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@@marsrizzo2854 Well I traded my P239 9mm away 3 weeks ago, n I got $750. for it. It was used very little, and I really miss it. I guess Im going to replace it with a CZ P-10c. However I dont think you can beat a Sig Sauer. Ruger is my Firearm in the Revolver category, and i have 40 years experience.
Sig discontinued the 239 so if you find a deal on one snag it up. Also, if you get a .40, a .357 SIG barrel is a direct drop in and they use the same mags. Same goes for the 226 and 229 also.
Paul go a hold of some crooked bullets at the end. Always fun when you and Paul shoot together. You and your family have a blessed week. GOD Bless and GOD Bless The Republic!!!
I love my Sig p239 40 cal. I have owned it for about 7 years. I traded a Glock 23 for it. Best trade I ever made. Dude traded me straight up too. I got the best end of that deal in my opinion. Very accurate. I put a Hogue grip on it and it made it even sweeter to shoot. I will never get rid of that gem of a gun.
Been carrying a sig 245 since 2003 . I have had 3 failure to feed in a little over 10,000 rounds. And that was do to bad mags. The point of aim is beyond perfect. I own glocks rugers smith and wessons all higher round count but I always carry my sig 90% of the time.
Now that was a interesting video and you cannot go wrong with a sig. Sig Sauer always have nice triggers. I'm not a big fan of a 40 cal but I still wouldn't mind having one of those.
Wtw, Like I said before, This is in .40, But I bought the .357sig barrel, and, now that's my EDC,paid too much, because of the discontinuation of it. Non the less, it's capacity is not the greatest, but it shoots real flat!!
That’s all that counts is having fun. I’ll be out soon I’ll brang my 22 rifle and we’ll get out there and play pig with rifles. Callin our spots on the steel. Like center top right or left. Be safe out there and GOD BLESS you both and your families Amen 🙏.
@@WHOTEEWHO I know I'm just trying to ruffle some feathers. There's been a lot of controversy over it here lately. Just want to see people's thoughts on it. Enjoy your videos.
Truly appreciate you watching the videos!
Heavy Metal:
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the Sig P239 in 9mm MSRP was $ 1,029. discontinued in 2018 after over 20 years of being a GREAT Gun !
Jimmy Ruger I want to replace my 245 and it's a little costly u pay for the best
@@marsrizzo2854 Well I traded my P239 9mm away 3 weeks ago, n I got $750. for it. It was used very little, and I really miss it. I guess Im going to replace it with a CZ P-10c. However I dont think you can beat a Sig Sauer. Ruger is my Firearm in the Revolver category, and i have 40 years experience.
I still have an enjoy my P229 in .40 that I bought in 1996. Still shoots like a champ!
Always enjoy your vids WTW here in Australia.
Thanks for watching!
Sig discontinued the 239 so if you find a deal on one snag it up. Also, if you get a .40, a .357 SIG barrel is a direct drop in and they use the same mags. Same goes for the 226 and 229 also.
I love this gun
Paul go a hold of some crooked bullets at the end. Always fun when you and Paul shoot together. You and your family have a blessed week. GOD Bless and GOD Bless The Republic!!!
Dont let him know about the crooked bullets!
Paul shoots that real well. Nice pistol. WTW!
I love it!
I love my Sig p239 40 cal. I have owned it for about 7 years. I traded a Glock 23 for it. Best trade I ever made. Dude traded me straight up too. I got the best end of that deal in my opinion. Very accurate. I put a Hogue grip on it and it made it even sweeter to shoot. I will never get rid of that gem of a gun.
Got one on order today wanted the 9 but settled for the .40 can’t wait
I like your pistol videos & your range nice nice.
Thanks Long Shoot!
Whoo tee Whoo and the famous Paul Bond. James Bond’s brother.
looks like it's very accurate for a compact. I just bought one today in 9mm. Can't wait to hit the range!
Love it!!!
I bought a P239 in .40 last fall, LIKE NEW, with very bright SigLights, spare mag, and case: $475 OTD.
Love the .40.
That was a fun (cold) shoot!!
It was cold!
thinking about the 40 cal for future...
Thanks guys!! Fun stuff!
Hey Jim!
Great video... great gun!! Sig 229 40 DAK here
Gotta love the sigs
Been carrying a sig 245 since 2003 . I have had 3 failure to feed in a little over 10,000 rounds. And that was do to bad mags. The point of aim is beyond perfect. I own glocks rugers smith and wessons all higher round count but I always carry my sig 90% of the time.
Gotta love a sig
Another fun one thanks guys
Hey A Velez!
I seen that silhouette beside the spinner move on Paul’s shot or thought I seen move
Nicely done 👍
Thanks for watching Brian
Awesome shooting buddy with a hand gun!!!
Thanks JJ!
Good shooting and friendly competition.....Good stuff.....
Hey Scott!
Sig does make a quality product 👍👍
Awsome video love those 40s&w. Thought u go to the front row with the little got new banshee one way with 5.7 cal upper??
Probably not gonna get a 57
Great video, nice looking gun.
Hey Arthur!
WHO_TEE_WHO how are you?
Good game of pig. And with the best caliber. 40 is the deal. Thanks Who-tee-who and Mr.Paul
Thanks for watching Tom!
I have one and love it. Sweet shooter.
They are nice!
That is a sweet shooter.
Yes it is!
I enjoy seeing a .40 being showed off. Great shooting. You loaded Paul some of those crooked bullets at the end though.
Great pistol ever for edc and caliber is awesome
I think the cyclone cross winds are affecting Paul's bullets
Good shootin' both! Nice little pistol. Is it an all steel gun?
@@WHOTEEWHO Awesome! I'm gonna look for one.
@@MattP-BandB can find good deals on em
For bullet catching videos might it be better to fill jugs with sand instead of water to prevent hydraulic explosions in water
Whole point is to see the explosion s
@@WHOTEEWHO cool I thought you wanted to catch the bullet.
Got what you wanted to do
I have a Sig 229 in 40 Smith and Wesson that was my EDC for years always loved it. What is your opinion of the caliber do you like the 40 ?
Meh. Not to hot on the 40. Ammo prices say you might as well carry 45.
Now that was a really interesting video
Thanks for watching David!
Been looking at one of them, but have my eye on a P229 also
229 awesome too
@@WHOTEEWHO Yep they are! So is a P220...which I have 😁. Just found a P239 real close to me at a damn good price I think
Now that was a interesting video and you cannot go wrong with a sig. Sig Sauer always have nice triggers. I'm not a big fan of a 40 cal but I still wouldn't mind having one of those.
Love this sig
good video guys ...
Hey Rich!
Great video I was thinking about getting a .270 win this year for deer hunting what do you think of that caliber
270 is a good one
Sig's good guns .40 slow little Bro. of the .10mm, are you going to get your hands on the Ruger 57?
Probably wont get a 57
YeeHaaw! Love me Sigs!
Me too!
what is different from the P229 is you need a .357 sig magazine for the conversion. Had a few beers, forgive my Brevity..
Nah. 357sig ammo is expensive
It’s the gun I will Cary into the new world
Sig is good!
Can you throw that 97 grain .40 threw a chrono. ?? please
Think I may have already done that
Yup, already did thatвидео.html
@@WHOTEEWHO was speed comparable to 9mm
@@trentt.6562 dont remember
Wish I had my USP 40 back...Only 40 cal I ever owned.
I miss that range.
Me too
“I’m not a big money pistol kinda guy” many BFRs do you have again 😂😂😎😎
I want one
Idk why people have 40 so much. I love it may pick up one of these. Found one for 400
On our range we start out at 50 yards!!!
So super sweet my go 2 guns have 🔨 on them
Love em!
Hold still Kenny I’m shooting good 😂😂😂
Hey to my two brothers
Hey Randle!
Wtw, Like I said before, This is in .40, But I bought the .357sig barrel, and, now that's my EDC,paid too much, because of the discontinuation of it. Non the less, it's capacity is not the greatest, but it shoots real flat!!
Nah 357sig ammo is expensive
The red silhouette is mine lolllll. It’s got my name.
9 or 10mm. Most people aren’t buying Inbetween.
Nice pistol, I thought Paul would take it this time 😂😂😂 smoke him again
He almost got me!
I love me my 40s&w ...
Gotta love a 40!
That’s all that counts is having fun. I’ll be out soon I’ll brang my 22 rifle and we’ll get out there and play pig with rifles. Callin our spots on the steel. Like center top right or left. Be safe out there and GOD BLESS you both and your families Amen 🙏.
Nice gun. Dead caliber.
Not dead. If it were dead no one would sell the ammo
@@WHOTEEWHO I know I'm just trying to ruffle some feathers. There's been a lot of controversy over it here lately. Just want to see people's thoughts on it. Enjoy your videos.
@@tanman7879 yup some love it some hate it. I'm in between