Le Speaker Phokeer sort de ses gonds face aux «allégations» d’Assirvaden

  • Опубликовано: 13 дек 2024

Комментарии • 113

  • @balmickradhay810
    @balmickradhay810 4 года назад +42

    Oui c vrai Bobby Hurreeram was also shouting at the start of the video but only Patrick Asirvaden was penalised... one sided speaker as usual. very sad

  • @yojnasingh3529
    @yojnasingh3529 4 года назад +9

    The speaker himself is unparliamentary.
    There is clear discrimination in the House. The opposition has the right to speak and ask questions. Mr Speaker, you need some serious teachings on law and justice. Or else leave your seat to someone who exhibits greater competency in the field.

  • @sunjaychooramun1499
    @sunjaychooramun1499 4 года назад +29

    Animal Farm P continie..."EVERY BODY IS EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS" d'apres Phokeer.

  • @saheb3027
    @saheb3027 4 года назад +21

    What a complete shame from the "speaker".......He's not speaking but yelling.....I think the "speaker" needs to undergo anger management course......
    The parliament is like a complete joke....

  • @angelroblox3413
    @angelroblox3413 4 года назад +17

    I would love to hear phokeer yelling "3 pommes 10"

  • @nightdevil22666
    @nightdevil22666 4 года назад +14

    I thought this speaker was way better than the previous, but he turned out to be a new breed of joker in the Parliament.
    He's only looking at one side of the coin lol.
    A serious issue has arisen, and essentially he is targeting the opposition and implicitly supporting the other.

    • @mamadhossen3576
      @mamadhossen3576 4 года назад +3

      I think the speaker need a session with a physician he look like he is from ccp party from china.

  • @poizon1312
    @poizon1312 4 года назад +9

    Mr speaker sir, you need to be fair and just

  • @chemingrenierv.c-groupemen3749
    @chemingrenierv.c-groupemen3749 4 года назад +13

    Shame on speaker....,

  • @balmickradhay810
    @balmickradhay810 4 года назад +18

    Lot la la ti" I ORDER YOU OUT" aster nou ine ggn WITHDRAW... WITHDRAW...dominer continuer encore et encore . Couma dire professeur p coz are zeleves do

  • @Dr_P.M.W
    @Dr_P.M.W 4 года назад +6

    The speaker does not seem competent for that job. Thank you !

  • @ujoodhahemrajsing4562
    @ujoodhahemrajsing4562 4 года назад +7

    What a shame.

  • @HenriMurden
    @HenriMurden 4 года назад +4

    Et après on se demande d'ou vient la violence qui sévit à Maurice? Quand nos dirigeants ne sont pas capable de contenir leurs colères et leurs frustrations. Comment voulez vous que les mauriciens puissent se maitriser. Nous avons un PM qui est comme un enfant qui se plaint dans une salle de classe. Et un speaker qui montre qu'il n'a pas les capacités d'être au dessus de la mélée. Qu'elle désolante démonstration d'intolérance...

  • @iqbaljeenally4044
    @iqbaljeenally4044 4 года назад +8

    This is a House of Clowns... Very Cheap ...The Speaker instead of showing efficiency..he is yelling as if he is on a Market place😅😁😃

  • @thetruth3987
    @thetruth3987 4 года назад +7

    Mo croire l'opposition p miss nou ex speaker hahaha seulment mo pa koter personne mo bon dieu konner OU pa capave vinne fer politic lor cadavre ene dimoune merci.

  • @kisnah4
    @kisnah4 4 года назад +6

    B withdraw tou zafer alor...... Speaker la pa loin pou beze sec sa si li contigne criyé coumsa..... La veine li cou capav k c sa..... Tiioooouuuuu.

  • @karunaraggoo3246
    @karunaraggoo3246 4 года назад +3

    stop yelling MR SPEAKER

  • @raumatmazarally2919
    @raumatmazarally2919 4 года назад +3

    Stand on yr feet dans bazar alle vende p. d,amour Mr speaker Sir.It would be a better place for u.Kot in passer pou vinespeaker sa?

  • @naiguennarrainen1126
    @naiguennarrainen1126 4 года назад

    Mauritius is a big game played on the population, two parties ruled the country forever. In the assembly, they just made drama every day to kill time. This is the matrix. Thats why Singapour is far ahead of us. Population just talk a lot between themselves, thats all about it.

  • @shunramsamy12
    @shunramsamy12 4 года назад +1

    Deuxième saison Film '' The speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritius '' Enjoy it !

  • @ujoodhahemrajsing4562
    @ujoodhahemrajsing4562 4 года назад +10

    Less loposition fer so travaill.

  • @satishjearee5483
    @satishjearee5483 4 года назад +5

    The speaker is as if fighting on the street to sell gateau pment !

  • @jvigv2846
    @jvigv2846 4 года назад +2

    Loposition fort cet fois ci.. Ban tennor politic dan loposition..

  • @irfayasseyf1603
    @irfayasseyf1603 3 года назад

    Sawmynaden still sits in the parliament???

  • @yusufjookhun6324
    @yusufjookhun6324 4 года назад +3

    Please Mr Speaker Sir, be fair.

  • @abasshossain1316
    @abasshossain1316 4 года назад +4

    Withdraw unconditionally nouvo mo mo p apran

  • @onlythetruth1686
    @onlythetruth1686 4 года назад +2

    It's easy to stand with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone. Mahatma Gandhi!

  • @kamleshbarah9899
    @kamleshbarah9899 4 года назад +3

    Pna ene dimun kin fouti dire li: "MIND YOUR TONE! "

  • @manish2662
    @manish2662 4 года назад +6

    Bravo Mr Speaker....you have the l'etoffe to bring back the order in the house...
    Bisin ena l'ordre et pas nek koz kozer n'importe a gauche a droite...

  • @kevinamacy9222
    @kevinamacy9222 4 года назад +3

    Impartialité pa pou zorange sa koz samem lipé excité kuma enn lévers dan lamçons,,,si li gagne crise bizin dir faire attention Cardiaque pé guet li lizié ouvert

  • @rizwan8386
    @rizwan8386 4 года назад +10

    Mari grossier sa speaker la mari villain sa

  • @abasshossain1316
    @abasshossain1316 4 года назад +6

    Capav ggn criz cardiac da sa parlma la

  • @fardeengooljanee9298
    @fardeengooljanee9298 4 года назад +5

    Bravo speaker assirvaden p pok pok

  • @kejioutavisha919
    @kejioutavisha919 4 года назад

    Well done Mr speaker zot pas ti Ena respe Mme hanomanji. Sa 2 la zot fair qui pas fine alle lecole zote Faire malelve. Zot dal pas pou cuir et sa speaker la

  • @sarvinaznanette4643
    @sarvinaznanette4643 4 года назад +3

    Franc tou guete sa speaker la couma dire bolom mentor ki speaker pa biscuit sa et pm met tula bien fr mw pense tou mo ban profeseur leskol

  • @irfayasseyf1603
    @irfayasseyf1603 3 года назад

    The matter is so sensitive that they get upset to the point of this upheaval.
    Mauritius is sinking to its lowest ebb...

  • @bernardinamouse8286
    @bernardinamouse8286 4 года назад +4

    Order please! Mir Speaker you out please😉🤭

  • @PamelaRamsamy-j5y
    @PamelaRamsamy-j5y 5 месяцев назад

    Hey president la public ki ti bizin voter 😂 pa zis sa ki prend zot par

  • @raginilockanada5120
    @raginilockanada5120 4 года назад +2

    Li pa merite sa place la sa boog la..
    Bien vilain ki lexample zot p donné..

  • @Goonapachamoothoo
    @Goonapachamoothoo Год назад

    He is competent as adog who shout for everything.

  • @abasshossain1316
    @abasshossain1316 4 года назад +3

    Si pu rest withdraw b ki question bzn poze

  • @azaddomah6624
    @azaddomah6624 4 года назад +2

    i order u withdraw

  • @MarieBaker-lp7sr
    @MarieBaker-lp7sr Год назад

    Take him to court

  • @czd27
    @czd27 4 года назад +3

    speaker sir has 2lizié droite and 2 zorey droite!!

  • @Randhir347
    @Randhir347 4 года назад +1

    zot cuman dir dans lekol maternel

  • @ara3833
    @ara3833 4 года назад +4

    Ha ha ha
    Pas Maya L'abeille sa mais Sooroj Rottweiler..
    Well done Mr. The Speaker at least someone to tame them.

  • @heem3382
    @heem3382 4 года назад

    Am I dreaming or I know the Speaker's job better than himself...so simple...if he's not sure, suspend the session and check the footage...💁‍♀️

  • @Joorawon.M.Yousuf
    @Joorawon.M.Yousuf 4 года назад

    Couma dire dans l'école ggt. Gouvernement juste cone fer complainte au principal lecole‼ maternelle 😅😅🤣🤣😂😂🤣😅🤣😂

  • @nathanpurgass2513
    @nathanpurgass2513 3 месяца назад

    Goal keeper of MSM! #bld

  • @aftab6709
    @aftab6709 3 года назад

    Quand mo bez casse mo compatriotes, to perna narnien pou dire.

  • @sweetybisnath5730
    @sweetybisnath5730 4 года назад +4

    😂lecole maternel reprend

  • @imichealrayapah3084
    @imichealrayapah3084 4 года назад +1

    Why the speaker has to shout when he is on his feet?.Is this a lack of confidence and control of the house?Or is it an unprofessional behaviour which is not good for the image and reputation of our Parliament. Hope a new leader of the house will emerge with tact diplomatic and full of humour.

  • @rs45888
    @rs45888 4 года назад +1

    la honte sa speaker la.. pfft.. not elected by the public but has the right to dictate the parliament.

    • @dvscorpio3619
      @dvscorpio3619 4 года назад

      Yes as speaker he has full right as per standing orders.

  • @Goonapachamoothoo
    @Goonapachamoothoo Год назад

    That is not a house of lord ,somewhat a dusbin not less.

  • @dvscorpio3619
    @dvscorpio3619 4 года назад

    Avant li ena laisser aller, astere zotte gagne zafere avec ene personne qui means business. Zotte ti penser qui zotte pou fere ce qui envie.

  • @jasonlachoumanan7770
    @jasonlachoumanan7770 4 года назад

    Mr Speaker Sir, mo ena ene kam ki plante sensitive dans so la cour, si ou interesser contacter moi, mo negocier imper pou ou. Kapav infuser boire

  • @itsmeandorchid7302
    @itsmeandorchid7302 4 года назад +1

    sa speaker la fer moi peur 😳ban la in traumatiser sa 😨

  • @ujoodhahemrajsing4562
    @ujoodhahemrajsing4562 4 года назад +2

    Plis dans bez sa.

  • @Amrit1556
    @Amrit1556 4 года назад

    Selective listener, dictatorship.

  • @nathanpurgass2513
    @nathanpurgass2513 3 месяца назад

    Parliament gamat!

  • @mohanharry1580
    @mohanharry1580 4 года назад +1

    Ban Saint sa sot pa's prend commission

  • @azumam529
    @azumam529 4 года назад +1

    Ban brenair

  • @christianvalentin8640
    @christianvalentin8640 6 месяцев назад

    Sa pilon la pan élu sa bizin bour li dehors

  • @contagiousdoge3054
    @contagiousdoge3054 4 года назад +1

    wizdraw...Al apran koz anglais BIEN AVAN T vine dan parlement..

  • @crimhardstuck
    @crimhardstuck 29 дней назад

    sa gopia phokeer la kt rester cumadire ene gopia en plein. so fami a va ggn lahonte ek so surnom aster

  • @sherzadjahaleea2420
    @sherzadjahaleea2420 4 года назад

    Speaker p penser li p gagne zafaire r so kaliter, kaise le temp faire so travail

  • @blessing5403
    @blessing5403 3 года назад

    Enplase vine gagne crise la pren ou pension al fer ti zenfent dormi bye,kave zape coumsa

  • @yashunmole1395
    @yashunmole1395 4 года назад

    Hureeram shame on you. What kind of language you are using bachara shame shame on you

  • @jesus644
    @jesus644 4 года назад

    Même à terre. Taureau là lors toi

  • @kevinsupanee6145
    @kevinsupanee6145 4 года назад

    bour sa r zot speaker ban batiara la..

  • @crimhardstuck
    @crimhardstuck 29 дней назад

    mo ene piti 17 ans mais sa speaker la ene trou fess gopia net XD mo kav bour sa clak moem m pli malin ki li

  • @agreement1176
    @agreement1176 4 года назад

    speaker kuma al lakaz bzn al fr n massaz licou ek latete

  • @jaazkhan9787
    @jaazkhan9787 4 года назад

    what a shame looks like the minister dont know how to speak in english

  • @vishekjeetun8974
    @vishekjeetun8974 28 дней назад

    Phokir flrmm lichien bzn mord to laguel langtm

  • @it1324
    @it1324 4 года назад

    Zamain in truve sa bizan aman. Ambulance. Sa

  • @Kojack-jn2wi
    @Kojack-jn2wi Год назад

    Li met kasak sa p la

  • @contagiousdoge3054
    @contagiousdoge3054 4 года назад

    si Pas kapav koz englais...KOZ BHOJPURI sois Hindi..Zot langue sa...

  • @rajessramlochun833
    @rajessramlochun833 4 года назад


  • @ramkhalawonshassil8425
    @ramkhalawonshassil8425 4 года назад

    Ganoo in fini mang cc

  • @deepboom7529
    @deepboom7529 4 года назад

    B sa 1baby doll sa li marche r la cle pravin

  • @hervelagaillarde7843
    @hervelagaillarde7843 Год назад

    Tous mauricien ine vine zenfant

  • @kevinpower8004
    @kevinpower8004 4 года назад

    Hahahahahahahah mari serye sa speaker

  • @funnycompany5728
    @funnycompany5728 4 года назад

    Zot causer comme si ti Zenfant

  • @nadenmoonesawmy6567
    @nadenmoonesawmy6567 Год назад

    Speaker la n grand bobok noir cholo

  • @sherzadjahaleea2420
    @sherzadjahaleea2420 4 года назад +1

    Shakeel avoy zot merd, zot mange brete sa banla, nous croir lor allah, prd patience,

    • @fb6503
      @fb6503 4 года назад +3

      What the hell do you mean by your comment, do you think you're better for eating 'boeuf'??

    • @sherzadjahaleea2420
      @sherzadjahaleea2420 4 года назад

      @@fb6503 what you think brete, boeuf meme ki pou rentre dan paradis

    • @fb6503
      @fb6503 4 года назад +3

      @@sherzadjahaleea2420 firstly you need to learn to spell mate🤣, it's 'brede'. Secondly idiots with a narrow mind don't get in 'Jannat. You don't get jannat by offending other communities, learn to be a good person. God is one! and stop creating division with your backward comments. And yeah, I eat Halal as well.

    • @sherzadjahaleea2420
      @sherzadjahaleea2420 4 года назад

      Plorer asteur

    • @fb6503
      @fb6503 4 года назад +2

      @@sherzadjahaleea2420 and your point being... your statement makes No sense at all. Is that the best you can come up with in 2 hours. 👏 👏

  • @thegreat8805
    @thegreat8805 Месяц назад
