VA Disability Benefits for Flat Feet or Other Foot Problems?

  • Опубликовано: 25 апр 2021
  • Foot problems can cause debilitating discomfort and pain. Research shows us that veterans are much more likely to suffer from certain foot conditions including flat feet, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, hammer toe, and others. If you are a veteran who is dealing with any problems with your feet, you may be eligible for VA disability benefits. But to qualify you need to show that your disabling condition is connected to your military service. This is called “direct service connection.” You have this connection if an event or events that took place during your service caused the injury or illness you suffer from now.
    When you apply for benefits it is likely that the VA will order a Compensation and Pension Exam-commonly known by the acronym C and P exam-to determine the severity of your foot condition and if it was caused by your military service. After the exam, the VA examiner will issue an opinion about your case. It is important that you ask for a copy of the C&P exam. The VA is only required to give you a copy when you ask for it.
    If you disagree with the conclusions of the C and P examiner, you can submit medical evidence from your private physician. Additionally, the use of an assistive device such as a walker or a cane can be presented as evidence of your foot problems. You can also submit statements by family and others around you who have observed the pain and difficulties associated with your condition-like limping or an inability to stand for more than a few minutes.
    Perhaps the greatest difficulty in successfully proving a VA disability case for foot issues is establishing that your problems were caused by your time in service. At first glance it may seem daunting to prove that link between flat feet or another foot condition and your time in the military. But look for a paper trail which might include things like in-service medical records for foot treatments or even requests for different boots to be issued, or requests for insoles.
    Applications for VA disability benefits for flat feet and other foot problems are often denied. However, you can win if you have a properly developed and supported case. If you are considering a VA disability claim or if you claim has been denied, the VA accredited attorneys at Cuddigan Law can help. Call us at for a free evaluation of your case. We’re here to fight for your rights and we’re only a phone call away.

Комментарии • 11

  • @larrymyerslife3957
    @larrymyerslife3957 Месяц назад

    I served 7yrs 3 mo in the marines as a 3371 cook spent many hours on my feet on cement decks latteron they had tile but my feet wear already the 1990s the vèts after a elevation awarded me 30% now it's 2024 I can't work anymore I'm 85 yrs old I can't stand very long or walk very far because my feet an back hurt .

  • @spec46971
    @spec46971 2 года назад

    who do you ask for copy of exam report

  • @kdknowles40
    @kdknowles40 2 года назад +1

    Recently got a copy of my C-File, unbeknownst to me on my MEPS (1985) exam I was diagnosed with Pes Planus asymptomatic. Over the course of my military career my feet always bothered me, but I never went to medical. I purchased otc foot insoles or inserts to alleviate the discomfort. Over the years it’s gotten progressively worse, do I have a claim for aggravation?

    • @mkultravibes7763
      @mkultravibes7763 2 года назад

      I’m trying to figure that out also . Which lead to back pain at SOI which I thought was just back pain but it was herniated disc’s the whole time . I could swear I signed a waiver at MEPS but don’t see it in my service record . Are those different than the C-file or the same ??

    • @douglasstay2219
      @douglasstay2219 2 года назад +1

      It is almost impossible with everyone being denied service connection on first instenst because RO go back no matter what you the veteran contends. QTC opinion to BVA denies you always unless a attorney is present. RO knows they will disapprove you. I am on my way to CVAC. Good luck to you all !

    • @kdknowles40
      @kdknowles40 2 года назад +3

      Update- I got a 50% rating for my Pes Planus. Good nexus letter and DBQ from my private podiatrist who I had been going to for years. Also had a caring and concerned Dr. with QTC.

    • @mkultravibes7763
      @mkultravibes7763 2 года назад

      @@kdknowles40 congrats . I’m probably shit out of luck with that DBQ . I will me moving out of state and will be impossible to get that DBQ from the doctor .

    • @1stClassStang
      @1stClassStang 2 года назад +1

      @@kdknowles40 congrats, my podiatrist wrote me a strong nexus letter also. Same here with the QTC Doc. Fingers crossed