I don't think you actually disagree with the news report. You are really saying the same thing.
      2. Yes, stride frequency is correlated with the success of a sprinter, however, that's not useful at all for understanding how sprinters come to producing such a frequency. Producing enough impulse is the means to improving stride frequency. You can't simply look at what is correlated with top sprinters to see what is effective (you are doing this with stride frequency), you need to look at what are the causes of top sprinting success (this is minimizing ground contact time - which the news reporter covers - by reducing the time it takes to produce the necessary forces).

    • @jcccheung
      @jcccheung 7 лет назад

      My problem with your initial comment is that you're making a very uncharitable response to this piece of reporting. I found it excellent for a report meant for laypeople as they make a good effort overturning poor physiological understanding (the belief that stride frequency is the most important - defined as limb repositioning speed) and suggesting that decreasing ground contact time is the most important key to sprinting success. I do think you are well-informed.

    • @Lee-tm2fj
      @Lee-tm2fj 7 лет назад +1

      Deep Fried Water
      但我的言論純粹是針對新聞內容說的 "步頻不是重點"
      事實上 在"短跑姿勢正確"的前提下
      縮短與地面接觸時間=追求步頻高 這兩者是一體的
      如果你去找一個教練談 他絕對會跟你說短跑要追求步頻高(以一般標準來看)
      絕對不會說沒關係你以每秒3步的步頻(中長跑步頻) 必且嘗試縮短與地面接觸時間
      因為如果你這樣做 就達不到"正確姿勢"的前提 你會變成類似連續跳躍的姿態
      因此純粹針對新聞所說的內容 他的確是有誤
      再來 新聞說 每天去健身室 重點進行小腿肌肉的鍛鍊...這種毫無專業素養的話語也講得出來...
      我個人是認為 新聞如果要報 那就請專業深入瞭解以後再報
      我也還是會堅持我的想法 謝謝指教