Пустая болтовня. Какие отношения у Ван Ибо с компанией, знает только сам Ван Ибо. Содержание контракта и срок его прекращения тоже не разглашается. По этому поводу можно фантазировать и спекулировать сколько угодно.
Haven't you got any good news about Wang Yibo to write about? Why do you resort to this drible of so called news about our Wang Yibo? Stop this, nothing to see here and just throw away your pen and paper in the bin. You know nothing about Wang Yibo's business, just empty speculation. Do you really think that we would be stupid enough to buy your stories?! Think again.
Esse editor so inventa. Yibo não e bobo não. Pelo contrário muito inteligente e so faz o que ama. Ninguem manda nele. Ele sabe por onde correr e so fazer o que lhe agrada.Yibo❤
Пустая болтовня. Какие отношения у Ван Ибо с компанией, знает только сам Ван Ибо. Содержание контракта и срок его прекращения тоже не разглашается. По этому поводу можно фантазировать и спекулировать сколько угодно.
Haven't you got any good news about Wang Yibo to write about? Why do you resort to this drible of so called news about our Wang Yibo? Stop this, nothing to see here and just throw away your pen and paper in the bin. You know nothing about Wang Yibo's business, just empty speculation. Do you really think that we would be stupid enough to buy your stories?! Think again.
De novo , de novo e de novo está conversa , yibo e essa empresa estão cada vez mas ricos ou melhor milionários e vcs com essa de conflitos affe
Esse editor so inventa. Yibo não e bobo não. Pelo contrário muito inteligente e so faz o que ama. Ninguem manda nele. Ele sabe por onde correr e so fazer o que lhe agrada.Yibo❤