Learning a foreign language through activity may be the best way to conquer the task. Very interesting topic. I can not but listen to it over and over.
I deeply appreciate what you've done with your commitment. One thing, however, that I would point out is that the background music is , as I feel it, much louder than your voice. Apart from it, it is perfect!!!!
Learning a foreign language through activity may be the best way to conquer the task. Very interesting topic.
I can not but listen to it over and over.
I appreciate your kind and helpful comment.
Thank you for the very informative video 😀
It is very kind of you to encourage may channel.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
Thank you very much.
I deeply appreciate what you've done with your commitment. One thing, however, that I would point out is that the background music is , as I feel it, much louder than your voice. Apart from it, it is perfect!!!!
Thank you for your worthy advice.