One by Metallica - GHWT: Definitive Edition (Performance Mode)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 621

  • @TexasRezzy
    @TexasRezzy Год назад +4538

    When Andy doesn’t want to play with Buzz anymore

    • @jetdaniels1039
      @jetdaniels1039 Год назад +55

      He thinks he sold out

    • @megajaredx9679
      @megajaredx9679 Год назад +38

      The fact his might be cannon

    • @Ash34851
      @Ash34851 Год назад +81

      When Andy didn't want to play with Buzz anymore, nobody called Saul, Rigby didn't want to hang out anymore, and Fender wanted to start a band, this happened.

    • @markreyes7454
      @markreyes7454 Год назад +26

      This is what happened to Buzz after Woody stayed with Bo Beep, lmfao.

    • @markreyes7454
      @markreyes7454 Год назад +3

      @404 TV Yeah, Bo Beep. Woody ended up staying with her in the 4th one...I think. I don't remember lol.

  • @adrianodaroni8918
    @adrianodaroni8918 Год назад +1096

    Poor Saul, he had to pretend he was playing for seven minutes

    • @CharizardMaster69
      @CharizardMaster69 Год назад +120

      He’s about to quit and make Fender go HE LEFT THE FUCKING BAND

    • @ARG0T
      @ARG0T Год назад +45

      You can hear the bass though lol

    • @waltuh11121
      @waltuh11121 Год назад +86


    • @ravencoldi6296
      @ravencoldi6296 Год назад +8


    • @andrewwinslow9315
      @andrewwinslow9315 Год назад +9

      ​@@CharizardMaster69 HELLO. PERIOD.. EXCLAMATION POINT

  • @anthonyvargas9797
    @anthonyvargas9797 Год назад +1919

    fender as the drummer is fucking crazy 😭

    • @victormasson625
      @victormasson625 Год назад

      I'm just waiting for his head to drop during Darkness kicks

    • @ApXucBuH
      @ApXucBuH Год назад +35

      Fender? I always have been thinking he is Brake (english ain't my native language, yup)

    • @titorr7263
      @titorr7263 Год назад +56

      ​@@ApXucBuHhablas de manivela? 🤣, Hay muchos personajes que les cambiaron el nombre para el público hispano

    • @ApXucBuH
      @ApXucBuH Год назад +10

      @@titorr7263 I'm not Hispanic, sorry

    • @titorr7263
      @titorr7263 Год назад +1

      @@ApXucBuHª where are you from then?

  • @diegon0495
    @diegon0495 Год назад +1339

    Buzz finally realizes that he can't fly

      @ICONOCLAST Год назад +62

      But he sure can SHRED!! 😎

    • @mexozul
      @mexozul Год назад +17

      @@ICONOCLAST for real 😎

    • @countdooku2759
      @countdooku2759 Год назад +35

      “Absolute horror,”
      “I cannot live,”
      “I cannot fly”

    • @AGamingGuitarist
      @AGamingGuitarist Год назад +15

      n o t a f l y i n g t o y

    • @goodstuff8156
      @goodstuff8156 Год назад +7

      “Falling with style” is a good song name

  • @jonsaltberry8167
    @jonsaltberry8167 Год назад +1461

    The lyrics represent perfectly what toys go through after they are broken and thrown away in the trash, they are in darkness forever but still conscious.

    • @HeavyEyezZzZz
      @HeavyEyezZzZz Год назад +64


    • @IXthCircle
      @IXthCircle Год назад +55

      That does sound like how hell. What have they done so wrong to be condemned to such a nightmare but merely exist?

    • @princegobi5992
      @princegobi5992 Год назад +17

      @@IXthCircle the question we should all ask ourselves.

    • @falloutboy6147
      @falloutboy6147 Год назад +4

      Вау вот это вопрос даже я в шоке от такой мысли

    • @pedroserretcardoso1124
      @pedroserretcardoso1124 Год назад +3

      damn it really fitss

  • @stevenguerra1626
    @stevenguerra1626 Год назад +2534

    Really nailed Buzz's expressions ✌🏻

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +188

      Well you can thank the creator of the Buzz mod, AngelLeyend. I think they did an excellent job with this character in particular!

    • @metallicarabbit
      @metallicarabbit Год назад +13

      its recycling James Hetfield's MOCAP from guitar Hero Metallica so it has little to do with buzz

    • @finnthefox5568
      @finnthefox5568 Год назад +15

      (It actually has a lot to do with the Buzz mod and his rigging)

    • @jaronzavier1953
      @jaronzavier1953 Год назад +10

      All in all they really rigged up his facial expressions quite well kudos to them.

  • @thesosa312
    @thesosa312 Год назад +996

    Mordecai doing the middle finger thing Kirk does with his picking hand. This is absolute perfection

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +140

      Well the Metallica band did do the motion capture for the Guitar Hero: Metallica songs including this one, so this is pretty much Buzz, Saul, Fender, and Mordecai moving exactly how James, Robert, Lars, and Kirk would respectively. So yeah, it is perfection

    • @sebas4951
      @sebas4951 Год назад +6

      Yeah that's what i notice from mordecai that it's from Kirk

    • @BoxCarBoy12
      @BoxCarBoy12 Год назад +23

      I thought that Buzz playing guitar in the Hetfield power stance and Saul headbanging while crouching low like Rob was hilarious too

    • @thesoftparade435
      @thesoftparade435 Год назад

      And playing an actual Guitar hero guitar lol

    • @coreyabell6332
      @coreyabell6332 Год назад

      This song is actually from when Jason was in the band

  • @clonesergeanthatchet3851
    @clonesergeanthatchet3851 Год назад +155

    "It's a fusion of jazz & funk, it's called 'junk'"- Fender

    • @josael28tnz
      @josael28tnz 2 месяца назад

      Looking for a comment like this 😂

    • @eeyorehaferbock7870
      @eeyorehaferbock7870 Месяц назад

      Isn’t that the drumming style that Lars now uses in real life?

  • @KeltkeGH
    @KeltkeGH Год назад +1623

    The Buzz model is amazing. It does look like Buzz is an official Guitar Hero model.

  • @IWearShades
    @IWearShades Год назад +401

    Andy has taken my sight
    Taken my speech
    Taken my hearing
    Taken my arms
    Taken my legs
    Taken my soul
    Left me with life in hell

    • @t-spintriple4185
      @t-spintriple4185 Год назад +36

      Sounds more like something Sid would do.

    • @IWearShades
      @IWearShades 3 месяца назад

      @@t-spintriple4185who cares about Lore Accuracy right now lol it's still funny either way 😂

  • @speedybois5794
    @speedybois5794 Год назад +128

    Buzz: Andy didn’t wanna play with him
    Fender: because Loretta left him
    Mordecai: because Margaret
    broke with him
    Saul: nobody called him up

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +22

      And now, Buzz won’t go sailing no more, Fender will be drumming in the oil, Mordecai will be summertime strumming, and Saul will be known as Slappin’ Jimmy

  • @vantablack3831
    @vantablack3831 Год назад +533

    Poor Buzz... He's been through so much.

    • @OutOfTouch_YT
      @OutOfTouch_YT Год назад +41

      This is what happens when you enter Sid’s backyard for too long.

    • @SJM-657
      @SJM-657 Год назад +1

      ​@@OutOfTouch_YT 😂

  • @ThePancakeProductions
    @ThePancakeProductions Год назад +272

    “All dreams have meaning”
    My dreams:

    • @chaytensmith1987
      @chaytensmith1987 Год назад +11

      This has meaning my friend..

    • @keso9098
      @keso9098 Год назад +4

      it means you need a psychiatrist

  • @AnthoTheBrissyLion
    @AnthoTheBrissyLion Год назад +411

    It's official. Buzz Hetfield, Mortdecai Hammett, Fender Ulrich and Saul Trujillo... they all rock! 🤘

  • @buscoperro7424
    @buscoperro7424 Год назад +147

    this encapsulates the feeling that buzz had when he realized he cannot fly and fell to the ground motionless

  • @LinktoSonic
    @LinktoSonic Год назад +170

    Saul’s extreme head movements at 3:36 is legendary 😂

  • @spineflavoredrhombus7799
    @spineflavoredrhombus7799 Год назад +120

    Seeing Buzz Lightyear headbang to Metallica is the most badass thing ever 4:36

  • @philly_sports1558
    @philly_sports1558 Год назад +157

    I love how they have all of Metallica’s signature movements too lol

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +60

      That’s mainly because the Metallica band themselves did motion capture for this song along with others that were featured in the Guitar Hero: Metallica game

    • @faithypad
      @faithypad Год назад +1


  • @pedrolucass.8969
    @pedrolucass.8969 Год назад +804

    Thank you for reuniting my childhood one last time on the ultimate metal performance.
    I'm in tears

  • @mayochup
    @mayochup Год назад +18

    Buzz after he tries to fly out the window of Sid’s house and ends up breaking his arm

  • @ErosGalaxia
    @ErosGalaxia Год назад +424

    Metallica replacing Lars with a robot that can keep time should of been done ages ago.

    • @Relic827
      @Relic827 Год назад +20

      Should have

    • @brucebanner52
      @brucebanner52 Год назад +7

      What the other guy said. We don't shorten it to "would'of".

    • @ErosGalaxia
      @ErosGalaxia Год назад +4

      @@brucebanner52 congratulations, you get nothing for worrying about frivolous things. *Should’ve* kept your comment to yourself since nobody asked.

    • @ErosGalaxia
      @ErosGalaxia Год назад +3

      @@Relic827 **Should’ve
      I find it hilarious you’re trying to correct me but you’re still wrong LMAO

    • @MetalJuggalo
      @MetalJuggalo Год назад +3

      nah man Metallica ain't Metallica without Lars

  • @volutedmetal8543
    @volutedmetal8543 Год назад +120

    Mordecai playing the Rock Band Rivals Jaguar is really the icing on the cake

    • @NihilisticSnake
      @NihilisticSnake Год назад +11

      It would've been funnier if Mordecai was air guitaring.

  • @MetalJuggalo
    @MetalJuggalo Год назад +67

    there's something just so surreal about seeing Buzz Lightyear and Mordecai playing such a serious song in such a serious tone

  • @wheezus2000
    @wheezus2000 Год назад +29

    Toy Story 5 ending leaked

  • @edgar_w_r_p
    @edgar_w_r_p Год назад +113

    I remember this scene very well in the movie.

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +9

      What movie?

    • @edgar_w_r_p
      @edgar_w_r_p Год назад +7

      @@gamemaster909archives8 I was joking 😅😅

    • @SeekPsychiatricHelp
      @SeekPsychiatricHelp Год назад +32

      ​@@gamemaster909archives8 oh, he's talking about Better Call Mordecai and the Toy Robots

    • @jeank5365
      @jeank5365 Год назад +10

      ​@@SeekPsychiatricHelp my favorite movie, i remember watching this and cry in the cinema when i was 7

    • @mauswaffles
      @mauswaffles Год назад +11

      @@SeekPsychiatricHelp Dude I love Better Call Regular Toy Robots

  • @Max_94
    @Max_94 Год назад +32

    the fact he has his wings open makes this 10 times funnier

  • @erikuliao
    @erikuliao Год назад +15

    This perfectly could be a regular show episode

  • @needlez_burr4059
    @needlez_burr4059 Год назад +103

    Man buzz really looks like he’s going through it. Pure passion in that singing.

  • @cryomnia
    @cryomnia Год назад +131

    This concert was a once in a lifetime experience. I'll never forget this day 🤘

  • @Langford0101
    @Langford0101 Год назад +26

    Ah yes, the four members of Metallica...
    Fender, Mordecai, Buzz Lightyear and Saul Goodman

  • @vinceargado9892
    @vinceargado9892 Год назад +89

    Ok, this is awesome. Ya got buzz lightyear on vocals and rhythm guitar, mordecai on lead, fender from robots on drums and some other dude on bass. This is really cool. And really funny

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +47

      That’s Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad on bass, and I agree, it is awesome!

    • @crazyblsidiotspace
      @crazyblsidiotspace Год назад +7

      @@gamemaster909archives8 and better call saul, don't forget

    • @BrinaFlautist
      @BrinaFlautist Год назад +8

      Jimmy McGill aka Saul Goodman

    • @S45RR
      @S45RR Год назад +1

      Ok, so basically

  • @operationthrash9645
    @operationthrash9645 Год назад +64

    Things weren’t the same for Buzz once he lost Woody.

  • @mauswaffles
    @mauswaffles Год назад +33

    Performance Mode was truly a blessing in disguise

  • @palesz2049
    @palesz2049 Год назад +79

    The best Metallica lineup ever

  • @icesombi
    @icesombi Год назад +18

    Psicóloga: los sueños tienen un significado
    Mis sueños cuando tengo los audífonos puestos:

  • @OutOfTouch_YT
    @OutOfTouch_YT Год назад +28


    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +5

      “Zurgbots have taken my sound, taken my laser, taken my wings, taken my karate chop, left me with a life in hell!”

    • @OutOfTouch_YT
      @OutOfTouch_YT Год назад

      @@gamemaster909archives8 I don’t think Buzz’s dad would have the gull to do that. Only Sid would turn his Toys into vegetables as portrayed in the music video for “One” by Metallica. 🤘

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +1

      I don’t know, the Zurg toy’s catchphrase in Toy Story 2 was “Destroy Buzz Lightyear”

    • @OutOfTouch_YT
      @OutOfTouch_YT Год назад

      @@gamemaster909archives8 PERHAPS 🤔

  • @friedriceman
    @friedriceman Год назад +18

    I don’t listen to Metallica often but I’ve come back to this video so many times because it goes so hard

  • @gmt400lifestyle4
    @gmt400lifestyle4 3 месяца назад +3

    This is quite literally the finest piece of media ever created. Thankyou. This will be played at my funeral

    • @sethevermans
      @sethevermans 3 месяца назад +1

      This better be played at my funeral I'm putting the fun in funeral

  • @Ezequielrojasgarcia
    @Ezequielrojasgarcia Год назад +204

    Is that Saul Goodman on bass? 💀😂

  • @RandomProfileMX
    @RandomProfileMX Год назад +329

    Me: I had a beautiful dream
    My GF: Oh honey, did you dream that we had a child?
    My dream: 5:46

  • @Danielthedrummer
    @Danielthedrummer Год назад +14

    Story behind the song:
    Buzz was abandoned by Andy, he wrote this to let out his pain both mentally, and physically due to his wounds in the war against Zerg. He decided to write the song around a riff presented by Mordecai in the studio.

  • @Laptop_Arma3
    @Laptop_Arma3 6 дней назад +1

    This feels like a fever dream. All i have to say is, buzz is fricken shredding!

  • @jacobnelsen2786
    @jacobnelsen2786 Год назад +57

    This song got me through hard times

  • @jawszsy2259
    @jawszsy2259 Год назад +13

    Thank you for reuniting my childhood one last time on the ultimate metal performance.
    I'm in tears

  • @Motorhead1977
    @Motorhead1977 Год назад +8

    Lol. Saul Goodman playing Lemmy Kilmister’s “born to lose, out to lunch” rickenbacker. Now I’ve seen it all

  • @matheuzhetfieldofficial
    @matheuzhetfieldofficial Год назад +35

    bro, this buzz is fucking hilarious wtf

  • @MrPhats-qb2dy
    @MrPhats-qb2dy 4 месяца назад +4

    I think Buzz may have spent a bit too much time at Sid's house...

  • @opadrip
    @opadrip 5 месяцев назад +2

    Therapist: "All dreams have a meaning."
    My dreams:

  • @tristanschulbaum801
    @tristanschulbaum801 Год назад +24

    Mordecai killed me bro🤣

  • @MooseManh
    @MooseManh Год назад +28

    why did you sneak a camera into my dream

  • @dieselduck1193
    @dieselduck1193 Год назад +6

    I didn’t know I needed Fender Pinwheeler playing the drums so bad until now

  • @acordybs
    @acordybs 4 месяца назад +2

    And the description is insane

  • @DeadNiko7
    @DeadNiko7 Год назад +15

    this is like the dream i´ve had when i ate those mushrooms in the desert

  • @adrianramos9489
    @adrianramos9489 Год назад +13

    I can’t remember anything
    Can’t tell if this is true or dream
    Deep down inside I feel the scream
    This terrible silence stops me
    Now that the war is through with me
    I’m waking up, I cannot see
    That there’s not much left of me
    Nothing is real but pain now
    Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please, God, wake me
    Back in the womb it’s much too real
    In pumps life that I must feel
    But can’t look forward to reveal
    Look to the time when I’ll live
    Fed through the tube that sticks in me
    Just like a wartime novelty
    Tied to machines that make me be
    Cut this life off from me
    Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please, God, wake me
    Now the world is gone, I’m just one
    Oh God, help me Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please, God, help me
    Imprisoning me
    All that I see
    Absolute horror
    I cannot live
    I cannot die
    Trapped in myself
    Body my holding cell
    Has taken my sight
    Taken my speech
    Taken my hearing
    Taken my arms
    Taken my legs
    Taken my soul
    Left me with life in hell

  • @cristiangomezmontt6248
    @cristiangomezmontt6248 Год назад +9

    They predicted Fortnite Festival💀💀

  • @metalpunk2864
    @metalpunk2864 Год назад +8

    I love that Saul Goodman is playing Lemmy's born to lose out to lunch bass. And buzz lightyear as James Hetfield.

  • @zoomerjack5435
    @zoomerjack5435 Год назад +7

    Teacher: What’s the 9th letter of the alphabet?
    Me: 1:45

  • @jeffthewells7404
    @jeffthewells7404 3 месяца назад +3

    Bros got the wings out for this one

  • @kevinmotoyama667
    @kevinmotoyama667 Год назад +10

    The story of the song along with the fact that buzz broke his arm trying to fly out of sid's window fit perfectly.

  • @bg-wb6de
    @bg-wb6de Год назад +2

    daily listen cant stop watching the crew rock n roll

  • @SirFlankBoring
    @SirFlankBoring 6 месяцев назад +2

    Girls dreams: "I just dreamed with Josh today!"
    Boys dreams when they drink coffee before sleeping:

  • @Prophet155
    @Prophet155 Год назад +20

    this is one of the most beautiful thing i've seen

  • @IntenseBuzz
    @IntenseBuzz Год назад +17

    Reminds me of the time I broke my arm falling down those stairs!

  • @pwned3281
    @pwned3281 Год назад +8

    Fun reminders!!! Throughout the first movie ALONE buzz experiences - Losing his arm, attempted homicide/manslaughter (by woody out the window lolol), watching that green alien dude get mangled by that dog, nearly dying on multiple occasions (Including having a bomb/firework strapped to him), seeing mangled/tortured toys (like hellraiser except plastic instead of flesh jfc sid), an existential crisis (learns he is not man but he is toy), and goes into full blown psychosis (drinks tea and rambles like he's shitfaced even though he's a toy drinking air out of a cup)
    I think he's serious in this song guys this isn't a parody this is Buzz Lightyear CRYING FOR HELP

  • @Seahawkfan1108
    @Seahawkfan1108 Год назад +7

    *When buzz realizes he's just a toy....*

  • @gnikes.endless
    @gnikes.endless Год назад +3

    mordecai playing one live with buzz, fender and saul goodman seems like it could be a good regular show episode

  • @reddekanto
    @reddekanto Год назад +5

    To Infinity And Be One

  • @Tonka710
    @Tonka710 Год назад +14

    4:35 wtf Buzz was totally badass!

    • @S45RR
      @S45RR Год назад +1

      4:35 wtf Buzz was totally badass!

    • @chilluser7149
      @chilluser7149 Год назад +2

      ​@@S45RR 4:35 wtf Buzz was totally badass!

  • @nathanaeldickens8135
    @nathanaeldickens8135 Год назад +5

    When Buzz finds out that years of academy training were wasted

  • @ali965
    @ali965 Год назад +24

    Wtf is Saul doing on the bass💀

  • @gknighton6040
    @gknighton6040 Год назад +51

    The performance of all time.

  • @personalidadestercermundis7679
    @personalidadestercermundis7679 Год назад +12

    This goes way too hard, harder than it should, this is a masterpiece.

  • @jorge_elyortch
    @jorge_elyortch Год назад +42

    this is one of the concerts of all time 🥲🥹

  • @joeh1831
    @joeh1831 Год назад +5

    Mordecai absolutely shredded on the guitar

  • @paladinjulio6982
    @paladinjulio6982 9 месяцев назад +2

    5:45 MORDECAI AND THE RIGBYS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😈😈😈😈😈❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @TheNJ93487
    @TheNJ93487 3 месяца назад +3

    Damn. I likes Morderai playing guitar Metallica. 🤘🏾😁🤘🏾😁🤘🏾

  • @shrippie-4214
    @shrippie-4214 Год назад +3

    Probably the most epic thing I've ever seen
    the black and white and the camera movement reminds me of hatred
    now I want to see hatred guy in this game

  • @aheagovulture267
    @aheagovulture267 Год назад +22

    This goes hard for no reason whatsoever and it's baffling

  • @Arcademan09
    @Arcademan09 Год назад +28

    In all seriousness that Buzz model's facial rigging is amazing, a lot of work clearly went into him. is there a way his wings can retract though?

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +11

      Not from my knowledge, but yeah, AngelLeyend (the creator of the buzz mod) does an amazing job with their mods for this game, and the Buzz one is no exception

  • @johnW2G
    @johnW2G Год назад +6

    Dude I love this my favorite song from Metallica I love better call Saul not sure how it came across my feed but I’m loving it

    • @gamemaster909archives8
      @gamemaster909archives8  Год назад +3

      I guess the algorithm's smart enough now to put one and one together (no pun intended!)

    • @johnW2G
      @johnW2G Год назад

      @@gamemaster909archives8 It’s awesome man I used to play world tour when the band kit came out I got it for my birthday back in 2009. I love the videos man keep them up !

  • @AbsoluteDash21
    @AbsoluteDash21 Год назад +1

    I don't know why but I still love the idea of Buzz Lightyear performing with the boys

  • @hansoohaydoo
    @hansoohaydoo Год назад +2

    Literally the first second I fucking started breaking down in tears when I saw Fender playing drums

  • @francuccilandia1724
    @francuccilandia1724 Год назад +4

    _Toy mine has taken my eyes, taken my arm, taken my wings, taken my friend, taking my leg... Taken my batteries, left me with life in hell_ - Buzz, Toy Story chronicles

  • @kitsren7665
    @kitsren7665 Год назад +2

    I have so much free time I cant believe I watched the whole thing. Honestly 10/10 experience, that was a masterpiece.

  • @feyzaaj
    @feyzaaj Год назад +4

    mordecai life's
    without rigby:

  • @pvtjetfuel5635
    @pvtjetfuel5635 Год назад +7

    ...And Justice for Saul

  • @patriciogarcialopez1378
    @patriciogarcialopez1378 Год назад +6

    Si nos ponemos reflexivos la letra de la canción encaja con una historia en la que buzz sufre

  • @U4n5k1n4o8wn
    @U4n5k1n4o8wn Год назад +2

    Fan's back vocals, sint-drums, bass and drive is such good, good,.GOOOD!!!

  • @matty6878
    @matty6878 Год назад +2

    saul is a fender strat guitarist (Ritchie Blackmore eidtion) but i can see him switch it up on bass when he just wants to vibe with the boys

  • @UltimateSigmaGigaChad
    @UltimateSigmaGigaChad Год назад +8

    Imagine this but if buzz was still in Spanish mode

  • @gamerboy448
    @gamerboy448 Год назад +15

    At 0:35 buzzs face already has PTSD

  • @scorpionjr4019
    @scorpionjr4019 Год назад +3

    bro i fucking love loading up guitar hero to see saul goodman as bassist

  • @intensehotdog
    @intensehotdog Год назад +10

    This is insane, cant stop watching

  • @dan3069
    @dan3069 Год назад +2

    I don’t know why this video always gets me so hyped lol

  • @denyfixe1000
    @denyfixe1000 Год назад +2


  • @katym-zn7zl
    @katym-zn7zl Год назад +6

    Definitivamente me llegó al alma esta grande presentación, son de las que quisiera ver en vivo 😢

  • @FenderFanboy91
    @FenderFanboy91 Год назад +5

    "Your honor, im suing the band for turning down the bass"

  • @bear-qe7ep
    @bear-qe7ep Год назад +2

    Better Call Saul! going crazy in the breakdowns!

  • @dbzanti
    @dbzanti Год назад +3

    mordecai 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Aseadus
    @Aseadus Год назад +4

    Man I would love to experience this in real life, it would’ve been one hell of a concert