BINI's Most Iconic Moments: Why Fans Can’t Get Enough

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @dianeflores5401
    @dianeflores5401 Час назад +2

    I also began stanning bini because of maloi 😂

  • @Veltranites
    @Veltranites 9 часов назад +8

    In my opinion, Ppop and Opm singers must be known around the world, Filipino has so much talent in singing, dancing and music, ppop doesnt even use autotune unlike other groups..

  • @loelle9145
    @loelle9145 36 минут назад


  • @musicloverchannel1335
    @musicloverchannel1335 9 часов назад +4

    Love it. So detailed. . Hope for part 2. And highlight also their bubbly and chaotic personality. . and each member❤

  • @KnightShadow2499
    @KnightShadow2499 17 часов назад +3

    EYYYY 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻

  • @adrianplata204
    @adrianplata204 12 часов назад +3

    Nice! 🎉🎉🎉

  • @vinceabapo638
    @vinceabapo638 9 часов назад +3

    Red hair Mikha has officially ended..